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Approved Tech Jak Sandrow's Assault Rifle

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Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."

Intent: To create a heavy custom rifle for Jak Sandrow ONLY.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Jak Sandrow (custom-made in tech shop in Omega Pyre's space station after Clockwork took Fondor)
Affiliation: Omega Pyre (specifically, Jak Sandrow)
Modularity: Some: scope, grenade launcher, flamethrower, bayonet attachments
Production: Unique
Material: Plasteel, durasteel
Description: The JS1 heavy assault rifle is a completely unique rifle; it is made for a multitude of tasks, such as sniping, assault, or cover fire, depending on how it is needed. The JS1's rapid fire ability makes it invaluable for frontal assaults, and its precision can make it ideal for sniping, provided that a working scope is attached and synchronized. The attachments allow many different kinds of assaults for many different battlefields.
However, its heavy rate of fire means that it uses ammo fairly quickly. It takes about 16 seconds to unload a clip completely (full auto), and then the rifle must be reloaded. Also, the attachments and modular system are bulky enough that they cannot all be carried onto the battlefield at once, meaning once an attachment is attached, it doesn't come off until the end. Also, its weight dictates that it be held by the power suit, the Integrated Armor System.
Classification: Semi/Burst/Full auto rifle, 600 rpm
Size: Handheld
Status: Military, Illegal
Length: 1.3 metre
Weight: 9 kg
Ammunition Type: Powercell or gas canister
Ammunition Capacity: 200 rounds before reload
Grenade Launcher: 5 rounds, 10 second reload time
Range: 400m
Sniper: 700m
Grenade Launcher: 100m
Flamethrower: 50m (fire), 100m (wet)

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Okay I have two issues so far. 1. The description obviously isn't complete. You PMed me asking me to review this and I said I would tonight but this is still incomplete. 2. Phaser. There is one reference to Phaser on Wookieepedia and it's from a young adult novel. This isn't really established canon. Otherwise, as I said we need a full description before I can really judge.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
I don't know what a good description would be for a gun, that is why I wanted your help.

Okay, phaser. Could you then change that to "Assault" please?

Note: What's a good weight for the gun?

edit: Finished weight and description.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Well first can you clarify what you mean by the DC-17m? Are you using it's modules, or your own, or both? If you're using primary barrel modules like the DC-17m things like a slugthrower and a flame thrower wouldn't operate in them and would be cause to deny the submission. The rate of fire for the weapon is really high for an energy weapon. Also Range is finite, an E-11 has a range of 300 meters. Rate of fire should be in rounds per minute. An M-16 Assault rifle, depending on the variant can shoot anywhere between 700 and 950 rounds per minute, blasters shoot slower than slug throwers, but can penetrate armor where as slug-throwers have been established in canon as near useless in this regard. 720 rounds per minute is where you are at right now, I would suggest around 500-600 rounds per minute.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Sirella has asked me to take a look at this. Jak, there's some confusion about range here. Since you have a rate of fire and gas clips, this obviously isn't a real-world laser, but a blaster weapon. Blaster weapons shoot plasma, which dissipates into ineffectiveness after a defined range. Blaster bolts don't just keep going and going. Sirella already suggested some appropriate ranges.

4.1kg is far too light for this monstrosity, if you're basing it on your description. An infantry support light machine gun like the SAW weighs over 7kg, and gets carried around by infantry without the aid of powered armor. By your description, this would weigh even more. I leave it to you to come up with an appropriate number.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
There does appear to be some unclear precedent for longer-ranged personal blaster weapons. 700 is fine, when properly stabilized.

I really only have one more question: The slugthrower attachment. Why do you need it? And, if you keep it, what are its range, ammo capacity, and reload times?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ahh. A 'slugthrower' is Star Wars talk for a gun that fires metal bullets. You can just say 'grenade launcher.' Those stats are good; add them to the first post. :)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
All right, we're in good shape. Remember, we're not here to help you build your submissions - next time, don't post one until you've worked it out already, so we only need to do minor tweaking. Approved.
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