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Jen'Ari Council Blades


  • Manufacturer: Darth Hashira
  • Affiliation: Differing Jen'Ari Lords
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Yes, can replace the hilt or sharpen.
  • Production: Semi-Unique.
  • Material: Alchemized durasteel, various hilt material for each member.
  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy (feels light)
  • On par with Lightsaber durability.
  • Deflects blasterfire.
  • Very sharp.
  • Can channel certain force abilities through (push/pull, lightning, force fear, pyrokenesis)
  • Has a necrosis like ability that very quickly rots severed flesh and inflicts a fast spreading disease similar to a mixture of tetanus and rabies.
  • Amplified the power of Force Fear while allowing the power to target groups.
  • Feels lighter due to alchemization
A set of alchemized blades were created by Lord Hashira in order to celebrate the founding of the Jen'Ari empire. The blades were all discovered in an ancient Korriban tomb by the lord and brought back to his personal liar. After attempting several alchemizations on newer, cheaper swords he graduated to the real deal. After several carefully uttered words and placed ingredients this sword was created. It has extreme durability, able to delfect blaster bolts and withstand any number of lightsaber strikes. The blades were also covered in ancient Sith microscopic spores which infect the user when cut or stabbed. Surface level cuts and stabs do not infect the user, only when the blade reaches muscle or large blood vessels. The infection can be easily cured by Force Healing when treated promptly, however the longer one waits the more difficult it begins. There is no known non-force cure. When any flesh in sundered from the body, it quickly and violently rots away leaving only charred bones. A carefully placed gemstone at the bottom of the sword allows users to do two things. The first is that it allows the user to channel certain force abilities such as: force push/pull, force lightning, force fear, or even phryokenesis. None of these abilities (save Force Fear) are amplified, and are preformed at exactly the same level as regular, althoug perhapsmore accurately. The downside to this is that the standard ability for the blade to deflect force lightning is now gone, and even a small strike would prove disastrous. The second ability the gemstone grants is the amplification of Force Fear. The alchemization also reduced the feeling of weight in the swords for the user while maintaining the same level of striking power.

  • Well-rounded: It possess the quality of many other Sith Swords.
  • Tempered: The sword is very well tempered, allowing fast and powerful strikes.
  • Necrosis: Quickly rots severed flesh and inflicts a fast spreading infection.
  • Durable: The blade has a high durability, allowing it to function much the same as a lightsaber in sword combat.
  • Fear: The blade's darkside energy allows the user an amplified ability to use Force Fear, even on large groups.
  • Lighter Feeling: Alchemization spell to reduce weight was applied.
  • Stored Power: The sword attracts Force Lightning and stores it as energy. The lightning amplifies strikes.
  • Can't Hide Darkside Presence: The blade's dark energy makes it impossible to hide it's force signature.
  • Overload: If the sword stores too much lightning it will short out and severely shock the user. A repair of the blade in order to restore it's abilities will be necessary.
  • Cure: The infection is curable by Lightside Force healing, however the process most be practiced by a second Jedi and becomes more challening the longer it goes on.
  • Can't pierce certain materials: Unlike the high energy lightsaber, this blade would have considerable trouble breaking through thick durasteel walls.
  • Force Nullifying Powers: Certain Force Nullifying creatures and abilities disable the sword's powers, temporarily.
  • Destruction: Certain Lightside Force abilities can destroy the sword.
Factory Judge
[member="Darth Hashira"],

Darth Hashira said:
Manufacturer: Darth Hashira
Please link the character sheet of the character creating these weapons.

Darth Hashira said:
Production: Semi-Unique, 21 made.
Go ahead and remove the number made. Hard numbers limits how many can join the Council/leave the council.

Darth Hashira said:
Can channel certain force abilities through
I know you already mentioned the abilities in the description, but can you please add them here so others who see this sub can easily find them?

Darth Hashira said:
Has a necrosis like ability that very quickly rots severed flesh and inflicts a fast spreading disease
is there a specific disease that this acts much akin to? How fast is this disease in its function?

Darth Hashira said:
Amplified Force Fear.
Does the sword emit force fear, or does it just amplify the usage of force fear from the user? If so, how much does it amplify it, and how does it? (Stronger effect, Wider range, etc)

Darth Hashira said:
Feels lighter due to alchemization
No. All Sith swords are heavy due to the process of Alchemy. It does not make the weapon feel lighter in any way. As you yourself have linked the Sith Swords from canon, it clearly states there, "The rare metallic compounds used in its construction could result in blades varying in weight from 3 kilograms up to 6.5 kilograms, a blade far heavier than its 1.4 meter length would indicate. It often required great strength of body as well as in the Force to successfully wield the weapon and make it as dangerous as a lightsaber." What you are implying here, is going directly against canon with no other additions to give you this ability.

For the weaknesses, can you please add that Force nullification effects such as a void stone and Ysalmari can mitigate, or even temporarily remove the extra force effects of the weapons?

Secondary weakness as well, can you please add that usage of Force Light/Wall of Light can damage, render inert, or even destroy the swords as well?
Shaun Castanic said:
Please link the character sheet of the character creating these weapons.

Shaun Castanic said:
Go ahead and remove the number made. Hard numbers limits how many can join the Council/leave the council
Shaun Castanic said:
I know you already mentioned the abilities in the description, but can you please add them here so others who see this sub can easily find them?
Shaun Castanic said:
is there a specific disease that this acts much akin to? How fast is this disease in its function?
Done. Acts like a combination of rabies and tetanus, the quick rotting is similar to Blade's ability in the movies.

Shaun Castanic said:
Does the sword emit force fear, or does it just amplify the usage of force fear from the user? If so, how much does it amplify it, and how does it? (Stronger effect, Wider range, etc)
Done. Amplifies the power and can target groups.

Shaun Castanic said:
No. All Sith swords are heavy due to the process of Alchemy. It does not make the weapon feel lighter in any way. As you yourself have linked the Sith Swords from canon, it clearly states there, "The rare metallic compounds used in its construction could result in blades varying in weight from 3 kilograms up to 6.5 kilograms, a blade far heavier than its 1.4 meter length would indicate. It often required great strength of body as well as in the Force to successfully wield the weapon and make it as dangerous as a lightsaber." What you are implying here, is going directly against canon with no other additions to give you this ability.
Actually, yes, for two reasons. The line you're quoting doesn't have a source. And secondly, the blade was given a different alchemization to make it feel lighter.

Shaun Castanic said:
For the weaknesses, can you please add that Force nullification effects such as a void stone and Ysalmari can mitigate, or even temporarily remove the extra force effects of the weapons? Secondary weakness as well, can you please add that usage of Force Light/Wall of Light can damage, render inert, or even destroy the swords as well?
Added and Added. I've also changed around the strengths and weakness so that the blade acts like a regular sith sword, in that it can store force lightning, but too much will short out the sword and render it in need of repair.
Factory Judge
[member="Darth Hashira"],
All of it seems to check out. However...

Darth Hashira said:
Actually, yes, for two reasons. The line you're quoting doesn't have a source. And secondly, the blade was given a different alchemization to make it feel lighter.
Your linked source here. You linked the same page as I did in your submission twice over. Its in the first paragraph of the Description of Sith Swords. Secondly, If you can provide canon sources of where a Sith Sword was not heavier due to the Alchemy process, then I can let this be a strength for you. Because at the moment, you are going against Canon that I know of.
Shaun Castanic said:
You linked the same page as I did in your submission twice over. Its in the first paragraph of the Description of Sith Swords. Secondly, If you can provide canon sources of where a Sith Sword was not heavier due to the Alchemy process, then I can let this be a strength for you. Because at the moment, you are going against Canon that I know of.
Correct, but the specific line you quoted does not have a source and therefore there is no established canon. My point is, if you can show me somewhere that specifically says I can't make the blade feel lighter I'll take it off. But, the only thing you've referenced is that specific line, which did not have a source.
Factory Judge
[member="Darth Hashira"], I am not here to argue with you. If you found some way to make the swords lighter great. I was only asking if you happened to have any references in canon. If you want to use some special force power to explain it that is fine.

If you would like to edit your post to explain this or not, let me know.

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