Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Landfall | The Bryn'adûl and Silver Jedi Concord Junction of Charros IV & Nar Kaaga

The sudden yell from her right caused Aayla to glance over, learning the name of her opponent inadvertently. After that, the blaster fire. She reacted in the same instance, making a point to deflect the first bolt directly back at Galak Galak . The rest were deflected on the move as she scrambled away, and deactivated her saber to dive into a crawl. Something hot scraped along her back, causing her to scream out. Without a doubt one of their blasters had came a little too close. She hid behind a small gathering of long dead soldiers, Bryn, and Concord alike. Listening as there was a brief discourse between her enemies.

His kill? As if... She took the very brief lull to take stock of the situation, and listen to what was happening battle-wide. If she was correct, the longer they stayed there, the less chances they had of repelling the Bryn in any future sorties... She needed to get her people out. Her left hand went back to feel at her back, noting the melted fabric, and the distorted synthweave armor at her back. She wasn't going to keep getting lucky. Spotting one of the field Commanders laying down hell with a heavy repeater, she broke away from her cover, and sprinted over, making sure to kill anything that made the mistake of getting directly in her path before getting to him.

"We're getting out of here, NOW! Sound a retreat, we need to get back to the ships while they're still there."

She took another glance across the battlefield, watching as the Bryn'Adul ruthlessly slaughtered those that stood against them, not to mention watching her own men valiantly kill the invaders. A step taken backwards, she held her saber in the air, and pointed it in the direction they had come from. Not one to particularly enjoy going against her orders, it was obvious they would all die before they got to the turrets; and with the Grandmaster being out of commission, or at least having a greatly reduced capacity the only option left was to cut their losses and retreat.

She still couldn't believe the Pegasus had been crippled though. She was just on it...

Turning, she ran towards the exfil area, rallying any that could hear or see her to follow suit and initiate a full retreat. They weren't going to die for her sake... She didn't want that kind of blood on her hands.

Approaching a Bryn'Adul choke point, she dove forward, having to expend a great deal of energy yet again to engage the entrenched soldiers with her Ataru fighting. Quickly, she had broken a hole through the middle, but they had become a little more privy to fighting, and had begun simply grabbing onto her; not so much trying to kill her, whereas they just wanted to restrict her movement. A heavy hand hit her stomach, and even with the Troopers at her back, the ranks closed behind her. The air having been knocked out of her, it was all to easy for them to restrict her then.

She felt, and smelled them, a group holding her down on the ground. Her head offered up for one of the their troopers to bash with his weapon. While she struggled against it, she was just running on an empty tank. She breathed out, looking up at the Bryn'Adul who simply chuckled, gripping that mace and raising it above his head...

"Bastards..." she mumbled, grimacing at her executioner.

Jax Thio Jax Thio Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor

{OOC: Aayla's unit is reporting a full company retreat,}

Jax Thio Jax Thio Aayla Shan Aayla Shan

Josh fought for awhile longer, but in the end, there was only so many people that they could save with the Bryn coming down on them. The men's and his own strength ran short, and he had to be there to personally ensure that the transports took off. So he did what he never liked to do, but it was necessary. He sounded the retreat.

But as he made his way into the transport with his squad, he could hear an echo in the Force. A Jedi in peril. Josh was up to his feet and already intending to leap out and jump to the rescue, but... He knew he 'd never make it in time. But he was able to sense another presence heading her way, and that was that of Jax Thio Jax Thio who was off to play hero.

A small smile spread across his face. The first thing he did was use some of the last stretches of his strength to enable Thio with Force Speed, using his own energy to supply it. With that, he sat back down, closing his eyes...

As the transports prepared to take off, he prepared Battle Meditation to support the troops still on the field for as long as he could. Force Speed would wear off after a bit, but he hoped it would be long enough to get Thio where he needed to be. With that, his focus went entirely to Battle Meditation, empowering the remainder with what strength he had left.



Armour | Axe | Sword | Gauntlet
Allies: The BrynBois
Engaging: Cadere Cadere | Zemira Zemira
Objective: Extinction

He turned on his heel as the troop fired over his shoulder, striking the pommel end of the Axe into the gut of the trooper. Blood oozed from his mouth as the blunt metal crushed his intestines and stomach, hands shakily holding the rifle in his hands as Tathra turned with his torso, striking the man with the backhand of his gauntlet. The body flew back, crumpling against the rubble.

Tathra followed through his momentum, turning back around as blaster bolts and slugs flew past him; he turned into an open swing arcing from right to left as he released a shockwave into the crowd of Concord soldiers; sending a handful into the air as several strikes followed in quick succession, tearing apart the troopers as the Bryn'adûl forces rushed in at either side. The Titan raised his gauntlet, looking to the anti-air tower ahead of them.

"Primarch, take the tower out of commission!" The order was given.

As the Guardians below began to widen the gap in the earth between their shuttles and those now trapped with the Bryn, he could feel the morale slipping between their fingers. The Silver Jedi knew this battle was finished, it had been all but finished when they took Sarka.

This was merely the epilogue.


Location: Jax's X-Wing, Charros IV
Equipment: REC-EVA/01 Armoured Flight Suit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , Crosten Feyn Crosten Feyn , Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor , Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari (Enemy)

The signal was garbled but Jax caught the gist of it, the Pegasus was out of commission but she would provide air support with her missiles. "Copy that Commodore," Jax said taking out another Wyvern. "There's not much left of us! I don't know how much we can hold out!" From the corner of his eye, Jax could see three ships taking serious damage from the constant barrage of fire from the Phedraks.

<Transports are away!> BB-12 beeped. <But Jax there's one who hasn't moved.>

"What?!" Jax saw the freighter still sitting on the launch pad. "What's with that transport!" Jax shouted anger starting to form inside of him. "Why isn't TAKING OFF?!"

<Transport Echo 267!> BB-12 patched them through. <Why have you not launched!>

"Sir!" The pilot said. "We're having some engine relay problems we're fixing them as fast as we can but there are multiple Bryn are coming right at us!"

"Roger that but hurry it up!" Jax growled. "We're being torn to pieces out here!"

Jax then sensed a disturbance in the force, Aayla was in trouble. "Chit," Jax said his mouth becoming dry. "I can't lose any more people, I-I can't."

<Fracking hell Jax!> BB-12 whirred. <Snap out of it!>

From his cockpit, Jax saw Aayla about to be executed by a large Bryn. He leaned back against his seat closing his eyes, no one else is going to die this time. The Bryn were closing in on that transport and Aayla was about to die, these bastards have done enough damage but it was never enough for them was it?

<Jax?> BB-12 beeped. <What are you doing?>

The Jedi gave his droid a cocky smile as he reached to the radio. "Crosten," he said. "I'm leaving command of the remaining squadrons to you. I'm heading to the ground." Jax took off his helmet and looked at the eject button.

<Wait Jax don't be fracking stupid!> BB-12 twirled his head flabbergasted at what Jax was going to do.

"Control this X-Wing BB," Jax smirked. "She's taken a lot of damage." he pressed the eject button.

<YOU'RE A MORON!> was the last thing Jax heard BB-12 say before he launched himself into the air felt himself falling.


Jax contorted his body straightening it as he fell faster using the force to avoid explosions that popped up in front of him. After about five minutes free falling, Jax took out his Lightsaber activating it and used the force to slow down his decent landing feet first and blocking the large Bryn's attack. "No you don't you ugly sad sack of chit!" Jax growled using the force to try to push the Bryn back.

"Aayla," Jax said turning to her. "You're not going to die not while I'm breathing."

It was a good run she guessed. She had wanted to do more with life, but... Hell, she was tired. She should've probably done more actual conditioning, instead of reading so much. Given, she was excellent with a saber, she didn't have the experience to foresee such battlefield conditions. Bastards really threw caution to the wind and held her down. Well, maybe if the shoe was on the other foot she would've done the same. Maybe...

That mace was raised above head still, and all she could do was grin up at him... In the end, she hadn't lied to Kat Decoria in their brief conversation on Coruscant... She wasn't afraid to die. All the same, that grin did turn to wince as she saw the weapon loose; head turning away as she heard the sound of a saber activating. The grip on her loosened, as without a doubt everyone standing there was a little surprised as to where the hell Jax had just come from...

Wasn't he in the cockpit of a... She had questions, but more importantly, she had hope... Just a little longer. Body in pain, aching, and her head beginning to split apart from the headache taking hold, if Jax had done what she thought he'd just done... She instinctively pulled against them, but they held firm watching Jax and seemingly content to have another take the position of executioner.

"Get the FETH offa' MEEE!!" she screeched, releasing a very low level Force Repulsion from her form. As was the norm with her, it was done more in the heat of the moment than with any actual practice performing such an ability. In any case, she had her window, snatching her saber off of the ground so hard she knew she had scraped the skin from her knuckles.

The Cyan blade yet again roared to life, swung at her right and catching one of the Bryn'Adul that tried to again jump on her and hold her down. Catching him midriff, she stumbled forward, reaching out and grabbing onto Jax Thio Jax Thio . For now, she would just use him as a steadying weight, putting him between herself and the brunt of the Bryn'Adul horde bearing down.

She kept moving, the rescue ships weren't far now, some of the unit having already set up positions at the Landing Zone. For the most part, their route was clear; and she took full advantage. Barely having the energy to jump up onto craft as she usually would have, she just rolled onto the ships flooring, heaving at this point. Certainly in need of at least a little medical attention. She was awake for a little, glancing to her left and watching as that savage battle raged on..

It would be the last thing she saw before her eyes closed, passing out from a combination of exhaustion, blood loss.... And relief.

Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari Jax Thio Jax Thio Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor Crosten Feyn Crosten Feyn Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
Post: Four
Objective: Extermination
Bryn'Bois: Galak Galak | Sethrak Sethrak | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok
Intent to Engage: Anyone, if up for it!
Equipment: Glaive | Crippler |

Quoron felt at his wound, mandibles tightening against each other as he closed his eyes; feeling how deep the wound was. It didn't burn bone, he was safe. As his shield recharged, a shimmer of yellow hexagons refracted around him. He nodded to the Juggernaut, already moving into the combat as their forces pressed harder against the Silver Jedi's. Another of their Vandals rocked up beside him, thrusting his hidden dagger into the man's sternum before firing into his throat.

"We have them on the run, brother!" The Vandal cheered, a closed fist a sign of his enthusiasm.

Quoron nodded to his brethren, raising the Crippler in hand as he darted across the terrain, using his powerful legs to leap from left to right. It allowed him to easily avoid the blasts of one of the enemy tanks ahead.

He stopped below the range of the barrel, climbing up the side of the tank. The Juggernaut at his side, tearing away the hatch as the Vandal released the remainder of his Crippler's magazine into the pilots.
Objective: Defence Removal
Enemies: Crosten Feyn Crosten Feyn | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Aayla Shan Aayla Shan
Friendless: Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Equipment: Armour | Triad | Bryn Shot | Mace 2x |

Galak roared as the Concord soldiers fell into retreat, raising his maces in either hand as the Jedi came down to fight them. Jedi protectors to defend their meek forces, it was a flight of desperation. It was all in futility, there was nothing they could do. Galak charged one of the retreating soldiers, kicking the back of the soldiers knee. The man fell as Galak swiped at his head with one of his Mace's. The soldier gasped as he tried to rise, his head exploding into a ripple of skull and flesh.

His entire arm and mace, coated in blood as his single eye shifted to the armoured Jedi standing alongside the wounded female. His breath like steam rolling out from the interior of the maroon coloured metal helmet. Jedi, a plague on the Galaxy. Their people so reliant on individuals, whilst their civilians got old and fat.

"Run little Jedi. There will always be the next planet we wipe off the face of this wretched Galaxy."

The Siege Towers had closed the distance now, their turrets rippling thousands of molten bullets into the crowds of retreating forces. The city was on fire, cinders all around them as Galak crushed a crawling soldier underfoot; spine splintered under the pressure of his heel.
Life Weaver of Ashaka



Post # 6
Location: Charros IV, City Streets
Objective: Extinction
Enemies: Silver Jedi Concord | Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , Jax Thio Jax Thio
Allies: The Bryn'adûl, Ashaka Ik'straktors, Ashaka Battlemasters (Hybrids), Galak Galak
Tags: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , Galak Galak


The haze of mixed molten ammunition that flooded the battlefield made it difficult for the Weaver to track the Jedi. The sudden dissipation of her brightly lit saber washed away into the chaos. She was gone. Sylok spit, his hand reaching for his shoulder. The seared edges chaffing off as his thumb toyed with the burn. Small flakes of his shell crumbled, his thumb and pointer crushing the residual pieces of his carapace. The pain, while bearable, turned to a numbing sensation. Agitated that the Jedi managed to do the little damage she had done, he followed the horde deeper into the city. If the Jedi wanted to play hide and seek, Sylok would oblige. The Bryn had the numbers here and in clear proximity of him, forces of the Warlord Galak Galak continued to do their ruthless work. After his backlash to his brother, the only thing he could do was make up for it in slaughter.

Sylok followed in tow, careful to dismantle any stragglers fruitlessly trying to get away like many already had. A trooper stood meters from him, blasting away at the blindsided Drael vying for control. Sylok grinned, his fingers lifting. The sheer ease of his command in the force lifted the trooper, gun dropping in reaction to his sudden fear. With his wrist, Sylok twisted it upward, the helmet of the trooper lifting to the sky. A pale face hid beneath it this whole time. Then in one motion the trooper was gripped tighter, the force completely compelled to sap him of everything his was worth. Small threads of blackened, hateful tendrils slipped into the human, stabbing at his soul. Sylok closed his eyes, the sheer essence of the man's life being sucked away. In moments, fear turned to agony, but no screams came from the useless warrior. Instead, the man hung in the air lifeless, before replenishing Sylok to full capacity. Like a juice box of energy, Sylok had quenched his thirst and the body dropped with a loud thud.

The once wavering threads of the force, brightly came back into a healthy spectrum. The soothing tingle that ran through his body, almost forced a smile. Sylok's sight shifted, a blazing stream of blue slashes sprung to life.

"There you are.." Sylok whispered, his full intent to kill her before the others did.

Sylok looked down, a brute lied still in a moment of fresh death. The image imprinted on Sylok's mind, the face of Keldothera Keldothera stabbing his guilt even more. Still, while it plagued him, he understood even more now. It could have been any of them, even Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus . His mind switched it's resolve, eclipsing anger with understanding in that very moment.

"You can't save them all..." Sylok lowered his voice even more, his thoughts turning into words. "I'll try to, I'm sorry general."

Sylok slid his father's blade back into its sheathe. In one motion he bent over and gripped tightly onto the Barad Glaive. He would use it, the fallen brutes that died for the cause deserved a victory in some way, at least Sylok thought. The length of the weapon felt like an extension to himself and in a blink of an eye he ran into the drowning fray of war. Sylok reached the choke point, slashing his way through the remainder of the Jedi forces, before he spotted the runaway. Tightly, she was held and as the mace rose to strike the killing blow, Sylok gained a moment of peace. It didn't have to be him, as long as she was dead.

Still, he wasn't that lucky. Like a bolt of lightning, a thickened hue of vibrant gold clashed with his subordinates crusher mace. In that split second his fellow Drael was flung backwards, repelled through a line of rushing Draelvasier trying to retake ground. Sylok waited, careful not to react in a reckless way. The anger inside him still swelled, but would fuel him for what was to come. The glaive twirled in his one hand before stopping on a dime, the pointy end shimmering in the reflected light of the new threat's saber.

"Get the FETH offa' MEEE!!"

Another rebuke, this time in the form of a blast. It created a singular path toward them both and as the young girl leaned against that of her newly found friend, Sylok sneered. He watched as the diseased "hero" took down one brute after another, following slowly as they advanced toward the landing zone. So, that was how it was going to be...Pathetic. Sylok inched closer and as the young girl made her move to roll onto the transport, he saw his opening.

Sylok shifted his momentum in a flash, the lengthy glaive piercing through the air like an arrow. The pointy end changing direction at the last second to strike the new Jedi Jax Thio Jax Thio .

"I'll gladly accept you as a replacement trophy, Jedi." Sylok heaved the glaive backward before striking again, more words pouring from his mouth. "You can't save them all..." Sylok's eyes widened, his expression showing his disgust. "As you will soon find out!!"


Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Objective: Defence Removal
Enemies: Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Aayla Shan Aayla Shan | Zemira Zemira | Cadere Cadere
Allies: Galak Galak | Krarolk T'manu | Sethrak Sethrak
Armaments: Staff &

The cavern beginning to widen, the city edges falling into the depths as the Guardian continued to wide the cavern exponentially. Its twin, carving through the earth. From the back of the wyvern, Drek'ma watched as the urban buildings fell into rubble; collapsing into the massive sinkholes appearing all across the city. Now it was time for the twin to finish it, the black spotted scales of the Guardian tearing through rock and metal directly underneath the defence platform.

The serpent roared as its pronged maw eat everything in its path, melting everything as it entered its body. The orbital defence turret was gone in an instant, in its place was the upper-half of the thousand metre long Guardian. It screamed into the air, the broken circular exterior of the defence platform beneath it was all that was left. Black smoke and fire encircled the base of the tower.

"Wipe them out." A whisper.

His words were carried on the wind, the screams of the dead almost filtered through his own voice - reverberating through the echoes of the damned as his command reached the minds of the Guardians. It was time for havoc.


Armour | Axe | Sword | Gauntlet
Allies: The BrynBois
Engaging: N/A
Objective: Extinction

The crowd of warriors at his side broke out in cheer as the orbital defence turret was swallowed whole by the Guardian, bellowing across the battlefield. The shockwaves rippled out across the boiling rivers, ash and debris kicked up behind him. The Jedi and their weakling Concord were in full retreat.

Xi Charrians, burning in the millions as nothing but husks and rubble remained of them and their cities. Only a few brave fools remained to fight them, stuck behind the gaping cavern created by the other Guardian deep beneath the surface of the planet. Groans drew the attention of the aureate eyed Titan, a singular soldier crawling three feet away. The soldier was on all fours, blood dribbling from his stomach.

"Well done, Primarch." The Titan spoke, using his gauntlet as he watched the battle unfold ahead.

Tathra moved closer to the wounded soldier, he'd likely been swiped across the abdomen by a Glaive. Impressive that he was still alive. No matter how many Silver Jedi warriors fought against them, they could not stop the tide or superior military might of the Bryn'adûl.

The Titan raised the Axe in a two-handed grip, the head of the Axe faced downward as he stood, legs spread over the crawling soldier as he thrust downward. There were no more groans, only the silence of the grave.
One of the ships had been taken down, but the remainder were raining rapid shots of plasma upon Swiftrider-2. He veered and turned in desperate aerial maneuvers to dodge the incoming shots when his radio sparked to live, carrying another message from Jax in a panicked tone that suited the increasingly dire situation the battle had become. Evidently he was in charge now – meaning things were getting even worse still.

“Command? I’m no commander, I don’t know the first thing about running a squadron.” he protested on the radio in response. He was a smuggler, he didn’t know the first kriffing thing about commanding a squadron. He wasn’t entirely sure that Jax was being serious, but when Crosten inquired further he got no response; only droidspeak from BB-12 that he couldn’t possibly understand. Meanwhile, his ship continued to take fire, and the newly promoted commander’s attention remained occupied with dodging hostile fire and keeping himself alive. An opening allowed him a momentarily safe exit, and he took his ship groundward to slip into a cover-providing canyon.

“What do I do, what’s the present situation?” He asked again, but there was only BB-12 to respond – and if he did, Crosten would be entirely unable to understand him anyway. But the answer was before his own eyes as he flew up out of the canyon from a position of relative safety and saw the battlefield before him; it was a disaster. Things had clearly continued on their downward trend while he tried to get away from his pursuers.

“Command this is callsign Steel Leader; what is our imperative?”

“...Retreat. This battle can’t be salvaged – we lost. We lost! Get your troops and pilots just..get off this forsaken planet.”

“How will we execute our withdrawal? None of that’s proper bat-”

“I’m not karking proper in the slightest! Don’t know, don’t care about protocol – but if you care about living to fight another day; stop asking questions and get the kriff off this planet!” He replied. He wasn’t lying, this was a hat he was wholly unprepared to wear. Good that he could shed it; given the motion of his allied ships, they were quick to obey the order to retreat.

His ship tilted skyward and engines fired up Crosten prepared to follow in the withdraw. But Jax was still here and as uncomfortable as heading back into that scene of carnage was, he owed that Jedi his life. Much as it dismayed him to be heading back into the scene, he just couldn’t allow himself to leave his friend behind.

“BB? Where...oh nevermind. I can’t understand you. Look we gotta get Jax out of trouble before he gets killed here.” he spoke frantically into the radio, with his ship set on a course towards the location Jax had made his mid-air evacuation from.

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