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Approved Starship Lonchis-Class Battlecruiser "Blood Spear"

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A Lonchis-Class Battlecruiser, accelerating befoe entering hyperspace

  • Intent: Meant to serve as a capital ship for Irratar's Raider Fleet.
  • Image Source: Art Credit: Snowman98
  • Canon Link: NA
  • Permissions: NA
  • Primary Source: NA

  • Classification: Battle Cruiser
  • Length: 2,000 meters.
  • Width: 648 meters.
  • Height: 531 meters
  • Armament: Very High. The vessel is armed with a plethora of Point-Defense Batteries, Four-barreled Turbolaser Cannon Batteries, rocket-propelled seismic charge-carrying missiles, as well as 24 Flak Gun emplacements, at port and starboard of the warship, enabling tremendous firepower when closing in on enemy targets. Lonchis-Class Battle Cruiser is also carrying a huge number of armor piercing Boarding Torpedoes.
  • Defenses: High
    • Ray Shield Internal Defense (All Blastdoors connected to Hangar Bays, and main entrance passageways are equipped with Ray Shields, to allow isolation of sectors, in case of boarding. Several Ray Shields are also augmented within passage ways at the crew deck, as well as prison section and cargo decks)
    • Advanced Deflector Shield Generators
    • Dual Life Support System (Main and Auxiliary). In case the primary collapses due to damage or malfunction, there is a secondary support, made to operate until the primary is back online.
  • Hangar Space: Low
  • Maneuverability Rating: High. Due to the heavily modified steering system and augmented engines, she can perform rather well for her size, although such would in time overheat the engines, which could cause internal fires, if used excessivelly.
  • Speed Rating: High. She can boost to very high speeds in very short time, while she can also perform maneuvers while accelerating.
  • Hyperdrive: 1,43 seconds
  • Mobile. Very high maneuverability for her size, able to reach high speeds as well as entering hyperspace in rather short notice, allowing her to escape from narrow confrontation as well as pursuits.
  • Armed to the teeth. The plethora of heavy weaponry of the vessel's external hull makes her a dangerous foe to cross. Capable for both
  • Temple of the Crimson Star Circle. Having a large sector of temple complexes, the Blood Spear battle-cruiser can utilize advanced Force Rituals during combat, becoming tidechanger, in case of boarding and narrow battle.
    • Dread Aura. The cultists are able to develop a Dark Side fog around the vessel, if there are enough members of the Hegenika onboard. When this is activated, any enemy starfighter pilot or boarding party reaching very close to the aura is very likely to be affected by Dread, should no protection against such effects is present. To accomplish this, a mass sacrifice is required.
    • Dread Incarnations: The decks of the ship are shrouded with Dread Fog; A crimson mist from which causes any mind onboard the ship to see dark shadows emerge from the crimson coat, causing panic or even pure dread to those hostile towards them...

      A dread spawn emerging from a tainted deck. (Credit: Coffee and Cigarettes (unable to find actual name)
    • Living Metal. With a whole catacumb situated onboard, at the temple decks, the dark adepts can manipulate the tormented souls of the sacrificed captives, sending them to feast upon the living essense of the boarding parties.

      Crimson Star Circle Sorcerer calling upon the Dark Gods onboard the Blood Spear (Credit)
  • Temple of the Dark Gods. The Blood Spear has a large temple complex onboard, which allows the Dark Side to possess the warship. The dark adeps and warlocks onboard can easily turn the labyrinthic interior of the Blood Spear into a nightmarish horror-dungeon for any who dare boarding it. However, If exposed to Force-Nullification field, the dark aura and most powerful defenses casted by the onboard adepts would be rendered almost useless, leaving the defenses purely to the skill of the Warlocks and the crew warriors.
  • Precious. Due to the large space onboard dedicated in stowing loot and resources from raids and tributes, the Blood Spear has a significant reason to remain far from main engagements, as going in would risk the most valuable cargo. Although tremendously capable, such warships are oftentimes serving as capital ships, or troop carriers, instead of vanguard vessels.
The sharp, crimson forecastle of the Lonchis-class battlecruiser is always decorated with trophies and honours of previous plunder, while the spiked, highly complex hull carries countless statue-like figures and symbols, indicating the high status and wealth of the owner. Her huge Flak cannon barrels emerging from double-opening sliding armored blastdoors, to reveal the dark hunger of the heavy weapons of war to spit cannonfire. Armed to the teeth and boosted across the cold of the void by the blazing blue beam of her engines, Lonchis-Class Battlecruiser is a force to be reckoned with, leading proudly her Raider Fleets into glorious battle and plunder.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Irratar Hemstagon Irratar Hemstagon

Very nice ship again!
  • The ship is underpowered (-3), if you want, feel free to fix it.
  • Aobut the Hangar Space rating, the base is only 2, the 4 is a very low.
  • The defences is more a high and not just average. The average means standard shields, the "Reinforced Deflector Shields" is more than average. Please fix it.
  • The last picture's link is not good, I'm not found the picture there. Please fix it.
  • And one more last thing, the ship and the crew has many connection with the Force. Please add to the Weaknesses, what happens if they are under effect of a Force Nullification zone, Void crystals or Ysalamir, or simply under such effect where they can't use the Force entirely.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
Irratar Hemstagon Irratar Hemstagon

Very nice ship again!
  • The ship is underpowered (-3), if you want, feel free to fix it.
  • Aobut the Hangar Space rating, the base is only 2, the 4 is a very low.
  • The defences is more a high and not just average. The average means standard shields, the "Reinforced Deflector Shields" is more than average. Please fix it.
  • The last picture's link is not good, I'm not found the picture there. Please fix it.
  • And one more last thing, the ship and the crew has many connection with the Force. Please add to the Weaknesses, what happens if they are under effect of a Force Nullification zone, Void crystals or Ysalamir, or simply under such effect where they can't use the Force entirely.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
  • power: will see to it asap! Its Irratar's flagship cant have her underpowered 0.0
  • hangars: now that explains it. Will fix!
  • will cook something out, might kill some hangars to keep it balanced.
  • will see to the pictures links again
-DUUUUUUUUDE that was dope idea. ON IT!

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