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Approved Location Lossa's House, Edge of Nowhere

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  • Structure Name: Lossa's House, Edge of Nowhere
  • Classification: Refurbished Starfighter Scramble Base turned private Home and Hangar
  • Location: Located on Susevfi, Yumfla is the closest city via an hour flight.
  • Affiliation: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
  • Accessibility: While easy to find, even from low orbit, the property is highly isolated due to operations as a former military site and is surrounded by large/tall manufactured hills on three sides.
  • Description: The residence is large, reaching almost six stories in total height. The ground floor of the residence is dedicated to a small garage for personal speeders, while the upper four floors appear to be living areas. A balcony extends off to the side of the residence and a tank of some variety sits atop the roof. Inside the residential fence appears to be 3 smaller buildings of some variety.

    Some 20 meters away, and beyond a sheet metal fence, resides the large Hangar. Able to fit even larger starfighters and private freight vessels, the space is closed off with one wall dedicated to a smaller, vertical roll-open garage door below high windows. The large bay door opens horizontally, folding behind itself to grant access inside.

    Surrounding the immediate area is a perimeter fence and beyond that are 3 manufactured hills that offer little more than potential hikes.
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  • Residence Structure - The building as a whole is largely constructed of duracrete laced with agrinium mesh, and reinforced with durasteel rods running throughout. The structure was made to withstand the dangers of close proximity to a take-off and landing point for starfighters of all varieties to the south side. One entrance to the residential floors is inside the garage, while another access point is found from the ground floor to the balcony directly, allowing access to the common areas without a need to pass through the garage. The large containment vessel on the roof is the water recirculation and filtration system, with the true water tank buried below ground towards the west side of the residence building.
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  • Residence Garage - Large enough to house several(6) average speeder bikes neatly arranged, or a few(2) large landspeeders depending on arrangements, it also houses one of the means to access the living spaces above. One wall is dedicated to tools and parts storage while a small, a fixed overhead crane dominates the space above the largest door.
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  • Residence Balcony/1st Floor - The floor directly above the garage is an arrangement of four separate rooms. The main portion dominated by a large common area in the center functioning namely as a dining area with a large fold away table and seats. A decent sized kitchen resides along the north wall, while a small lounge room sits along the west side adjacent the dining hall, and the final room is a dedicated networking room in the corner of the floor between the kitchen and lounge space. Each accessible from the common area with their own respective doors.
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  • Residence 2nd to 4th Floor - Above the common area are the residence rooms. The 2nd and 3rd floors were at one point capable of housing 16 beings a piece while the top floor was capable of housing around 12 depending on arrangement. Now, 4 distinct rooms are on the 2nd and 3rd floor while one large room resides at the 4th floor. The 4th floor was formerly three rooms, though the walls were removed and the spaces joined together to make a large suite. All three residence floors have an inner hallway built around a central, spiral staircase leading connecting the 1st through 4th floor.
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  • Residence Greenhouses - Situated beside and slightly behind the residential area away from the Hangar are 3 decently sized greenhouses. Each measuring a little over 6 meters long, by 2.6 meters wide and tall. The typical singular planters are present, and even a number of larger plots along with custom beds are present.
  • Residence Fence - Surrounding not only the house but also the greenhouses, a tall sheet metal fence cuts off visibility to the ground level areas inside and out. A lengthy gap is present between the Hangar and Residence suggesting use of transportation between the two points.
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  • Hangar - Large by civilian standards, it is theoretically able to house a single squadron of average starfighters, or several large freighters at once. The latter option requiring some time to sortie in an emergency situation safely. Formerly a military operation base, it was repurposed and stripped of a number of systems and internal structures to serve as a trophy room for a private owner. Power Sockets are present around the interior walls, and powerful overhead lights make night time work possible.
  • Exterior Rear of Hangar - A storage area of sorts, sporting a number of reinforced and plainly visible fuel tanks, as well as several duracrete slabs presumably for cargo storage to avoid sinking into the ground. Power hookups are present in the area from several metal poles dotting the suggested perimeter of the storage area.
  • Perimeter Fence - A continuous sheet metal fence surrounds the exterior of the property broken only by a pair of powered gates able to pass vehicles through. The fence itself leaves about 75 meters of open ground between the farthest point of the fence and the nearby hills.
  • Surrounding Terrain - Surrounded on three sides by manufactured hills bordering on low mountains, the terrain is highly uneven and can be treacherous at the worst of times, rigorous at the best. Dotted with a healthy swath of trees, the open side is cordoned off with a fence gate and visible from the 2nd floor and up of the residence on a clear day.
SECURITY: Medium - Civilian
With a dedicated sheet metal fence surrounding the perimeter, and three large hills surrounding the property, the natural boundary is enforced with very little means. Aside from these, the old Surveillance System is largely operational, but is finicky at times with unprofessional repair. The system is linked to her ship and Personal computers through cloud systems.

While not hidden by anything more than natural barriers, it is also largely isolated from typical traffic, and anyone drawing near without announcement can be assumed unfriendly, or at least unknown. A pair of gates wide enough to fit smaller military vehicles through(roughly 6 meters wide, 7 meters tall) dominates the open face of the property. While the fence and gates could be pushed over with an assault vehicle, it would cause an alarm to be raised.

Due to the shape of the property surroundings, noises within are made louder due to the mostly basin shape trapping sound waves. Shouting or even loud speech around the residence will be easily heard inside, if a bit jarbled.
A former military base, the property fell out of favor with the construction of larger vessels and dedicated stations off planet to house the defensive force of starfighters. Slowly the station dwindled in number of enlisted being present, as well as the budget for the outpost being cut, and equipment being assigned elsewhere.

Eventually it was deemed unnecessary by the occupants, and the property was given over to the local governments control for their own use. Handed off to training purposes ultimately, it saw limited use for atmospheric training flights. Even then, the use was highly occasional with cadets being shipped off world to receive training in specialized facilities elsewhere in the galaxy. Until eventually the numbers dwindled low enough to entirely remove the need for such a station.

The local government held onto the property while drafting ideas of potential uses. Though they found the investment in repurposing the structure to be less than cost effective.

After several years of no occupancy, it was eventually brought to public auction.

Eventually, it came into the hands of a wealthy private citizen tired of paying for docking fees. Repurposed in their use as a storage Hangar for their growing collection of personal vessels, they maintained dedicated maintenance and flight technicians on call on the property. While content with the arrangement, the private owner eventually sold the property back. Moving their assets off planet when the Outer Rim found itself without an overarching government to regulate the local systems.

Citing their personal needs for security of their own interests, the private owner left. The property fell into disuse once more as the local government decided what uses that it might have before ending up for public auction once more. Though in a much shorter time frame than last.

Listed as a sight unseen purchase, it went up on the block, and due to its isolated location, saw little interest as the initial price slowly dwindled in an effort to entice a bid. Seeing an opportunity, Lossa placed her bid when the auction timer had sufficiently wound down in a poor belief it would ward off any lingering interested parties. To her surprise, a half minute suspension on the auction clock was made due to her bid; she went unchallenged however as other properties later on the block garnered far more promise.

Sight unseen had confused her until she asked for a picture of the site, instead being given coordinates and confirmation of ownership, with a healthy reminder to pay taxes on the property in the coming year.

Perturbed, she traveled nearly an hour by starship outside of the capital to the coordinates and found something of a mess on her hands.

During the interim of ownership being transferred and inquiries about use of the property, squatters had taken a liking to a roof over their head. While present, they had stripped a number of systems down while also removing a number of features. Some of the internal walls seemed professionally removed, while other spots less so. Being forced to watch an unhealthy amount of Do It Yourself holovids than she had dreamed of. Eventually patching things up enough that she could manage to make a liveable building.

The Hangar was next, needing only to rewire some of the power Sockets and lights to get it going again. Or so she believed. It wasn't until a downpour revealed leaks in the ceiling where light had failed to pierce that her faith in its integrity was shaken. Half a week was spent finding and patching holes before it became watertight and ready for use.

In between running freight, pulling salvage, and more home repairs, the property slowly began to feel like less of a project and more a liveable space. A surprise came after the installation of a computer system with a holonet connection in what looked to be an old office. Finding a wiring conduit beneath a painted over section unlike the typical ones she'd found in the office. She had to dig through a number of stacked desks in the Hangar to find anything even vaguely mentioning the design.

It had taken several days of reading and re-reading to figure out exactly what was at the other end of the hand drawn diagram, but was pleased to see a security system already in place in the form of covert fence posts and well camouflaged rocks with cameras and sensors inside.

The glee was short-lived however after being made to dig up the wiring in order to find the shorts in the old system. With a new map drawn including the line placement, the drawing was saved to her own device for easy future reference. She began the process of fixing and testing to see what did and did not work, learning quickly to not cover up lines until she checked that they did in fact work properly. Several weeks of slow effort eventually paid off when all the system's began to come alive without burning up, exploding, or shorting out the power in the building.

A few patches in the sheet metal fence finalized what she deemed worthy security before her gaze turned inward, beginning to invest in furniture and appliances to update the internals of the residence. Having previously been content to sleep on her freighter during all of this process. Simultaneously searching for appliances and furnishings while managing a thorough deep clean and painting, she was only forced to alter a purchase or paint scheme a handful of times through the whole affair.

Completing the residence, she let her sights fall on the greenhouses, and ultimately had to gut all three of the decently sized structures in light of their untamed overgrowth.

Finally content with her gamble and overall effort, she let herself return to working hauling freight rather than splitting her time, securing a private contract to supply fuel and water directly to her property. When asked why contract it out rather than transport and transfer it to the appropriate containment vessels on the property herself, she explained the last thing she wanted was a mix up of the two with no one to blame but herself.
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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Very good submission from the art to the detail, all in all solid and great! The only, and very minor, change that I will need before I can approve this submissions is a change in Links. All I need is a change of the @mention to a link to your character's bio. After that you'll be good to go!
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