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Public Level 21, Coruscant - [Blackjack Thread]

Argos of the East


Undercity, Level 21

The gambling hall Argos found himself in today was a bit more upscale given the neigborhood - but he supposed it made sense. This was less the regular kind of club, and more the upper cities tour of the lower city when they were feeling a bit more risky. It lacked the definitive smell of the undercity - that much was clear, but it let Argos get a few rich suckers drunk then take them for all they were worth.​
He had contacts in the local gangs, people came to him for info or jobs, and he got paid for all of it. The owner of the club seemed to forget that last part - and needed to come up with arrears. A favor owed by another gang to him allowed him to imminent domain the place under his name - renaming the place 'The Ark' after its rumored reputation for saving more than a few trust fund daughters during the Maw's last invasion.​
So now he sat at the black jack table sliding decks into the card shuffler.​
"Come one, come all! Blackjack here, 21, get your money and double your fun!", he beamed.​
"Dealer holds on 17, side bet for matching cards! Double on your hand winning, win ten times as much for the side bet!"

And so, he'd wait for someone to take a seat.​
Hi all!​
This is going to be a bit of an experiment using the new UC system, but follow me as we walk through this. I have an online 'random card generator' that will give you a card. I will use this to make a 21 game for those who wanna try!

For the dealer's hand, I will roll two cards, then screecap it with a timestamp. You'll have to trust me in that I won't alter my cards - but its the best i can think of at the moment.​
Once I have my hand, I will announce the second card I rolled in a post, check for 21, and we'll start.​
Each round after you get your cards and your total, you will simply have to reply with one action. Hit to get a card, hold to stay, double down if on your first call and put in double your initial bet, or split if you have two of the same cards.​
Once I have everyone in on that round, I'll do my own cards (again, you'll have to trust me), screen cap them, and then deal out any winnings.​
With small bets, one should only profit from this thread no matter what!​
Coruscanti Undercity, Level 21

Y'know, Coruscant really wasn't the in place these days. Supposedly it was the crown jewel of the galaxy; a historic capital with a wealth of history and culture to share. Unfortunately for Coruscant, other planets existed. Denon, Empress Teta, Zeltros - all of which had greater, more luxuriant night-lives than here. But again, unfortunately, this little household of the Zambrano family wasn't as wealthy as the rest of them.

Beggars couldn't afford to be choosers, but they damn sure knew how to gamble.

'The Ark' seemed like the least shabby place on the block. Seeing as Mordecai hadn't come alone, any other place was hardly fitting for such a fine woman. Dressed for night of drink and cards, the Sith Lord was all rolled sleeves and a cuffed shirt. Nightlife fashion that belied an air of fine taste and a willingness to drop credits on whatever he wanted. The broad-shouldered man extended an arm to his woman, helping her out of the airspeeder.

"My love," his pearly whites gleamed, "You look lovely."

And she did. Carly wore a figure-hugging mini dress that drew every eye. There was hardly a day where a woman of such substance and class graced these streets. His rosy-cheeked wife responded with an embarrassed grin and took his arm in her own. Mordecai stood a little taller then, his gleaming gaze wafting over the crowd with an air that conveyed a clear message: 'Look, this is mine.'

"Time to make some money." The dark haired Lord took confident steps forward.

Carly snorted. "Or lose some!"

And then they were off.

Argos of the East

Argos of the East

"A man after my own heart.", Argos called out loud enough for Mordecai Zambrano Mordecai Zambrano to hear.​
"You bring along a fine woman, Sir - why don't you both come take a seat. Drinks are on me - but the bet's are your own."​
The criminal laughed - putting just enough effort in to be an obvious showman, but not enough to seem fake about it. He beamed and adjusted in his seat as he deftly shuffled a pack of cards.​
"Put in a bet, take a hand. What'll it be?"​
This establishment was finer than it appeared from the outside. Less seedy than the folks that lingered around the entryway, stinking up the place with body odor and the stench of sour liquors. Mordecai and Carly strode inside with the air of haughty aristocrats, all smiles and giving the unkempt masses a wider berth than required. A little socializing was proper - albeit with the right people.

Gilded words reached Mordecai's ears as they explored the venue, his gaze sweeping over Argos of the East. A quick smile and a nudge from Carly was what got him going.

The well-dressed pair sauntered over to the blackjack table. Each of them took a seat, with Carly opening up a case of fine cigarras. It took but a second for her to light one up, then stuck one between her husband's teeth.

"I'll have a Breath of Heaven," Mordecai grinned, settling elbows on the table.

"A Moogan Tea," his wife replied, blue smoke framing her face, "Easy on the ice."

The Sith took a long drag, fished for something in his pocket, and then slapped a credit chit on the table. Time to get dealt in. Just a couple thousand credits for now.

"Five hundred. Let's get a read on the temperature."

Argos of the East

"We always start hot.", he said with a grin.​
He began to deal the cards - one to him, one to Mordecai Zambrano Mordecai Zambrano . His own was face down, Mordecai's face up - but the second of Argo's was faceup just the same.​
Mordecai's hand was reasonable - a Three of Hearts and the Ace of Clubs. Argo's own had a faceup Three of Diamonds.​
"Your total is 4 or 14.", he chimed in.​
"What'll you do?"​
The Sith pursed his lips, nodding as the dealer handled his job. Apparently the house rules were standard here - perfectly fine by him. Carly scooted just a tad closer to him, gripping his arm tighter once his hand got dealt.

His head swam with thoughts. Risk, reward. Risk, reward.

Then he tapped the table. "Hit me." Let's save that double down for a closer hand.

Argos of the East

Argos of the East

Argos laid out another card from the autoshuffler and leaned back.​
"Four of spades.", he said with a tap of the card.​
"Eight, or eighteen."​
Their drinks finally arrived. The Zelosian waitress gave the burly man and his charming wife her most adorable smile, a little wiggle of the hips, and then she was off. Mordecai's drink was strong enough to put down a Bantha whilst Carly's had a lot more... flavor. And sugar.

The Sith's decision was framed by a drag of smoke and a bitter, taut-jawed sip of liquor.

"Stand," he gave the dealer a smug grin. Victory was so close.

Argos of the East

Argos of the East

Argos smiled at the man's draw. 18 was a good lot to have - and not the worst it could come out as. He himself, flipped his own cards.​
On the bottom, was the Six of Spades. With the Three of Diamonds, he had 9. As the rules of the game dictated, he drew a card.​
Six of hearts. Total came to 15.​
One more, and he laid flat a Three of Hearts. Total 18.​
"Push back.", he said with a lean.​
"No loss is better than a loss big chief. Standing on that 500 cred bet?", he said with a cock of his brow.​
With that, he'd lay some more cards down, and speak.​
"What brings you by the planet?"​

Argos of the East

"Consider yourself dealt.", Argos said as he took a long sip from his drink.​
When it was set down, his hands moved to the nearby deck, shuffled it - and set it in the auto shuffler. It was redundant, but a habit the man had - and so he pulled cards out as they were sent from the machine. This time, only two sets;​
One for him. One face down, and a 9 of Spades.​
For her, she was given two;

Ace of Spades, and a Five of Spades.
"6 or 16, doll - up to you."​

Argos of the East

Argos tossed another card over to her - showing the Queen of Hearts.

"16 again.", he said with a smile.

"Haven't seen your face around these parts; someone I should know?", he said with a cock of his brow.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
At the flip of the card, Ivory hid a grin behind the rim of her glass, regarding the rugged, augmented man sitting across from her. Casually, she lowered the glass and set it upon a coaster on front of her. She met his gaze, violet eyes penetrating his core, seeming to search for... something... before she answered with a shrug:

"I guess that depends. Do you know everybody in these parts, or only the important ones?"

Without breaking eye contact, she tapped her fingers twice more on the table - signifying a desire for another card.

Argos of the East

Argos of the East

"Did you just imply you weren't important?", he said with a cock of his brow.​
He scoffed, laughed, and motioned to her cards.​
"Its a tough sell for any criminal to start with being 'unimportant'. If you were me? I'd talk myself up - without snitching on myself of course.", he shrugged.​
With a twist of his robotic hand, he threw her another card;​
10 of Spades. With 26, Ivory busts. Argos gave a low whistle, flipped his card to show a 9 of Hearts and held at his 18, then grabbed her chips.​
Ignore the top one, that's from the previous hand lmao​
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Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
Eyebrows raising at the card, then returning her eyes to look at the dealer, Ivory threw him a grin as she handed her chips over.

"Maybe I just like to keep a low profile. Let my actions speak louder than words." She quipped, before setting down a bet of 500 chips. Shifting attention away from herself, Ivory gave a nod toward the man's augmented limb. "How'd you lose your arm?"

She waited for another hand of cards and reached for her drink.

Argos of the East

Argos of the East

"By asking a guy how he lost his arm.", he said with a coy smile.​
He pressed a button, loaded the old cards into a slot, and began to draw some more. A few for him, a few for her. His own was simple: One Facedown card, and the Ace of Diamonds. He quickly checked for 21, but set it back down; implying it was not an instantly winning hand just yet. For hers, he gave two face up - Four of Hearts, and a Four of Spades.​
"Eight, love. Do what you do.", he said as he leaned back, grabbing his drink.​
"Actions only matter as far as the wake of 'em. Gotta get yourself a good reputation before it matters."​
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
"Reputation is everything." She agreed, considering the two cards in-front of her for a moment. Her response trailed off in an uncaring way, and she took a sip from her drink.

Then, she put her palms together, spreading them apart as a way of saying "Split" - separating both cards as they were the same value, and doubling her bet. That done, she asked for another card for each.

His pithy comeback about his arm was noted. His wit was sharp, and Ivory was amused... but his opinion as-to her reputation or identity didn't bother her in the least.

"So, do you get out much? Or just spend your time in cheap lower-city dives, skimming creds from the locals? Not really the kinda place you'd expect to find a hardened criminal."

A shot across the bow. She was curious just how far his hubris went.

Argos of the East

Argos of the East

"Who said I was a criminal?", he said with a cock of his brow.​
He glanced to a guy near him - pointed at him and took a threatening tone;​
"You say I was a criminal?"​
The guy seemed flustered and didn't have a chance to respond before Argos simply shook his head and went back to the game.​
"I entertain myself between jobs down here - swindling creds is the most fun you can have with your clothes on, after all. Certainly cheaper than trying to take them off, anyhow.", he laughed.​
With her split, he set out two new cards. For her first hand, she had the Four of Hearts and the Eight of Diamonds. A simple 12.

For her second, she had the Four of Spades and Two of Hearts. 6.​
For her 12, he motioned to it.​
"What're you doin?"​
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
An amused smirk tugged at the corner of her lip as she watched the charade play out in front of her. She had been speaking ironically - both for her own sake, as well as his. The man with the silver arm had made the same assumption about her, and she'd brushed it off just as easily. He had sized her up immediately, and she him.

Still, her eyes were locked onto him - paying attention to how he moved, evaluating the ease with-which he manipulated the cards. The simmering intensity behind her eyes would have betrayed her casual posture: she wasn't concerned with winning or losing the game. She also wasn't looking for a mate, whether his joke about undressing was merely a convenient comparison or a veiled suggestion. Her body language would have appeared relaxed to a passersby, but types such as they could recognize the coiled tension of a predator at rest.

"Hit me." She said. There was force behind her words... a command, not a request.

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