Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jihva Nokosh

Jihva Nokosh


    • Daughter of Dathomir - Jihva was raised by the Nightsisters, while she would still be an initiate by their standards she has at least an understanding of Nightsister magick.
    • Force ability - She has a powerful natural inclination to the force
    • Teras Kasi - Jihva was taught the basics of the Teras Kasi fighting style by her father


    • Physical Strength - She is not physically strong, many would be able to overpower her in a contest of strength

  • Jihva is a twenty-year-old Zabrak female, with red skin and black tattoos,. She has an athletic build and an agility that matches her appearance. She has yellow eyes and often pulls her raven black hair into a pony tail​

  • OOC: Work in progress
    Jihva was born on Dathomir her mother was a witch and her father a nightbrother. When she was young her mother would teach her the ways of the Nightisters while her father trained her in a more practical manner in using her own body as a weapon to defeat her enemies, not fully trusting in the magick of the Nightsisters. Much of her childhood was a series of teaching and training, however, when her potential was truly discovered she would leave Dathomir in search of a power she believed would be greater than what the Nightsisters could offer.​

    • None

    • WIP

  • Ships:



    • WIP


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