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Public Laying the Foundations - Jedi Enclave of Eadu, Open to Jedi and Allies



Tags: Open
Location: Jedi Enclave of Eadu

Today was the day.

Years of work, countless connections forged, and the effort of dozens of comrades and allies had pooled together into this moment. The Eadu Enclave was the legacy of Joran's Master, Kellian Cass, and today that legacy would be revealed to the wider galaxy. The Enclave had existed in various forms for nearly a decade now, but now, the Enclave would declare itself officially. Messages had been sent out, representatives sent to organizations that the Enclave wished to forge stronger ties with, and across the Scar Worlds, people were waking up to learn that the Jedi had come, and were making their stand against the darkness that encroached against the innocent on all sides in the eastern fringes of the galaxy. It was ambitious, possibly fool hardy, but that did not worry Joran terribly.

He had faith in the Force, and would allow it to guide the events that were to come.

The Enclave had been made ready for visitors. The Hall of Entry had been turned into a large reception area; dozens of tables had been set out with refreshments and droids stood at the ready to provide them. Banners had been unfurled and hung from the walls of the large the Enclaves exterior building, both the green symbol of the Enclave, and the much more known symbol of the Jedi Order of old and modern times. Some of the Enclaves few students were in the courtyard as well, trying to look very disinterested in the prospect of seeing outsiders and other Jedi after years spent in the Outer Rim and Scar Worlds. Joran did not blame them, most of those that might come would be from worlds deep in the Mid Rim and Core Worlds, planets they had grown up hearing about and dreaming to visit one day.

Perhaps they would get that chance after today. Joran walked down the steps of the Enclave main entrance, passing by a few others and giving them a few words of encouragement and surety. The first signals of arriving ships were beginning to come in, and the lights illuminating the landing pads would activate, casting beacons of light up through the storm wracked skies that were often the norm on Eadu. Guests would be directed towards the Hall of Entry courtyard, and Joran intended to meet each one as they arrived. He folded his hands behind his back, his white Jedi robes shifting around him, and prepared for his world to change.

Today was the day.

Hello to anyone who takes the time to read this far. This thread is to serve as the official 'beginning' of the new Jedi Enclave of Eadu, an extension of the Jedi Order into the eastern regions of the galaxy. Jedi and those who wish to aid the Enclave in their endeavors of helping the people of the Scar Worlds, and join a developing narrative of combating a growing Sith Cult and pirate threat in the Outer Rim are encouraged to hop in our discord and join the discussion as the Enclave is getting started. This thread is primarily intended to be a social event, but if interest is shown for a little action, then combat oriented options will be opened up. I hope to see you join this thread, and can't wait to see what story we craft for the Jedi Enclave of Eadu!
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Tides of Change



Jedi enclave on EADU...

Elias pulled the hood of his poncho down, revealing the grin that had spread across his bearded face. He could hardly contain his eagerness to meet the Jedi of Eadu's enclave. For all the pleasures this life could afford, few compared to the joy of connecting Force traditions together. When enclaves and temples joined together, even if only to share bits of data or simple news from their respective sectors, it brought the Jedi one step closer in the endless fight of Light against Dark. He had to remind himself, though, that not every sect of Force users welcomed the idea of allying themselves with other groups.

Especially in the Outer Rim, where paranoia and isolation are at the forefront of every decision. Still, Elias remained hopeful of that the future holds for Eadu and the other enclaves.

The Hall of Entry, as it was aptly named, served as a reception area for the event. Elias made his way inside, stepping slowly to take in the sights. The natural structures blended with intentional construction beautifully, reminding him of the elegant work the Hepsalum Tash had done on Dagobah to erect the Jedi temple there among the marshlands. He carried on until he reached a white-robed Jedi who appeared to be representing the enclave today.

Elias bowed his head, saying, "It's an honor to be here."

"I am Master Elias Edo, of the New Jedi Order. I represent the Bogano enclave." His eyes looked about the area, spotting several pockets of Jedi and other travelers mingling. A smile grew on his face.

"It's a beautiful thing, opening your enclave to us like this. It means a great deal to our students, getting the chance to see new places and learn about other Force traditions. I look forward to learning alongside them."

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"And I am Inanna Harth, from the Vonnuvi Jedi Enclave."

Inanna had arrived at around the same time as Master Edo, disembarking from her personal shuttle. She often played the role of representative, whether of her species, her homeworld, her family and friends. It seemed fitting that she would come to rep yet another group, the Enclave where she had found peace.

"It's good to see more enclaves are springing up. Having variation and diversity of thought, while still remaining one Order devoted to the Force is preferable to the more singular and centralized way the Order has been in the past, I think."


"Jalen Kai'el. Er, Healer rep from the Sellian Jedi Praxeum."

This was new. Jalen had been stationed at the Sellian Jedi Praxeum following the battle at Ryloth, as the temple had very suddenly been transitioned to serve as a refugee camp. With the attack on the Inner Rim that followed, he found himself one of their star healers. Turns out taking the time to become a certified field medic pays off. Now the Praxeum wanted him to represent them in this special meeting, the founding of a new enclave.

And this was what he got for being antisocial. He didn't recognize any of the reps. Knowing his luck, they probably recognized him. It was hard to ignore the resemblance to his famous brother. He felt a human, a near human, and probably a Shi'ido. Notably, their auras indicated they were all older than him. Being the youngest typically sucked. He was too studious for his own good.

"The Outer Rim will need this place," he noted. "There's been stuff brewing out here since the Bryn kicked it."

The Bryn'adul crisis was well before his time, but older Jedi still talked about it like it was yesterday. Galactic history before the Maw was a blur to him, but he understood that things were never really the same in the Outer Rim after they blew through. He knew as much. Jalen had seen visions of these things. Something was still out here, waiting for him. It was only a matter of time and bad luck. He was sure of it. In the meantime, the young medic tried to put on a more positive expression.

Quill landed the North Ridge in a nearby crevice and, hoversled in tow, took his time on the approach. Eadu was new to him and he wanted to get a feel for it. In due course he and the sled picked their way up back trails to the appropriate door, and entered the common setting.

The Force presence of so many people caused Quill discomfort, but manageably; he'd tamped it down to visit any number of species' elders, even spent time at Jedi enclaves before; he could do so again, for a good cause, and also because he found himself lonely with his son flying off to another galaxy. He couldn't recall if he'd met Joran Olan Joran Olan before, but Olan's Master, Kellian Cass, had been a pen pal of sorts for decades, once upon a time. He figured she would have approved of Master Olan's plan to scale up the enclave and do some good in a committed, locally-grounded way. Olan, he recalled, was a child of the Scar Worlds.

In moments like this he found himself scratching the scar of Bryn'adul weapons all down the side of his face. The sensations of itching and scratching went hand in hand with the memory of old burns and old guilt. Memories from when he'd considered himself a Jedi.

Introductions were being made among a group of, he gathered, enclave representatives. At a lull:

"I'm Quill," he said. "From Pagodon close to here, and the Hoth and Jakku enclaves before that. I knew Master Cass." He drew up the hover sled and pulled back its cover to show an array of Jedi training tools, documents, and arcana: Jakku chimes, testament pendants, perspective stones, confessional talismans, wrist restraints, Solitude Stones, and datacards on falsifying a dark presence and wayfinding. There was even a dusty old hardback of Collected Writings on Jedi Unity.

"Consider it a housewarming gift, Master Olan, or a down payment on rent. Where can I toss my bag?"

Elias Edo Elias Edo Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el
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Joran Olan Joran Olan

Out-Of-character: A member of Imperial House of Lecerson arrives as an ally, bringing relief supplies and a diplomatic message for Joran Olan

Perhaps a surprise to everyone on Eadu, a new interested party which nobody suspected was making their entrance to the announcement of the new Enclave. An aging and barely fit to fly Lambda-class Shuttle gently began to land. It's transponder read as "House Lecerson," though it did transmit Imperial IFF codes. There was a radio transmission on repeat to anyone listening to comms, on repeat it was saying "We come in peace, we mean you no harm. Shuttle X-23-441 is on a diplomatic and relief mission, please do not fire."

There was only one crewman aboard, the pilot, a Lieutenant Commander under the command of Moff Ethen Lecerson, who was not particularly happy about this mission. If he were visiting the Sith, or any Imperials, protocol would be to detain him. Though the Jedi were merciful, the threat loomed that he would be captured and interrogated, at the very least, molested upon landing.

The shuttle was obviously in disrepair, a single soldier and an aging craft, not much use for the Jedi if they decided to detain them, Ethen planned such. It - without grace - landed close enough in any appropriate location the Lieutenant Commander could find. After the landing gear extended and boarding ramp extended out, the Lieutenant Commander stood at the bottom of the ramp. If anyone showed themselves, or if he had to use comms, he would announce his arrival; "Greetings, I am Lieutenant Commander Takku, and I wish to speak to the one in charge of this new Enclave. I have been sent on a diplomatic and relief mission, I mean you no harm."

Amani slinked her way into the Enclave behind the others, looking around until she saw a familiar white head of hair, "Inanna," She whispered harshly, bridging the distance, "You could've waited for me," She flashed the Shi'ido a cheeky grin, indicating no hard feelings. The Chief Healer had been taking care of some communications back on the Knight-Errant, and turned around only to find that her fellow Jedi had left to make introductions.

Amani looked around at all the others now, and seeing that they were making introductions, was compelled to do the same, "Ah— and I'm Amani Serys-Organa. I oversee the Vonnvui Enclave." Some of the others were familiar faces, others less so, including the man in charge of this particular enclave. It was nice to see Jedi branching out either way. History had shown that sticking to a single order's dogma had ultimately proven unhealthy for their religion.

There was another man, one who didn't register as Force-sensitive. Odd. But more puzzling was that he opened with 'I mean you no harm'. Amani didn't want to be too presumptuous, but starting introductions with something like that usually came with an asterisk. What he was doing here, they were all waiting to hear.


Tags: Elias Edo Elias Edo Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen Amani Serys Amani Serys
Location: Jedi Enclave of Eadu

Joran was pleased with the turn out so far. He inclined his head in greeting to every individual that made their way into the courtyard, a small smile lingering on his face. Already more had come than he was expecting, and there was all the chance that even more would be coming. Folding his arms behind his back, Joran turned his attention to the first person walking towards him. Just at a glance, Joran could have suspected that they were a Jedi.

Joran returned the bow, going slightly lower as a show of deference for his guest. "It is my honor to meet you, Master Elias. I am Master Joran Olan, Steward of the Eadu Enclave. I am please to learn that your students are eager for the chance to explore new places of education in the Jedi ways." Pausing for a moment, Joran glanced away, watching as more individuals entered the courtyard.

"Having the knowledge, abilities and influence of the Jedi all congregated in a single place diminishes our kind as a whole. It limits our horizons. I am an adamant proponent of every Enclave, Temple and Praxeum working together." This statement was spoken to both Elias and the new arrival, Inanna. Joran inclined his head to her as well in a bow. He could already feel a twinge starting in the back of his neck, and was certain that he would need to spend time in meditation to work out his back. "A united Jedi cause is important across the galaxy, but we can afford to diversify our structure and organization."

Joran then turned to the next arrival, taking a brief look over the younger guest making their appearance. Joran could send a concentration of the Force near the young ones hands, a sign one spent time providing aid. The Force remembered those that sought to provide help to others. Their words confirmed it, and Joran bowed his head in greeting. "I am pleased to meet you, young Jedi Jalen. I have heard of your Praxeum, its work in aiding the refugees of Ryloth is truly admirable. It is a good reflection on the cause of the Jedi to help those in need and protect the innocent, not just hunt down and destroy our foes. There are few paths nobler than that of the healer."

The visitor with the speeder sled drew Joran's attention next, and a wry smile crossed the Jedi's face as he watched the man approach. That smile faltered for a moment at the mention of his old master, and Joran inclined his head. "I am glad that you knew my Master, she was a good Jedi." At the mention of a more permanent stay at the Enclave, and a gift added to it no less, the smile returned to Joran's face. "Most certainly, my friend. Speak to one of the droids near the tables and they will get you situated."

The arrival of the Imperial representative was not something Joran had been expecting, but he did not let that show as he bowed in greeting as well. The Empire of the Lost, as Joran believed they called themselves, was a growing power to the galactic north of Eadu and the Scar Worlds. In the past, Jedi and Imperials had been at each others throats. The Galactic Alliance against the Sith-Imperials, and the Galactic Alliance against the New Imperial Order and later Empire. History said that the two groups could not coexist, but sometimes history was meant to be changed.

"I welcome you to the Eadu Enclave, Commander Takku," Joran said extending a hand in greeting to the Imperial officer. "If you truly come in peace, then I have no qualms with you. If conflict can be avoided, then it pleases me. As for the supplies, the Enclave has no need of them, but if you are willing, they can be distributed to those nearby worlds in the Scar region in most dire of need." Whether the man shook his hand or not Joran would then step forward, ushering him inside the courtyard to the refreshments. "Once I have greeted all our guests and have affairs under way, I shall be happy to speak with you in greater detail."

Finally, Joran turned to the arrival of the overseer of the Vonnvui Enclave. "I welcome you, Master Amani Serys-Organa. I am glad to see such a strong representation of the Vonnvui Enclave here today. The work you do is an inspiration to those at the Eadu Enclave. We too seek to bring aid to those across the lesser known worlds that do not enjoy the attention of the Core and Mid Rim. I hope to be able to work together closely in the future."

Taking a step back from the first group of guests, Joran raised his voice to speak with them all. "I am thankful that all of you have taken the time to come here today," Joran said, extending his hands out to either side of him. "While we wait for any stragglers to make their way in, please enjoy the refreshments that are available, and I encourage you to speak with one another. It is rare for such far flung and disparate gatherings of Jedi can happen, so I urge you not to waste this chance."
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Be careful what you wish for.

The last thing that evil wants...

Location: Eadu Enclave - Hall of Entry

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
All postings occur after this thread and ensuing follow-ups.
Allies: @Jend-Ro Quill | Joran Olan Joran Olan | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth | Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

“Manus Manum Lavat (One hand washes the other.)” -Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Caltin was not normally one to “rub shoulders” at events like this. Chrysa was all about them, but she was busy with the Outreach program at the moment, so she could not come. So as the big man walked around with a plate of food and a drink (non-alcoholic) in his hand, he nodded to a few people, smiled at a few others, even posing for a couple of holo-pics. On the surface, he looked to be enjoying himself, and he was trying to, but deep down Caltin was about as comfortable as someone who just “detected” a flatulent in a speeder with the windows rolled up.

Then when he noticed someone he recognized, the big man sidled up to the conversation and “nudged” Master Quill with his shoulder, nothing hard, just a joking way of “bumping” into him. OOPS! Sorry about that.

... is my undivided attention.


Takku shook the Jedi's hand, trying to give an aura of genuineness and honesty. He sighed, however, he hadn't planned to actually partake in the event, merely complete his mission and be on his way. But as it were, this was Jedi culture. Whether he wanted to or not, he couldn't go back to Moff Ethen without even trying, so he woukd stay.

Awkward and slightly afraid, he locked up the shuttle with the nearby button panel, "I understand, I will await your audience, properly," he said calmly. He finished up before proceeding to the gathering, though he stood at attention amongst many a group who could destroy him without a breath. He did not partake in the food or drinks, too concerned with being seen as cavorting with the enemy, or the enemy thinking to capture him. In the end, they technically weren't enemies until Moff Ethen said so. But Takku was sent here alone, he couldn't help but be on full alert.
"Most certainly, my friend. Speak to one of the droids near the tables and they will get you situated."

Quill was on his way to do just that when-

Then when he noticed someone he recognized, the big man sidled up to the conversation and “nudged” Master Quill with his shoulder, nothing hard, just a joking way of “bumping” into him. OOPS! Sorry about that.

It had been a long time since Quill saw Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . The big man had come along on his expedition to Entooine, and Quill had been there when he'd fallen in with the Jakku Enclave, and later Vanagor had been Quill's guest on Hoth. Vanagor looked as imposing as ever. Quill was keenly aware that he just looked old.

"Caltin!" he said with unfeigned excitement. He steadied himself against the hovercart full of Jedi training gear. "It's been ages. You're looking positively..." How did you compliment an ageing man comprised mainly of muscle? "...substantial."
"Inanna. You could've waited for me."

Inanna gave her an odd look, wondering why she was making a big deal about it. But Amani soon cheesed her. A joke, then.

In addition to her and Elias, several more Jedi repping various enclaves showed up in droves shortly after their arrival. All were humanoid, ranging in age from elders to youths and in build from scrawny to hulking. Many of the older ones bore heavy scars, while the younger folk still sported smooth, unmarked skin.

There was one man in uniform who stood out, both because of his appearance and his awkward, somewhat timid manner. He announced that he was not a Jedi, but an Imperial envoy delivering supplies. Inanna's brow furrowed and she exchanged a question glance with Amani, not sure what to make of his presence either.

But Joran handled it well, and she soon put his presence out of her mind. "I'm gonna go get a snack," she remarked, taking a few steps toward the refreshment table. "Want anything?"

She Left Behind A Legacy




*Setting this before her extradition - x for the sake of this thread.

Eadu held spiritual significance for her -- she found herself constantly drawn back to this chaotic, and stormy planet several times over the course of her life, and in each of those scenarios she was working through her own personal storm. She trained with the Bendu here earlier in her career, hosted her first practicum here, and now she was back for the opening of a new Jedi Enclave.

Joran reached out to her personally, explained his mission, and invited her to attend today. Despite the storm brewing in her life currently, she had always been a major advocate for Jedi-wide cooperation, and for the use of Enclaves. And, this being on Eadu of all places...when it came to the Force, there was never a fortunate stroke of serendipity; she didn't believe in it. She came to personally offer her support even though she had taken the Barash Vow.

She crossed through the threshold into the common setting where everyone had gathered - hidden under a soaked cloak. She sauntered a few paces before stopping short, removing her hood in full.


Joran Olan Joran Olan | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen | Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill

Be careful what you wish for.

The last thing that evil wants...

Location: Eadu Enclave - Hall of Entry

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
All postings occur after this thread and ensuing follow-ups.
Allies: @Jend-Ro Quill | Joran Olan Joran Olan | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth | Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Romi Jade Romi Jade

“Manus Manum Lavat (One hand washes the other.)” -Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Caltin Vanagor has a sense of humor.

… what?

… he does...

Quite often in fact his sense of humor is self-deprecating. Which is why when Master Quill made the observation about his “substantial”ness, he took it in a different direction and feigned momentary confusion. Taking his “drink hand” and rubbing his abdomen and then putting his plate of food down. Was that a “fat” joke?

Giving it a moment, a smirk crawled across his face and then a wink as Vanagor picked his plate back up. Things are well! Actually enjoying life now. Yourself? How are the scar worlds?

... is my undivided attention.

When it raines... it pours.

Jedi Enclave


Samara blew out a breath she did not know she was holding.

The flight down through Eadu's extremely stormy atmosphere was one of the scariest rides she'd ever experienced. Even her IM-6 battlefield medical droid was thanking his maker by the time they had landed safe and sound in one piece. Perhaps this was a bad omen of things to come... but she did not think the Force would have nudged her to come all this way if there was not a mindful purpose for the Master Healer to be there.

The trek from the landing pad to the Hall of Entry was almost as bad. The winding staircase up to the mountaintop entrance was nearly as treacherous as the sky above. Once inside, the honey blonde removed her soaked cloak and proceeded further into what looked like a reception area where there were others gathered already. She was dressed in her more formal dark brown Jedi robes; a rarity to see her in as the field doctor normally wore a Jedi jumpsuit with a long tunic coat, and usually in a berry color.

Sea-green orbs scanned the room and spotted a couple of faces the Jedi doc was familiar with and a few she was not. Amani Serys Amani Serys she knew from working with her in the Halls of Healing on Coruscant. There was also an apprentice healer, Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el . He too was on Ukatis serving at the refugee encampment there only recently. Then of course there was Romi Jade Romi Jade . She and her mentor, Kahne Porte Kahne Porte , were old friends.

Samara flashed a small smile to those she passed on her way to introduce herself to the host, taking her turn as it seemed.

"Hello," Sam greeted Joran Olan Joran Olan with a respectful cant of her golden head, and then she continued. "I am Master Samara Raine, formerly a Jedi healer of the Silver Circle. I'm glad to see the Scar Worlds will be looked after once again. I look forward to hearing about your plans going forward."


Amani looked towards the table of refreshments, "Uhh, whatever you're getting, I guess," She wasn't all that hungry, but something to snack on wouldn't hurt.

The man behind this gathering soon approached and offered a personal greeting. He pointed out the Vonnuvi's "strong representation" prompting her to look around, as if expecting more members to have appeared. Well, given the other enclaves only had one representative thus far, she supposed two did count as strong representation. "Your words are humbling, Master Olan. I'm quite proud of all that we've accomplished. It's nice to hear others recognize it." She dipped her head, partially hiding her genuine smile. The Vonnuvi enclave had grown beautifully, even without her able to be there all the time. It made her all the more proud of its membership, "The outer rim could always use more help. We're happy to see more join the cause."

A few more recognizable faces showed up as well, including Samara Raine, who would always earn a smile from Amani.


Tags: Elias Edo Elias Edo Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen Amani Serys Amani Serys Samara Raine Samara Raine Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Romi Jade Romi Jade

Joran nodded his head at Amani's words, the smile on his face growing brighter. "The Outer Rim, and every world in this region, deserves the same amount of attention and support as the rest. I am determined to ensure that they receive it." Joran bowed his head to the leader of the Vonnuvi Enclave, and made his way back towards the entrance.

Joran made a few more greetings to newcomers, though his attention was drawn to two in particular that made their arrival. One he knew by Force presence alone, as he had not personally been able to make an introduction with them. Romi Jadi, Jedi Master and leader of the Jedi Enclave of Jakku, as far as Joran was on current matters. It was difficult to get information from the outside galaxy into the Scar Worlds regions, so things may have changed since he had last visited Jakku. That trip had been part of the driving factor for him to begin everything here with the Eadu Enclave.

He bowed his head in greeting at her arrival. "Master Romi Jade, it is a pleasure to meet your properly," Joran said as he rose back to his full height. "I am glad that you were able to escape your duties from the Enclave at Jakku to make this meeting. I am certain that you will be interested in today's events." With that, he gestured for her to enter the courtyard with the others, as he turned his gaze to another arrival.

This was an individual that Joran knew by reputation as well, though by her greeting, he as eager to make her acquittance in person. The Silver Jedi Order held a special place for Joran, as did its later Concord as a whole. One of his ancestors had been an Admiral within the Silver Jedi Order's defense forces, a man named Sentus Olan. He had not had the most spectacular career, but Joran's ancestor had committed to a life of service and dedication to the Silver Jedi and what they stood for. They had been the organization that led the charge against the Bryn'adul threat, and had provided much of the support for the Scar Worlds.

Joran gave Samara a deep bow, lingering for a moment, before rising back up. "Master Samara Raine, I am honored to have a former member of the Silver Circle with us today." Joran nodded his head at her words, the corner of his mouth rising in a slight smile. "The Scar Worlds, and much of the Outer Rim, are in dire need of support, Master Raine. I do intend to provide the best support that I can to those in need, and protect the innocent of this region of space, and the galaxy beyond."

With that, Joran felt now was as good a time as any to begin the proper gathering. Turning, Joran made his way across the Hall of Entry courtyard to a podium set on one side. He looked briefly to the assembled crowd, before raising one hand in the air. He twisted his hand, a light slowly beginning to built at his fingertips. He continued to let the Force flow through him into the lights, before they fell away from his fingers and gathered into a single orb in his hand. With a toss, he let the orb of Force Light drift into the air, letting it linger before releasing his control on it. The orb of light collapsed on itself, before drifting out in a wave of light to draw everyone's attention to the stage.

"Everyone," Joran began, amplifying his voice with the Force, "I once again welcome you to the Jedi Enclave of Eadu. Your presence here today honor the memory of my Master, and signals to the rest of the galaxy that the unity of the Jedi shall not be diminished by simple distance. That strength, that unity, is a legacy that our ancient foes can not hope to match."

Joran paused for a moment then, considering his next words. He knew what he needed to say, but the reaction of those present would be telling. "Many of you are certainly wondering what it is that the Eadu Enclave hopes to accomplish; what our goals are and plans for this region of space. I have already revealed part of those plans to some of you during out greetings, but I believe in transparency, and so, to repay the honor you have shown me and the Eadu Enclave for coming here today, I shall reveal the full scope of our goals and dreams for this region of the galaxy."

There was no turning back now.

"The Jedi Enclave of Eadu will, first and foremost, be a location for learning and hospitality for Jedi from across the galaxy, young or old, aligned with an Order or independent. Here, I hope to cement a new generation of Jedi that are, first and foremost, protectors of the innocent, keepers of the peace, and healers of the sick in body and mind. The Eadu Enclave seeks to return to a time when the Jedi were not on the front line of war. We must protect the innocent, with force if necessary, but not at the expense of becoming soldiers in a cycle that cannot end."

He turned his gaze then, lingering for a moment on the leaders of each of the Enclaves present, nodding his head shallowly. "I also wish to establish a firm foundation of ties with all the Enclaves, Praxeum and other temples of Jedi across the galaxy, far flung from the affairs of the Core. I wish to foster greater ties of cooperation between our groups, and to form, if possible, a body of representatives from each gathering of Jedi to meet from time to time to update each other on the affairs in their regions of space, and to discuss the possibility of cross galaxy support and large scale training and education initiatives."

Now, for the more complicated part.

Finally, I wish to inform you all that beyond the Eadu Enclave, I seek to honor the legacy of the Silver Jedi Order and all that it did for the greater galaxy, and the Outer Rim in particular. As we continue our efforts to train the next generation, protect and aid the innocent, and rebuild those worlds destroyed by endless war, I will begin the process of reaching out and gauging the possibilities of reforming that organization or one like it. I do not say it is a certainty, but I believe that the Jedi as a whole can afford to have more than a single Order in this galaxy, and that during the time the New Jedi Order and Silver Jedi Order existed together, the galaxy was a stronger and more protected place. Fostering the growth of different points of view, different focuses and structures. If you have thoughts on anything I have said here today, I am more than willing to speak with you. I thank you all for your time."

Joran turned and stepped off the stage, dropping the force concentration he had been using to amplify his voice. A small trickle of sweat dripped down the corner of his forehead, and Joran reached up to wipe it away. It was said and done now. Letting out a breath he had not realized he had been holding at the end, Joran began to make his way towards the tables to grab himself a drink.
Not exactly a Jedi, but not too far from one, Jared Starchaser entered the meeting, albeit a bit late. The son of Starchaser was representing the Kattada temple, flanked as he was by other representatives of the temple. The smell of sea air and their lateness betrayed the training the temple provided, that of Sentinels and Seekers, that of the Jedi and a select group of Witches of Dathomir. They wore abbreviated pieces of the Enclave Guardian outfits, Jared clearly for the event here.

His father was busy as of late, training, and felt that his time in the sun had been overstayed. While others, Ike, Jade, remained, a Starchaser was still involved, just as a support role. And that was fine for a school that focused on Explorers and Sentinels. But the truth of the purpose here was that Eadu was along the Outer Rim, and linking up to this group would support the war on the Sith in the Outer Rim.

There were two Temple guards with him, dressed in a bit more formal attire, carrying a crate. Inside was a blend of mystic and arcane, datacards from the Kattada Jedi, and written pages by the Blue Coral Diver witches. Exploration methods, dark side tracking… Remaining hidden, and resisting the Force. It was the skillset that Kattada and the Starchaser legacy brought along.

“I’m Defender Starchaser.”
Using his Jensaarai title, one that was adopted for his specific role within his Witch clan. “I come to deliver some items from Kattada, as well as his promise to do what he can to help support this enclave.” The network was important. He found his place to sit and listen to the Enclave chief, Olan to speak.

This was what the Jedi were about, at least the parts of the Jedi Jared felt comfortable with. He took bits and pieces of the training, but had progressed under his aunt’s tutelage long enough to build a lightsaber, before seeking his own path in the Rim. But here? Even Jared felt comfortable in this meeting.

Joran Olan Joran Olan Romi Jade Romi Jade Samara Raine Samara Raine Amani Serys Amani Serys Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Elias Edo Elias Edo Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el
When it raines... it pours.

Eadu Jedi Enclave

Joran gave Samara a deep bow, lingering for a moment, before rising back up. "Master Samara Raine, I am honored to have a former member of the Silver Circle with us today." Joran nodded his head at her words, the corner of his mouth rising in a slight smile. "The Scar Worlds, and much of the Outer Rim, are in dire need of support, Master Raine. I do intend to provide the best support that I can to those in need, and protect the innocent of this region of space, and the galaxy beyond."

"The honor is all mine, Master Olan," Sam offered in return bestoying a small warm smile upon the hosting Jedi. "I am sure any efforts to do so will be much appreciated by the sentients of this often-forgotten region of the galaxy," she added with a dip of her golden head before he turned to walk across the Hall of Entry to the podium.

Samara listened thoughtfully as Joran Olan Joran Olan spoke about his plans for the new Jedi enclave. Most interesting... then the Master Jedi brought the Silver Jedi Order up and how he wanted to honor their legacy through this endeavor. It touched her heart to hear so, though this is the present day and not the past. Much good came from the Silvers' efforts and Order's presence in general, but there had been mistakes as well. Hopefully with hard lessons learned and the Force willing things would be for the better this time around for the good of all.

After the speech was over, the green-eyed Liann moved over towards the refreshements where one of the latecomers stood with his entourage. "Excuse me, Defender Starchaser... Are you by chance related to Master Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser ? I'm asking as a padawan I was mentoring for a while used to study at the Jedi temple on Kattada before he made his way to Coruscant," the honey blonde inquired of Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser , then added with an introduction.

"I am Samara Raine, formerly a Master Healer with the Silver Jedi."

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As he was listening, Jared didn’t take notice of the woman approach him right away, a bit of a situation he should probably remedy. He was here in an effort to assist, hoping that gaining more support from the Jedi could help in the wars coming to the Outer Rim. WIth the Rimward Trade League stepping back, and the Sanctum preferring to be defensive and the governments behind most scenes, the Jensaarai-Witch knew the Jedi were the poster children of light side defensive wars.

That being said, his Force reach was very abbreviated. When Samara approached, he offered her a smile. He knew the face was familiar, must have been in one of the holos he had from his father? He’d have to check with Coren when he got away from here. Jared tried to put on the best of a professional face as he could. “Coren’s my father.” A nod from the half Mirialan showed he was a bit of excitement to see another who had a history with Kattada. “Who is the padawan?” He tipped his head.

“And a pleasure to meet you officially. Did you work with Celeste?”
He offered a hand “Jared Starchaser… Force wanderer and Kattada representative.”

Samara Raine Samara Raine

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