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Mando and Beskar?

Why do mandalorians have to grind a dev thread to get a full set of beskar'gam? Seems counter productive to the member base growth.

Do Jedi or Sith have to dev a lightsaber?

And all Force user get to start out with what ever basic force user techniques they wish so I think Mandos should be able to have access to mandalorian armor just the same.
Because, I believe, people were joining the mandos just to get beskar, then dropping out a few days later instead of actually staying with the faction.

If I remmeber properly the dev thread's there so people don't use the Mandalorian faction as a shortcut to get beskar.
Also, maybe new Jedi / Sith folks should go on a quest to create their lightsaber.

Such a thing is canon, after all, as new padawans / acolytes usually don't get thrown a dangerous cut-through-anything laser sword right off the bat.
@Mrrew Could have easily fixed that, leave the mandos loose the beskar, or some other thing other then the heavy hammer o' doom.

Besker is no more powerful then a jedi chucking starfighters around or lazer swords that can cut through nearly anything like butter. Mace Windu gave it to Jango in like a milasecond.
Arumi Zy said:
Could have easily fixed that, leave the mandos loose the beskar, or some other thing other then the heavy hammer o' doom.
What if someone's a mandalorian for a long time and leaves for story reasons? They lose their armor, possibly an important part of their character?

Arumi Zy said:
Mace Windu gave it to Jango in like a milasecond.
Jango was wearing durasteel armor there, not beskar. He also got him in the neck, where it wasn't as strong. With thick durasteel even lightsbaers aren't instant. (I.E Quin-Jon cutting through the blast door.)
[member="Darth Vornskr"] I can agree with that, those are some of the most powerful kill you in almost any kind of armor weapons. :Shrugs: but i don't really have say.
Jango was also hit where the plates weren't so even wearing beskar he would have died. Beskar'gam isn't impervious and has a lot of gaps.

That would be an entirely different circumstance then someone joining and leaving then wouldn't it.
Darth Vornskr said:
Also, maybe new Jedi / Sith folks should go on a quest to create their lightsaber. Such a thing is canon, after all, as new padawans / acolytes usually don't get thrown a dangerous cut-through-anything laser sword right off the bat.
I agree with this wholeheartadly. New Sith or Jedi in canon didn't instantly get a new lightsaber...

[member="Arumi Zy"] - But who's to say how long in the faction is long enough?
[member="Sarge Potteiger"] Lightsabers can be a bused and any force user has one pretty easily, its a weapon that can cut through almost anything with ease. Its iconic to force users same as the Beskar is to mandos. You guys are in charge, i respect and follow your decisions but i think another answer would have been best. Do i know for sure what that is nope, i'm not you guys.
[member="Sarge Potteiger"] Force powers are continuously being abused...... haven't seen much done about that. I understand what your saying Sarge and if it were up to me only the mandos would have beskar and only for Armor and melee weapon use.
Arumi Zy said:
ts a weapon that can cut through almost anything with ease.
Just saying but just because they have lightsaber sdosen't mean the should automatically nkow how to use them perfectly, without fault. ANd if they do, that's imo unrealistic. They can cut through nearly anything... including your own arms and legs.
@Mrrew So then make a rule for them to have to go on a quest (Dev) to actually make their lightsabers then :) or maybe this is more appropriate smiley :p

Who is to say? You guys make the rules, or leave it to the Mando faction staff, or make leaving the mandos actually be based on something other then the abuse of making a dude and dropping out etc. Could always require a good reason, like Strider slept with your wife or something.
Arumi Zy said:
So then make a rule for them to have to go on a quest (Dev) to actually make their lightsabers then or maybe this is more appropriate smiley
I'd actually like that rule. :p

Makes it much more realistic then having a deadly weapon as a youngling or acolyte.
[member="Strider Garon"] I agree with armor and personal weapons, small things and nothing above making 3 or 4 of them. Beskar is a rare metal, no one should be making tanks, droids, nukes or what ever with it without a good reason and very, very few of them.
[member="Mrrew"] I do to, i did it many years ago myself and canon supports it. It is a part of progressing canonically and a big mile stone.
[member="Arumi Zy"] - In a roleplay I was in before you weren't even allowed to make your lightsaber until you had a master, and it was a milestone you did with your master. Before that you had vibroblades or training sabers. :p

But the purpose of this thread is about beskar. Prehaps another thread can be made about this idea, rather then cluttering this one.

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