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Faction Just Keep Swimming (Padawans)


It wasn't often Iris invited people to things. Or, ever. Literally never has she reached out to anyone to go and hang out. But, she wanted to try it for once. Relax with her friends, fellow Padawans. Meet some new folks probably too. And stop hiding. Her body was broken, yeah. But she wasn't dead. And every day she was getting stronger and stronger. Would she be as strong as she had? No, not in the same way. But she wasn't some fragile thing that needed to be protected.

Yeah. That's really what she wanted to show.

So she sent the message through her new holocom device. Lief Lief had been kind enough to show her how to use it, though- well. Send to all wasn't her plan. Was it going to work out? Probably, but she did freak out once she realized she sent the invite to literally every Padawan in the Praxium, NJO, and Silvers. Oops. Well, could be worse.

:: Hey, uh. Iris. .. It says that, right? At the top- Anyway. Going to Spira. Gonna go swim. Uh, come along? ::

Yeah, sure. Could be worse.

Justice Lesan Justice Lesan | Hooli Nitrah Hooli Nitrah | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Kyell Laysel | Iri Tuteru | Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek | Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam
"Why the hell not..." Was Ara's thoughts as she tossed a cigarette to the ground and stomped it out before getting on a freighter to this funky new planet. Parties weren't her thing at all, at least not in the sense of these people. She was used to serving drinks and cracking jokes with cutthroat swoop gangs, not beach parties with a bunch of children. She didn't even know what she was going to do there.

But it would be good for her.

At least that was her reasoning. She knew that her disposition was more akin to a Bantha than a Jedi and she needed to work more on that. She couldn't go into the galaxy as a Jedi Knight when her first instincts were to diss the other party all the way to the Outer Rim. And perhaps hanging out with the other padawans would help her to lighten up a little. Gillan and Kyell were a big help in that, so was Mathieu and master Sol'yan... and that was it. That trip to the temple wasn't much of an opportunity to lighten up and neither were all of the other trips. She didn't necessarily need friends in her life... but it was nice. Her only problem was the fact that she didn't know what to expect? Did she have to pack anything other than the essentials? Did she need to leave her swoop with her podracer? A wide, open area to let the throttle loose was always fun.

Finally arriving on the planet... she had to admit that it was stunning. The shimmering oceans and stretches of beaches were a drastic shift from Kashyyyk and New Cov. However she got very uncomfortable when she disembarked, leading her swoop down the ramp and onto the sands beneath her boots. The heat was not something she expected and her leather jacket was soon draped over the seat of her bike. The smell, though... that was something else. The salty spray and calming thunder of the crashing waves were simply beautiful.

She took a deep breath in as a smile etched along her lips. She knelt down and ran her hands through the sand beneath her with a quiet giggle. Adjusting her loose-fitting shirt and jeans, she continued on towards the spot linked to the message. "Now what the kriff am I looking for?" She muttered to herself as she continued to walk along the beach.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Kyell Laysel Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam @dunno who else

Kyell Laysel



Iris Arani Iris Arani Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan | Open for interaction
Unlike the Padawans who were scattered across the beach around him, Kyell had hardly suffered through the war. They were all dealing with their personal problems and this beach trip seemed to be a moment for them to relax and let go of the stress that likely haunted them daily. But Kyell had hardly been involved in conflict yet, and the only thing he struggled with was a problem that had been with him his entire life. A problem that Ara had helped him with more than she likely knew.
Those personal struggles didn't really affect him that much anymore though — he had already learned to live with them. So after arriving at the beach in his shorts and a simple t-shirt, Kyell had put down a towel near the water and quietly looked across the horizon with a relaxed smile.
As he watched, the musical tones of the world around him would pass through his mind, creating a calming symphony that captured the essence of Spira perfectly. Finally, he reached for the flute he had brought along with him, and quietly, he began to play along to the melody of the Force he perceived.
Justice had yet to gain the confidence Iris Arani Iris Arani seemed to display. While he had grown used to the cybernetic which had replaced his entire right arm, he had not grown accustomed to putting the metal arm on display. Swimming, a day at the beach, it only forced the young padawan back into the shell he’d often hidden in prior to discovering his calling as a Jedi. He did not want to be out among others, but Iris had insisted it would be beneficial.

He wasn’t going to swim if he could avoid it.

For now the young man sat on the beach wondering why they had to go all the way to Spira. If they were gonna have a beach day the resort world seemed to make the most sense. Justice leaned back on the towel he had brought with him. He sighed, taking the plunge to show the whole world his injury. Tossing his shirt to the side, Just finished laying down and closed his eyes. At least he could catch some Sun.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Kyell Laysel Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan


Oh, people actually showed. Why wouldn't they? .. Iris wasn't too sure if the poor message she sent would actually get people to arrive, but it had. She smiled faintly, watching the couple of folks who'd come by. Justice Lesan Justice Lesan was a surprise to her. And.. A welcome one. He wasn't hiding his scars. .. So then she shouldn't either, right? Her gaze fell to her Jedi robe she'd brought along, all to keep covered.

Yeah, she didn't need that.

She slipped out, dressed in a tanktop and some shorts. All of her scars were on display. The ruined flesh of her right side, the missing pinky of her left hand, the scar on her shoulder, chest. War hadn't been kind to the teenager.

"Now what the kriff am I looking for?"

Iris blinked, glancing towards a new face. Oh. Had they met before? Honestly, hard to tell. Iris was terrible at remembering people. But! She still smiled and stepped over, offering a hand. Her less ruined, missing pinky one. "Hey. I don't think we've met..?"
Eliphas was wearing his least formal getup yet, and for a boy raised among the noble caste of Empress Teta, and for whom a neat appearance meant a lot, that was saying something. A simple linen shirt, partially open at the front, and some loose slacks that hung lazily against his legs, he was fully covered though his choice in fabric meant he did not feel the heat the way another might.
A calculated move indeed.
Spira was not somewhere he had visited before, though the resort world was so beautiful he sort of wished he had. That way perhaps Annalis might have seen it too. Maybe he'd suggest it to his parents, for when they next took some time for themselves. Not that such was commonplace, of course, Oskar Dune was a very busy man with a very important job.
He had arrived with Iris, and had found himself a nice spot upon the beach wherein to relax and unwind. Slowly others began to drift in too, though for now he recognized none of them. They all seemed a little... aloof? Like they were unsure what to do, or how to interact. He watched as more towels were set down, and people tried to get comfy under the sun.
Leaving his own towel behind, he approached the group with a smile.
"Hello," he began, never one to shy away from social interactions even if everyone there was new to him bar one, social butterfly, that was Eliphas Dune, "I'm Eliphas. It's nice to meet you all." His gaze shifted over to the water, which was honestly calling for him. He loved to swim, he always had, and beneath his trousers he wore water-appropriate shorts. Still nobody else had approached the waves yet, would it be too soon for him to take the plunge?
"Anyone wanna swim?"
There, now he might not be alone in being the first.
Ara blinked and came to a halt as a familiar face approached her... well, half of a familiar face. While the girl never gave Ara reason to go on the defensive, it didn’t stop her from thinking up a verbal arsenal in the event that such a need arose. Her friendly tone did help at least. ”... We did, actually.” She spoke up as she gave Iris Arani Iris Arani a firm handshake, likely a bit harder than intended. ”Ara Sheridan. We met at that old Jedi temple on New Cov. Didn’t catch your name, though...” Her gaze quickly shifted to another newcomer as he approached them.

Now this guy definitely caught her off guard. She tensed up for a moment as she studied him before a smirk cropped up along her features. ”Bro, I thought my closet was dirt poor. Damn.” She retorted in the typical Sheridan fashion they were known for. The dude suggested a swim and another familiar face gave Ara the perfect way out of the prospect of actually going into the water. She kept her mouth shut and a hard face, but in her mind she finally came to the conclusion that she never set foot into a body of water bigger than a bathtub in her life. Even that was sometimes a stretch. ”Yeah, I’ll uh... I’ll catch up with yall.” She spoke, with a bit more of a shake in her voice than she’d like to admit. ”I... yeah, I’ll hop in later.” Rather quickly the girl pushed her swoop past the two overwhelmingly friendly padawans towards none other than Kyell Laysel of all people.

Thank kriff he was there at least.

Taking another deep, salty breath, she carefully walked up to him from behind and plucked his flute from his hands. With a snicker she sat down next to him on his towel and handed it back to him. ”At least there’s one familiar face around here.” She quipped, wrapping an arm around her friend for a quick hug. ”Uh... what’s with the towels and stuff? Just to lie down on the sand?” She asked him as she looked back to the others. Their clothing was way different from hers... and she was starting to understand why. Perhaps mister Lief Lief and his “dirt poor” closet choice was honestly the smartest choice on the beach. She still needed to figure out a way of saying sorry without actually having to say it.

”Was everyone actually planning on going in?” She asked him carefully. Her gaze shifted to another figure ( Justice Lesan Justice Lesan ) relaxing nearby on a towel as well.

That swoop ride was becoming more appealing by the second.
To be completely honest, Rhemti had listened to the entire message, however he had started to run about collecting anything he might need for this beach day; swim boy totally not excited for swimming.

He left quite quickly after the message was sent, well, after he convinced his Master to let him go, which thankfully wasn't too tough. Despite leaving at what he thought was a reasonable time, he arrived after the rest. His bags hit the ground, the male Nautolan quite literally ditching his items not far from Kyell Laysel and Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan , that wild, excited grin across his face as his feet pounded across the sand.

"Hi Kyell! Hi Ara! Hi Iris!" Rhemti cackled with excitement, waving furiously at the few people he knew as he made his mad dash for the water. "Hi everyone else! Just one moment!" And then he leapt, legit belly flopping into the surf. He lay there atop the water for a moment before sinking slowly, disappearing beneath the waves.

Had he done so purposefully? Yes. Was his plan to break the ice and get those few unsure or uncomfortable padawans to chuckle and maybe feel more at ease? Yes? Did it work? He didnt know yet! Did his face hurt? Yeah a little, but if it all worked out it would all have been worth it.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Justice Lesan Justice Lesan Lief Lief
Just Keep Swimming

Location: Present through hologram
Tags: @everyone


A soft breeze brushed through his blonde hair and cooled him down from the rather warm surroundings. Mathieu was trying to get into as much of a 'beach mood' as he could. The little table fan, responsible for the breeze he experienced, wasn't very powerful but it would have to do. Still, a few things were missing. First of all, he was clad in robes and heavy armour. Secondly, he was lightyears away from the others and instead of sandy beaches and a warm ocean to swim in, all he had was a simplistic conference room in all its metallic glory.

He looked the invitation over once more. Iris Arani Iris Arani had indeed invited him. If he was going to stare death in the face after a few hours, he might as well try to enjoy the present. Even if it would feel a little awkward attending the beachside meet-up via a holocall.

Soon enough, he would try to connect with the holodevice that Iris had brought. It laid among some bags in the sand. Hopefully near enough for someone to notice him. The connection appeared to be weak but sure enough, his bluish image would show from the device. Mathieu's hands fell from their clasped position behind his back to his sides - he was supposed to appear casual, right?

"Hello!" for the time being, he could only hear and see static "Hello? Can anyone hear me? Hello? This is Mathieu Brion, is anyone there?" It was fully possible that the connection wouldn't hold. Or that it would be so poor that whatever he said would be unintelligible for those on the receiving end. Still, there was hope.
Juno arrived just in time to see Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam plunge into the water belly first. The Twi'lek chuckled for a moment, but her smile disappeared pretty quickly. She headed over to Iris Arani Iris Arani with a box in hand. It was the first time she'd seen Iris since Cato Nemoida. Iris would probably be able to tell that Juno felt a bit uncomfortable about it. In fact, she'd probably be able to tell that Juno felt guilty about it.

"Iris I." The words were painful, but Juno forced herself to speak. "I made you a sweater." Juno said and handed the Padawan a box. Upon opening it she'd find a checkered sweater that was hopefully her size, each square a different color from any of the ones next to it.


Oh a lot of things were happening.

Was that what it meant to invite a lot of people? Lots of things happening all at once around her? Iris smiled a little to Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan , nodding her head. She didn't remember much of the temple, asides from Briana's lightsaber and the colors of New Cov. Ah, another time of her being lost to the colors then? "Iris." Then Lief Lief . Her smile immediately brightened. There was only one person she could think of who could handle social interactions better!

Then a beep. She blinked, reaching into the pocket of her shorts to fish out her holocom and clicked it on. Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion showed up. "Mathieu! It's good to see you." Well, his hologram. It didn't show her any of the colors that'd normally come from him.

Close enough, though, right? She'd set down the device so he could at least participate. Just as Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam ran right by to jump into the water. On top of the water? She blinked and tilted her head.

Did that hurt?

She didn't think long on it. Instead, different colors streaked through the otherwise joyful or nervous shades from the others. Guilt and sadness. Iris blinked, glancing around. Who..? Oh. Juno Sabat Juno Sabat . She watched. Listened. Took the box and opened it to see the sweater within. A soft smile formed on her lips as she looked over the various colors before she set it aside, by the holodevice.

Then just pulled the Twi'lek into a tight hug.

"Thank you."

Kyell Laysel



Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam | Open for interaction
Peace and silence.
Probably Kyell's favorite things in the Galaxy — it allowed him to focus and play his music without anything interrupting the melodies or rhythms he used to describe his feelings or the world around him. It didn't matter if other people understood it or not; as long as he did, he was happy. But with so many other Padawans around him, it was only a matter of time before something would happen.
Deep in focus, Kyell did not feel or hear Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan approaching him from behind, so when his flute was suddenly snatched, he almost jumped up, clearly a bit startled. But when the woman sat down beside him and pulled him into a quick hug, he felt his cheeks grow a tad redder. He smiled, took back his flute and nodded in response to her question
It also made him realize that maybe silence wasn't really one of his favorite things. He enjoyed her company, and how much she talked to him.
{"I'm not sure if they are all going to swim, but don't feel pressured to."} he typed to her datapad after quickly grabbing his own. Not sure if she brought hers along, he showed the message from his own display for her to read as well.
{"It's also not that comfortable in jeans."} he smirked at her — it was probably the first time he joked around a bit. Kyell then reached for his datapad because he clearly wanted to ask her something, but sudden movement stopped him from doing so. As he looked up, he could see Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam go for a dive into the water, only to belly flop onto the surface.
Kyell blinked and slowly, his eyes turned to Ara with a look of confusion that quickly turned into an amused grin.
When Iris Arani Iris Arani saw Juno her face didn't have any rage. No regret, no ire, no sorrow. Just a little curiosity, a smile at her gift, and a hug afterwards. It wasn't quite what Juno was expecting.

"You're welcome." Juno said, returning the hug and holding the girl a moment.

"I had a good bit of help. I don't know everyone's comm frequencies, but your friends told me the colors to go for. You have some good ones Iris." Juno added afterwards.

"So I know captain belly flop over there." She pointed to Rhemti. "But I don't know anybody else here. You mind introducing me?"
Kyell Laysel held up his datapad for her to read his message, earning a smirk from the girl. "Oh don't worry, I ain't getting pressured into anything. Hell, the biggest body of-" A bag crashed into the sand next to them as Ara watched Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam charge straight for the sea. With wide eyes Ara grimaced as the Nautolan flopped into the water with one hell of a crash. "... That's got to be the happiest fish I've seen in my life." She muttered, still staring in shock.

Clearing her throat, she glanced back to Kyell as he held up his datapad again. "Dude, you don't need to tell me twice." She chuckled. "I just didn't pack anything for this. Like... I dunno what people do on the beach. I've never even been to a beach. So unless you packed a spare set of shorts, I'm stuck right where I am."

Leaning back slightly, Ara dug her hands into the warm sand behind them and basked in the sunlight. It was peaceful, pleasant even. The water seemed quite inviting, and all the others in their swimwear were making her feel left out. "Kark it, I'm gonna find some shorts." She muttered, getting up and sliding onto her swoop before starting it up with an obnoxiously loud rumble. She blasted off to her ship and returned a few minutes later in the same obnoxiously loud manner wearing a pair of shorts and an exercise shirt that sat a bit better. "Alright come on!" She encouraged Kyell as she halted and walked over to the group of padawans.

She looked at Lief Lief , Iris Arani Iris Arani and Juno Sabat Juno Sabat as she walked past. "Alright come on losers! I can't even swim and I'm going in!" She called out to them. The sand beneath her bare feet was hot... but a nice hot. Comfortable.

With beaming confidence she marched into the ocean until she was almost entirely submerged... and immediately turned back around with a nervous look to exit the water. "Nope! That shit's cold and I ain't drowning toda-!" A wave smashed into her, slamming her flat onto the beach with a groan.



Just had heard the question…

Does anyone want to swim?

His eyes looked up toward the person who had asked the question. He shook his head and pointed to the arm. It was likely okay to swim, but Justice was still adjusting what he could and could not do with the arm. In truth there was little he could not do that he had been able to before. There were those who might argue it had been an upgrade. Still, while he was not hiding his scars, he was not jumping into the middle of the pack either.

Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam did not wait for anyone to answer before rushing into the water. It was his natural environment, and Just could not blame him. If there were to be a race, it was a no brainer who would win it. He chuckled watching everyone decide whether they were going to get in the water or not. It grew into a full belly laugh when a wave crashed over Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan . If she had not planned on getting into the water, nothing was stopping her now.

There was voice calling through a comm channel which pulled Just’s attention back toward Iris Arani Iris Arani . It was Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion . Justice had never met him before, but had heard about him. Would he finally be joining the ever growing pack? It would be nice to have more dudes around. Dagos was cool, the squid kid was too, but they could always use more especially as the gals seemed to outnumber the guys these days.

“Hey Mathieu… I’m Justice. You on your way or just calling in?”

Tag: Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan | Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider | Kyell Laysel | Iris Arani Iris Arani | | Juno Sabat Juno Sabat | Lief Lief | Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam
His belly flop had worked?! Yes! Oh! Ara was even going to join him! Sweet! Swimming with friends was always more fun! Oh- Hehe.. a wave pushed her over... whoops.

"Ara?" Rhemti's trademark goofy grin show sharp white teeth, his head just barely sticking out of the water amidst the shallows, though the rest of his body was hard to see due to the distortion the water caused, even in the shallows. "I'm no expert, but I don't think one can swim in the sand. Isn't that uncomfortable?" He chuckled, gently poking fun at her, though he was unable to hold back the laugh as he rose up out of the water, extending a hand down to his Zabrak friend.

"You alright?" He was more serious this time, his tone warm as he was no longer being the goofball, just trying to help his friend at this point.

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Justice Lesan Justice Lesan Kyell Laysel Iris Arani Iris Arani Lief Lief Juno Sabat Juno Sabat Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion


Introduce Juno Sabat Juno Sabat to people? Iris hummed at the thought, turning her gaze to the beach and the group of Padawan's that had shown up. Yeah, she could do that! Which she did just by pointing at people.

"That's Justice Lesan Justice Lesan . He and Bri stole our master's Lightsaber and his arm got chopped off with it cause of a Sithspawn. That's Lief Lief , he likes to draw like I do. He's really nice. This is Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion . He's reaaallly big. Like, super tall. .. I dunno the other two that well though. Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan just introduced herself and seems really nice! And.. I dunno the last one." That one being Kyell Laysel. She nodded though, seeming super proud of herself for introducing people for the first time in her life.

Kyell Laysel



Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam | Open for interaction
Sadly, Kyell hadn't brought more clothing along, so all he could offer Ara was a shake of his head and an almost apologetic smile. But it didn't seem to matter — she quickly jumped on her swoop bike and returned a bit later, changed into clothing more appropriate for the water. The loud noise of her bike's engine didn't really seem to bother him too much, but he was less thrilled about being encouraged to dive into the water himself.
He was perfectly happy where he was.
"Alright come on!" Ara told him, and he just smiled nervously while he climbed up to his feet in return, not wanting to disappoint her by being too anti-social.
So with only a little bit of hesitation, he followed her to the water and remained at the shore while she went in to find out just how cold the ocean water was. He couldn't help but grin a little and did his best to hide it, as she swiftly turned around with an expression that betrayed her feelings about it.
Then the wave hit her, and knocked her off her feet, causing Kyell to blink and stare in her direction for a moment. Wait, I should probably check on her. He blinked again and quickly moved over to see if she was alright. Being this close to the water, he decided against bringing his datapad, so only his worried smile showed what was going through his head.
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Just Keep Swimming

Location: Present through hologram
Tags: @everyone


Mathieu's eyes followed the blueish holograms as they fluttered. The image of a neutolan doing a belly flop fluttered by, causing the large Morellian to let out a slightly confused chuckle. What was going on? Next, the image disappeared before Iris flashed by - it was promising for it indicated that the devices were probably picking up each other's signatures and establishing a more smooth exchange of information.

Soon enough, more figures started to appear. Most of them, he had never met with before. A smile appeared on his lips as Iris' voice could be heard and before too long, plenty of background noise was being picked up too. "Hello!" this time, he said it as if he actually had a specific person to greet rather than just hollering it blindly into the void. "It is good to see you too. It has been too long."

His eyebrows rose as he saw Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan being hit by a wave. It was almost hard to recognise her for they had not met in quite some time. She was catching up quickly. But still, it was clear to him that it was her. Shaking his head with an amused smile, his attention returned to the ones gathered in his immediate vicinity.

"Justice" he called out in response to being greeted by his fellow padawan. "I'm just calling in." Mathieu threw a glance at the door behind him - it probably didn't show up in the hologram - before turning back to him "I'm a bit too far away to make it there in time." A brief pause followed before he blurted out "Good name" While the sentence was said with enough confidence and conviction for him not to appear like a complete fool, Mathieu was certain that it was something which others had commented on many, many times in the past.

Perhaps it was fortunate that Iris intervened to introduce a Twi'lek. Unfortunately, he did not catch her name but would nevertheless wave his hand at her upon being mentioned. "Thanks for the introduction" he nodded to their host before turning his attention to Juno "And who might you be?"
Iris Arani Iris Arani was at once the best and worst person to introduce people to. Juno smiled at her introductions, but also wondered how she might introduce Juno to someone else.

"Thank you Iris. We should fix that last one." Juno replied with a smile. She made a note to talk to Kyell. Before she could however, she was spoken to by . . . a hologram? Apparently a hologram that was very tall. But was he tall on the inside or the outside? One could never tell with holograms.

"I'm Juno." She replied to Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion . "I'm new. People here seem nice though." She put on a small grin. "I've got to ask. What gets a guy to telecon to a swim party?"

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