Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Revealing Fire of Life
  • Lightsaber-Resistant
  • Blaster-Resistant
  • Force-Imbued
  • Strong Light-side Aura.
  • Petals of Purification: Deeply imbued with the light side of the force and forged in the midst of a light-sided vergence, this blade has a strong light-sided aura surrounding it, and carries the warmth of Ashla in every swing and strike - making it an excellent weapon against those corrupted by the dark side - as well as beings, blades, and creatures which are formed from or with the dark side.
  • Lightsaber-resistant: The construction of the sword alone, being formed from Songsteel, would make it extremely resistant to lightsabers, almost lightsaber proof. The force-imbuement of the blade and crystal lattice makes it even more durable, and increases its durability against other energy weapons as well, such as blasters (though it would take an elite level of skill to pull off such a feat).
  • Skill Required: Whereas a lightsaber is nigh weightless and can cut through almost anything in almost any blade orientation, this single-edged blade holds the weight of a large metal blade, and requires the control and skill to hit something at the right angle and with the right force to cut through.
  • Total Eclipse: Because of being infused by the light side, this sword is susceptible, if not being wielded by a light-sider, to being destroyed through the efforts of a skilled or powerful dark-sider or prolonged exposure to corruptive energies.
  • Force-Dampening: In the presence of a Void-stone or Yslamiri, the sword becomes just an extremely durable sword, losing its force-related properties and the advantages that they provide

Even without using any sort of targeted precognition Shani, and many of her colleagues in the Blades, could see the cracks forming at the edges of the Crusade. It was indeed this fact that drove her more than anything to begin exploring potential alternatives. Before she began her Exodus, however, her Master, savior, and trusted mentor, Sala Corsanis, drove her to finish her own sacred blade - a sword which would become a sacred reminder of where she had come from. It was this call that drove the shadow to forge Maksur - her sword of Purification.

Forged in the very confines of
Blade's Cathedral, the metals doused in the overwhelming presence of Ashla and beat into a precise and deadly shape, Maksur is a sword that Shani ensured would carry with it the Ashla's warmth, wherever she may carry it. Perhaps most unique about the sword is the shape the aura surrounding it takes when drawn by Shani. The glow appeared as a china-rose colored pattern surrounding the sword, made up of the petals of a flower native to her homeworld. This apparition helps Shani to calm her mind and focus herself in the force - something absolutely vital the midst of battle.

Shani knew that this sword would make for an perfect companion on her trek to the core - and her new beginnings in the Jedi Order.


King of Pumpkins
Submission Name: Shani's Bo Staff
Link to Submission: Shani's Bo Staff
Reason for Archival Request:Replacing the Character

Submission Name: Maksur
Link to Submission: Maksur
Reason for Archival Request: Replacing the Character

Submission Name: Maksayr
Link to Submission: Maksayr
Reason for Archival Request: Replacing the Character

Submission Name: Shani Tari | Luminous Whisper
Link to Submission:Shani Tari | Luminous Whisper
Reason for Archival Request: Replacing the Character

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