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Work In Progress Lossara [ Character Contest WIP ]


  • Intent: To create a new and unique species inspired by Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus for the Character Contest
  • Image Credit: Image made through Midjourney, dividers created by Chaos staff.
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Lossa Darchul

  • Name: Lossara
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Unknown
  • Average Lifespan: 200-250
  • Estimated Population: Scattered
  • Description: The Lossara are a chaotic and whimsical species known for their constant roaming and unwillingness to settle in one place for long. Fiercely independent, they dislike being told what to do and tend to avoid violence as much as possible. They excel as thieves and scavengers, often drawn to shiny objects and advanced technology. With innate mentalist abilities, they can read, influence, and even shatter the minds of others. While most Lossara do not hone these abilities, those who do tend to be considered very dangerous and often find easy work as spies or interrogation officers.

  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults:
    • Females: 149.86-160.02
    • Males: 180.34-187.96
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Various shades of blue, pinks, teals, and yellows with an iridescent sheen that softly glitters due to reflective crystalline structures found in their skin.
  • Hair color: Various vibrant shades, Multi-colored
  • Distinctions: The Lossara are defined by unique physical traits that set them apart from baseline humans. While males are generally taller than females, both exhibit iridescent, jeweled skin tones. As they mature, their hair changes color, creating a multi-colored appearance which signifies their progression through various life stages. Touching their hair is considered highly offensive and will immediately provoke hostility and aggression, as it not only symbolizes pride and beauty but also takes a significant amount of time to grow. Among female Lossara, it is typical for numerous years to be devoted to nurturing and growing out their hair, with some possessing tresses that extend down to their ankles. To minimize damage, they frequently style their hair into intricate braids and other elegant updos.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard

  • Networking: Lossara are known to have vast networks of allies and contacts in just about every corner of the Galaxy. Their innate ability to cultivate deep-rooted alliances and foster relationships enables them to engage in efficient trade, transactional dealings, and crucial information exchange.
  • Mentalists: Capable of reading, influencing or even shattering the minds of others depending on level of training.
  • Gravitational Manipulation: Among the unique attributes possessed by the Lossara is their exceptional control over gravitational forces. This rare ability is exclusive to those born with Force Sensitivity and who subsequently commit to cultivating their mental prowess. By generating a localized disturbance within the surrounding gravity field, or by altering their own mass through the Force, these gifted individuals can effectively levitate or soar through the air at will.
  • Natural Armor: The crystalline structures found within the skin of the Lossara grants them heightened resilience against physical damage, minimizing their susceptibility to cuts, bruises, and scrapes.
  • Pathfinders: As a result of their on-the-move lifestyle, the majority of Lossara excel as astrogational navigators, often plotting their own routes through undiscovered regions.
  • Wanderers: The Lossara possess a nomadic lifestyle, characterized by minimalistic social structures and scarce ambition for establishing centralized governance. Preferring the simplicity of tight-knit family units, they consciously avoid the complexities and responsibilities associated with power and political systems.
  • Untapped Potential: Although they possess remarkable mentalist abilities, granting them the power to effortlessly read, sway, or even shatter an individual's mind, the majority of the Lossara display a lack of ambition toward honing these skills. This reluctance largely stems from their aversion to conflict and concerns over being exploited for their abilities by those with more sinister motives.
  • Heightened Sensitivity: The Lossara's distinctive glittering skin is a result of unique crystalline cell structures within their skin. This makes them susceptible to irritation when they come into contact with certain types of fabrics, particularly cotton. Furthermore, the Lossara possess a minor shellfish allergy due to an insufficient amount of enzymes in their gastrointestinal system. This deficiency hampers their capacity to adequately digest certain elements, which can potentially cause harm to their unique skin structure.
  • Irresistible: Lossara are known to be frequently captivated by the dazzling allure of sparkling items, advanced technology, and magnificent treasures. This fascination has the potential to sidetrack them from their primary objectives as they become completely absorbed by what's around them, rather than focusing on what they need to accomplish.
  • Independent: The Lossara's strong preference for autonomy can occasionally hinder their capability for teamwork. This may result in difficulties when integrating into larger groups or when facing challenges that require collaborative efforts.

  • Diet: Lossara are omnivores, with a preference for fruits, vegetables, and nuts. They have a mild allergy to shellfish.
  • Communication: Telepathy, Galactic Basic, and Lossari
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: Polytheistic, with a trickster deity being their primary figure of worship. Religious ceremonies often involve playful acts of mischief and offerings of shiny trinkets.
  • General behavior: In terms of social structure and family life, the Lossara prefer intimate family units with non-hierarchical organization. They are polyamorous by nature, often practicing collective child-rearing with multiple parental figures participating in a child's upbringing. Curious and adventurous by nature, it is common for Lossara to explore new environments and interact with various species. While they do not possess a centralized government or fixed settlements, their vast networks among other species facilitates trade and exchanges of knowledge, contributing to their reputation as savvy negotiators and resourceful travelers.

The mysterious Lossara species, known for their nomadic way of life and vibrant oral traditions, have long captivated the minds of scholars since their appearance on the galactic stage shortly following the end of the infamous Gulag Plague. The origins and homeland of these wanderers remain a mystery, not only to outsiders but even to the Lossara themselves, fueling numerous speculations on their beginnings.

Many academics believe that they may have come from another galaxy altogether, a theory that gains credence from the Lossara's uncanny aptitude for navigating uncharted territories with remarkable ease and proficiency. Their vast and seemingly innate understanding of astronomical phenomena suggests an extensive heritage of traversing the stars and constant adaptations to foreign environments.

Conversely, other scholars propose an alternative theory, suggesting that the Lossara may hail from undiscovered regions within the known galaxy, but have consciously obscured their origins as a survival tactic. According to this hypothesis, by erasing evidence of their own history, the Lossara would be free to explore the vast expanses of the galaxy without drawing suspicion or attracting hostility. Consequently, this has allowed them to blend seamlessly into various societies, ensuring their continued existence amid an unpredictable universe.

Regardless of what the actual truth may be, one thing remains certain — wherever they've come from, the Lossara are here to stay.
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