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Approved Tech Malus Xiphos

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Factory Judge


  • Manufacturer: Mentyor, Mentyor's Master
  • Model: Malus Xiphos
  • Affiliation: Mentyor
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
    Fighting Claw Genus
  • Amphistaff Genus
  • Whipsting Genus
  • Powergland
  • Yadag Dakl Ro'ik

  • Classification: Whip Sword
  • Size: Large
    Total Sword Length - 150 cm
  • Whip Length - 70 cm

[*]Weight: Average - 2.7 kgs
  • Lightsaber resistance
  • Self Healing
  • Vongspawn Poison
  • Whip like projection
  • Scissor action
  • Hack, Slash, and Cut: The weapon was built for slashing and cutting. It can also cut with a scissor action upon the blade. Clamping an item with its "head" and then cutting it with the closing blade. While normal slashing is as only as strong as the wielder, and the sharpness of the blade. The scissor action allows for much more pressure to be used to cut through items. Where as a sword could reasonably cut through skin and sometimes bone, this sword, when using the scissor, could cut through much more flesh and bone, and some lighter armors. If it doesn't cut it, then the amount of force applied would bend, or crack plate armor.
  • Multi-tasking: With the use of a Whipsting and amphistaff, these two are fused together and graphed into the grip and hilt of the sword. While Mentyor could swing the weapon, or clash blades with an opponent, the whipsting can lash out at the enemy and strike them. The Amphistaff's tail is re-purposed with the whipsting to allow the amphistaff to control where and when the whip can lash out.
  • Venomous: The whipsting's barbed end had various toxins that could have been used. It has been replaced with the Vongspawn virus. That way whomever happens to fight Mentyor will have a lasting impression of him.
  • Double the trouble: The weapon is created with powerglands much like an Amphistaff, and thus is lightsaber resistant. However, much of the body of the blade is also created from a special coral that prevents items that would normally cut through vong tech to be less effective. However the setback of the first power gland is that once it is applied, a normal lightsaber would be able to cut through it given time. To help avoid this, a powergland that has not been affected by the Yadag Dakl Ro'ik, will still be able to be used against standard lightsabers. Even then, this only slows the process of its degradation of lightsaber resistance failing. After a few years worth of time with the sword, either the powerglands must be replaced, or the entire weapon be remade.
  • Self Healing, Yet Dead: As with most other Vong Tech, The item itself is force dead. Thus use of the force cannot be directly acted upon the weapon. As well, the item self heals itself over a period of time. Generally ranging from a few days, to weeks depending upon how much damage is taken.
  • More Clingy than your Ex: Crafted specifically for Mentyor, it draws from his strength alone. As such, should someone else attempt to use this weapon, the whipsting will attack them.
  • VongStrong-ish: Vong Tech has always had the Baffor pollen allergy. As such, the pollen can severely damage, or even destroy the weapon as it is a living being.
  • Lighting Rod: Of all of the force abilities to affect this weapon, Lighting or electrical based powers can cause severe damage to the weapon. It could kill it as well due to being a biological creature.
  • The Hunger Pangs: For a creature this large, with so many different uses, as well as self healing, it requires near constant consumption of nutrients. It can be fed actual meat, or the whipsting can pierce into the skin of Mentyor and draw sustenance from his own strength. If the whipsting were to be in his skin while fighting, it would drain heavily from him, as well as prevent the use of the whipsting against an enemy.
  • Double the Energy: While the weapon is rather complicated with various parts and dual powerglands graphed, this requires a massive amount of nutrients, as well as needs double the energy to perform the same action. Thus, self healing, refueling of the vongspawn virus, and usage of the whip will take double the amount of time to recuperate, and recharge.
  • Friendly Fire: The Whipsting attacks the enemy. However, if there are others in the proximity to Mentyor while he is fighting, there is the potential for the whip to attack an ally. As well, should an ally pick up the sword, the whip will also attack them. Thus only Mentyor can retrieve the blade. A tertiary reason this is bad, is because the Vongspawn virus can affect everyone and anyone. Thus allies, and foes alike can contract this virus.
  • Cheating Crap!: Jedi, or force users who happen to know the power of Vongeses or VongSense can use it to disrupt the weapon, or even kill it. Thus facing foes who could potentially have this ability will be a little more difficult.
  • One True God: As a rather large portion of the weapon is created from the Amphistaff, the weapon will not attack the Masterstaff. While the sword blade itself is a fighting claw and can be used against it, the whip will not attack the wielder of the Master staff.
  • Replacements: As mentioned above, the lightsaber resistance fades over a period of time. While this is unknown due to the complexity of the weapon, it is still very possible to happen. Thus the powerglands must be replaced when the weapon is no longer useful against lightsabers, or be entirely reproduced to "start from scratch."
Ever had a pair of scissors and thought, "I'd like to make a sword out of that?" Well here is your chance to see it in action. Using various vong biots into the weapon. Created using multiple fighting claws, as well as the head of the amphistaff into the creation of the scissor blades, and the grip or hilt itself. The first powergland is attached here. Mostly connected to the sword to prevent the destruction of it from lightsabers and other energy based weapons. The head of the amphistaff can then open up the "head" and the blade itself to allow and opening for an arm, or even the size of the average man's torso to be placed inside. The head will then clamp down on whatever is in it's "mouth" to then apply pressure from the head, and cutting force from the blade. Effectively cutting whatever is inside.

While this is a great tool for fleshy targets and lightly armored enemies, heavy plate armor and even some thicker scaled or bone armor that are much denser than your average vong or Wookie wouldn't be easily cut. At best, bones or plate armor could be shattered, broken or dented in due to the force. This action also prevents the use of the sword as an actual sword and takes some time. So this action is an all or nothing sort of usage. Generally best used to open the mouth, and then "stabbing" at the foe while the mouth closes to reduce the time it takes.

The secondary gland is then attached to the tail of the amphistaff which has been graphed with the Whipsting to allow it to coil around the hilt of the weapon, or to coil up within the blade itself. This powergland is acted upon with Yadag genus to prevent the cutting of the tail or whip with items that are specifically built to destroy vong biots.

The whip can be used as a multipurpose device to be injected into the enemy and give the foe a healthy dose of Vongspawn virus, or can be injected into Mentyor to draw nutrients from his blood. One of the downsides of having a rather complex weapon is the amount of energy and nutrients it needs to survive. It requires daily, almost constant feeding or sustenance to keep it alive. When not in use, it is put into a sleep or stasis where it will prevent the hunger from eating and consuming just about everything it can. However, when on Mentyor, it can draw some energy from him to stay alive. The nice thing about this, is that only Mentyor can use the blade without being stung by the whipsting.
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