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Faction Knighthood | New Jedi Order

The Force
Hall of Knighthood,
Jedi Temple, Coruscant

The hall was bare, muted, and dark, save for the circle of light on which they stood. A sole, cerulean blade erected upwards broke the silence with its familiar hum as Dagon Kaze stepped forward to approach the two kneeling figures in the center of the circle - Jem Fossk Jem Fossk and Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , his two apprentices. . Beneath the steel facade of composure and the rigid lines of numerous scars, his heart paced wildly. He was holding his breath for a minute now.

With each step towards the two, a thousand mutual memories flooded into his mind as if he was reliving his whole life once more.

Jem. The one burdened by a prophecy of her father -- the fallen Sith'ari Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis -- to bend the Force itself and shape the galaxy into a new reality; a dark nightmare without the light of the Jedi. Corrupted by the Dark Lord, she fell to the Dark Side leaving in her wake a reign of terror and destruction as the New Sith Order cut through the galaxy and into its Core. On the precipice of a galactic apocalypse, she had found the strength and will to reach for the Light. An epochal, valiant reach that had culminated into the death of the Dark Lord.

Corin. The stray boy from the streets of Denon, toiling under the weight of injustice across the galaxy. His life was to end in the gutters of the lawless world, another victim of the chaos that plagued the universe. Given purpose by the way of the Jedi, his survivalist nature struggled with the rigidness of their methods at first before being baptized in fire across the numerous battles against the Sith to become who he is now.

For all the perils they had faced together, for all the obstacles they had overcome, it was not the strength of their will or the unwavering endurance that brought them to this hall today.

But it was the fire of hope they could kindle in the darkest of places and the darkest of souls.

"By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, Jem Fossk," his blade weaved over from one shoulder of hers to the other, "Corin Trenor--" a step to the right, followed by the same motion over Corin's shoulders, "I dub thee--"
"Knights of the Jedi Order."

"You may rise."

Moments after they rose, the Hall would blink back to life, showering the area with light and caving the darkness away as the ceremony ended.

The doors to the Hall would open to any fellows that might await to congratulate them. ​
After such an austere ceremony, Yula wasted no time in marching through the open doors and making a show of throwing her arms around both Jem and Corin.

"I can't believe it—the kids are all grown up!" She announced loudly, hugging them tight.

"Promise you'll still visit us when we're in the retirement home."

As flamboyant as she was in this moment, she'd watched them both grow up from the confines of their tiny home on Denon. Jem and Corin were family.

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Corin Trenor Corin Trenor Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
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Outfit | Weapon | Appearance


Outfit | XoXo
Location | Classified
Tag | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Open

"Are those gray hairs I'm seeing, Dag?" Valery asked after she managed to sneak up behind him a little while others entered the room and drew attention to themselves. It had been a little while since she had shown herself very openly — the loss of her husband had been difficult to process, and there was still something somber about the way she felt in the Force. But even in these difficult times, she managed to offer her friend a warm smile.

"You've done a good job though," she added as her eyes shifted over to Corin Trenor Corin Trenor and Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , who were currently getting hugged to death by Yula Perl Yula Perl .

"Planning to train a new wave or is it finally time for some rest?"


Not worthy...

The two words clouded what should have been the best day of her life. What her father had done to her would always be there— a brush of darkness that she would live her life denying— But it wasn't the darkness that weighed her down today. It was her own self doubt.

She lingered on that floor, her knee pressed into wash of light underneath her. She breathed it in and then forced herself to stand. It wouldn't be the first time this year Jem had to chosen to be something better than she was.

It had gotten her this far, hadn't it? She glanced at Corin and wondered if he was feeling the same way. Yula interrupted the thought with a massive, crushing... warm hug. Jem softened slightly into it, her fingers brushing fabric as she gripped her back.

A spark of excitement thudded in her chest. Her golden skin shimmered slightly.

"Alright, alright, enough," she protested. She pried herself out of Yula's arms and managed a step back from the crowd. "It's not like I'm going anywhere-- eesh."

"You said we were just coming in for supplies,"
she accused to Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze under her breath.
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In a flash, the years vanished. From the harsh streets of Denon plagued with acid rain to the still air in the halls of the Prosperity; from the wartorn battlefields forged in the fires of the Sith's own hatred to the muted laughs in an apartment shared between some sort of a found family; the busted skulls of the rotten and damned to the streaks of lightning that left the fingertips of a Dark Lord and tore a brutal path through his once-adolescent body; the bump of raised flesh across his abdomen, a constant reminder of Jem and the lessons learned carved into his frame.

It all made him, him. Good, and bad.

He found a small, prideful smile stretch across his features with a turn across to Jem. To see if that pride was mutual, a shared experience between the two as Corin rose up onto his feet in full and settled those eyes onto Dagon instead. It was a warm smile instead, although still so full of pride. How could one not, Corin mused, to become a Jedi Knight and not feel that wave of boastful energy come over him. Felt, yet not said. The Padawan in him wished to be loud, be proud, as if to brag in a sense, but the Knight he became elected to be different. To be better.

Corin searched for the right words, his attempt stolen out from under him in the form of a hug. A pink vice embraced him and Jem together after an all too loud call, the kind that forced a slight grimace and a twitch to his brow. But in truth, a faint laugh followed. An arm of his own moved down to return the familial affection.

"Oh, no you're there forever. That's how I escape you two." He smirked, "Is that a grey?"



Location: Coruscant Temple
Objective: Watch the ceremony
Tag: Corin Autem Corin Autem / Jem Fossk Jem Fossk / Valery Noble Valery Noble


Silas had been quietly watching and observing the knighting from across the room. It was the first time he had come to a ceremony like this for those he knew to a certain point. Corin was a kid he got to know from the Ilum invasion, he seemed more rebellious than the rest and more conflicted, but that must of passed since they had last spoken in order for him to become a knight. Jem on the other hand was a girl he had to know briefly. Master Valery tasked him to check on her on in a remote temple, and at that time she was quite upfront with him.

With folded arms, he watched on from his spot, silent and observing as the others went to offer their congratulations to the new knights. One day that would be him, older and more experienced to take on new responsibilities. It was just a matter of whether he was going to be alive by that time. War was always so unpredictable...

He didn't want to bother the main group just yet, considering Yula was trying to suffocate the new knights with hugs and Valery chatting up a storm. It was only right to lean up against the wall and take in the atmosphere, when the time was right that's when he'd go say what was on his mind.

Who knew what Jedi they'd become


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk

As he watched the knighting ceremony, Jasper felt a turning in his stomach. It seemed so strange that all of this was happening. After all, it hadn't been too long ago that the two knights that were the center of attention were padawans like him, fighting on the torn surface of Ilum. It made him wonder, perhaps a bit selfishly at that, when he would be up there. All Jasper had ever wanted to be was a Jedi Knight. Such a thing seemed so far away, especially having no master of his own. Still, he couldn't help but feel that, somehow, there was a payoff to his struggle. Just not yet.

Jasper's eyes caught the sight of his friend Silas towards the back of the hall. As the present crowd went to congratulate the pair, he made his way towards his fellow padawan, leaning against a pillar.

"That's gonna be us one day," Jasper stated, his gaze fixed on Corin and Jem. "What do you think it feels like? Y'know, being a knight and all."
Be careful what you wish for.

"Knighthood lies above eternity; it doesn't live off fame, but rather deeds." ― Dejan Stojanovic, The Sun Watches the Sun

Putting down and disengaging his lightsaber (as the tradition is to keep it skyward until the ceremony was complete), Caltin felt serene. The last time that he had been to a ceremony in this temple, it was for another. One who earned his Knighthood in ways no other had before. Caltin had actually managed to learn how to inspire others from him, it was an amazing ability to have that came naturally to the Native of Tatooine. He was one who had deserved this, one who would prove to be one of the greatest of them all if given the chance.


We won’t debate about whether he was truly given that chance or not.

Back to the reason that they were here, Jem Fossk Jem Fossk and Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Padawans under the tutelage of Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze . Kaze was a good man, a good Knight with skills ranging far and wide, he was the perfect Master for the both of them, personality and educationally speaking. He had met each of them previously, and could not say that he knew them personally but was inwardly glad to be here. Not merely for congratulatory purposes but because to be a true “Order” a true “Community”, a true “Family” you must, must, must be there for the good, not just the bad.

This was not something he was here for every day, but the big man had something to offer. His approach was nowhere near as boisterous as @Yula Perl’s but more refined. Hands clasped, doing his best not to look like he had a piece of Durasteel trying to pierce his tailbone (or a less appropriate term to which you are probably realizing at this point), he stopped short.

Congratulations to the two of you. Jem, if I may say so, you embody the phrase “Light will always shine even in darkness.” So if you do not mind, I would like to offer you a couple of words: “You never know what's around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you've climbed a mountain.”

I would say that you are going to be an amazing Jedi, but you have already proven that you are. I hope you are proud of yourself for this, as there are a lot of us around you who are already.

Then he turned to Corin.

You sir, are a prick.

He laughed and waved his right hand dismissively.

Though I am joking, there is nothing wrong with that. You have a way of speaking that may rattle others, but is truly thought provoking. I have been at this a long time and thought that I had seen it all and heard it all. In the few conversations I have had with you, I have learned more about myself and the universe around me than I had in a long time. You have shown an ability to lead not only on the battlefield but in public and in general and that in itself is a rare gift that you have. Like Jem, you are just what the Jedi need at this point in many respects. If I may offer you some words of advice as well: "To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine in every moment of your life."

Looking between them, he nodded.

For what it may be worth, you have both earned my respect, I’ll be proud to stand beside the both of you any day in the future. May the Force be with you both.

With an actual bow, something he never does (always a “headnod”) Caltin let them go about other conversations and walked over to both Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze and Valery Noble Valery Noble , and offered a handshake.

Well done. I won’t pander and say that they are like your kids, but those bonds form and you become close enough to be “family. That being said, think about this for a second… Letting go is hard. But harder still is not letting them reach their full potential.

Stopping for a second as if realizing something…

Yeah… that made me feel old… heh.

Glancing back at Valery he jokingly cringed.


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
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It had been a little while since Kara had made an appearance during a public event. Previous invites had been refused due to personal matters that took precedence for the Padawan. But this was going to be her first time witnessing a Knighthood, and she just had to see that with her own eyes.

From what she had read during her early days on the Prosperity, they had a full on knighting, like the old days, but with a lightsaber rather than a sword. It was adorably traditional in Kara’s mind, and something she had to see.

Alas, by the time she slipped into the Hall of Knighthood she had been just a bit too late. But in time to see the two newly anointed knights be smothered in affection by Yula.

Kara chuckled quietly, her gaze drifted around the room in search of familiar faces. She spotted Valery, lingering on the Jedi Master for a few moments before she saw a pair of very familiar Padawans.

Feeling accomplished and deserving of it, hopefully.” She chimed in, walking over to Silas and Jasper. “Although I imagine feeling like we’re ready to take that next step is the most important.
Even though both Jem Fossk Jem Fossk and Corin Trenor Corin Trenor had come along after him, yet were being knighted first, Kai wasn't mad about it for once. He may have started earlier, but he knew his time hadn't come yet.

He watched from the sidelines as Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze performed the necessary rituals, standing near Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Kara Jade Kara Jade and Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . The other Padawans were commenting on the ceremony, with Jasper asking what it felt like and Kara offering up a decent answer.

<Worried,> Kai added, with an unusual amount of empathy for his rivals. <Anxious about the future. Wondering if they'll shape up, or if it'll be too much for them to handle after all.>

Though he unfortunately missed hearing Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor jokingly call Corin a prick, he did overhear Valery Noble Valery Noble asking Dag if he planned to take on any new Padawans. Kai couldn't help but stare, waiting to hear the answer, but not really daring to hope.
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Jand stood silently toward the rear of the gathered Jedi and allies.

The Padawan wore his robes, the hood up over his black hair, as he watched the ceremony. It was simple, tradition-driven likely, but those involved seemed somber and reflective. Jand's dark eyes slowly shifted to those nearer him, as he listened to the words they shared, with some acting as though some metamorphism had occurred for the two newly appointed Knights.

"They should feel no different," Jand muttered. "They have gained new titles, deservingly so. Yet, nothing else has changed, save perspective of responsibility, and now being in positions to make their own decisions... they are Jedi, they will continue to do Jedi things. It is that simple."

Jand did glance toward Kai Bamarri, however, with dark grey eyes.

"Nonsense," The pale Padawan said. "They are both capable Jedi, skilled and strong, they should only relish this opportunity. Your words more likely mirror your own concerns, which should be addressed before your own knighthood."

With arms crossed, Jand continued to watch the two Knights speak with others, noting the presence of several Jedi Masters. There was a moment of contemplation on his young face, before Jand raised his eyebrows and looked to the others:

"Will there be food at this ceremony? I ask because I did not eat, as ceremonies tend to include feasts, yes? But I smell no food."



Location: Coruscant Temple
Objective: Watch the ceremony
Tag: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el / Kara Jade Kara Jade / Jand Talo Jand Talo / Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

"That's gonna be us one day,"

Silas looked in the direction of a familiar voice and nodded to his fellow padawan, Jasper. He also seemed quite curious as to what it would feel like getting such a high honor "I just hope that I feel everything I worked for was worth it" Silas said honestly back to the boy, just before another padawan chimed in to voice her own opinion on the matter. However, this one seemed more certain than the previous statement Jasper said.

"Yea, you can't step into something so important without knowing you're ready for the next level. With the increased responsibilities, you'll constantly have more lives to look after. You need to put them first compared to yourself" he said as he kept his eyes on the group of people congratulating the new knights. There was going to be a new kind of worry and stress that came with it, and he couldn't help but feel that Kai was right one way or another.

When the less subtle Jand make his presence known he seemed to direct it to more personal belief than anything. Something which was also quite understandable. If you didn't have the drive and belief of making a difference, you wouldn't last long as a knight by any means.

"All of you are right one way or another" he stated with a firm nod to confirm his thoughts "I suggest when it comes to it you're ready for everything that comes at you. Especially if you're expected to pick up a padawan"
"Nonsense. They are both capable Jedi, skilled and strong, they should only relish this opportunity. Your words more likely mirror your own concerns, which should be addressed before your own knighthood."

Kai immediately shot Jand a glare, but fought the urge to snap something in response or otherwise make his annoyance known. (He really wanted to stick his tongue out at Jand…) It seemed like lately all his fellow Padawans had been taking turns picking on him, consequently making Kai more prickly and defensive. After the spar with Corin, they all saw him as the violent kid who started fights. Jand probably believed Kai had no right to even be a Jedi in the first place… and deep down Kai feared the same, which only made the insult nestled within his words sting all the more.

But he pried his gaze off of the other boy, turning back to the ceremony without another word. To his surprise, Silas spoke up in his defense. Well, all their defenses, actually. He’d said they were all right, one way or another.

Whatever, I’ll take it. Maybe you’re not so bad after all, Westgard.

<There's gotta be food. They were all in a rush this morning about making sure the caterer wasn't too early or too late.>



Ah right this was happening.

Iris scrambled in her small apartment, throwing aside clothing, art supplies, papers she'd scattered about. Till she found it. A datapad. The Padawan flashed a grin as she turned it on just in time to watch the live feed from Domxite. Well as live as she could get with the signal traveling to Denon.

She plopped down in her rolly office chair, sliding back just a bit in the process and just watched.

"Congrats you two. Well, I'll say it when they can hear me, heh." Domxite just chirped in response.



Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Tag: @Too Many

With one hand on the door, Briana slipped in quietly at the back, her bright blue eyes flitting around the room to try and catch sight of a familiar face, able to note a few that she'd become acquainted with, but many more with whom she wasn't, prompting her to hitch herself off to the side on one of the statues podiums that lined the wall, her booted feet dangling above the ground as the crowd amassed and the knighting ceremony reached its pinnacle.

So, it seems that the Jedi aren't above a bit of pageantry after all. The thought of it brought an amused smile to the young Sal-Soren's face that dimmed marginally at the second thought, Brandyn would have loved this.

She didn't know much about the two being knighted other than what Iris had told her and what she'd heard from around the temple, but nevertheless, she wished them both luck in their future.

A doubtlessly challenging, yet fulfilling journey that laid ahead of them.


Location: Coruscant
Wearing: Padawan Garb
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Kara Jade Kara Jade | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

There were Padawans being knighted at the Coruscant temple apparently. It was something she had only heard about while she was checking out the library on what knowledge it had for certain Makashi and a couple Force powers that she had been practising lately. Spending time in the library, it had been interesting to see the way that the Galactic Alliance worked and how the New Jedi Order worked within the temple. Dreidi was deeply curious about how these Jedi factions were working, some day she would have to return to the Silver Jedi and see how they were operating after all these years. When she had overheard the news of a knighthood being performed, Dreidi couldn't help but be curious to see the event, to finally be a Knight after years of hard work, dedication and striving to improve. The ceremony must be grand and exciting.

Dreidi dressed in her Jedi clothing, not going full robes but clothing she identified as her casual Jedi outfit. It was an event but she didn't think robes would be needed or expected, and she never liked how the robes hung on her. Too baggy, too loose and very bland colours. She was dressed, her hair in a loose ponytail that draped over her shoulder and her Lightsaber clipped to her belt. Cracking her knuckles, Dreidi was ready to check out the ceremony. Curious to see how the event went, hoping that it wouldn't be too long or drag out. Nothing was worse than an event that dragged for hours for no reason than tradition.

Watching, Dreidi was stunned when it barely lasted a minute. A small speech, the Lightsaber hovered over their shoulders and they were knighted. Dreidi was taken aback by all this, did she need to prepare for this? Was this all that the Jedi did for Padawans becoming a Knight? The hours she slaved away, the torture, the pain she had to overcome both physically and emotionally to be ready for the trials and all that would climax in a ceremony that lasted a heartbeat. Dreidi felt wronged for the new Knights, for the Padawans watching this. Surely they deserved more, deserved better. Then realisation kicked in, it was selfish, foolish, childish to want a big ceremony. To have all the attention and pompousness, it was her lack of discipline kicking in again. It wasn't the ceremony that mattered, it was the recognition from peers, from old mentors that you were ready. Dreidi sighed, she had far to go it would seem.

Looking around, she could see other Padawans watching and talking amongst themselves. She was chewing herself out for the pettiness she had been thinking about and gave her own congratulations to the two new Knights. Nodding her head in respect to both before slinking back into the crowd. Unsure what to do or who to talk to.

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Kara Jade Kara Jade , Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri , Jand Talo Jand Talo

The answers were about what he expected, given the personalities of the others... all accept for Kai. It was surprisingly mature, given the fact that he had headbutted Corin back at the sparing event a while back. Still, he resonated the most with what Silas had said. It was, after all, a complicated matter. The experience of becoming a Jedi Knight was different for everyone. It made him wonder what such a thing would be like for him...

<There's gotta be food. They were all in a rush this morning about making sure the caterer wasn't too early or too late.>

"That's great," Jasper sighed with relief, clutching his stomach. "I was almost late to the ceremony, so I was sort of in a rush. I haven't eaten all day..."

Food didn't seem like a priority at the time. Even if he wasn't very familiar with Jem and Corin, there was no way Jasper wasn't showing up to support his former padawan peers. It was a show of respect, even if he didn't always agree with their methodology.
Jem resisted the urge to withdraw into herself as Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor addressed her. She use to be the kind to seek out praise. Now the attention made her skin crawl with discomfort. She could only nod in thanks.

She stepped back and let Corin hold the limelight. He was good for that, at least. That and... maybe stopping a bullet or two before it hit her. As much as she once hated it, she understood why he was here.

Prick and all.

"Is that a grey?"

"Pretty sure he got that one from you." She pushed on Corin Trenor Corin Trenor in that way they always did, Knighthood be damned. She braced for a shove back, but he would find her grinning.
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"Thank you," Corin said with warmth, a soft smile crept across his lips as the newly dubbed Jedi Knight nodded in respect. To see someone that hailed from the Silver Jedi and regard them with anything more than bitter resentment seemed to be a moment of growth for him. Yet their discussion, no matter how brief, afforded Corin insight his otherwise stubborn and combative ways would never allow him to recieve. A better sign in an otherwise dark future, with the Sith and the Imperials still on the move. "I'll remember your advice."

He turned to Jem with a smirk, a common sight she undoubtedly had seen hundreds if not thousands of times by now. "Oh, no I mean on Yula." Corin let eyes fall onto the Zeltron instead, "Just makes me wonder if retirement age really is coming up soon."


Hall of Knighthood,
Jedi Temple, Coruscant

Yula, as per her own high eccentric standard, was first to congratulate both newly anointed Knights as loud as these tranquil halls could possibly survive. She always seemed to take it up a notch when surrounded by Jedi and the reason was never really made clear to the raven-haired Jedi.

"Promise you'll still visit us when we're in the retirement home."

"Are those gray hairs I'm seeing, Dag?"

"Is that a grey?"

Uhh, the sudden battery of implications swiveled him into finding the closest reflection of himself. His head tilted about, scrounging to find a single thread of grey hair only to grunt at his own spark of vanity.

"You've done a good job though,"

"Thanks, Val." he replied with a soft grin curving his lips. There was no hiding the pride the Knight felt over his apprentices' ascension.

"Planning to train a new wave or is it finally time for some rest?"

"Erm..." he contemplated, "...if such is the will of the Force." he shrugged, then brushed away the spotlight from himself and embraced the Jedi Master, whispering in her ear as he rubbed her back briefly. "My condolences, Val." Dagon squeezed her close. Kahlil's valiant sacrifice was an immeasurable tragedy but also a tale of unfathomable heroism in the face of the ultimate adversity; a man born and bred to be the scion of darkness who rebelled against the shadow of a wicked legacy bestowed upon his shoulders and his own kin. Kahlil was the testament of the power of redemption and the strength of the Light Side.

The Knight reluctantly pulled back from their embrace, knowing too well she would be the first to protest against casting gloom over the kindle of hope the Knighthood procession offered. Such was the burden of the Jedi, and especially the Sword. To hold its proverbial steel high up in the stars as a beacon of hope, to never know peace for peace was reserved for others; those that would take shelter in the burden you lift off their shoulders.

"You said we were just coming in for supplies,"

Jem's accusation stole his glance and he shrugged with a smug smirk on his face. "Guess we'll have to revise those investigative lessons again, huh."

And then the unmistakable voice and size of Master Vanagor approached both Valery and Dagon. Rarely did the raven-haired Knight feel small with his own height was enviable but the towering figure of the Master was something else. And yet, beyond the size of rancor, the Jedi Master was as gentle as a voorpak and as wise as an uvak. A man, much like Valery, that had been flung from the tendrils of an ancient time to this new age to aid the fledgling Jedi in their service to the Light and their duty to protect the galaxy from all evil.

Well done. I won’t pander and say that they are like your kids, but those bonds form and you become close enough to be “family. That being said, think about this for a second… Letting go is hard. But harder still is not letting them reach their full potential.

"Thank you, Master Vana-- Caltin" he shook the man's offered hand with a smile. A pang of guilt struck a sullen chord in his heart. Oh, if he only knew how true his words were. Dagon had personally witnessed the pitfall of not allowing 'his birds' to clap their wings without his own precautious hand keeping them stifled in the nest out of overprotectiveness that often crossed into the realm of distrust; distrust that had only galvanized Corin's aggressive behavior and Jem's corruption to the Dark Side. And yet, despite his own failings, the two had persevered and ascended from his suffocating grasp to become sentinels of the galaxy in their own, complete right.

"Just makes me wonder if retirement age really is coming up soon."

"Alright, enough old talk." Dagon's voice boomed and his hands waved the whole group of Jedi to move forward. "C'mon, food and drinks downstairs at the mess hall."

"Stop staring, you won't find a thread of gray hair. C'mon." he ushered them to move. Maybe the smuggled Hutta burgers would keep them off retirement talk and all that.

Dagon dropped at the back of the moving horde of padawans to his significant other, an arm wrapping around her shoulders. "Found those apartments for them, yeah?" he jerked his head at Corin and Jem. "Finally some us time, huh?"

I've missed my bedroom.

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Kara Jade Kara Jade | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

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