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Lightsaber Crystal Guide

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
Originally crafted by Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin who gets most credit as they did the research and work. I just touched it up with the new entries that have come to the wookiee but as a means to help facilitate a few of the more outlandish capabilities of crystals or balance them for submission purposes. If there is a crystal you want to add that you have created there is a small template and updates will be when they can be.

Crystals: Combination of basic and exotic crystals. SOme with small effects and some with strange ones from altering the blade to the color to enhancing the force.
Adegan crystal: One of the standard lightsaber crystals. Types of Adegan crystal in order of increasing rarity, value, Force attunement and cutting power: Kathracite, Relacite, Danite, Mephite, Pontite. Pontite is so Force-attuned that it becomes easier to remain calm in the crystal's presence.​
Barab ingot: From the homeworld of the Barabels​
Blackwing Crystal: Produces a 'dark, smokey ash blade' comparable to a Darksaber; might radiate in infrared or ultraviolet. Visually unique, but confers no technical benefits.​
Bondar: Found on an asteroid in the Alderaan system. Converts saber energy into a different kind of energy discharge, which can stun, do normal damage, or any effect in between. Training lightsabers are made with bondar crystals.​
Bravis Sith Lightsaber Crystal: Produces a red blade with a sparkling effect. Visually unique, but confers no technical benefits.​
Compressed energy crystal: Blades using CECs appear to pulsate, and have a thinner core. CECs can be made from Luxum crystals, Ilum crystals, Adegan crystals, Corusca gems, and other gemstones/crystals. Visually unique, but confers no technical benefits. Can be used in light-sculptures.​
Corrosion: A special variant of CEC. Red blade, thin core, pulsating visual effect. Corrosion effect unrecognized; interpreted as better cutting power.​
Corusca gem: Extremely expensive. Confers no technical benefits.​
Crimson Prowler Lightsaber Crystal: Produces a red blade with a sparkling effect. Visually unique, but confers no technical benefits.​
Dahgee Lightsaber crystal: Produces a dark silver core (comparable to a Darksaber) surrounded by a colored aura. For unknown reasons, the blade is unusually shaped: it is somewhat crooked.​
Damind: Found on the planet Daminia. Produces a wider and longer blade, improving ability to deflect blasterfire.​
Dantari crystal: Found in kinrath eggs near the ancient Jedi enclave on Dantooine. Commonly found in red, green, and blue variants; less commonly found in purple, pink, yellow, and other colors. Dantari crystals allow the user a better focus on recovering spent Force energy, and reduce combat Force fatigue.​
Dragite crystal: Found on M'haeli, in the D'olop Mountain Range. Usable as a power source by other technologies. As a saber crystal, Dragite creates a blade that resonates very loudly when struck, to the point of disorientation (interpretation of 'sonic damage' effect). Pink or red blade.​
Dragite gem: A brittle gem able to be used in a saber and increases the hum of the blade as energy feedback. Strikes can discharge it in a pulse.​
Durindfire (crystal): Found on Tatooine. Silver blade. Traditionally associated with Corellian Jedi.​
Enhancement jewel: A common optical component, salvageable from high-resolution projector systems. The known canon example produced a copper-red blade​
Eralam: Very rare; found on the third moon of Erai. Blue blade.​
Firkrann: Found on Rafa V. Through unknown means, allows the owner to charge the blade with lightning, making it more effective against droids. Historically associated with Sith Lords, including Tulak Hord. Noted as quite heavy. Blue-white blade.​
Focus: Blue crystal that increasers a jedi's focus with the force when worn.​
Ghostfire crystal: Strange crystal that augments the blade and makes it invisible.​
Gungan crystal: A strange crystal, part of Gungan energy field technology. When included in a lightsaber that also includes Gungan circuitry, the crystal causes strange bubbling variations in the blade's containment field. No known technical benefit, but visually unique.​
Hurrikaine crystal: A body part of the stone-encrusted natives on Hurikane. Noted as very good at penetrating defenses (often interpreted as good against energy shields). Violet blade.​
Ilum crystal: Found on Ilum. A standard lightsaber crystal, comparable to mephite or pontite variants of Adegan crystal. Generally blue or green.​
Impact: A high-damage variant of Compressed Energy Crystal. Blades using CECs appear to pulsate, and have a thinner core. Yellow blade.​
Incineration: A high-damage variant of Compressed Energy Crystal. Blades using CECs appear to pulsate, and have a thinner core.​
Jenruax: Found on an asteroid in the Fyrth system, and then refined. A form of Opila, which is noted for its cutting power. Jenruax also makes the blade quicker and easier to handle, noted as improving blaster deflection.​
Kasha: Made on Cerea. A Light-oriented, Force-imbued artifact that boosts calm and focus. Yellow blade.​
Katak: Found (non-exclusively) in the Yavin system, in ancient Death Star debris. Very rare. Historically associated with Darksiders. Slowly drains the life energy from all around, causing mild fatigue, and siphoning a portion of energy from those killed with the saber.​
Kimber stone: Produces a non-lethal blade.​
Krayt dragon pearl: Difficult to install in a saber. Extremely valuable. Blue, green, red, white, or black. No known technical benefits.​
Kyber crystal: A lightside attuned crystal that calls to the jedi and is used in padawans first blades. THey can be bled by a darksider to corrupt them but can also be cleansed.​
Lambent: Living Yuuzhan Vong biot. Bonding with a lambent can confer unusual benefits, such as Vongsense. Note that Vongsense and the Force cannot be used/sensed at the same time.​
Lava crystal: Found on volcanic planets and moons, such as Mustafar. Causes anomalies in blade composition and structure that causes the blades plasma erupt out of the containment field.​
Life Drain: Comparable to a Katak Crystal.​
Lignan crystal: Found as Lignan ore on the moon of Phaegon III. Notable for extreme cutting power. Heavily imbued with the Dark Side, to the point where its presence is addictive and causes light-headedness after use.​
Lorrdian gemstone: Found on Lorrd. A Light-oriented, Force-imbued artifact that enhances the wielder's ability to read an enemy's intentions, primarily through body language.​
Luxum: Must be formed through prolonged meditation at Lake Natth on Ambria. Heavily imbued with the Dark Side. Blade causes electrical/ion damage, making it especially potent against droids.​
Marilite: Often used in blaster construction and other weapon components; can be used as an energy source in other technologies.​
Meditation crystal: Found on Tython. Allows a closer Force connection, manifesting as reduced Force fatigue. Blue blade.​
Nak'tra crystal: Found on Kashyyyk and used in sabers to make the blades much more powerful for cutting.​
Nextor: Found in the mountains of M'Haeli. Blade is noted as being highly volatile. White blade.​
Nihil Smokestone: Mental enhancement great for Fallanassi.​
Nishalorite stone: A crystal that produces blades that react to magnetic fields and can direct towards the magnetic north of a world.​
Obsidian: Taken usually from darkside shrines where they were infused it could produce a red blade.​
Opila: Found on an asteroid in the Fyrth system. Noted for its cutting power.​
Permafrost crystal: Found on Hoth, and occasionally on Dathomir. 'Cold damage' effect unrecognized; interpreted as improved cutting power. A saber with this crystal can only be used by the saber's maker. Blue blade.​
Phond: Poorly understood industrial/metallurgical byproduct. Blue-white blade.​
Qixoni crystal: Found in the supernova remnants of the Qixoni system, and on Dagobah. Very rare. Enhances Force abilities. Generally associated with the Dark Side. Red blade.​
Rainbow gem: Found in the Hapes Cluster, on Gallinore. Sentient lifeform, unharmed by use as a saber crystal.​
Rhyolite: A simple crystal used in the construction process of lightsabers.​
Rol Stone: Red blade​
Rubat: Only found on Phemis and used in the construction of lightsaber crystals. Sharpens the blade allowing it to be tracked and move faster for quicker attacks.​
Ruusan crystal: Found on Ruusan. Extremely rare; considered lost after 1,000 BBY. Improves Force focus. White or pinkish blade.​
Sapith: Found on Lwhekk. Extremely rare; excreted once every eleven years by a Volice worm, which went extinct at some point before 4,000 BBY. White or grayish blade.​
Seeker crystal: Produces a pink blade and allows increased detection capabilities.​
Sigil crystal: Found in the Sigil System. Brownish-yellow blade. Famous for cutting power.​
Sorian crystal: Alters the blade to look like it is firre and on contact releases a large amount of plasma.​
Stygium: Lightsaber circuitry is not cloaking device circuitry. However, for unknown reasons, as a lightsaber crystal, stygium can act as a focus for certain kinds of Force stealth.​
Synthetic lightsaber crystal: Created in special furnaces (geological compressors) using the Force over a twenty-four-hour period of meditation. Can be augmented via the Force (i.e. imbued with certain effects). Commonly associated with the Dark Side. Generally, but not exclusively, red. In extremely rare circumstances, sabers using synthetic crystals can overload other lightsabers and burn them out. Variants can be unstable​
Tainted Nightsister Crystal: Dathomiri crystals soaked in Nightsister spirit ichor giving blades created with it a sickly green look.​
Thontiin crystal: A powerful healing aid for the jedi's lightsaber.​
Tsil - Found on Nam Chorios. Sentient lifeform, agonized by use in electronics. Radiance can repel drochs.​
Ultima-Pearl: Found on Dac, on the ocean floor. Silver or blue blade. Difficult to install.​
Upari: Found in orbit of forested worlds, such as Kashyyyk. Ancient Jedi, Gormak, and Wookiee traditions can craft these crystals for a variety of effects, such as mental defense. Blue blade.​
Varpeline crystal: Produces a sharper blade that is made to cut through most materials.​
Velmorite: Found on Velmor. Often used to make Velmorite energy swords. Creates a thin blade, good for precision work. Yellow blade.​
Vexxtal: Imbued with the Dark Side. Wounds from these sabers are difficult to heal (interpretation of 'corruption damage' effect).​
Viridian crystal: Rare. Silver-green blade.​
Zophis crystal: THe unique resonance of the blade produces an unstable blade and can slice through durasteel with greater ease.​

Character Crystals: Legendary crystals reportedly owned by jedi and sith masters.
Allya's Exile: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Allya's Redemption: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Baas' Wisdom: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Bane's Heart (crystal): Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade and improves lightning effects​
Bnar's Sacrifice: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Bondara's Folly: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Cunning of Tyranus: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade, functions better in curved hilts.​
Etaan crystal: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Horn's Future: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Kenobi's Legacy: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Kun's Blood: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Meetra Surik Crystal: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade, more for decoration then being able to function in a saber.​
Prowess of Plo Koon: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Sunrider's Destiny: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Ulic's Redemption: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​
Windu's Guile: Artifact crystal copies can be found. changes the color of the blade​

Crystals of Lore: Ancient and rare crystals that were tied to stories across the galaxy.
Ankarres Sapphire: Powerful force enhancement and boosts healing abilities. One of the legendary force crystals and attuned to the lightside burning in the hands of a darksider.​
Healing Crystals of Fire: Ancient and powerful crystal of the jedi that augments healers to a degree many cannot match easily.​
Heart of the Guardian: Can alter the abilities of other crystals within the same saber, in strange ways. Reddish/bronze/yellow blade. Sith and Jedi prophecies are associated with this crystal.​
Kaiburr crystal: Found on Mimban. The true Kaiburr Crystal is the size of a head and is an intensely powerful Force artifact in certain circumstances. However, shards of Kaiburr Crystal can be found just about anywhere. When in the Circarpous system, and especially when at the Temple of Pomojema on Mimban, Kaiburr shards grant increased Force powers. Reddish blade.​
Mantle of the Force: Can alter the abilities of other crystals within the same saber, in strange ways. Cyan blade.​
Shard of the Serpent: A powerful focusing crystal that could be used to emit a dangerous beam of energy over long distances.​
Solari: Found on Sacorria and Rhen Var. Can only be used by Lightsiders. Creates a wider blade, useful for deflection. Orange-yellow blade, though other colors can be found.​

Chaos Crystals:


  • Intent: (Example: 'A personal crystal')
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon crystal.)
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer's submissions as part of the submission)
  • Crystal Link: (Please link the crystal)
  • Manufacturer: (example, mysterious force order, an individual, event reward.)
  • Affiliation: Darkside, Lightside, Neutral
  • Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (A pair of sabers, a small strike team)
Last edited:
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
  • Manufacturer: N/A | It is a natural formation in the mountains belonging to the Sanctuary.
  • Affiliation: Neutral | Depends on the user
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Production: Semi-Unique
This question may be in ignorance, but what is the usability status of Terresta shards (they give a black core instead of traditional white, though I am not sure if it replaces the lightsaber crystal or is an addition)?
It isn't Wookiepedia, so I am unsure.
Another thought: what if I just instead said mine is a unique "mutated" (for lack of better word) version of a regular crystal that gave a black core? Specifically I use a Barab ingot that gives a violet blade. It can vary in color anyway, so maybe it's plausible to find a "hyperviolet" ingot that produces a purple on black blade.
  • Intent: Personal Crystal
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Crystal Link: Tiger's Heart
  • Manufacturer: Cathar
  • Affiliation: Lightside
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Production: Unique

  • Intent: A Crystal for Elementalists, specifically airshapers.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Crystal Link: Winds of Change
  • Manufacturer: Ilum
  • Affiliation: Lightside
  • Market Status: Open Market
  • Production: Semi-Unique

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