Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Left Hand Free

Tags: Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker

She'd sent the only person in her circle that might have an understanding about her situation a holo.

Standing just short of his own height since their last meeting, she hadn't fully explained the situation about that change given his own experience with the Sith. Still dealing with her own lack of understanding about what had happened, she had promised to do her best with a little more time to get her thoughts together.

Really it had just been to allow her to scrutinize her phrasing more before dropping a potential bombshell.

The easier thing to explain was the sudden loss of her arm. Almost dismissive about the topic as her left sleeve dangled freely below the deltoid. Her long sleeved shirt not yet altered to the change as her fingers danced across her jeans, the boots tapping against the plating in the cockpit as they flew.

A frown across her face as she tried explaining once more her change in height.

"I was with the Trade League then and I'd stopped on Corva Yag with cargo. I did not go there looking for a fight." Crossing a leg, leaning to the right and resting her face against her hand.

"I did not know that a Sith Healer was there mucking things up. Hindsight is twenty twenty alright?" Sticking her tongue out at him before blowing a raspberry to make her point.

It was childish yes, but she was relaxed and trying to keep the talk from being overly serious.

"And she did. Something. To make me get taller. And stronger. BUT. But! I know it can't be that bad." Her voice rising sharply to defend herself before he spoke. Not that he was doing a lot of that really, since she was in her own little rant and hadn't stopped since the start.

"I've been around several light side masters that never said anything. So yeah."

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Trextan offered a sympathetic look, even as he sized her up again. It was very confusing to have a significantly taller Lossa than he was used to suddenly.

He closed his right hand. Trextan didn't like digging back into those memories. It had been a difficult and confusing time. There had been physical and emotional pain.

"I know some people with a broader outlook on the Force that might have some advice. You don't seem any different. You sure this isn't part of your new evil schemes?" he asked, trying not to delve into the serious conversation too suddenly.

"I know someone who had an arm regrown for them too. A bit different to this," he said, flexing his artificial hand.
Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker

He'd been doing double and triple takes the entire time after realizing they were closer to being eye to eye than previous times.

It certainly hadn't helped her be consciousness of the fact a lot had changed in so short a time. Planet hopping to find her grandmother's Holocrons, losing an arm and even having her butt saved from the group that had attacked her cousin on Naboo.

But he was being mindful in other ways she supposed. His mention of evil schemes causing a playful grumble as she leaned on her good arm and acted as if she were going to kick him.

"You'll think evil scheme when your missing half your socks." Squinting at him before sticking her tongue out.

The mention of someone having their arm regrown forced her eyes wide as they fixated on the stump of an arm. Whether disbelief or mild wonder made her, she waved the stump briefly in a circle. As though the motion would suddenly produce results before watching intently. The dissatisfied downturn of her features thrown back to him.

"I'll have to look into that since I don't have the any kind of miracle-grow in me." Settling back into the seat as she examined his cybernetic. Remembering the lightsaber hidden inside as she canted her head a little.

He'd hesitated on the topic before, and even now he was dancing around it in a certain way. Her pinpoint conversational abilities of late had shown her how the delving into a topic could be at times. And tempered her next words a little.

"I don't think I can rock silver like you can if I got cybernetic. But the little lightsaber trick would be handy."

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