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Approved Location Jakku Jedi Enclave (Restored)

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Jakku Jedi Enclave

General Information​
LocationValley of the Eremite, Jakku
Builder(s)Romi Jade
  • Jedi Order
    • New Jedi Order


"They would also encounter for the first time the heroes of the light,​
the defenders of truth and justice who rose from the sands to defend​
the people of Niima Outpost and it's neighboring settlements. It was here​
the Jedi led by Romi Jade had interfered in their great work,​
that would define the coming struggles with the New Jedi Order,​
Romi Jade, and Cedric Grayson. It started here, they had not forgotten."​
― Darth Solipsis, Raid on the Jakku Enclave​

The Jakku Jedi Enclave also known as "The SIS" is an academy that was founded by Jedi Master Romi Jade located on the planet Jakku. As on Coruscant, and at many other similar satellite facilities, Force-sensitives were trained in the ways of the Force; however, the training program, geared towards advanced Jedi training, is rigorous and the selection process has become more rigid overtime, with only the candidates with the highest potential being admitted. Ran by Romi Jade, the Enclave, having become a major space for the "distillation of learning combined with action.", has housed and trained many influential Jedi during its operation, leading up to and throughout the beginning stages of the Second Great Hyperspace War, only closing during the attack on Jakku by the forces of the Brotherhood of the Maw that destroyed the main structure.​


The Jakku Jedi Enclave, once shrouded in secrecy, underwent a tumultuous history that saw its rise as a hidden academy, followed by its destruction during a devastating raid. Now, the Enclave has been rebuilt, ushering in a new era of transparency and openness. The decision has been made to make the academy openly accessible, a stark departure from its clandestine past, but only open to members of the Jedi Order, aspiring Jedi hopefuls, and members of faith based organizations (partially). Located in the Valley of the Eremite,
Carved mural slab of the Yiulong Canyons on Jakku
which is situated beyond the Yiulong Canyons. the Enclave's coordinates are disseminated through official Jedi channels, archival databases, and semi-publicly accessible star maps. However, attendants who haven't already been to the structure, do have to make the physically daunting trek themselves across the scorching desert environment, and through the series of dangerous and narrow canyons. To further facilitate accessibility, discreet wayfinding beacons have been strategically placed across Jakku's terrain, guiding travelers to the Enclave. These beacons emit a gentle Force resonance, invisible to the untrained eye but serving as a subtle guide for Force-sensitive individuals.​
  • Description:
The Enclaves main campus is subterranean and distributed through what use to be a large network of irrigation canals that were retrofitted and converted into corridors during its initial build; they're located underground and covered by large quantities of sand. For the most part it's not readily visible, and it's location isn't common knowledge outside of Jedi networks and channels. Originally, the primary purpose of the Jakku Enclave was to be a secret safe house and training facility in case of evacuation of one or more Jedi temples, but now its primary purpose is to serve as an advanced Jedi training facility. Originally retrofitted from the failed Shatalat Irrigation System project, most of its base structure was damaged or destroyed in the raid. During the raid, the interior architecture was pock marked and riddled with plasma burns, the ceiling was collapsed in areas, and the floors were cracked among other things. The underground compound now merges some of its converted irrigation canals with some natural terrain, featuring carved out tunnels within. The ventilation system of the enclave funnels air out through a multitude of vents that were built into the tunnel walls. The enclave contained two turbolifts accessible via a single entry dome that were built into the ground, one on each end of the structure. It runs up/down a slim, vertical shaft that would provide access to the main below ground structure of the complex, along with various levels and walkways to other areas.
Holographic overview of the layout of Jakku Enclave Main Campus (subterranean).
Having dug deeper underground in its restoration, there are now levels to the complex -- third level (surface), second level, base level, and underneath base level.​
Stepping off the turbolift from the surface led to the upper level of the Veiled Hangar. From here you could access: a sloped walkway that led down into the departure pit of the hangar, or the Terrarium; the room contained basins and planters that held flowering bushes that hung down over the edge of their containers; every ingredient that needed to be grown in order to make products like the Nexu Mending Balm could be found here. It was mostly illuminated by illumi-strips and had routinely scheduled mist dispensers that helped keep the plants watered. Along the way were entry points to the first of two sets of Living Quarters. Just down the sloped walkway, on the base level was the Enclave's interior landing platform, a large, wide, circular-shaped platform with high walls suitable for a little under a handful of smaller craft at any given time.​
The Main Hub was accessible from the Veiled Hangar; it's the hub of all activity in the Enclave. The Main Hub was a two-level complex within the Enclave. In the center of the entire structure, it contained smaller modular chambers and open spaces that doubled as conference rooms, a communication and medical bay, a dining hall, and storage -- it also maintained a constant connection to the HoloNet and Archive Nexus. Bobbajo's Workshop was also accessible from the Main Hub. From here were entry points to the Audience Chamber.​
The Audience Chamber, measuring somewhere between thirteen by sixteen meters, was used as the primary teaching space for Jedi students. The Chamber itself was a huge echoing room, and at the far end of an open aisle there was a raised dais reached by a flight of stairs. The stone walls were of a deep tan color, and they had worn smooth-ish over time. Dessert roots grew in the cracks throughout the stones and released a spicy perfume in the room. From here, one could access a secondary more secluded zone - the training dojo. It contained modular walls for training in close quarters combat, providing suitable practice for environments that ranged from temple-like structures to shipboard action.​
From the Audience Chamber, via access by another sloped walkway, the second of two sets of Living Quarters could be accessed. The Living Quarters consisted of 2-level rotundas dedicated to living accommodations, containing nine pods that consist of shared dormitory spaces with bunk bends. There was also a small common area in the center, and a corridor that led to two smaller chambers across from each other that doubled as storage.​
On the opposite side of the structure, via access by the sloped walkway, was Pilgrim's Sanctuary. Pilgrim's Sanctuary was somewhat of a consecrated haven within the Jakku Jedi Enclave that stood as a testament to it's openness to diverse interpretations of the Force. This sacred section is inhabited by a devoted community of pilgrims, scholars, monks and holy individuals who seek to deepen their understanding of the mystical energy field via study at the Enclave. The air is infused with reverence, and the ambient hum of the Force is palpable. The architecture, adorned with intricate patterns, creates a mesmerizing blend of elegance and spiritual significance that resemble Jedha. Pilgrims engage in deep discussions about their respective Force traditions, while the scent of incense wafts through the air. This was a place where students could find mentors of other faiths, skills, and traditions.​

There are only two entrances: The main turbolift on the west end, and a secondary turbolift on the east end.​

The entire facility was designed to be completely self-contained, having been built with every facility needed to maintain its self-sufficiency. There isn't always a consistently large living presence here, but it is more than capable of accommodating should that be a need. The enclave's construction was based on other small training facilities like Telos, and Dantooine:​
  • Main Hub (Common Area)
  • Subterranean Hangar
  • Terrarium: for very minor agricultural exploration
  • 2x Living Quarters with rooms (9) each floor
  • Sufficient consumables for a standard year & a half
  • Waste recyclers
  • Moisture Vaporators
  • Standard sensors and communications gear
  • Minimal and simplified training facility with training spaces prone to being repurposed for storage



Main Hub


Veiled Hangar

Veiled Hangar


Sloped Walkways




Living Quarters:
  • The Living Quarters or dormitories at the Jakku Jedi Enclave have been designed to provide a simple yet comfortable environment conducive to contemplation and focus. Rooms are sparsely furnished, with only essential items. The color scheme is neutral, promoting a sense of calmness and detachment. Each living space includes a personal meditation area, and dimmable ambient lighting.
Veiled Hangar:
  • The Veiled Hangar at the Jakku Jedi Enclave is a subterranean marvel, concealed beneath the desert sands of Jakku. This expansive, circular landing platform boasts high, protective walls, providing a discreet haven for a select few smaller starships. Its name, the "Veiled Hangar," is derived from the mystique surrounding its location and the concealed entrance, contributing to the aura of secrecy that envelops the enclave. Jedi initiates, arriving or departing, find solace within its confines, as they embark on journeys that blend seamlessly with the vast galaxy beyond.
  • The Terrarium within the Jakku Jedi Enclave is a lush container dedicated to the cultivation of plant life. Illuminated by soft illumi-strips, this green room features basins and planters cradling a variety of flowering bushes, among them those essential for crafting the Nexu Mending Balm. Regular mist dispensers maintain optimal moisture levels, creating a tranquil space where the harmony of nature and the Force converge, embodying the enclave's commitment to holistic learning.
Elevated Landing Field:
  • The Elevated Landing Field is a large section of desert that has been meticulously transformed into a landing platform, built flush into a field of scavenged starships and scrap. This unique landing area accommodates incoming ships and provides a stunning panoramic view of the surrounding Jakku landscape. The landing field seamlessly integrates with the Enclave's architecture, blending technological elements with the natural terrain.
The Main Hub:
  • The Main Hub at the Jakku Jedi Enclave stands as the epicenter of all activities within the subterranean academy. This two-level complex is a dynamic space housing modular chambers, open areas doubling as conference rooms, a communication and medical bay, a dining hall, and storage facilities. Positioned at the heart of the enclave, the Main Hub serves as a vital nexus, ensuring constant connectivity to the HoloNet and the Archive Nexus. It embodies the Enclave's commitment to fostering collaboration, communication, and the holistic development of its Force-sensitive inhabitants.
Bobbajo's Workshop:
  • Bobbajo's Workshop, a bustling enclave hub, is the technical nerve center overseen by the diminutive Anzellan male, Bobbajo. Despite his small size, Bobbajo's expertise in technical matters is unmatched. This workshop is the go-to destination for all things technical within the enclave—be it lightsaber maintenance, starship upgrades, or droid programming. With a keen eye for detail, Bobbajo ensures the seamless operation of the enclave's technological infrastructure, making his workshop an indispensable asset for Jedi seeking technical mastery.
The Audience Chamber:
  • The Audience Chamber at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, spanning approximately thirteen by sixteen meters, serves as the primary teaching space for Jedi students. The vast echoing room features deep tan-colored stone walls worn smooth over time, adorned with shrubs releasing a spicy perfume. At the far end, a raised dais accessed by a flight of stairs commands attention. Beyond lies a more secluded zone housing the training dojo, equipped with modular walls for close-quarters combat practice.
Training Dojo:
  • The Training Dojo is a multifaceted facility that caters to various aspects of Jedi training. It's usefulness extends to the following: a sparring dojo for physical exercises, an arena for group training sessions, and lecture hall for theoretical teachings. The dojo is equipped with training droids, a lightsaber station, and modular walls. The training arena accommodates diverse training scenarios.
Pilgrim's Sanctuary:
  • Pilgrim's Sanctuary within the Jakku Jedi Enclave is a consecrated haven where diverse interpretations of the Force converge. This sacred space, reminiscent of Jedha, hosts a devoted community of pilgrims, scholars, monks, and individuals seeking spiritual enlightenment. The architecture, adorned with intricate patterns, exudes elegance and spiritual significance. Inhabited by mentors of various Force traditions, Pilgrim's Sanctuary fosters deep discussions, creating an atmosphere infused with reverence. The air resonates with the palpable hum of the Force, making it a unique space for Jedi to engage in cross-tradition learning and spiritual exploration.

Campus Extensions:​
Jakku Enclave North (Overview)
During the outlining of the Valley of the Eremite, there had been several additions made to the campus. In 864 ABY, following significant Jedi political drama and an attempt on his life, Quill fled the Jakku enclave. He took shelter in an abandoned hermitage just over the horizon to the north. The ramshackle hermitage, decades or centuries old, comprised mainly of sandstone and worn-down wood has no electricity and no amenities whatsoever. This would become known as Jakku Enclave North roughly 20km north of the central subterranean base, and would function as the primary residence of Master Quill, an instructor at the Enclave. Quill's time in isolation allowed him to recenter, reflect, and seek a deeper understanding of the Force. The structure, although unregistered and relying solely on word of mouth for awareness, holds a profound significance in the Enclave's history. Since Quill's departure, Jakku Enclave North has taken on a unique role within the Jakku Jedi Enclave's ecosystem. While it is no longer the primary residence of any Jedi, the hermitage remains a sacred site and is occasionally used by Enclave members for meditation retreats, vision quests, and contemplative exercises.​
Jakku Enclave East is a secondary facility roughly 40km east of the central subterranean base and built flush into a butte -- an isolated hill with steep sides and a flat top (similar to but narrower than a mesa). Originally built as a sanctum for prayer and meditation by the Anchorite sect long before they became the Eremite Anchorites, the above ground compound was expanded to over its original size, maintaining some of the old mountain tunnels within. The natural terrain encasing provided protection from desert storms and scanners. It was constructed from a hollow series of caves and tunnels. Members of the Anchorite shored up the natural caverns with ornate stone pillars and artwork, adorned
Overview of the layout of Jakku Enclave East
the walls with glyphs and paintings, and laid mosaic floors to form a meditation hall with rooms devoted to study and contemplation. It's entrance hall was simple, leading into the inner sanctum of the complex that serves as a Archive. While the Enclave had access to the The Archive Nexus, Jakku East was their physical library on campus. Various walkways to 5 other runoff chambers align the outer sections of the larger inner sanctum. After the siege of the Jakku Jedi Enclave, scattered groups of anchorites reformed and aided in the restoration of the Jakku Enclave, under Jedi Master Romi Jade, going on to commit their continual service to the operation of the facility in trade for a place to stay. This compound functions as their base of operations.​
The Eremite Anchorites share a symbiotic relationship with the Jakku Jedi Enclave, they actively contribute to the preservation and interpretation of ancient teachings, enriching the cultural and spiritual landscape not only for their community but also for the Enclave. And aside from seeking out and archiving knowledge, they help maintain and assist in the operations of the Enclave as a whole.​
Some pieces of work found in the archive at the Jakku Enclave East campus include, but are not limited to:​
The East compound was designed to be completely self-contained as well, having been built with every facility needed to maintain its self-sufficiency. It was originally retrofitted to oversee, and maintain independent training without having to travel or deal with overcrowding at the main subterranean base.​
Mosaic tiling featured in The Jakku Enclave East Campus
In response to the raid on the Jakku Jedi Enclave, the Morlock Tunnels emerged as a strategic addition to the Enclave's architecture. Originally a network of irrigation canals, these subterranean chambers were blown open during the explosion, revealing an opportunity for retrofitting. Now integrated into the main campus, the Morlock Tunnels serve as a hidden network, connecting secondary campuses and providing a discreet escape route in times of crisis. The Morlock Tunnels were meticulously integrated into the main subterranean enclave. These tunnels and canals weave through the Enclave's foundations, connecting to each of the secondary campuses seamlessly. The integration not only ensures structural stability but also provides a concealed means of movement beneath the Enclave's surface.
The Morlock Tunnels, a series of chambers underneath the subterranean campus.
The primary purpose of the Morlock Tunnels is strategic preparedness. Envisioned in the aftermath of the raid, the tunnels were designed to act as an evacuation route in the event of an attack on the Enclave. The exits are strategically located at Jakku Enclave North and Jakku Enclave East, providing Jedi with discreet escape routes that only open from the inside. Access points to the Morlock Tunnels are discreetly positioned within the living quarters. Each secondary campus has an entrance, ensuring that in times of emergency, Jedi can swiftly navigate through the hidden network. The exits at Jakku Enclave North and Jakku Enclave East are cleverly concealed, with entry mechanisms accessible only to those within the tunnels. The entrances and exits to the Morlock Tunnels are equipped with biometric scanners and Force-sensitive locks, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the hidden passages, and no one from outside can slip in through them.​
Nestled in the Jakku desert not too far from the Jedi Enclave, the Wrecked Destiny Oasis serves as an unconventional yet potent training ground for Jedi students. At its heart lies the remnants of a crashed Star Destroyer capital ship,
The Wrecked Destiny Oasis, a Force Vergence near the Jakku Jedi Enclave
that is partially submerged beneath the sands. The small vergence in the Force emanates from this wreckage, creating an environment where the boundaries between reality and illusion blur. Jedi apprentices face not only the physical challenges of the harsh desert terrain but also the mental and spiritual trials brought forth by the Force's unpredictable mirages.​
The Wrecked Destiny Oasis has a storied history, dating back to a time when a courageous Jedi Knight discovered the powerful vergence amidst the wreckage. Recognizing its potential for training, the Jakku Enclave established the site as an advanced training ground. The ship's crash is believed to have occurred during a historic battle, adding an extra layer of significance to the location. Over the years, Jedi who trained here learned to navigate the illusions and mirages that emerged from the vergence, gaining a deeper understanding of the Force and themselves.​

Rating: Medium
The training facility is located on a planet considered to be distant and relatively worthless and the main structure is submerged underground covered by large quantities of sand, with its campus extensions spread across the desert. It can't necessarily be located without proper instruction or access to Jedi channels. Located in the Valley of the Eremite, which is situated beyond the Yiulong Canyons. There is no active transportation that consistently takes one to the campus, the trek through the scorching hot desert must be made by the pursuer's own means, having to travel through the series of dangerous and narrow canyons, and rely on their ability to sense the discreet wayfinding beacons that have been strategically placed across Jakku's terrain, to guide them to the Enclave. The turbolifts that provide access have biometric scanners and Force-sensitive locks (unlock via passcode) that are only accessible to Jedi. Access to each corridor in the interior is blocked by a more modern version of an archaic force activated lock. Going back to ancient door-opening rituals, users are required to discreetly manipulate a metallic orb through a covertly carved mechanism. Each corridor has also been equipped with tanglefoot fields, while the Enclave initially employed the device for training, it was then incorporated into security measures as well. There is an in-house Anchorite Archival Droid droid named Hoon that helps maintain the Academy, assists in helping run the Practicums, can recall any courses or training sessions, and monitors those who come in and out based on whether they are enrolled or not etc; the Eremite Anchorites also assist in these tasks. There is also a small number of Jedi Securitrons, spread amongst the campus and often stationary until danger is detected, they operate on a slow rotational schedule, and when not active or helping train Jedi, they are completely stationary and in power saving mode. This is also a center for advanced Jedi learning, at any given time, there are a variable number of Jedi on the campus at large, and thus equipped with the skillset to help defend the structure should it fall under attack.​

"Jedi Master Romi Jade presents a compelling case for Jakku's discreet power,​
tracing its influence throughout galactic history. Master Jade reveals the planet's​
role in pivotal events and battles, shedding light on the perpetual attraction it holds​
for Force-sensitive individuals and organizations devoted to the Force."​
― Dark Echoes: The Jakku Enigma​
While exploring the mysterious planet Jakku, Master Jade unveiled long-hidden secrets, contending that the barren desert world possesses a unique and potent concentration of Force energy, both dark (not necessarily evil) and subtly extraordinary. Through her meticulous research and firsthand encounters, Master Jade argues that Jakku's significance surpasses the galactic awareness, serving as a clandestine hub for the Force.​
Master Jade's proposition is the existence of a localized Force energy, a vergence, on Jakku. This unusual concentration enhances the connection to the Force for those in proximity, granting Force-sensitives heightened abilities and deeper insights. To support her claims, Master Jade draws parallels with other Force-sensitive locations like Dagobah and Mortis, asserting that Jakku exists within its own reality—a time-distorted realm of sorts where the passage of time is markedly different from the galaxy beyond -- this came from accounts on Luke Skywalker's training with Yoda on Dagobah and the amount of training he was able to complete during a short period of time in conjunction with the war and several other events happening seemingly simultaneously.​
The heart of Master Jade's revelation lies in the Jakku Jedi Enclave, where Force-sensitive individuals undergo training that defies conventional temporal constraints. Due to the time-compressed nature of Jakku, weeks of training on the planet equates to some several mere days elsewhere. A vergence centered on a location could give nearby Force-sensitives stronger interactions with the Force, and because of this unique characteristic there has been success in the Jakku Jedi Enclave's training philosophy, offering a transformative experience for those seeking to master the ways of the Force.​

"She spotted the figure she recognized as Romi Jade , her distinct aura​
palpable through the Force. The woman was as tough as the arid world around​
them, and her training methods as unforgiving as the Jakku sun. Briana had endured​
it, had come out stronger and better for it, she believed Bastila would as well."​
― Briana Sal-Soren​

The Jakku Jedi Enclave stands as a crucible for those who aspire to attain the pinnacle of Jedi mastery. The training within the enclave is known to be intense, rigorous, and challenging. This is by design. The Enclave is not just a school for novices, but a center for advanced Jedi training. Its training program is not merely an educational endeavor but a
Jedi training, Jakku Jedi Enclave
transformative journey that pushes participants to their limits and beyond. The intense training regimen at the Enclave is intended to mold candidates into Jedi who can stand resilient against any adversary. The galaxy's challenges demand more than just basic skills; they require unwavering determination, strategic thinking, and mental fortitude. By pushing students to their limits, the Enclave cultivates individuals who can lead with wisdom, defend with strength, and adapt to any situation.​
There is a huge emphasis placed on learning through experience. While formal classes are held, students are also asked to establish their own training programs, developing their own individual approaches to the Force. Romi Jade oversees instruction, but also delegates teaching responsibilities to wayward Masters and students who are specifically skilled in certain areas etc.​
At the core of the Jakku Jedi Enclave's training program is the 25 Chambers Jedi Training Philosophy, created and pioneered by Jedi Master Romi Jade herself. This holistic approach recognizes that mastery over the Force requires a harmonious development of the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of a Jedi's being. The 25 Chambers represent distinct facets of training, each designed to challenge and refine a specific aspect of a Jedi's abilities.​
Featuring a combination of integrated training modules, master-apprentice dynamics, harsh environments, and experiential learning all distilled through a series of chambers (levels) that are designated physical, mental, and spiritual. Participants undergo and engage in:​

Lightsaber workshop, Jakku Jedi Enclave
Rigorous physical conditioning, martial arts, lightsaber combat, and acrobatic exercises in specialized chambers. These regimens enhance strength, agility, and combat prowess. The physical chambers are designed to push participants beyond their perceived physical limits, fostering resilience and adaptability.
Engage in deep meditation, telepathic exercises, and mental simulations to sharpen their focus, enhance concentration, and develop mental fortitude. Mental chambers challenge participants to navigate complex scenarios, overcome illusions, and exhibit clarity of thought even under intense pressure.​
Delve into ancient Force practices, and explore the metaphysical realm to deepen their connection to the Force. Spiritual chambers demand introspection, self-discovery, and a commitment to the Jedi Code.​

The Jakku Jedi Enclave's intense and immersive training program is not for the faint of heart. It is a crucible of transformation, shaping individuals into Jedi Masters capable of facing the galaxy's most formidable challenges. The 25 Chambers Jedi Training Philosophy, with its emphasis on holistic development, ensures that participants emerge not only as skilled warriors but as wise and enlightened guardians of the Force.​


"The Silver Jedi's large educational reforms come after reading some​
of Romi Jade's treatises on different Force training and bladework​
techniques, they have inspired these changes."​




"The sands of Jakku hold secrets, and within these walls, our aim is to unlock them."​
― Romi Jade​

The Jakku Jedi Enclave's stringent selection process and commitment to admitting only candidates with the highest potential are rooted in a deep-seated philosophy that seeks to preserve the legacy of the Jedi Order and ensure the caliber of its members. This approach is designed to uphold the Jedi ideals, prepare individuals for the challenges of the galaxy, and cultivate exceptional guardians of peace and justice. After it was raided, Romi opted to roll out an admissions process that would vet aspirants for suitability, not just for the quality of the program but also for security purposes.​
With the Jedi Order's history marred by conflict and betrayal, the Jakku Jedi Enclave emerged as a bastion of resurgence. Master Jade understood that preserving the Jedi legacy required selecting candidates with unwavering commitment, and exceptional potential. Candidates admitted have already displayed exceptional potential in some capacity, and the training pushes them beyond their limits to unlock their fullest abilities. Only those who can withstand the demanding curriculum can truly harness the power of the Force and embody the Jedi way. By vetting this way, the Enclave aims to rejuvenate the order with individuals dedicated to its true essence, and also maintain a certain ratio of in-house students to instructors at any time.
A Jedi student, Jakku Jedi Enclave

Aspiring candidates must take a Modular Jedi Aptitude Test.​
The Modular Jedi Aptitude Test is designed to identify candidates with intrinsic skill and ability for training at the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Jedi Masters overseeing admissions have the authority to customize and adapt the evaluation process within the framework of the listed modules, ensuring alignment with Jedi principles while tailoring the assessment to individual candidates. The test retains its five modules, each focusing on specific aspects of a candidate's intrinsic abilities, as mentioned earlier. However, Jedi Masters overseeing admissions have the right to introduce variations to the scenarios, challenges, or simulations within each module, while maintaining the essence of the module's intended purpose. Empowering Jedi Masters to customize the evaluation process ensures that each candidate is assessed in a manner that best reflects their unique talents and qualities. This approach acknowledges the diversity of potential Jedi candidates and allows for a more accurate assessment of their intrinsic abilities.​
While the overall scoring rubric remains consistent, Jedi Masters can introduce minor adjustments to reflect variations in the challenges or scenarios presented to candidates. The essence of each module, however, must be preserved to ensure fairness and consistency.​
Average Score Needed to Pass:
The average total score requirement of at least 35 out of 50 points remains unchanged for all candidates, regardless of the customized evaluations.​
Admissions Determination:
Admissions reviewers, led by the overseeing Jedi Masters, consider a candidate's performance within the customized evaluation framework. The goal remains to identify candidates who demonstrate exceptional intrinsic abilities, alignment with Jedi principles, and the potential to contribute positively to the Enclave.​

The test consists of five modules, each testing different attributes of a potential Jedi candidate's intrinsic abilities:​

Innate Force Sensitivity Assessment: Candidates demonstrate their innate connection to the Force through scenarios that gauge their ability to sense, channel, and manipulate it.​
Inborn Combat Skill Evaluation: This module assesses a candidate's natural aptitude for lightsaber combat and unarmed skills. They engage in simulated battles against training droids to showcase their instinctive combat techniques, reflexes, and strategic thinking.​
Inherent Wisdom and Ethics Test: Candidates are presented with complex moral dilemmas that reveal their natural alignment with Jedi values. Their intuitive decisions reflect their intrinsic understanding of the Jedi Code.​
Instinctive Adaptability Challenge: This module evaluates a candidate's instinctive response to unforeseen challenges and changing situations. They navigate dynamic scenarios, revealing their natural ability to think on their feet and creatively solve problems.​
Innate Force Control and Mastery: Candidates demonstrate their inherent control over the Force, showcasing their mastery of abilities like telekinesis, mind influence, and energy manipulation.​

Loopholes and Alternative Methods for Entrance:

The Force Whisperer Exception: Candidates who show exceptional Force sensitivity in the assessment but may have lower scores in other modules could be considered due to their rare ability to commune deeply with the Force.​
Legacy Path: Descendants of former Jedi or those with strong connections to a Jedi lineage might receive special consideration, given their potential heritage.​
Guardianship/Sponsorship Nomination: If a current Jedi Master or Council member personally vouches for a candidate's potential and offers to be their sponsor or mentor, the candidate could gain entrance despite a slightly lower score.​
The Philosopher's Stone: A candidate who performs exceedingly well in the Wisdom and Ethics Test but might have weaker scores in other areas could be considered for their unique capacity to lead with wisdom.​
Trial by Valor: Candidates who fall slightly short of the average score but demonstrate extraordinary courage and selflessness in real-life scenarios might be granted a second chance through a trial of valor, involving a daring mission or challenge.​
The Harmonic Catalyst: Exceptional teamwork and compatibility with other Jedi candidates could compensate for a slightly lower overall score, as unity is highly valued in the Enclave.​
The Path of Service and Study: The Jakku Jedi Enclave values the principle of service and recognizes that candidates who actively contribute to the well-being of the enclave could possess qualities essential to the Jedi way. As an alternative method of entrance, candidates who have demonstrated a strong commitment to the Enclave through consistent service may be granted the opportunity to study and train as Jedi while continuing their contributions. Candidates who choose this alternative path commit to a specific period of service within the enclave. During this time, they take on responsibilities such as training assistance, archives maintenance, healing and support, or groundskeeping. Their dedication to these tasks highlights their selflessness and willingness to put the needs of the community first.​
The Modular Jedi Aptitude Test is designed to ensure that only candidates with intrinsic skill, talent, and the potential to cultivate their innate abilities are admitted to the Jakku Jedi Enclave. By focusing on identifying natural aptitudes, the Enclave aims to nurture Jedi who can not only uphold the order's values but also harness their unique strengths. However, the alternative methods ensure that the Enclave can accommodate a diverse range of individuals who possess exceptional qualities that might not be fully reflected in standardized testing alone. The Enclave aims to discover untapped potential and nurture it to serve the Jedi Order and the galaxy. Candidates, upon acceptance, receive an Echo Stone to compliment their training.​
OOC Information:
The Admission process and Modular Jedi Aptitude Test mentioned above are plot devices, something of which to give characters an IC mechanism/starting point into the Enclave. It's completely up to the writer whether they deem this is something they want to fully flesh and thread out, or completely handwave.​
"This is...this'll change a lot of lives. It might even change the​
nature of modern Jedi service. Thank you."​
― Jend-Ro Quill​
The Jakku Jedi Enclave's Requisitions Package Program stands as a testament to the innovative thinking and commitment to the well-being of its Jedi members. This unique initiative was born out of a conversation between Jedi Master Jend-Ro Quill and Jedi Knight Caedyn Arenais, who sought guidance during a period of existential questioning in his Jedi journey.​
The genesis of the Jedi Requisitions Package can be traced back to a time when Caedyn, grappling with his purpose as a Jedi, turned to the experienced and wise Jedi Master Jend-Ro for counsel. Recognizing the need for a sustainable means of income for all Jedi, Master Jend-Ro proposed the idea of a shared trust or investment fund. This proposal aimed to enable Jedi, regardless of their affiliations or circumstances, to serve the galaxy without the burden of financial constraints.​
Caedyn, having been born into wealth and possessing a history of significant investments in humanitarian and economic organizations, resonated with Master Jend-Ro's vision. Eager to fulfill the Master's request, he embarked on the journey to establish the Jedi Requisitions Package, a program designed to cover essential expenses for Jedi while allowing them to allocate their personal income for personal leisure. The Requisitions Package operates with the support of Banking Clans and Businesses, in collaboration with the Jedi Comport. The financial transactions are conducted through heavily encrypted networks, ensuring the security and confidentiality of the Jedi's financial activities. Accessing the Jedi Requisitions Fund through a Datapad or Personal Terminal provides Jedi with a detailed spreadsheet of all transactions, offering transparency in financial dealings.​
Distinct levels of functionality are granted based on the Jedi's authority. Higher-ranking Jedi, such as Knights or Masters, have the privilege of depositing funds and managing transactions for their Padawans or students. In contrast, students are limited to single daily withdrawals, instilling responsible financial habits from the early stages of their Jedi training.​
The total balance of the Jedi Requisition Package remains a guarded secret, known only to primary investors such as the Economic Study Circle and House Arenais. This confidentiality is maintained for security reasons, ensuring that no single Jedi organization, enclave, or temple is solely responsible for the finance or management of these accounts.​
The Jakku Jedi Enclave rolling out a Requisitions Package Program for attending members to take part in this groundbreaking initiative, shows they are committed to fostering financial independence and security for its members while they can focus solely on their training endeavors.​


"Master Jade's wisdom, combined with Eadu's fierce elements, created​
an experience that transcended training. This retreat was a reminder​
that the journey to becoming a Jedi is as much about self-discovery​
as it is about mastery."​
― Zara Falon​

Conceived and pioneered by Jedi Master Romi Jade, the Jedi Practicum is an unparalleled training experience designed to unlock the latent potential within aspiring Jedi, regardless of their background or affiliation. Recognizing the need for a revolutionary approach in the chaotic times of the galaxy, Master Romi Jade initiated the program as a beacon of inclusivity, welcoming Force-sensitive individuals from all walks of life to partake in the transformative journey of Jedi training in the 25 Chambers philosophy.
The first Jedi Practicum was held on the planet Eadu.

The Jedi Practicum fundamentally challenges the traditional notions of Jedi training. Unlike conventional academies, it extends its reach beyond the confines of established orders, welcoming participants who may not have been members of any specific enclave or sect. The first installment took place on the planet Eadu. The seminar was structured to be mobile and take place on various worlds with somewhat harsh environments, changing every time the course/retreat is held. It is now hosted primarily at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, this unique training initiative serves as a testament to the evolving nature of the Jedi path.​
The pinnacle of the Jedi Practicum is the transformative retreat, hosted at the Jakku Jedi Enclave and others. This intensive experience pushes participants to their limits, challenging them physically, mentally, and spiritually. The retreat serves as the platform for introducing participants to the 25 Chambers Jedi Training Philosophy. The overall experience aligns with Master Romi Jade's vision for a reinvigorated Jedi Order, recognizing the need for adaptability in the face of the galaxy's turmoil. The 25 Chambers Jedi Training Philosophy, introduced during the retreat, underpins this evolution, emphasizing the holistic development of Jedi in alignment with the chaotic nature of their times.​
Through dynamic training principles, collaboration, real application, willing participants are taken through a crucible that tests physical capability, mental fortitude, and spiritual connection. Participants progress through a series of adaptive training modules, each designed to build upon the skills developed in the previous stages. The curriculum includes a comprehensive Jedi education. The program operates under the principle that the Force is not confined to a particular group or institution, and mastery is attainable by anyone with the commitment and sensitivity to its call. And, unlike standardized training, the curriculum is flexible and adapts to the specific needs and goals of each participant. This personalization fosters a deeper connection to the Force.​


"Because of my concern for the state of the galaxy and longevity of the Order​
in the wake of evidence that the dark side of the Force is continuously growing,​
I wanted to build out a comprehensive training program that I felt would improve​
the process of apprentices becoming well-rounded Jedi Knights in times like these."​
― Romi Jade​
With growing malevolent forces such as the Sith Empire, Bryn'adol, First Order, and New Imperial Order -- In the dunes of Jakku, Jedi Master Romi Jade sought out a suitable location, on a low priority world, to construct a training center that would provide the Jedi Order with much needed Jedi Knights. She thought it was imperative to establish a Jedi center that was strategically located and could provide refuge and training for those seeking it.​
The Shatalat Irrigation System was a failed venture that corporations pulled out of and abandoned some time ago. The structure had long been out of use, and has since just been a forgotten network of empty canals and tunnels hidden beneath the sand. However, this land, known as the Valley of the Eremite was sacred to the Eremite monks -- it was considered a holy place to remnant monks who continued to pilgrimage there. Romi Jade, facilitated several talks with followers of this philosophy. Proposing an Accord between both groups, the terms comprehended that the Jedi congregation should be welcomed freely to build upon the land, as well as uphold and protect the sacred laws of the land, and to allow its inhabitants to roam and practice their philosophical beliefs in peace.
Jade erected her hidden academy circa 864 ABY, henceforth known as the Jakku Jedi Enclave or "The SIS" in some circles. Oversight of the Enclave fell to Jade, who was responsible for the training of students. She then went on to share the instruction responsibility with colleagues like Master Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill & Master Vexander Graves.​
"Survivors there are, only because of brave Jedi​
like yourself and the actions you took on Vasar."​
― Morteg​
The Dark Nest Crisis, set against the backdrop of the tumultuous period between 854 ABY and 866 ABY, marks a harrowing chapter in galactic history, focusing on the malevolent Bryn'adul Empire. Comprising the xenophobic and genocidal Draelvasier species, the Bryn'adûl orchestrated a relentless campaign, conquering a staggering sixth of the galaxy and leaving devastation in their wake, resulting in what is now known as the Scar Worlds.​
This crisis saw the Galactic Alliance/New Jedi Order and the Silver Jedi Coalition, among other factions, engaged in desperate skirmishes against the formidable Bryn'adûl horde. The genocidal onslaught led to the annihilation of countless species, the extinction of civilizations, and the razing of entire planets. Notably, in one conflict, Jedi Knight Ala Quin Ala Quin suffered a grievous injury, her back broken by the Bryn'adul chieftain Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , symbolizing the severity of the conflict.​
Jedi Master Jend-Ro Quill's research proved pivotal, allowing the Jedi and Alliance forces to map out the Bryn'adul campaigns. The Bryn'adul's xenocidal march reached far and wide, decimating the Kubaz, Brubbs, Keshiri, Glottalphibs, Pa'lowicks, Targonnians, and the indigenous peoples of Hurikane. The Noghri, Barabels, Dornean territories, and the Centrality also fell victim to their relentless onslaught. The death toll surpassed that of the Sith Empire and the One Sith combined, rivaling the Second Akala Crisis and the Clockwork Rebellion, all within a shockingly brief span of less than a year.​
Jedi Master Romi Jade, accompanied by Jedi Knights Ryv Karis and Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt , conducted an experiment on Drael Bodies. This endeavor, rooted in the Force, led to an epiphany suggesting a potential new approach to combating the Bryn'adûl. The revelation spurred new theories, and the Jedi began to explore the concept of collecting and manipulating memories through the Force to understand the Drael as a collective.​
Amidst the ongoing war with the Sith Empire, Romi Jade convened a conclave of Enclave leaders to address the Bryn'adul threat. Advocating further investigation, she proposed leading Jedi strike teams into Drael territories to interact with the hive mind's memories through the Force. The quest for the Black Nest, the name attributed to the Drael hive mind, became the focal point in their efforts to thwart the Bryn'adûl horde and curb the crisis's escalation.​
However, the mission to the Drael homeworld came at a staggering cost. Almost half of the task force suffered injuries or lost their lives. Tacticians projected a 70% success rate before landing, diminishing by two percent per standard hour planet-side. The struggle against the Bryn'adûl proved to be a formidable challenge, testing the resilience and resourcefulness of the Jedi and their allies in the face of a galaxy-threatening menace.​
The Synergism Star Compact & The Enclave Network

"Thurion Heavenshield was a household name among the modern Jedi.​
The actions of Jedi like him, Romi Jade, and Coren Starchaser shaped​
many who now called his actions into question."​
― Ryv​

Jedi Masters Romi Jade & Coren Starchaser, war heroes, former Grandmasters, and now headmasters of their respective Jedi Enclaves, petitioned and facilitated several talks with galactic groups to help spearhead a Restoration Project that would help combat ecosystem changes, the refugee crisis, and the potential extermination of various alien species in the wake of the Draelvasier's crusade of Wild Space.​
Romi Jade, having fought the Drael on multiple occasions, called a small Conclave between Enclave leaders. Realizing the extent of the damage they inflicted on the galactic ecosystem Jade and Starchaser petitioned several galactic organizations for aid.​
Negotiating a treaty between all groups, the Jedi delegates pushed for the creation of the Heal Alliance. This project would collect the power of organizations across the Galaxy to aid cultural progress. The coalition would help restore the ecosystems of various worlds in Wild Space. The initiative consisted of programs that create new food, agricultural, and propagation systems that were healthy, fair, and accessible for all struggling communities. It also outlined a space quadrant in a wild space system for the creation of the Jadelight Beacon, a space station that would serve as the hospital, observatory, research station, market, and cultural center providing refuge for the diverse cultures of countless worlds pushed to the brink of devastation in wake of Drael destruction.​
The Treaty also established the Jedi Enclave Network, a network of active Enclaves/Jedi Academies. Some are more or less affiliated with the Galactic Alliance/NJO, and SJC but the network itself does not take a political stance any more than it would have the means or will to compel or guilt a facility, specific teacher, or member into something that doesn't fit their specific brand of Jedi-ship. The Enclave Network is an acknowledgement that existing structures and allegiances are more or less important to different Jedi, but that regardless of pique, opinions, or prevailing political and strategic winds, there should always be a cooperative connection between Jedi academies, and that the Jedi principles need to be protected as well as freely discussed in independent and non-political spaces. The Jakku Jedi Enclave became one of the main facilities in this network.​
War Is Hell - NJO War Crimes

"I'm done with institutions that assume they're worthy of trust."​
― Jend-Ro Quill​

During the Galactic Alliance's invasion of Sith Empire held Ziost, Jedi Master Jend-Ro Quill entered the Sorzus Academy of Sith Arts with a singular purpose: to rescue the students within. He acted outside the jurisdiction of the NJO or any other Jedi Order, and apparently without his peers' knowledge. Quill soon encountered a young Sith acolyte named Aradia Pavanos at the Academy and was able to prevent her from attacking him through the use of a Confessional Talisman, which altered her emotional state and reawakened her conscience. The two spoke, and Quill revealed his intentions. When the skeptical Aradia claimed to have witnessed atrocities committed by the Jedi, Quill was able to convince her to show him her memories with the help of a device known as a Perspective Stone.​
Through the Perspective Stone he witnessed her memories of three other GA invasions: Bastion, Korriban, and Dantooine. On Bastion, the NJO stormed the courtyard of a Sith academy at which she was a student; she dueled with Padawan Oceiros Sunstrider. An order was issued to "subdue" the acolytes, but for "those who resist, do what you must". However, the ones who were subdued were subsequently killed. Aradia survived, ironically, because she had already been impaled by Sunstrider and left for dead. She eventually wound up at the Sith Enclave on Dantooine, where NJO Knight Maynard Treicolt and a force of his fellow Jedi stormed the building, killing all in their path. While these recollections were lurid and violent, without a doubt the standout incident was Korriban, where Aradia had witnessed an NJO Knight by the name of Bernard of Arca planting bombs in a Sith academy. Aradia's capture of Bernard as he was attempting to leave the premises caused the alarm to be raised, and the academy was partially evacuated before the bomb went off. The ensuing explosion, while apparently intended to target the academy's archives, resulted in the deaths of several remaining students, many of them underage. A subsequent attack force led by another NJO Knight, Creuat Creuat , purged whoever was left, killing any survivors they could find.​
Master Quill would carry these memories with him as he completed his mission, rescuing the acolytes at the Sorzus Academy by posing as a Sith Master, and from there all the way to Jakku, where he first showed them to Auteme Denko-Durren, an NJO Knight and a student of his. Auteme, overwhelmed by the experience of seeing people she knew in these memories, promised to gather evidence and speak to other members of the NJO. Quill was not satisfied with this solution, which he feared would result in the matter being dismissed. He would later show the memories to Romi Jade, Grandmaster of the Jakku Jedi Enclave, and confide in her that he intended to blow the whistle on those involved.​
In the aftermath of the invasion of Ziost, the Galactic Alliance and the New Imperial Order met on Coruscant to discuss an alliance between the two factions. They had already been involved in an informal agreement to fight together against the Sith Empire for many years, but this would be the moment the pact would become official. Before the proceedings could begin, a holoprojector located within the Senate chamber spontaneously activated, displaying a pre-recorded message from Jend-Ro Quill. In it, he announced what he had seen in Aradia's memories, as well as his resignation from the New Jedi Order. He blamed the NJO's close association with the NIO for the war crimes, and pleaded with the populace to "demand accountability".​
During his stay at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, Jend-Ro Quill was assaulted by a Jedi Padawan, Thalia Senn Thalia Senn . Senn, whom Quill had previously trained, was a member of the NJO and reportedly was reacting to the revelation that Quill had saved Sith acolytes on Ziost; she called him a "traitor" during the attack. Injured, Quill attempted to flee, but she pursued him into the desert. During the battle, she appears to have been damaged by either her own lightsaber or a misfire of her Force powers. Quill used the Force to take her wounds upon himself, then departed while she was unconscious, disappearing into hiding.​
In the aftermath of the assault, Master Romi Jade sent a letter to Ryv Ryv , Knight Auteme Auteme , and Chancellor Adhira Chandra. In it, Jade laid out her position: she had suspended Senn from the Enclave indefinitely, asserted that the Enclave was a neutral zone, and asked that those responsible be held accountable. To the surprise of Jade and others at the Enclave, nearly every major member of the NJO except Auteme showed up unannounced. Headed, as always, by Ryv Karis, they met with the Grandmaster and asked to see Aradia Pavanos' memories. Much like the various conferences held in the wake of the Elder Compact, tensions were running high. In particular, there was an altercation between the NJO members and Kyra Perl Kyra Perl , Romi Jade's adopted sister, who demanded that they leave. The meeting climaxed with Perl, provoked by Karis' remarks about her spice addiction, punching the Sword of the Jedi in the nose and storming out.​
In a private meeting between Jedi Masters Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka , and Jend-Ro Quill at Quill's hideout on Jakku, which occurred at roughly the same time as the meeting between Romi Jade and Ryv Karis. The three are said to have debated what to do about the issues within the NJO. San Tekka refused to condemn the NJO and stated that he would continue to work with them, Starchaser returned to his own enclave while vowing his support whenever it was needed, while Quill remained resolutely against the NJO.​

Brotherhood of the Maw - Raid on Niima

"I have to admit you've become an increasingly troublesome gnat since the day we first set​
foot on Jakku, back then I had to continue with a low profile, one you and my nephew​
almost shredded before I could burrow deep."​
― Darth Solipsis​

In a brazen display of malevolence, the notorious Brotherhood of the Maw, a coalition of raiders, pirates, and dark Jedi, made their first major appearance in the galaxy with a devastating raid on Niima Outpost on Jakku. Their sinister objective was the acquisition of slaves, plunging the already desolate desert world into chaos. The Brotherhood descended upon Niima Outpost with ruthless efficiency, their dark presence casting a shadow over the outpost's meager defenses. Waves of marauders overwhelmed local security forces, and the air resonated with the clamor of blaster fire and the cries of the oppressed.​
Jakku, largely barren, only offered a few such settlements. The foremost were Cratertown and Niima Outpost, and the Brotherhood targeted both. Waves of marauders, led by powerful warlords and the terrifying Ren, descended on these towns simultaneously. Although the hardy frontier folk inhabiting them put up a valiant defense, and managed to inflict significant casualties in the initial rush, they were quickly overwhelmed by both the savagery and the sheer numbers of the slave-soldiers. Their defensive lines collapsed, and marauders rushed through the scrap markets, looting and enslaving at will. That might easily have been the brutal end of the whole affair.​
As it turned out, however, Jakku had hidden defenders. In collaboration with the Galactic Alliance's Strategic Information Service, Jedi Master Romi Jade had set up a hidden Jedi enclave on the planet, a refuge from the Dark Jedi attacks and Sith invasions that had destroyed so many other enclaves and academies. The enclave was well-enough hidden that the Brotherhood did not detect it when scouting Jakku, and did not anticipate what came next. Jedi leapt to the defense of the beleaguered settlements, with Master Jade herself leading the defense of Niima Outpost. Aaran Tafo, who had helped fight back the Brotherhood at Batuu, returned to defend Cratertown single-handedly.​
News of the Brotherhood's heinous raid reached the Jakku Jedi Enclave, sparking a sense of urgency among the Jedi residing there. Led by Jedi Master Romi Jade, a group of Jedi Padawans and Knights rallied to defend Niima Outpost and thwart the nefarious designs of the Brotherhood of the Maw -- in hopes to keep them away from the hidden Enclave.​
The Jedi ventured into the heart of the conflict. In a clash of lightsabers and the Force against the malevolent dark Jedi, the Jakku Jedi defended the innocent and sought to restore order to the chaos unleashed by the Brotherhood. Jakku's Jedi defenders, however, were able to turn the tide of battle, fighting the Ren and marauders to a standstill. But as they fought, Master Jade came to a terrible realization: they could stall the Brotherhood, but they could not prevent them from exacting a horrific toll on the local civilians. In an act of altruistic courage, she offered herself as a prisoner in exchange for their lives.​
The Brotherhood seldom negotiated or honored promises, but the Dark Voice itself, guiding shadow of the Maw, ordered that the deal be accepted. Romi Jade, Aaran Tafo, and several others surrendered, and in exchange, the Brotherhood withdrew. It took with it the many slaves it had already captured, but the self-sacrifice of the Jedi meant they did not finish the job, and both Niima Outpost and Cratertown survived. It was a bitter concession that left a mark on the spirit of the Enclave.​
In the aftermath of the exchange, the Brotherhood of the Maw, having tasted the defiance of the Jedi, retreated into the shadows. The galaxy, however, was left to grapple with the unsettling reality of a new malevolent force on the rise, while the Jakku Jedi Enclave faced the challenges of rebuilding and the shadows cast by the sacrifice of their revered leader. Jade was eventually freed from the Maw's Holy City of Gehinnom by her childhood friend, the Jedi Knight Cedric Grayson & her colleague Jedi Master Vexander Graves.​

"The ground trembled as explosions rocked the Enclave's halls, and I watched helplessly​
as ancient artifacts crumbled to dust. The agony of loss was palpable, and I couldn't​
shake the feeling that we were witnessing the end of an era—an era that could never​
be reclaimed."​
― Jedi Master Aric Volan​
The New Sith Order have uncovered the location of the Jakku Jedi Enclave, wrestling a Jedi Compass from one of the foul ilk of Lightsworn that dwelt within, their body broken and their mind shattered but not before revealing what the Sith desired. Seizing a code given to members of the New Jedi Order and Wayfinders passing through, the New Sith Order called upon the forces of the Brotherhood to return to Jakku with fire in their hearts. With the majority of the New Jedi Order locked in inquests and investigations, the Brotherhood aim to silently enter and strike the first blow in the mission to eradicate the Jedi.​
As Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and his sinister forces descended upon the Jedi Enclave, the clash of opposing lightsabers shattered the tranquility that once graced the subterranean tunnels. A deadly ballet of movement and color unfolded as Jedi and Sith engaged in a deadly waltz, their graceful parries and lunges painting arcs of light in the dimly lit corridors. Blaster fire joined the symphony, a chaotic counterpoint to the elegant choreography of the Force-sensitive combatants.​
The battle was brutal and bloody, a clash of ideologies that echoed through the cavernous chambers. Vibrant bolts of energy cut through the air, leaving behind scorch marks and the acrid scent of ozone. Jedi and Sith, once comrades in the Force, were locked in a struggle for supremacy that threatens to consume them all. Amid the chaos, the steady rhythm of evacuation drummed on, a desperate effort to salvage the lives that could still be saved. Jedi initiates and healers worked together to guide the injured to safety, while the Enclave's archival storage was painstakingly transferred to portable data units, preserving the legacy.​
Many Jedi fought valiantly that night: Starlin Rand Starlin Rand , Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo , Allyson Locke Allyson Locke , Yenna Yenna , Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Zark San Tekka, Coren Starchaser, Dagon Kaze​
Explosions ripped through the ground, and the Enclave's subterranean haven was transformed into a battleground of fire and fury. The once pristine walls and floors were marred by scorched marks, and artifacts were reduced to rubble in the wake of the merciless onslaught. The clash of titanic forces created shockwaves that reverberated through the very earth, threatening to tear apart the foundation of the sanctuary itself.​
Dust and debris swirled in the air, a manifestation of the turmoil that raged within the hearts of those who fought. In one final, cataclysmic clash, Romi Jade and Darth Solipsis poured every ounce of their being into their blades, the clash of their wills created a blinding explosion of energy that engulfed them both. However, the Jedi forces were unable to repel the Maw invaders and prevent the slaughter.​
The harrowing battle on the desert planet Jakku marked a crucial turning point in the ongoing struggle between the Jedi and the Sith, two ancient orders locked in a perpetual clash between light and darkness. The hidden Jedi Enclave led by Master Romi Jade had stood as a bastion of hope, pushing the teachings of the Jedi Order to new heights and nurturing new Force-sensitive individuals. The Sith Order, under the leadership of the formidable Sith'ari Darth Solipsis, saw the enclave as a threat to their dominion over the galaxy. As blaster fire and lightsabers illuminated the cavernous halls and sand dunes, the battle on Jakku epitomized the profound clash of ideologies, the scars of which would forever shape the destinies of those who participated, and reverberate throughout the annals of history. This was the battle that sparked the events of the Second Great Hyperspace War, and brought about the destruction of the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​

Recovery & Renewal

"This place definitely does not look like a Jedi enclave. It looks like a waste reclamation facility,​
a power station, something utilities-related. Without exact coordinates I'd never have found it.​
I absolutely love the solitude."​
― Jend-Ro Quill​

In the aftermath of the Battle of Jakku, what remained of the Enclave was left to gather sand, searching for a new purpose and a way to rebuild the once great institution. Jedi Master Romi Jade, who had witnessed both triumph and tragedy in her long journey, recognized the importance of the Jakku Enclave as a historical and spiritual center for the Jedi, she made the bold decision to return to the desert planet, seeking to restore the academy.​
Upon their arrival, she faced a daunting task of rebuilding not only the physical structure of the Enclave but also revamping the administration and processes that were necessary to ensure its smooth functioning. The subterranean chambers that had once housed the Jedi Order were in a state of disrepair, requiring extensive renovations and updates to accommodate the needs of a new generation of Jedi. She oversaw the reconstruction efforts herself, ensuring that the Enclave would be restored to its former glory. With the help of Jedi like Yennic Zhan Yennic Zhan , Vilka Keldra Vilka Keldra , & Lossa Darcuhl, the once dilapidated chambers were transformed into a sanctuary once again.​
In addition to the physical changes, Master Jade recognized the need for a reformation in the administration and processes of the Jakku Jedi Enclave. She introduced a more stringent acceptance process, and established a set of rules and guidelines that would guide the Enclave's operations, focusing on advanced Jedi training, for long beyond her tenure.​
With the infrastructure and administration in place, the Enclave opened its doors. After the transition back into the Jedi academy was complete, Jade recruited 4 students. This new cohort of students consisted of: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Mother Askani Mother Askani , Bastila Sal-Soren, and Jackson Lesan Jackson Lesan . Master Jade personally evaluated each potential candidate's aptitude, dedication, and connection to the Force. Jedi Master's Caltin Vanagor & Judah Lesan Judah Lesan also took on instructional positions.​
The Metropolitan Museum of Coruscant takes center stage as it unveiled a breathtaking exhibit titled "Echoes of the Jedi: Legacy Restored." Sponsored by Devos, the captivating showcase delved into a pivotal moment in the history of the Jakku Jedi Enclave. The exhibit not only shed light on the subterranean ruins of the enclave but also unraveled the mysteries surrounding a night of chaos and conflict that forever altered the destiny of the enclave.​
The Jakku Jedi Enclave, once a mysterious bastion of tranquility and enlightenment, is introduced as a sacred space where Jedi gathered to hone their skills and preserve the ancient traditions of the Force. Visitors to the exhibit were immersed in the rich history of the enclave, learning about its founding, the notable Jedi who called it home, and the teachings that echoed within its walls.​
The narrative took a dramatic turn as the exhibit unfolded the tragic events of a fateful night when the Jakku Jedi Enclave fell victim to a ruthless raid. Detailed reconstruction and salvaged artifacts provided a chilling account of the chaos that ensued, leaving the enclave in ruins and its Jedi inhabitants scattered.​
The centerpiece of the exhibit was the "Echoes of the Jedi" collection, featuring fragments salvaged from the subterranean ruins of the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Attendees were treated to a visual and interactive exploration of the artifacts, each telling a unique story of the enclave's glory and its tragic demise.​
Simultaneously, the spotlight turned to Jedi Master Romi Jade, a revered figure within the ranks of the Jedi and leader of the Enclave. Unbeknownst to her, she found herself at the center of a conspiracy as she is charged with war crimes from her past military service. Against the backdrop of the exhibit, Romi Jade stepped forward to deliver a poignant speech. Unaware of the secrets looming over her, she expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share the enclave's history. However, in a shocking twist, she announced her decision to willingly stand trial for alleged war crimes on Rhen Var and Pantora, accepting extradition with unwavering composure.​
As attendees left the "Echoes of the Jedi: Legacy Restored" exhibit, the galaxy was left in awe of the Jakku Jedi Enclave's rich history and somber demise. Simultaneously, controversy and intrigue surrounded Jedi Master Romi Jade as she embarked on a journey towards a public trial, her fate and the newly restored enclave's fate, uncertain.​
The Beginning of the Core Wars
"Following the raid on the Imperial capital of Carlac, the Dark Empire retaliates​
with their long-awaited plan to wrestle the jewel of the Core Worlds from the​
hands of the valiant Galactic Alliance."​
― The Grand Vizier's message​
The Jakku Jedi Enclave, once a sanctuary of peace and learning, has recently found itself in a storm of unprecedented events. The heart of this turmoil centers around Jedi Master Romi Jade, a revered figure within the Jedi ranks and the leader of the Enclave. Jade's past came back to haunt her when bogus charges of war crimes from her previous military service surfaced, shaking the very foundations of the Enclave.​
In the face of these allegations, Master Jade made a pivotal decision. She appointed her two most promising students, Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus and Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren , to take over the leadership of the Enclave. Lossa was primarily entrusted with this responsibility, carrying the hopes of continuing Jade's legacy. This transition was marked by a mix of hope and uncertainty as the Enclave prepared to navigate through these troubled times.​
As Master Jade was being extradited to Pantora for her trial, an unforeseen attack changed the course of events dramatically. The ship transporting her was hijacked by cultists from the Twilight Fist, a subgroup of the Unblessed. This extremist faction harbored a deep-seated hatred for Force-users and sought to wage war against them. In their custody, Jade was subjected to unimaginable horrors.​
The cultists used Jade to hatch and feed a juvenile creature known as the Nameless. These creatures prey on the Living Force, making them natural predators of Force-sensitive individuals. This ordeal resulted in Jade losing majority of her connection to the Force, a devastating blow to any Jedi. The cult's ultimate plan was to trade Jade to her nemesis, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , in exchange for a star map leading to the origin planet of these creatures. They intended to use the Nameless as weapons in their secret war against Force-users.​
Weakened and powerless, Romi Jade was held captive by Darth Solipsis. He sought to pry information from her about the prophecy of the Four, a prophecy that could potentially shift the balance of power in the galaxy. Solipsis aimed to find and manipulate these prophesized individuals to further his own sinister goals of waging war on the core in an effort to bring about his grand design.​
Meanwhile, Lossa Darchul and Briana Sal-Soren undertook a perilous mission to rescue their former master. Their journey led them to Tython, to the temple of Akar Tsis. Despite the odds, their determination and skill prevailed, and they successfully freed Romi Jade from captivity. Upon their return to Jakku, a planet known for its harsh deserts and deep mysteries, Romi Jade made a surprising announcement. She decided to step away from the Enclave entirely. This decision was driven by a need for personal healing and a desire to redefine her identity away from the burdens of leadership, loss of Force sensitivity, and her tarnished past.​
Romi reaffirmed her commitment to the Barash Vow, a vow of solitude and reflection, signifying her intention to withdraw from all activities related to the Jedi Order for the time. With a solemn resolve, she disappeared into the vastness of the galaxy, seeking solace and a path to recovery.​
The future of the Jakku Jedi Enclave now rests in the hands of Lossa Darchul and Briana Sal-Soren. They are tasked with guiding the next generation of Jedi, fostering the values and teachings that Romi Jade once upheld while the galaxy is plunged into war.​

Last edited:
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

This is ready!

List of changes/updates:
  • Updated all of the images, also added some new ones.
  • Expanded on the historical information bringing it current.
  • Added 'Jakku's Discreet Power' section
  • Added NPC Mentor list.
  • Added Enclave gear list.
  • Updated Security section.
  • Updated Points of Interest section.
  • Added Gallery.
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