Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Hunting

Ubel Haacke

First Order General, Rebel Hunter, Cannibal
Ubel Haacke had been contacted about the need for his assistance in a hunt for Jedi. Though he had long since burned many bridges with the Sith, the First Order General relished any opportunity to hunt down Jedi. Perhaps the Sith would be less judgemental of his rather peculiar penchant for consuming the flesh of sentient beings, the stronger with the force the better. Regardless, he was sure that his natural aptitude for hunting down his adversaries would impress his new associate and his extreme cruelty would never be looked on poorly by a Sith.

Seeing the Sith Knight exit his shuttle, Ubel knew that this must be Lord Ravenous. Ubel approached and said, "Lord Ravenous, may I introduce myself. I am General Ubel Haacke of the First Order. I have heard that you are in need of assistance in the extermination of Jedi. I would be honored to assist you in such a worthy mission. I and my soldiers will be at your side."

[member="Darth ravenous"]

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