Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty Marque and Reprisal Authorization: Sith & Imperial War Materials



  • Intent: Get the League more involved with the Age of the Underworld, the Second Great Hyperspace War, embrace the thematic elements of a trade league founded by freedom fighters, half-reformed smugglers, with inspirations from the Hanseatic League and early American colonies, as well as increasing board-wide engagement.
  • Compensation: Underground Credits, variable according to verified successes
  • Cause(s): Annihilation of Csilla. Sacking of Coruscant. Fall of the Confederacy. The Kainate attack on Elrood. Final Dawn/Maw assault on Naboo. New Imperial assault on Centares.
  • Target Involvement: N/A, but check out the Only the Strong Survive


  • Name of Bounty (In Priority Level):
  • Name of Contractor: The Rimward Trade League Council and Admiralty Court
  • Exclusivity: Authorized bearers of a Rimward Trade League Admiralty Letter of Marque and Reprisal
  • Reward Tier: Tier 4 (High)
    • 10,000 Underworld Credits per Dreadnought or Super-Star Destroyer Destroyed, or half of the credits at auction
    • 5,000 Underworld Credits for Star Destroyers and Cruisers Destroyed, or half the credits at auction
    • 2,500 Underworld Credits for Frigates, Corvettes, and Small Capital Ships destroyed, or half the credits at auction
    • 1,000 Underworld Credits for Gunships, Fighters, other Sub-Capital Ships Destroyed, or half the credits at auction
    • Military Equipment Destroyed will Earn 100 Underworld Credits per metric ton, or half the credits at auction
    • Military Installations or Space Stations Destroyed will depend on size
    • 2500 Underworld Credits for the capture of notable individuals, including flag officers, government officials, intelligence agents, members of the various Sith orders, and others who may be deemed crucial to their war efforts.
    • 50 Underworld Credits for actional military intelligence supplied to the Outer Rim Intelligence Operations Network or verified delivery to the intelligence agencies of the Galactic Alliance, Mandalorian Enclaves, and Silver Jedi Concord, including intelligence regarding the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade.
  • Condition: Destruction of warships or war material must be proven, or brought in as a prize
  • Additional Info:
With the alleged and apparent dissolution of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the subsequent attack on Naboo by so-called Final Dawn registered vessels, it is clear that the galactic balance of power has shifted further towards militant authoritarianism influenced by the Palpatist doctrine which has only caused mass death and destruction to the galaxy, and especially to the citizens of the Outer Rim through Palpatine's government-sponsored corporate-exploitation and his successor state, the First Order, with their policy of abducting children for forceful indoctrination into their stormtrooper corps.

Meanwhile, the remnants of the Sith Empire still exist, hounded by the warlords of the New Imperial Order who successfully staged a coup and wrested control of much of the territory, as well as this Brotherhood of the Maw and their Imperial lackeys, as well as other Imperial factions including the Elysium Empire and newly-rumored Imperial Concordat, as well as the elusive Kainate, believed to be responsible for the massive attack on Elrood not too long ago. These results leave the Galactic Alliance and Silver Jedi surrounded by enemies eager to expand the rot of imperial doctrine and exploitation to countless independent worlds. While the Ashlan Crusade can be trusted to fight the Sith, there is no guarantee they are not similarly compromised by a belief in militant authoritarianism and cannot be relied upon as an ally in the cause of liberty and democracy. They are not yet, however, believed to be openly hostile. In addition, the Mandalorian Enclave appears to operate along similar lines to the League when it comes to respecting and honoring local government, despite their apparent kinsmen of the Maw, and they too are considered potential allies. The political situation of the Eternal Empire appears to be complex and the League can make no firm judgment at this point, given their complicated set of alliances.

While we regret that circumstances force us to take direct, violent action, the Rimward Trade League Council has authorized the Admiralty Court to begin issuances of letters of marque and reprisal targeting the Brotherhood of the Maw, the New Sith Order, the Kainate, the Final Dawn, the New Imperial Order, the Elysium Empire, and the Imperial Concordat. Admiralty prize courts shall henceforth be established on Susefvi, Svivren, Sevaracos, as well as similarly aligned courts on Terminus and Sullust. Proof of destruction can be provided to any officially authorized prize agent, typically found at Rimward Rescue Service stations. Captured ships and materials can be delivered to any Rescue Service station. Auctions for captured goods will be held as soon as possible (if so desired).

By accepting and signing a letter of marque and reprisal, one agrees to abide by all its standards, stipulations, and ethical requirements. Violation of the contract will result in its annulment and a warrant being issued for all participants of the violation unless they can prove they were attempted to prevent it, and a further letter of marque and reprisal being authorized against the persons responsible for the violation. All standards of behavior, conduct, and treatment of civilians and prisoners will be the same as for any government-employed law enforcement or defense agent. You are considered a duly recognized agent of the government. Act accordingly.

Good luck and good hunting.
I am making my note here. I am part of the Brotherhood of the Maw and generally, I do not do anything bounty related against my own character.

I am however saying if you wish to disrupt efforts, destroy my starships, or do threads to capture either Have Gun Will Travel/Court of Blades starships, vehicles, weaponry, or materials I have created, I am more than happy to have that played out. I will even make unique submissions to those that wish to keep a their own unique entry. Right now though, Factory is closed but I have a few new starships and weaponry coming out soon.

Regardless, if anyone is interested in causing a mess, go right ahead! My only request, nothing on my character and for the love of everything, no blowing up my shipyards. I am still cleaning up the last mess someone made on that over a year ago now.
******incoming transmission​

"Name's Lawton. Representin' a... 'client' who's got a half-wrecked Sith-Imperial Star D parked up for parts in the OutRim. There's more from where this came from but my client needs, eh, some more dough coughed up to... fight the good fight, know what I mean... tibanna prices and whatnot."​
While the League appreciates the tip-off, a half-wrecked Star Destroyer does not yet hold the necessary strategic value to commit assets to. We will however flag it for further observation from our intelligence services should the need arise.
***Incoming Transmission

Request for a signed, sealed, all that official hoopla letter of marque. Gray Queen's Throne will fly for this.
The request has been approved, pending the captain's signature.
A simple transmission would reach Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian

The Galactic Foreign Legion would like to request a letter of marque from the Admiralty.

Signed, Legion Commandant Noah Corbulo Corek V
The request has been approved, pending the commandant's signature.
In that case, I would like to request a letter of marque.
The request has been approved, pending signature.
I am making my note here. I am part of the Brotherhood of the Maw and generally, I do not do anything bounty related against my own character.

I am however saying if you wish to disrupt efforts, destroy my starships, or do threads to capture either Have Gun Will Travel/Court of Blades starships, vehicles, weaponry, or materials I have created, I am more than happy to have that played out. I will even make unique submissions to those that wish to keep a their own unique entry. Right now though, Factory is closed but I have a few new starships and weaponry coming out soon.

Regardless, if anyone is interested in causing a mess, go right ahead! My only request, nothing on my character and for the love of everything, no blowing up my shipyards. I am still cleaning up the last mess someone made on that over a year ago now.
Alright, y'all! Here's some boundaries! No blowing up the shipyards here.
Can I collect if I destroy my own factions equipment?

-if so Tegan becomes a fleeter for the final dawn/Maw.-
I mean, if you pull a Holdo on the Maw/Final Dawn leadership, you/your heirs can have so many UCs. Or act as an agent, sure.


While the League appreciates the tip-off, a half-wrecked Star Destroyer does not yet hold the necessary strategic value to commit assets to. We will however flag it for further observation from our intelligence services should the need arise.
“So… you’re not payin’ 5k for a destroyed SD? That’s not the contract?”

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