Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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(( Social Information )):

Larentia Redacted

ALIAS: Protector, Little Wolf
TITLES: Redacted, Warrior of Ulf
SPECIES: Lupine / Lupo Variant (The Hénoitur)
HOME PLANET: Figaro Favoura VII
LIVING SITUATION: The Schwartzweld, Figaro Favoura VIII
CITIZENSHIP: Figaro Favoura VII, Ryloth

(( Affiliation & Force Information )):

FORCE ORDER: Coven of the Three Spirits, Order of the Ulf
RANK: Spellweaver
CLASSIFICATION: Warrior, Pact Doashim, Wild Hunt
OCCUPATION: Warrior of Ulf (Protector to Katrine & her child)

(( Physical Information )):

AGE: Twenty-Two
BODY SHAPE: Slim, toned
HEIGHT: 5'5'' (165 cm)
WEIGHT: 130 lbs (59 kg)
HAIR COLOR: Brown (with light highlights)
VOICE SAMPLE: Alycia Debnam-Carey


P h y s i c a l

A p p e a r a n c e

Larentia stands at 5'5'', with a slim but toned body after spending a lifetime training. Brown hair with light highlights and blue eyes to boot, her body is covered in tattoos and markings of her people and religion. Her long brown hair is more often than not done with braids or different styles in order to ensure it doesn't get in the way. Every symbol left on her body signifies a victory or ascension. And while she's no stranger to the outside lands, her fashion, for the most part, reflects her life on Figaro Favoura VII, simple, easy, handmade, with armor plating to protect her when necessary. Over the years, she adapted to the outside world, with modifications to her fashion to match weather conditions of other planets and to ensure safety of self. Even with this in mind, Larentia never wears heavy armour, everything has to be light and flexible to ensure combat.

Her wolf form is far from some of her family, and in some ways, she does stand out among the Lupines that surround her in the present world. Her fur is a combination of golden brown and gray, with eyes undeniably blue even in wolf form. When running in her animal form, Larentia can be quieter to most Lupines due to the design of ehr paws, shaped in a way that allows her to manuever through the woods, avoiding rustling leaves and twins. Her coat is also shorter in average and like on a proper predator, allows her to move without trace among her surroundings. Among her other physical strengths, her strong jaw which is twice the strength of an average Lupine. Her claws are also incredibly strong and can inflict incredible damage.

Distinguishing marks include:

§ Black Tattoos spread across her body of protection spells written in rylothi rancor blood
§ Protection tattoo signifying her connection the family and the magic realm, the two circles becoming imbalanced by the chaos erupting
§ Brand given to her by the spirit Doashim her right upper arm
§ Golden brown to gray fur in wolf form, with short leanth of fur
§ Additional weapons in wolf form include powerful jaw and strong claws
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P e r s o n a l i t y

They say the timeline is like branches on a tree, spreading each time someone decides. It’s impossible to say when the decision was made that created the dark future Larentia was born into. Perhaps she was decision, perhaps she was the cause… Short but fierce, Ren or Aren, was born to be strong, a warrior, a leader. She was born of a would-be short-lived Queen, only beginning her reign when the skies began to fall upon the Lupine. Moeder said her grandparents were kind and loving, but at some point, during her childhood, they disappeared without a trace for several years. When they returned, together, their eyes were blood red and yellow, and they were only hungry for power. Grandfather expected them all to bend the knee or die…

Larentia was born to fight and to guide. From the time of her conception, she was blessed by the three spirits and touched with ichor, inhaling the dust of deceased before she had even been born onto this universe. It was a Doashim who claimed her upon the moment of her arrival, calling her his little monster, the demon’s spawn. Larentia could almost hear the others as well at times, though her allegiance would remain with the monster spirit until her dying breath. The little wolf was therefore a wild child growing up. The animal inside her was long awake before her first transformation. She would act out of temperament, attack without thinking. Moeder would call her hot headed and insisted this required further training.

Over the years, she had learned to calm the spirt monster inside herself to an extent and is something she continues working on. In her future, she was meant to be the heir of a throne not yet truly existent, raised and trained to take over after her mother, yet everything changed when grandfather and grandmother returned to their world and demanded what was theirs – what was hers. When the war began, Larentia took the opposition to this Sith terror. She regarded it was the wisest decision she has ever made, standing beside her Moeder, father, and siblings.

She had never wondered too much about her origins, she considered herself to be her Moeder’s daughter, her heir apparent and student. Yet, she had always had a name to no face and sometimes she would indeed wonder about how the other side lived. You see, from the moment Larentia came into this world, she was different. It wasn’t as obvious as you would think. She was a Lupine child of two Lupine parents, of four Lupine grandparents. There shouldn’t have been any doubt to her heritage. Except, there was… there were signs, little, and almost insignificant. Accelerated growth dominant among the Lupine didn’t appear in Larentia, who as a child seemed to be develop more as a human rather than a wolf. This was not questioned by Moeder though, who loved her none the less.

When she was young, she had dreams of a future of peace, a future of greatness for her bloodline. She saw herself, outliving Moeder and everyone. The father that raised her remained, outliving others by her side. Her hair lightened with years and her patience expended. Larentia saw a future where the wolves would prosper.

Yet… when grandfather and grandmother attacked, and she covered herself in the blood of the first of her enemies, she witnessed her own death. As she went on to face grandfather, she faced grandmother. She had killed her, and in return, grandfather ripped her shreds before she was aware of him approaching her… Larentia has seen her death, and she knew they would lose the War of blood. This was when Larentia a decision to travel into the past to discover why their future become so sour, so distraught.

Several years have passed now. Larentia is no longer the girl who had come into the past, terrified of grandfather and careful not to reveal who she is. In reaching out to Katrine, she was grateful for hide her truth, to keep the woman from knowing too much about her dark future. Katrine began to trust her to the point where she insisted Larentia protect her child, whom she had named after the Warrior of Ulf, unaware of the truth… Yet, years into this post, she would wonder about who she is, how different she was in same ways and how she could save her future, their future. For the future of them all depending on her actions… It was a heavy burden the Little Wolf carried with herself, making her grow up faster than she intended… perhaps unaware that the actions she was talking in the present would lead her into a world she originally had dreamed about growing up, becoming wise and calm beyond her years.

Having said that, Lupines are plagued with insanity… and Larentia has spent her life talking to a ghost of a monster. This may make her seem mad at times, and some parts of her are..

(( Relationships ))
SIBLINGS: Redacted
COUSINS: Redacted


§§ Lupine: Larentia is a born changeling, raised to believe she is a pure-blooded Lupine. She was born human and achieved transformation in her early teens. This allows her certain attributes when in animal form – sharp claws and jaws, enhanced speed, and smell.
§§ Child of the Spirits: Her blood is, in some ways, tainted, as she was born with traces of ichor, giving her a connection to the spirits from the moment of conception. She was claimed by a Doashim on the day of her birth but can still hear the other two spirits.
§§ Warrior Nature: Larentia was raised as a warrior witch, capable wielding spells and powers, alongside various weapons, including swords, bows and can endure close-range combat. While she has gained some experience with a lightsaber as part of training, it’s not a weapon of choice for the women of her family and thus it’s not for her either.
§§ Force Body: By being claimed by a Doashim, Larentia possesses a natural affinity towards using the Force power of Force Body, allowing her human form additional endurance past the safe limit when absolutely necessary.
§§ Badass Family: Larentia’s blood is riddled with powerful bloodlines, from both side of her tree, but it’s something she shares with no one. It hasn’t been noticed yet by those around her, but she is wolf who is a witch, who can cast without words and has blood juiced up with ichor. All these things should point the people around her to her identity or close to it, yet has gone unnoticed as she built a bond with Katrine, little Larentia and Curupira in the last years.
§§ Shapeshifters Live Longer: While raised by Lupine and told she was purebred, Larentia grew up a lot slower than average wolf, nearly as slow as humanoids do. This, however, wasn’t examined in detail due being the first of her generation to be born and being dotted on by her grownups.
§§ Like Moeder, Like Dohtrir: Larentia was born to reign, to be a warrior queen. That’s what the dreams have been telling her entire life. She also believes in being a Witch more than anything and believes, as her ancestor did, that the Force and spells have the same source and are simply different versions of the same type of connection.
§§ Little Miss Badass: Larentia began to train with her parents when she was young, ranging from proper education to shooting and fighting. While there wasn’t a specific reason for this in the beginning, her Moeder was following her own upbringing and starting her young.
§§ Languages: Galactic Basic Standard, High Galactic, Paecean, Bocce (high fluency), Binary, Sign Language (enough to get by), Ancient Sith (very little)
§§ Other skills: Dancing, range of fighting styles, marksmanship, swordsmanship, chemistry/potions, diplomacy, strategy, public speaking, piloting (basics), cooking/food preparation
§ She’s an Oracle: Larentia was born with the gift of visions ranging from past to future. They’re erratic and uncontrolled and can come at the strangest time. Growing up, she dreamt of the future and could see her own life ahead.
§ Kid from the Future: This is the hush-hush bit of her life, but Larentia has travelled back in time in order to prevent a dark future for her family, the one she calls War of Blood.
§ Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Part of travelling from the future, Larentia has retained her memory from her life, including the vision of death she experienced that led her into the past. She also remembers the dreams of a good life she always thought her family would have which makes her journey troublesome as she tries to set things right and isn’t sure how the bad came to be and where it all went wrong.
§ Mysterious Past: The people around her, that trust her and have let her into their lives, have no clue who she actually is even though many hints about her could make them thing. This has a lot to do with the necklace she wears around her neck, making them a little bit disinterested in who she is and can’t read her but don’t bother with this feeling.
§ Story Arc: While neither a strength or weakness, Larentia has a major story arc of her own that she’s embarked on by travelling from the future to save it and herself. This involves investigating her own past, present day, to try to understand where the timeline skewed into the alternative that she was growing up in and trying to set things right before it’s too later.
§ Undying Loyalty: Her first and foremost loyalty goes to Katrine Van-Derveld and her daughter Larentia. There is a deeper meaning to this than anyone can realise, but Larentia the grown up would be willing to end her life in the past in order to ensure the safety of the two Lupines.
§§ Temperamental: Similar to most women in her bloodline, Larentia is prone to mood changes which tend to seem more unreasonable than not. It especially shows in her ability to make rash decisions, in times when her family is in the line of fire more than any other. However, life has taught Larentia so much, including a building patience in this weaking the weakness.
§§ Noble Fugitive: Larentia has run away from her future, having had a vision of her death by a family member. She has at times taught back on this vision, wondering if she would have been seen a coward amongst her immediate family for having abandoned them but is set on trying to fix the future to make sure that those events don’t occur.
§§ Alternative Timeline: She believes that the vision of her death is an alternative timeline caused by some sort of event she can’t place yet, as it doesn’t match with the prophetic dreams Larentia grew up seeing.
§§ Really Royalty Reveal: Larentia is not your common rat from the streets who just happened to find a Lupine heir and began to serve her. There is a lot more to who she is, and what her real title is, and something she was once accustomed to but now has to remind herself often that those around her don’t know who she is.
§§ High-Frequency Sounds: Human or wolf form, Larentia has very sensitive ears to high-frequency sounds, could even make her ears bleed. However, because of this, she has forced herself to endure them and to lessen the time necessary to recover. On average, it takes her 20-25 seconds to recover from momentary sounds but longer for longer exposure.
§§ Involuntary Changing: An undeniable trait to Larentia is that she can still involuntarily change after achieving adulthood. This seems to happen at times of extreme injury, stress or being close to death. Larentia has killed mercilessly in these situations, losing all human sense of self and devouring her prey. There events aren’t common among Lupine and thus Moeder chose to not to act upon the mindless beast but allow Larentia her space to recover on her own. Since coming into the past, Larentia has on occasion wondering how others would react to this.
§§ Force Body: A gift from Doashim, and potentially a burden, prolonged use of this Force Power could be potential devastating for Larentia as it could put her in a frenzy and make it hard for her to tell difference of those around her. Furthermore, this could also lead into involuntary change.
§§ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: After having not only witnessed her own death through her vision, but also felt her own death, she’s left with a strong memory of imagery, sounds and smells to remind her of this event and can trigger a slight withdrawal to this day, years later.
§§ Character Flaws: Blunt, Bold, Callous, Dyslexic, Fierce, Practical, Solemn, Spoiled, Stubborn, Temperamental, Withdrawn
§§ Insomnia: Larentia sleeps very little, sometimes as little as an hour or two. While she has always slept little, this has gone down substantially over the years, especially since learning of her own death where her mind is constantly on hyperdrive (when alone). It’s heavily due to her desire to save her own future and figure out a way how to fix it, even though she has yet to understand the trigger for the alternative timeline.

Running with the Wolves
/ Aurora
§ Empire of Our Own / Raign
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K n o w l e d g e o f t h e F o r c e


[Elder] Spell of Mind Touch [limited]
[Spellweaver] Animal Healing
[Spellweaver] Call Mist
[Spellweaver] Force Crush II
[Spellweaver] Probe Spell II
[Spellweaver] Seeking Spell
[Initiate] Force “Blanket” I
[Initiate] Force Crush
[Initiate] Probe Spell I
[Initiate] Spell of Communication
[Initiate] Spell of Focus
[Initiate] Tempest I


[Master] Force Vision
[Knight] Enhanced Telekinesis
[Knight] Force Body
[Knight] Force Choke
[Knight] Force Healing
[Knight] Psychometry
[Apprentice] Basic Telekinesis
[Apprentice] Enhance Ability
[Apprentice] Farsight
[Apprentice] Force Jump
[Apprentice] Force Sense
[Apprentice] Force Speed
[Apprentice] Telepathy
[Apprentice] Thought Shield

(( Training Information )):
MENTORS: Redacted
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P e r s o n a l P o s s e s s i o n s

§ Demon's Journey, Project GHOST, Larentia's personal vessel, of limited production made for Agents of Chaos.
§ Phase I Sword of Eve, Given to her upon joining the Agents, her primary weapon.
§ Whimsy Knife, while Larentia's primary choice of weapon is the sword, she always has one to two swords on her person.

§ Oathbound, Armour of the Ulf (One)
§ Phase I Haywire Armor, standard Agents of Chaos armor.

§ Midwantara (Ichor Container), given to her mother years ago, which Larentia stole when she had gone back in time.
§ Taozin Amulet, clouds her Force Sensitivity around others, which Larentia wears at very specific situations and around specific people. It was a gift.
§ Light-shield Bracelet, from her time within the Mandragora, Larentia was given the bracelet by Katrine
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H i s t o r y

Little Wolf loved her world so much that she was willing to die for it.

Larentia was born to a Lupine who had dedicated her life to to their planet, who’d devoted time and energy to bring about the glory that was nothing but legend to their people and to the those that served them. Her mother raised her daughter to be strong, to be a warrior; prepared her for the future that was waiting for her. Larentia grew strong, grew to protect her Mother from anyone who would try to overthrow her rule It was part of her training as she had been chosen, trained, prepared for the future she was meant to have. Chaos did as it does, it spread like wildfire, bringing their world in peril. One future had been averted but another had been put into its place. Mother's tales spoke of happier times, calmer, devoid of the darkness. There had only been the curse that had clouded her. And instead, there was overwhelming darkness, an evil embedded deep into the bloodline. Grandfather was strong and corrupted, the grandmother was no different. He sought to make the entire family dark, corrupted, forever trapped in the fall. This was not the future Mother told her when she was little and the chaos only grew. One by one, the family had vanished. Time had to be repaired. It was this time when everything was beginning... the ceta were falling, the wolf was rising.

She knew their faces, knew their sorrows.

Her name was Larentia. She was a warrior of pure blood, born on the planet of her ancestors. Her future was meant to be clear and focused and yet, the chaos threatening them all had sent her on a path to repair their past. To protect their blood from what was to come…It had been a vision that had driven her to the journey. A vision of a battle. With what was left of their heart against the darkness, against him. He was the monster driving the fall. It would kill them, kill her. It was her own death Larentia had seen in the visions. It was a sign of the defeat ahead. Because what she knew, she stole her Mother's ichor container to protect herself, to protect one of her own.

She wasn’t meant to come but she was here with a mission.

Her earliest memories included survival and a joy of family, something not every Lupine was blessed with. She was her childhood spent in love and support, in a time of peace. Born of a powerful Warrior, a Witch, and a Lupine, Larentia’s spirit was always tied to the essences of the three spirits of Mandragora. She was their daughter as much as she was her daughter.

The young wolf’s history is a mystery however her fate is tied closely to the future of her home planet, which was why she had come, at the rebirth of a future Empire, the beginning of an unclear future no one was expecting, not even her family. Her mother could see through times past, present, and future, and yet her own future was clouded in mystery. Larentia made the sacrifice of coming to aid in unsure times…

The Little Wolf had a mission, a mission of saving the future. Her amulet protected her truth while she reigned Choas on the present in order to ensure her own past and their future altered.

Since her arrival, Larentia has kept close to some of the known Lupines. First, she sought out Katrine Van-Derveld as her future ascension on Figaro Favoura VII was closely tied into the events of the dark future she had come to change. This meant her temporary presence within the Confederacy of Independent Systems, as well as rejoining the Mandragora. She however already possessed the mark of Doashim, which had surprised Katrine at their meeting. Despite her identity concealed, the blonde Lupine chose to trust her and even assigned her Warrior of Ulf, her protector. Larentia adorned the armor and did her duty, after all, she was here to ensure her survival and the survival of her offspring that had yet to come. Despite her close connection to the Figaro Favoura VII Regent, Larentia did not bond with her, not beyond that was necessary for her to keep her path. Larentia also took notice at the Lechner siblings as Katrine's actions brought other Lupines closer to their origins. Still, she did not bond with them. As if the future depended on them not knowing too much of their own futures.

As the Agents of Chaos reigned, with Katrine's former best friend Scherezade deWinter joining them, as well as Alwine; Larentia observed the galaxy. Darkness was rising, Curupira was falling to it as well, Ket had disappeared once again; a terrifying monster was making its way across time and space, the Confederacy declared Confederacy First. One by one, the puzzles of the dark future were coming together. So, she threw dice and followed the Agents. Perhaps in Chaos, a new light could be found, Larentia considered. With them, she had witnessed the re-liberation of Ryloth in favor of changing the future but the betrayal of Derek and Muad Dib against his Chaotic allies proved to be in the line with the dark future again. Changing the future was difficult yet Larentia had no choice...

For in the vision, she had seen herself die on the battlefield, facing her own kid. Lupine against Lupine, the madness ripped through the bloodline. In the end, he would be to one to strike - rip out her throat. An Empire would fall....
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T h r e a d T r a c k e r

WARRIOR OF ULF // Confederacy of Independent Systems // Spellweaver (3)
  • Age of the Lupine {Character Development; Larentia faces Katrine, Damien, Ket, and Wolfram in the Schwartzweld}
  • Return to the Dead {Faction Thread; Doashim summons his own to recover the Doashim spellbook from the ancient Nightsister burial}
  • Triffis Drifters {Faction Dominion; CIS organizes pod racing on Triffis after they've defeated a virus, only to see it return during celebration}
CHANGING THE FUTURE // Agents of Chaos // Spellweaver (5)
  • The Blood Hound and the Wolf (Character Development; Larentia seeks out Scherezade deWinter to joins her organization)
  • Thou Shall Not Suffer an Empire to Live {Invasion; Larentia joins the team on Siskeen to aid the Dibs in liberation from CIS}
  • Rebuilding hope {Faction Thread; Following the Siskeen negotiations, they return to the AoC spheres on Nocte Aranea only to find the bodies from H.O.P.E. in their way}
  • Great Balls of Fire {Infaction; Larentia and Scherezade face the CIS together on Rodia}
  • The Lupines of the Past {Character Development; The spirits sent Larentia to Myrkr where restless Lupine spirits cry out for justice, and where she meets Redd again}
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