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 Jand Talo

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ
I don't tend to RP as light siders, because I find whatever I create to lack staying power.

However, Jand's been one of my most personally successful Jedi characters so far, and I feel he has a lot of steam and development in the near (and distant) future.

So, because of that - and Jand's muse burning strong, combined with my return from LOA to continue him - I would appreciate some feedback on his journey so far, and what others think about his progress and development!

Hit me.

Calix of Thyrsus

Knight him or GTFO. Says the guy who writes eternal padawans

He's always compelling. The way you weave your vision for Nagai and their culture into your writing really adds a fascinating aspect to him as a Jedi that's not the normal heroic archetype. It definitely makes Jand stand out as both a character and a concept.

I'm interested to see where his story goes as you move forward.
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ
Knight him or GTFO. Says the guy who writes eternal padawans

He's always compelling. The way you weave your vision for Nagai and their culture into your writing really adds a fascinating aspect to him as a Jedi that's not the normal heroic archetype. It definitely makes Jand stand out as both a character and a concept.

I'm interested to see where his story goes as you move forward.
Thanks for that feedback, I really appreciate it.

I hope to continue blending those elements to keep Jand interesting and entertaining!
Ugh, this guy.

Echoing what Calix said, I dig the way you've fleshed out Nagai culture and how you've explored that with Jand. A lot of Jedi struggle with the concept of killing, but Jand is the opposite—killing is a part of his culture, and he's had to figure out a way to mesh his cultural beliefs with his own interpretation of the Jedi philosophy. His deadpan way of communicating makes watching him interact with more bubbly characters fun.

I know that you've got some stuff planned for him moving forward, and I think it would be neat to see Jand really struggle with something mentally heavy. He's not the type to freely show emotion, but exposing him to a concept or situation that really challenges his upbringing or beliefs might be fun to explore and add yet another layer of depth.

Overall, good job with him! Keep stabbin, dagger.

Jand Talo Jand Talo
Be careful what you wish for.
For someone who "struggles" with lightsiders, you are pretty darned good at it. I thoroughly enjoyed trying to work training sessions into a manner that worked with the character and in a manner that the big guy could still teach his way.
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ
Light siders are tough for me, yeah. Glad that Jand seems to be hitting those tones, though, all of his engagements and interactions have been enjoyable. I especially liked training with Caltin, so perhaps more of that can occur, despite Jand's becoming a Knight.

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