Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance.​
So I recently picked up this game on the Playstation 4 and though I found it immensely difficult to get into, I'm finding that I'm falling in love with the environment and setting of the middle-age. I was wondering if others had picked this one up and what their thoughts were despite the terrible amount of bugs that plague the title...-Because yes, they are rife within this game!


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for myself but my hubby has Kingdom Come. I... I barely even see him anymore.

Hahaha he does complain about the bugs a little, but he thoroughly enjoys it. Like you I think it's the setting that he likes, along with the organic way that you skill up and stuff.
[member="Kaili Talith"]

Though it pains me to agree, nail on the head with that response >.<

I grinned...-And cringed simultaneously.


I can however relate to your Hubbardo! There's a sense of realism mixed in among the fantasy of the age that I found difficult to pick up at first, yet continue going back to the Title for more...-It gets better the more time I invest into it <3

It's pretty nice. The bugs aren't that bad honestly, and they just released their 1.3.1 patch a few days ago that shaved a few of those off. The only ones that I've experienced are some jankiness when riding your horse through the forest and getting stuck on things. Otherwise it's been hella fun.
On the subject, I'm thinking of picking up a title for the PC. The Frame-rate on the PS4 is pretty terrible for this game.

Lock-picking is also extremely awkward, which I'm assuming a Mouse and Keyboard would make it far easier.
I thought i bought a medieval RPG.

It seems I bought a Medieval Detective game.

Where is Phil?

I don't know no phil.

You're lying.

Phil is over there.

Are you Phil?


You're lying. You're Phil.

Yeah. I'm Phil. But you want Eric.

Where is Eric.

I don't know no Eric.

You're lying.

Yeah you're right. He is over there.


I stopped playing because I'm so garsh dern sick of being a mother flre Private Investigator. It's a shame too because I love the game. Although, once you get plate armor and learn how to Riposte it's kind of a breeze. BUT YOU DON'T GET INTO ENOUGH FIGHTS TO WARRANT IT. BECAUSE YOU'RE TRYING TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY, GANG.
Okay holy crap...Some games are brilliant on the PS4 but the difference between that and PC for this title is actually quite game-changing.

I've bought it on Steam and running it at very high settings, it's been immaculate <3

Easily just sank the first two hours into the game lol.

I don't think I've been this engrossed in a PC-RPG since Gothic II >.<
It's REALLY buggy, like the main quest stopped my progress for three (RL) days because somebody wouldn't wake up. Their fix? make it so you can just wake them up without their "I want to sleep thing" because apparently it never occurred to developers that in real life... you tend to be able to wake somebody up in an emergency.

The combat is meh, like bows and arrows are irritating to use most of the time. Especially with 50 different types of arrows which all do different things. Melee fighting isn't hard for any other reason than the controls being awkward. Getting your character to lock onto the enemy you want to fight, which when being ganged up on it's awesome to be able to get rid of the weaker guys first and then worry about the strong guy. Also the game doesn't really give a damn about your character build when it comes to combat as proven with your fight with Runt. If your stealth or bow focused? TOO BAD! dead match on a church in close quarters it is! (so much for choice)

Romance is shallow, like I courted Theresia and after you boink her... nothing? like REALLY? what's the point of having a courtship system in the game if it ultimately is just a notch on your bed post. Like you think it's going to lead somewhere but ultimately it really doesn't. Adding on that most characters in general are pretty bland and one-dimensional. Freaking GTA5 manages to do this better. This is the same with all the other women also where you boink them and then nothing happens.

It's not a true RPG, dialogue, combat and the world are just too restrictive. Even the world is amazingly empty with anything really that amazing, I know it's based on medieval Bohemia but after trying really hard to get into the exploration part of it.. I just started quick travelling everywhere because the woods held very little interest to me. It just gets you more beds to sleep in and let's be honest... with how quickly you can travel between towns was getting enough sleep every REALLY an issue? hell was getting enough food or water ever a issue for anybody?

The survival aspect would mean more if it was harder to survive but making money is so easy and food is available practically everywhere. Also getting to the next town, inn or camp is just SO easy. Why bother with the survival stuff at all? Also no money for food? just eat from one of the million pots at any campfire.

It's their first game so in that they get a lot of leeway but definitely a game that was overhyped. Also In saying that, I never actually looked into the game much until just before it came out so their wasn't really high expectations.

EDIT: Also, limited saves when your game is REALLY buggy was a horrible idea. It doesn't add it difficulty just frustration
I modded out the save system. That irked me.

Other than that, it's a good game. It has it's issues but meh, I haven't had anything that's been seriously gamebreaking just yet.
I'm probably trying to breath life into a dead horse here but I've been playing this a lot lately and having finished other games and now having just this one to waste my time on, I've found it's become bloody addictive. Unless you're on PC, you'll also want a hard copy (I've got it on Steam and PS4 - Digital and Hard Copy versions). The loading time is significantly shorter on the Console through a hard copy of the Game, though still not enough to avoid being a little bothering, you can at-least expect to play within a moment.

Ashes to Ashes DLC has also given it an interesting twist, essentially rebuilding a Village though I won't say anything beyond that. I've been enjoying the hunting which aside from killing people and robbing them, is the best way to make money that I've found so far. The Combat also gets a lot easier the more time you put into the training as well as being very dependent on the Armor you're wearing.

Having bought three copies, two of which were digital, I'm relieved to be loving the title as much as I am lol.


Disney's Princess
Bought it for $60 US. Then my main quest glitched out in Sasau, empty quest log bug, and ended my play through abruptly. Still. Great peasant simulator. Would peasant again anytime. Damn bugs everywhere though. Glitch glitch glitch. Bleh. I think I logged, mmm... 60 hours on steam.

Would recommend at $35 US as is.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]


When did you last play it? A Patch came out yesterday on the PS4, I'm assuming they'd have patched the PC Version too.


Disney's Princess
[member="Veiere Arenais"]

It was just before the DLC dropped. I'll probably give it another look after I'm done with Monster Hunter World release. Cheers dude. :)

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