Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking for Artisan — Lightsaber Design


I'm looking for a (Jedi) Artisan who is able to create a double-bladed lightsaber and is willing to work with a Jedi. Valery primarily used one prior to her long time in stasis, and I'm looking for her to finally build herself a new one. I'm not quite sure if people have any characters who focus on making stuff like this, but figured I'd throw it out there to see if there was any interest in it.

The RP can be just a meeting where it's discussed and built, but I'm down for doing more with it too.

As an additional note, I intend to commission a modeled version of it similar to what I'll link below for Valery's standard lightsabers. I have no design in mind yet at all, so the RP and OOC discussion will be able to play into what it's going to look like, and there will be some art of it :)

Example of what I commissioned for her lightsabers:

Got a poke on this via discord \o/

If someone else has a character as well, feel free to still drop something below. Might be able to work something out still, or can also be useful for the future :)

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