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Approved Tech Jericho Class MK VII Armor

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  • Classification: Other
  • Weight: Weightless
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Other: Sonic: Low
    • Other: EMP/ION: Very Low
    • Other: Disruptors: Very Low
    • Other: Radiation: Low
    • Other: Fire: Average
    • Other: Cryo: Average
    • Other: Acid: Average
    • Other: Vacuum: Very Low
    • Other: Darkside: Extreme
  • Force Affinity: Designed with force infused materials that imbue to the jedi wearing them a standard slew of protections and capabilities. The ability to better resist the darksides influence, ease the access to learned skills that have been practiced and feeling generally more energized and lively.
    • Force Resistance: Not pure resistance to the force but its influences specifically the darkside.
    • Force Enlightenment: A general enhancement of the specific jedi's talents in the lightside of the force. They don't know everything but using their own abilities is easier, sharper focus.
    • Revitalize: A more robust feeling mentally and physically aids in calming the mind and body to focus.
    • Force Form: Focusing and utilizing the force itself to improve the jedi's focus and mind as well as combative capabilities with the force.
    • Avar Kriss's Network: Connecting her to the jedi as a whole it follows much of what Avar did and lets her hear the song of the force.
    • Tutaminis: Advanced and formed within the robes themselves.. the material absorbs energy, heat, electrical, force, plasma and others to feed it into the jedis body and mind revitalizing their force powers.
    • Cleanse Mind: Focusing the force and clearing the mind of mental influences and those they can focus their attention on.
    • Force Binding: Designed and augmented into the robes, the pockets and robes themselves can be used to bind and contain influences when it is enclosed around a darkside object.
    • Inspire: Focused and empowered the jedi themselves as beacons within the force inspiring those around them to action and to shake off negative thoughts.
    • Controlled Descent: Focusing the force into a cushion around them the jedi are able to land from greater heights.
    • Force Familiar: Controlled and focused, the robes seek out a familiar creature and bonds with it... sadly while it connects them death of the jedi can kill the familiar.
  • Willa's Enhancements:
    • Inspire: Designed based on the ancient battlelords... the commanders are meant to inspire with their presence in the field and within a twenty meter range normally.
    • Battle Meditation: As a leader o the field they are better able to focus their mind and expand it outwards across an entire field of battle on par with the Shans of the jedi order.
    • Fire Shaping: Aids in the connection and use of fire altering skills and manipulation.
    • Vahla Enhancement: Designed to ease the mental and physical strain of a vahla utalizing their internal fire.
  • Kirano Interface: Standard technical interface for operations.
  • Jedi Utility Belt: For supplies
  • Cracken Survival Kit: Standard field kit
  • Sigil of Hope: A legacy piece of jediu equipment created from the dark harvesters.
  • Kojie: Underslung shoulder pack for extra equipment space.
  • Refined Sleg Ultracapacitors: Designed to improve the power of the suits and augment the shielding for radiation and heat in space or protect them when boarding other ships.
  • Advanced Regulator System: Designed to recycle oxygen and filter poisons for the pilot.
  • Seeker Drone: Companion to compliment in the event of combat as well as affect small repairs around then ship as needed. Can work together with an astromech.
  • Heavy Praestigiae's Luminous Overlaid Technological Shields: Protective shielding designed to be used with the pilot suit in the event of out of ship combat scenarios.
  • Advanced Micro Thrusters: Designed to increase movement speed of the jedi while moving around.
  • Strength/Speed Enhancement: Enhancing the body to increase the pilots natural state. In the event they are without their ships they can defend themselves.
  • Temperature control/heat reflection: Designed for additional protection when eva and in space.
  • Locator beacon: For emergencies to be retrieved with rescue ships.
  • Ablative Plating: Designed with the standard robes and armor plating itself in a combination that can alternate between variant Adamentite.
  • Toolkit MK II: One of the few built in weapons of the platform a powered and robust weapon system built into the gauntlets of the armor.
  • Saotome Armor Field Kit: Standarrd field kit for repairing and patching armor.
  • Leviathan Hide Cloak: For concealment and weather the cloak is tanned and better
  • K'uur jurkadir: Shoulder Cannon designed for the armor and able to fire different shots for situations
  • Weapons: Designed with several weapons and its own built in power source to keep it going. Using the dreamscape and molecular disruption technology to harness and Molecular disruptor technology to displace the excessive bulk in a pocket dimension. Larger pieces of equipment functions just as well.
  • Built in Equipment:
  • Purified Stygianfire Crystals: Creating an optical camo effect wrapping around the armor and what is being held at the time. The lingering cloak allows shots to be fired and muted from it for a brief moment.
  • Protection: The hypermembrane provides a robust degree of protection so it can be used.
  • Self Repairing: Designed with the hypermembrane for protection but also the ability to repair itself over time with small damage being a few minutes to hours and sections of the suit being days.
  • Overly Engineered: Designed to give the bladesisters a distinct advantage in combat and in majority of situations. They have developed it to function in space or in the depths of the ocean with high pressure situations.
  • Vahla Temper: The armor itself is not as protective against fire.... Willa herself is. Being a Vahla they are flame made flesh and it is rare flames will ever bother them.
  • Seeded Repulsors: Using micro repulsors to move around it also reduces and removes the weight of the battle frame itself allowing the Vahla to move around in the armor.
  • Self repairing: While it can repair its own micro stress fractures the capabilities can take days to hours depending on how damaged they become from use.
  • Exotic Particles: Largely unknown and not seen in the galaxy before. It isn't invincible nor is it really strong but it reacts violently near dark and anti-matter which can disrupt and destroy it or even cause it to rupture and disintegrate.
  • Gravity field: The repulsors only function within a gravity field.
  • Gravity: Aside from needing the gravity to move around the gravity is also required to benefit from the repulsors reducing the weight of the armor.
  • Stealth Field: THe polymer makes sneaking around easy enough but it announces her in the force to those who can sense the force.
Designed for Willa to use with her vahla body, the armor is fashioned in sections to provide maximum protection of the chest and vital organs but not restrict her from being able to move. Willa has used some of the equipment she has bought over the years in its creation with The operative bracers being modified to use the smaller telescopic powerblade and wrist mounted flame thrower.

Her gauntlets on the armor were and most important part, made for getting to different weapons in a hurry with the rocket and dart launchers depending on the situation. A carry over from her hunting partners skills and armor utilizing some of the mandalorians designs and armor ideas but not the materials as the thick soled boots were made using the hide of a leviathan they killed. Her shoulder guard fashioned from bone.

The bodyarmors plating is designed with infiltration and protection in mind. Sectioning at areas to improve flexibility while also keeping the protection in vital areas through use of an energy shield designed by Armatech. The plates are a stygium plat creating a stealth effect for infiltration but threaded with phrik to provide lightsaber and blaster protection. A lamanarium and armorweave undersuit made to regulate body temperature.

Over the armor and designed to work as a special part is a cloak created from the hide and ribbed with the bones of a leviathan Willa killed with Zathra. The cloak made to hold additional ammo and equipment for her to use. The final part is the helmet which was converted from the Armatech arbitors helmet since making a stronger and more useful one to seal her suit and show some of the best equipment she had seen.

As she worked with the armor and tested it in the field there was a time that came. Zreame the chief engineer from Armatech a friend and at times sugar momma getting her special upgrades on her armor. With several jobs beign done to pay for the upgrades she was able to get a matrix composite to apply duraplate properties to the laminarium bodysuit with the armorweaved it to protect herself. The phrik plates remaining just as protected as more attachments were applied.

With additions and her training Willa worked to build upon it and upgrade the armor. Adding in new systems to work with her belt as well as the new ranger's tech they created. An ankle sheath for her combat blade and boosters to get her into the air and around. Pressure and hermetic seals allowing her boots to be sealed with the rest of the armor for vacuum with magnetic soles. A gravitational leveler upgrade to the gunbelt able to provide new ways to move around.

With all of those upgrade the armors stealth systems were changed with a new units able to work with her armors polymer and concealing her from sensors, taozin nodule to conceal herself in the force from those trying to sense her. Slowly working on it more she set up enhanced power armor to work and increase her speed and strength when the energy was pushed through it. Increasing her skills while she set up an angel flight system to move around quickly within fights.

It has taken several years but Willa has worked on here armor... largely improving the design and letting herself find the difference between it. With newer systems to allow refined stealth or movement. Protection materials with inth and the hypermembrane which worked well with her own as the components could be encased in the materials to reduce the weight and the rest would be able to be reduced with micro repulsors that let her move around an area quickly when needing to engage in a fight but before that she could use the stealth polymer on the outside of the armor to sneak around.

THe new upgrades though were only the start as she worked to improve and minimize the design of it.. turning the armor into a compacted battleframe that allows her to fly around if needed and as long as she has gravity to repulsor with and against... the armor is one of the few superior weapon systems to match her guns and saber.
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Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

Pending initial review

Pending Initial review

Pending Inital review
[member="Willa Isard"]

Alright. As far as I can tell, you're throwing 275 posts between about 8 different writers/characters into a single suit of armor. You sure you're only after unique here?

Weight and armor rating look solid.
Materials and Special features look fantastic.
Description is a little light, but suitable.

I'm not seeing anything about being environmentally sealed or void capable.

So far, I'm good to approve this. You put a lot of work into this submission's development and I want to make sure that you're getting what you want out of it.
If you want to make any last minute edits, now's your chance. As soon as you tell me you're happy with this, I'll be approving it and tossing it up the chain.
(unless you do a major edit. Then I'll have to glance over it again.)
[member="War Hydra"] edited slightly

Sealed for vacuum with an air supply whcih I thought I had given it thank you.

and well I was thinking of it as a standard but we have like five or six different "standard" suits for the rangers so making another seemed unneeded.... plus npc's running around in restricted materials seems bad. Don't want tougher changes like happened with beskar.

It is all ready and only big edit that might come in would be a taozin nodule which is easy to keep on the armor.
Tefka said:
Don't blend restricted materials, and it'll be possible to use them on two seperate parts of an item. Get ready to do dev threads tho.
This is arguably blended even still, but whole suits of beskar have personal cloaking devices.

Please Edit the description.

Willa Isard said:
The plates are a stygium plat creating a stealth effect for infiltration but threaded with phrik to provide lightsaber and blaster protection.

Also I would like a note describing how damage to the coating might reduce its stealth effects.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Willa Isard Willa Isard

Very nice armour as usual! You wrote wrong production-scale to the armour, this is unique on, not mass-production. And with mass production, your ratings are overpowered (+5), so with unique it is still +1. Please fix these.


King of Pumpkins
Submission Name: Grey Paladin Armor
Link to Submission: Grey Paladin Armor
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Silver Order Robes
Link to Submission: Silver Order Robes
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Submission Name: Kymber Joysea's Jedi Robes
Link to Submission: Kymber Joysea's Jedi Robes
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Jericho Class MK VII Armor
Link to Submission: Jericho Class MK VII Armor
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Jedi Geologist Robes
Link to Submission: Jedi Geologist Robes
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates
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