Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lemme just preface this with my ultimate idea here: I want to see companies participating in the map game, plain and simple. I'm slowly developing a new thread type idea that I'll introduce for feedback at a later date, but essentially would revolve around companies and factions working together to gain territory and tell fun stories. Here's the issue I run into though- I need companies to have incentive to participate in these types of things.

Now I'll be real, I'm pretty much a factory noob. I barely know anything, most of the time I bribe ask other people to do my subs, so I have no real skin in this- it's just something I think would be cool to see. I also haven't been here long, but I've heard of the "factory deregulation" movement that took place, and I ain't tryna drag y'all back to the dark days. Let me also add, to my fellow staff members, I've heard of how much work you took on in those days, and I'm trying to find the easiest concepts to apply without adding too much to your plate.

Now lemme stop rambling and get to the point.

I think companies should have some kind of system for loss and gains.

This doesn't have to be overly-complicated and super regulated.

My first questions are in regards to the Galactic Stock Exchange created by the one and only Zef Halo Zef Halo . He's given me permission to toy with it, but ultimately, it depends on y'all.

  • Do you want companies to have some kind of real stakes? Why or why not?
  • Were you interested in the Stock Exchange? If so, would you like to see it implemented in an official way?
  • Do you have a better idea for a system like this?

If enough people agree that something like this- or another suggestion that comes along as a result of this - would be beneficial to the site, my suggestion is staff find a way to make it happen. Ultimately, I want what the community wants.
I've been writing with companies since 2014 (back when tier levels were a thing). I got my main company to tier 6, and my secondary one to tier 5 before the Factory deregulation took place. Frankly, the majority of my rp consists of roleplaying with those two companies. I just do stuff other than your typical business thread...because those aren't interesting to write.

Personally I have zero interests in the map game. Whoever has this or that planet on the map in their cloud is a matter of indifference to me. I've been more than able to write fun stories while being independent of the map and just joining this or that invasion/skirmish/rebellion when it suits my characters and I get a fun story out of it. I find Dominions dull anyway. So being able to claim that my company 'owns' this or that place doesn't entice me. I can already do this anyway. I just don't get the 'validation' of it being recognised by the map, but I'm fine with that. It's also worth noting that while factions are groups of people (some big, some small), the average company is one person.

I didn't participate in the Stock Exchange because it didn't interest me personally. It clearly interested a bunch of people and they had fun with it, which is great. I wouldn't want it to be mandatory though. I'm fine with the way companies run at present.
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Annasari Annasari

I think the stock exchange was a cool idea, but I personally lost interest after a while. I don't mind their being 'stakes' to companies, but I'm not sure what kind of system is really important. I personally judge companies on how high they are in the views/replies category on the Marketplace - but that's only my condition for success. I'm sure others have very different approaches to what a good company is.

Just to really stick home the wish washy answer, I think stakes to companies is cool! But I also don't know how long it would interest a lot of people, or if its really all that needed. Yes, but no. Who knows, whatevers fun.

Victoria Malvern

Yes, companies matter. Owning a company matters. It carries a clout, an ability to pick sides for the better of your company. Allows you to properly roleplay Corporations and actually have some meaning behind it. I mean, who doesn’t want their hard work and time to pay off?

I miss when there was originality amongst companies and you had to go to one vendor to get an exclusive product. Now, everyone can get anything from anywhere.

If we had an exchange, I would love that. I have an idea how it could work, and how it could be implemented where people can go and which the stocks bounce around or something. Maybe like an Admin or RpJs influence the stocks based off rp events. An Invasion would see a surge in stocks based off weaponry, etc. A dominion might see a collapse of specific stocks due to an obj. You know? Things like that.
Maybe like an Admin or RpJs influence the stocks based off events.

That would be part of the goal for the thread type idea mentioned at the top :D basically working with factions in various areas would expand their presence, thus more ways to inflate stock! I'd have to probably play with the software Zef used to see how it would be done in action, but ya know, one step at a time.
That would be part of the goal for the thread type idea mentioned at the top :D basically working with factions in various areas would expand their presence, thus more ways to inflate stock! I'd have to probably play with the software Zef used to see how it would be done in action, but ya know, one step at a time.

True, it is a good idea!!


Disney's Princess
Lemme just preface this with my ultimate idea here: I want to see companies participating in the map game, plain and simple.

Owning territory? - No please.​

Real stakes? - Story is already enough. Creating fake scarcity to create fake demand never really worked in the past anyway. And development threads and unique canon items were a hoarders nightmare.​

Stock Exchange? - Nah.​

Ultimately, I myself view companies as 1 Man Woman Factions. And 1 Man Woman Factions have no business on the Map. Etc. Can you imagine dozens of companies fighting over dozens of worlds in dozens of 1 Man Woman invasions, dominions, and rebellions. Lol. We'd have to stop calling it Star Wars and start calling it CEO Wars. :D :p



On second thought.

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We all fall in parallel
From an economic perspective, influence doesn't mean direct ownership. A company with a large enough stake in a Government has a powerful amount of sway in decisions that government makes- or doesn't make.

I think expressing that type of influence is a pretty cool dynamic, if there's a proper system in place for it.

Owning territory? - No please.​

Real stakes? - Story is already enough. Creating fake scarcity to create fake demand never really worked in the past anyway. And development threads and unique canon items were a hoarders nightmare.​

Stock Exchange? - Nah.​

Ultimately, I myself view companies as 1 Man Factions. And 1 Man Factions have no business on the Map. Etc. Can you imagine dozens of companies fighting over dozens of worlds in dozens of 1 Man invasions, dominions, and rebellions. Lol. We'd have to stop calling it Star Wars and start calling it CEO Wars. :D :p



On second thought.


Oh my, sweet summer child!
As someone who achieved seven tier sixes, one tier five, two-tier fours, and... well several tier threes, I can see where the desire for validation comes from. Arceneau Trade and its subsidiaries at its peak had enough clout to start the snowball effect of major faction invasions for simply attacking a company.

I loved the feel-good feel of working one's way up and building a company from nothing to something galactic. However, I am also aware that not everyone is as passionate as I was to make a galactic well-known company a thing. Sure, I had the time to do several hundreds of threads to get all of my companies to the max tier, it was fun, but not everyone will.

But if you can manage to think of a way to get that feel good with companies again without the hot mess i know the majority of folk would rather not do, then have at it.

Victoria Malvern

Would that mean bringing back the ability to have canon companies and working them up the Tier again?
I wonder how you can implement a PMC into the mix? But if I have to say something? Stocks are an interesting mechanic but make it integral to the RP the same way Faction Wars are utilized. Kinda hard to remain interested if your investors and owners don't have an impact IU.
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I mean I'm willing to start an article of a business, I got a few in mind. However I do want it to be as impactful to the world (or galaxy XD.) as say a faction. Let's say I want to start a PMC in my post above, I would love to have my company feel important as all factions of the galaxy try to invest or get my services therefore increasing my profits and influence as a company. The same can be said for food or even entertainment companies, make them matter and come up with mechanics that can be beneficial or detrimental that way a writer like me will have more incentive to create a business so we can make our mark in the galaxy.

It also diversifies the RP, I love playing as a Jedi, Bounty Hunter or a soldier. I get tons of threads and events that has something to do with those characters. However It'll be nice to get something that's not action orientated and I think the company ideas can be a great start. Come up with business events that involve the bigwigs from around the galaxy to brag about our businesses and share ideas. Create a Wall Street esque planet or section which is responsible for the a lot of the Galaxy's wealth. I'm thinking in terms of the Iron Bank of Braavos from Game of Thrones. In short, I really want more diversity that doesn't require more war. Don't get me wrong I LOVE a good war and love leading troops into battle like in the Clone Wars TV series and the movies but there are times that I want to take on a challenge to be a schemer or a shrewd businessman rather than a fighter.

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