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Approved Tech Kranak Vizsla's Beskar'gam

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  • Manufacturer: The Quartermaster The Quartermaster
  • Affiliation: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla
  • Market Status: Closed Market.
  • Model: Beskar’gam.
  • Modularity: Yes. Internal Software, Helmet Attachments, Undersuit/Flight Suit, Flak Vests, Pauldrons/Cloaks/Capes, Backpacks, Vambrace Gear, Kama, Holsters, Utility Pouches/Magazine Pouches can be swapped out with mission/bounty/mercenary contract details in mind.
  • Production: Unique.
  • Material:
  • Armor Plating:
    • Pure Beskar (Chestplate, Backplate, Spaulders, Rerebraces, Elbow Pads, Vambraces, Codpiece, Butt plate, Thigh Plates, Kneepads, Greaves, Sabatons).
    • Reflec Coating.
    • Electrical Components (Underneath Chestplate and Backplate of the armor, as well as underneath the armor plating of the Vambraces).
  • Flight Suit and Kama:


  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Other:
      • EMP/Ion: Very High
      • Acid: Average
      • Radiation: Average
      • Electricity: High
      • Vacuum: Average
      • Temperature Extremes: Low
      • Disruptor: None
      • Sonic: Very High
      • The Force: None



  • Protection: The pure beskar armor plates, combined with the underlying protective gear provide a well rounded protection to the wearer against most forms of attacks and environmental hazards.
  • Personal Energy Shield: The energy shield provides protection against most conventional forms of attacks. Moreover, the energy shield generator is embedded underneath the armor plating of the chestpiece, providing EMP/Ion protection to the personal shield generator.
  • Interactive Heads-up Display: The wearer of the armor can control vambrace armaments, sensors, etc. with verbal commands, eye movements and blinking.
  • Sensors and Targeting Software: The sensor and Targeting Software installed in the Interactive Heads-up Display enhances the fighting capabilities of the wearer greatly. The targeting software -coupled with an electrorangefinder and the weapon data the user is wielding the iHUD can obtain- gives the wearer exceedingly fast and accurate firing solutions for targets that are far away, as well as adjusting the aiming reticle in the wearer’s iHUD in accordance to the weapon they’re wielding.
  • Tactical Advantage: The helmet’s heads-up display can receive and relay combat and/or mission related data (such as highlighting enemy HVT’s in friendlies’ HUD’s, receiving/relaying mission status updates, etc.) to and from friendlies.
  • Reflec Coating: Reflec coating of the armor and the flight suit warps the electromagnetic signals used in sensors, providing some form of protection against scanner -as well as infrared and thermal- based detection.
  • Cortosis-weave Lining: The flight suit of the wearer is woven with cortosis-weave, using armor-weave fabrics. As a result, the fabric can withstand lightsaber blows (do note that the amount of cortosis used on the flightsuit’s fabric is not enough to short out lightsabers).
  • Rocket Boots: The rocket boots can provide the wearer with extra mobility, giving the user a tactical edge in a combat situation if used correctly.


  • Heavy Armor: The armor overall, with the addition of weapons, ammunition, grenades, utility items can become heavy. The wearer of the armor must have above average physical conditioning to wear and move around with it, and even more physical conditioning than above average to move around faster with the armor and additional weight from weapons, ammunition, grenades, utility items.
  • Disruptors: The armor overall does not provide any protection against disruptor weapons and/or disruptor based attacks.
  • The Force: The armor overall does not provide any protection against the Force and Force based attacks.
  • Gaps Between Armor Pieces: Like many Mandalorian armors, the suit of armor does not provide full body coverage. The flight suit is made of Armorweave and can provide protection against some forms of attacks, but high caliber blasters and strong enough explosives can deal damage to the wearer.
  • Personal Energy Shield: While the armor itself has got significant protection against EMP/Ion based attacks, the Personal Energy Shield does not and said attacks can dissipate the shield.
  • Jammers: A strong enough jammer can limit or completely take away the tactical advantages the Interactive Heads-up Display provides. Jammers with said strength can also mess up with the armor’s sensors. Said powerful jammers can also scramble or completely disable the firing solution calculations the heads-up display provides, making the targeting software unreliable until the jammer is disabled or if the wearer is outside of the jammer’s effective range.
  • Limited Flight: Having much smaller fuel cells compared to their Jetpack counterparts, the rocket boots can only provide up to 10 seconds of flight in total before the fuel cells start recharging again.

During the Battle for Tor Valum on Kestri, Kranak was incapacitated after getting caught in the fatality radius of an explosive device. Most of the shock was weathered by the armor, saving the Mandalorian’s life from the deadly blast.

However, the armor was damaged almost beyond recognition. After making a full recovery from his injuries, Kranak saw to it that his armor was restored and upgraded in the skillful hands of the Quartermaster of The Enclave.

Compared to his previous iteration of his armor, this reforged set of beskar’gam’s design and capabilities changed with the Mandalorian’s input for the armor to better accommodate his needs in the field. Most noticeable changes would be an increase in protection and many new features on his heads-up display.

Last edited:
Thank you! I have fixed the problem pertaining the Macrobinocular's link and changed it with the appropriate link.

Additionally, I have changed the following from High to Average:
Temprature Extremes

Are these changes enough or does the submission require one or more stat changes for it to be balanced?
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla

Thank you for the edits. And no, still +1 the ratings. I see this is your first Factory submission, so here is a little help:
  • If you're not sure how this working you can find the Technology Spreadsheet here. You need to copy to your drive first, and after this you're able to use it.
If you need any help, or you have questions, feel free to ask them here in the submission.
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