Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Mascot and Blade

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Heinrich.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance / form
Writing With:: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ession was theirs and the Crown of Ashla now surrounded and embraced the planet with peace and light. She didn't know who named the Nexus that way, but one of the sisters had already mentioned it when they visited Valkyrja at the infirmary. It was the day after the siege and victory, Eina was in the infirmary, the doctors examined her, though they could say nothing, as the woman was a Force Entity. They didn't want to let her travel, even though her mother could have helped her around the planet. Because of the Nexus, Ingrid couldn't come to the planet because it would have killed her, or at least caused her extreme pain.

Eina felt terrible about almost killing her own mother when they created the Nexus with Gei. She didn't expect anything like that to happen at all, she means the Nexus's creation. She still felt weak, as weightless as she did not belong to this world or any of them. The Valkyrja felt empty; she felt very much that a significant part of her soul was missing. However, Eina found it positive that the Nexus had made her feel more and more well. So there was a good chance that here or at home, her own Nexus would be able to heal her slowly.

Ever since Geiseric Geiseric brought her back here in the morning, she hasn't really talked to anyone, two sisters have brought her clothes, and she's talked to the doctors and Gei, but nothing more. Oh, nearly forgot, she spoke to her mother too. But she felt too tired; Eina had never slept during her existence, until now, and during the night in Gei's arms. This was necessary for her regeneration and healing. However, when the sisters were here, they told her that Lord Heinrich was also here in the infirmary because he was injured during the siege. So when she was left alone, she decided to look for the man. In fact, they had never been able to talk to each other properly.

Last but not least, she felt she had to apologize for the trouble she had caused. Eina would have been happy if Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana had been here too, but she hadn't heard of the Grand Admiral today. She hoped she was fine too. So she set off to visit the Blade of Ession. Fortunately, it was not difficult to find the knight as she was guided by the medical personnel. Through the Force, she checked to see if the man was awake or asleep, if she found Heinrich awake, she entered the room where Heinrich was. As always, she smiled kindly at him.

"Lord Heinrich, I'm happy to see you!" she said kindly.

She set off to the man's bed to hug him, but after a few steps she stopped in confusion. During the night, Geiseric showed her a completely new world, after which she didn’t feel right now to embrace the man, she actually found it embarrassing to be so direct with everyone. Especially that she heard in the hallway how others mentioned that they felt her and Gei's power and presence when the Nexus was born, meaning they knew the two of them loved each other. That, too, was embarrassing to her. So she just took a chair to the man's bed and sat down there after adjusting her wings so they wouldn't get in the way.

"How do you feel?" she inquired. "I want to apologize for causing you so much trouble… I don't even deserve the kindness the knights or the sisters show me."


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Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


The bustle of the infirmary was littered with the sounds of droid and doctor alike, covering the building in a perpetual state of white noise as they saw to the injured. Ession had been a resounding victory as a whole, though as with any battle, not all had made it out unscathed. Most had come away with minor injuries, but not all injuries were of the flesh...

Heinrich stared off into the distance, thinking back on his duel with the Dark Voice of the Maw. There had been so much that had been revealed, so much that had been experienced... and at the end of it all, Cedric had proven himself the most worthy of all, giving everything he had in the name of his people. Heinrich didn't know whether or not he would see his friend again... and even if he had, would he still be his friend? The revelation of Heinrich's past was one that seemed to drive a wedge between them in those final moments, and now the Blade of Ession may never have the chance to speak with him about it. Heinrich looked down at his left arm, his flesh still largely burned, his hand still missing.

So many sacrifices...

He found himself snapping out of the haze to the sound of a familiar voice.

"Eina, it's good to see you again."

The idea of seeing her carried extra weight, a thing likely not lost on either of them. The horrible circumstances Eina had been through were traumatic for many of the Crusaders, but most of all, for her and Geiseric. Heinrich couldn't even begin to fathom what the two of them had gone through, nor would he wish to. The untold pain they had both suffered was more than anyone should have to bear. Yet, in the end, their feelings for each other had prevailed, bringing Eina back and healing Ession as a whole. There was still much work to be done, but for now, they could at least count their blessings.

Heinrich's smile met her own, until hers faded away. It seemed that she may have felt guilty for what had happened. In truth, Heinrich couldn't blame her. He had felt his own guilt in the wake of recent events, and likely wouldn't be seeing the end of it any time soon. The reassuring smile slowly returned to his face as he offered what he could to console her.

"I feel... well, I've seen better days. As for our kindness, well... it is well deserved. We don't leave our own to suffer, Eina, and make no mistake... you are one of our own."

Heinrich slowly inched his body toward the head of his bed, taking a more upright seating position as he spoke.

"What about you? Are you healing well?"


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Heinrich.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance / form
Writing With:: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina hadn't heard of the battle Heinrich was having, and she didn't know what had happened to Cedric. They tried to protect her and did not tell her any bad news. However, it occurred to her that those who dealt with her did not really know what had happened to her. Not even the sisters. And Gei said they will speak about this later, if she'll feel better, so she left the topic for now. She knew that Heinrich was also on the planet when the ritual took place, she felt him too, and she could see and hear that he also agreed to leave her behind there. She didn't blame him, Eina really wanted that too. Only there not, but that was a difficult and different time.

"I'm sorry I can't help you in my current state." she said sadly.

All she could see now was that Heinrich's half hand was missing. It hurt and bothered Eina that she wasn't fit for anything right now. The Valkyrja couldn't help her friends, not even herself. Yet other times she could have easily helped Heinrich with his pain, both physical and spiritual. Now she felt that she was just at everyone’s expense and was just causing trouble for everyone. At the end of his words, however, she smiled for a few moments and blushed a little in embarrassment. It was a good feeling as the man thought she belonged here, though the sisters had already said it to her, but she thought they were biased.

"Thank you, Lord Heinrich!" she said. "I want you to know that I am not blaming you and I am not angry at you for leaving me on that planet. I saw and heard when you decided not to take any more risk. You were right, I didn’t want anyone to die for me."

There, under the influence of the parasite, she thought differently, with a clear head in retrospect, and with Gei telling her why he had done what he did, the Valkyrja was already ashamed of her behaviour. But then she didn’t understand, it was still hard to understand, but she rather accepted the answer. She trusted Gei. She didn't really know the answer to the next, nor did she know how much Lord Heinrich knew about what had happened. Did he know, he thought she had fallen on the Dark Side? Or did Gei tell him and others what the reality was? It will soon be revealed anyway and she will get an answer to this question.

"Me?" she asked back. "Honestly? I do not know. I feel so light, empty, weightless. I feel like I can disappear forever at any moment. I don’t feel that wherever I could belong nor the Netherworld or the Realspace. Even my own “body” seems foreign. I don't know what Lord Geiseric said about this…"

She looked at the man questioningly and waited for him to answer, then continued.

" The parasite almost completely devoured my soul and my personality, that is, me. I was locked in my mind… I felt like I was losing myself, the way it was devouring me while constantly seeing and living my worst nightmares over and over again. I never got any of my answers, I was alone, I was afraid as Bogan tried to influence me, with success, which weakened my defence. During the metamorphosis… or ritual, the parasite showed me when you gave up on me. A few minutes after Gei promised not to leave me again… I… I gave up the fighting, so it was able to take control of my body and suppress me. If I’m stronger, it never happens… But I was weak." she said sadly as a few tears ran down both sides of her face. "I feel like my soul is regenerating, but I don’t know if I can be completely back again, if the whole soul will ever heal or not…"



Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Heinrich took a moment in admiration to his companion. Even after all she had been through; through all of the pain she had suffered, her first thoughts fell to her comrades. Eina had truly proven herself to be a valuable asset to the Crusade, and even moreso, a valuable friend. Whether the Valkyrjia would understand was an entirely different matter altogether, but the fact remained the same...

She was one of them.

"I appreciate your concern, but trust me... you have done more than enough."

He made sure to offer a smile as he spoke, knowing that Eina would rely on his body language in terms of how she would interpret his words.

"That wasn't you, Eina. Gei knew it. I knew it. Anyone how knows you understood the situation. It was a trial, to be sure, but as I said, we do not leave our own behind if we can help it."

He once again tried to resituate himself, his ribs on fire as they had been the last time he had found himself in an infirmary. He thought on his injuries, and how much he had given to the Crusade. Though he had sacrificed much, somehow it never seemed to be enough. Perhaps it was guilt, or perhaps perfectionism, but either way, Heinrich had found himself rather inadequate as a servant of the Ashla.

He reached out with his good arm, placing it on Eina's hand as he spoke.

"The soul will heal, Eina. It simply takes time. And so long as you stay with us... so long as you stay at home, you will be safe. Gei may be the most capable of being there for you, but we are also your family."

He offered her another reassuring smile. Heinrich was never the greatest at consoling others; his past made it difficult to see beyond his own inhibitions. Nevertheless, he would be there for his friend. He had spent too many years concerned with failure, and how it may affect others. This wasn't the time for such guilt. Now was the time to help his friend.

"That... thing may have had a hold on you for a time, but it never fully took you. And even if it had..."

He grew quiet for a moment.

"No one is above saving. Trust me, Eina... I should know."

It begged the question of what he meant, and perhaps he was ready to tell her. Perhaps, Heinrich was finally ready to reveal his past to those that he had long since called his friends.


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Heinrich.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance / form
Writing With:: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Yes, Eina was just like that, putting everyone else in front of her own desires. That’s why she was still injured when she went to the Dark Planet due to the ball’s events, which caused all the trouble. That she wanted to help others without being able to do it. More precisely, in that situation, she could not even help herself, let alone others. Anyway, she really didn’t necessarily fully understand this; or it was because of a different culture that she thought differently about it. The Valkyrja was surprised at the man's words, and the girl's next words also revealed that Eina still used to understand everything literally.

"I've done more than enough? Then you don't want me to help you fight against Bogan anymore?" she asked in confusion.

She was completely alone in her mind for months before Gei finally found his way there thanks to the dyad. And for centuries, Eina used to always hear others, the Valkyrja, their communications with thoughts and emotions. The low stimulus environment had a very bad effect on her and was perhaps worse than the other events. It didn’t even help that she ended up in the prison of her own mind when she just had no self-confidence from the events of the ball. It was still very common in her, just like the seizures where she lived through her worst nightmares, among the others when Gei leaves her at the ball, or on the planet after he promised he'll not leave her alone, again, but he did.

The Valkyrja was grateful for the smile, however, so it was easier for her to read in others, as mortals very often said something other than what they thought or what their body language revealed. Maybe that was the hardest thing she had to get used to. After all, even Gei lied to her at the ball because he was scared. And yet, if she had told and explained it all, it probably would never have happened. Eina nodded and wiped away her tears.

"But they wanted to hurt others, and Gei too… because I was weak." she said hoarsely. "They wanted to kill him because I hid from them what the dyad meant and thereby they hoped they could finish what the started, to kill me too."

Now she was a little surprised, but she was grateful for Heinrich's hand. Since Valkyrja was always direct, she gladly took the man's hand, though she did not weave her fingers between the crusader's fingers, as she used to do in Gei's case. She smiled kindly at the man, too. Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana was the one who tried to explain family and love to Eina at the time, not much success. For the girl, for the time being, the family meant the whole of Valkyrja, as she had to take care of them; at least she thought so. But she didn’t really understand the concept of an actual family. Eina regarded Lady Ingrid as her mother, Lord Tubrok as her father, though she knew that the real one was Lord Vandiir. But these were mostly nominal things to her; there was no actual deep attachment to them yet, only to her younger brother, Adrian.

"I don’t know if we think the same concept about the family. Do you also think about who we care about, and who is important to us? Who do we protect at all costs?" she asked. "It's all strange and unusual. I've been alone all in my existence. I've always protected others because that’s my task and I think this is the purpose of my life. It's queer that Gei wants to take care of me and protect me. No one did a similar thing for me before." she said and blushed a little.

In the following words, Eina felt that there was something behind them. She may not have understood many things about the behaviour of the mortals, but she was able to sense if someone was carrying a heavy burden. The Valkyrja squeezed Heinrich's hand encouragingly but gently. She looked at the Jedi Knight's eyes curiously and questioningly. There was also some concern and worry in her eyes about it. She was always worried about those she considered her friend, and yes Heinrich was one of them, just like Isla or just Gei, even though he already had more for her, boyfriend, lover, soul mate, but Gei still was her best friend too. Eina couldn't help Heinrich in the Force this time, but with words yes, at least she hoped this.

"What's the problem? I know I don’t understand much about people’s behaviour, but I see something hurting and digesting you. I want to help you, to lighten your soul, to help to find your balance and peace." she said worriedly.



Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


A slight chuckle escaped Heinrich upon hearing Eina's words. He had grown so accustomed to her presence that, at times, he forgot that she was a stranger in a strange land. Her time among those in Realspace must have been a confusing one, as she didn't yet fully understand many of the concepts of others here. Perhaps that was part of what made her seem so pure, so untainted by the trappings of the galaxy.

"No, I simply mean that you don't need to feel like you haven't done your part. You have been a huge help to the Crusade, Eina, and trust me, there is still plenty of work that needs to be done."

He listened intently as Eina spoke of the situation with the parasitic entity that attempted to consume her. The amount of pain she must have endured was difficult to imagine.

"That... thing... was strong... too strong for even the whole rescue party to overcome. In the end, however, we are still here. You and Geiseric saw to that. You may have felt powerless in that moment, but you have proven yourself to be one of our strongest."

Eina placed her hand on his, offering some level of comfort to the injured crusader. Since the great mission of the Crusade had begun, Heinrich had often found himself buried in the work. While he wasn't on the battlefield, Heinrich had often seen to the Crusade's supply lines, as well as recruitment and training of their troopers. With all of his attention devoted to the cause, he often forgot the importance of such interactions with others.

"Family, to me, is the people closest to you. They are the ones you can trust, the ones that you'd do anything for. In that regard, you are very much like family to me. The same goes for Geiseric, Isla, and others under the Crusade's banner."

His voice trailed off at the mention of his comrades, and his thoughts shifted once again to the events that had taken place on Ession. He felt such deep, horrible guilt for his actions there, and was unsure as to if he would ever be rid of it. It wasn't long after that Eina had asked him about what was on his mind. He sat in silence for a moment before finally speaking.

"I... I'm not sure if it can be helped. My actions... my failures to Cedric... it eats at me so deeply that I'm not sure I can find peace."

He looked for a moment at his missing hand once again.

"I kept secrets from people, and I fear that those secrets are what put lord Grayson in the position he is in now. I know that for many people, his achievement is cause for celebration. But those people weren't there... they didn't see the disappointment in his eyes when he learned the truth about my past."

He hadn't told anyone about what had happened on that day, and he wasn't sure that he was ready for the rest of the Crusade to know.

"Eina, what I am about to tell you must stay between us. No one else knows yet, and I am just not prepared for the possibilities, should word get out."

Should she acknowledge his request, he would be prepared to tell her everything.


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Heinrich.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance / form
Writing With:: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

By the time Heinrich chuckled, Eina knew right away that she had misunderstood something again. In other words, she misinterpreted Heinrich's words. This is very often used to happen with her. Although she inherited the high intelligence of her parents, it was difficult to understand nuances, irony, intrigue. For her, straightforward speech was the ordinary, the usual. A world where there are no secrets. She was nearly three hundred years old, but in that respect she would have been a normal teenager from the Realspace. And yes, probably that’s really why Eina was so pure, innocent, because human evil and fallibility hadn’t infected her yet. But the Valkyrja was thinking simply, with childish naivety at least for emotions. And she was always filled with grief when she realized someone had lied to her.

"Oh, I see!" she said as she nodded and smiled. "I will always be here as long as you need me. And maybe further too." she promised.

The rest was mainly because of Gei. She smiled again at Heinrich's words, she not feeling the way he thought, but she was grateful for his words. Eventually, however, she shook her head gently.

"Gei is the one who was, who is strong, not me. He had to endure mine in addition to his own pain and suffering, his own demons. I was locked away from him, only my subconscious reached him, but he had felt everything that had happened to me since the Dark Planet. There has been some bond between us since the first meeting, I think everyone knows this. I heard his prayers when he was in captivity, at first I thought he was dead and this is the reason, but I had to realise he wasn’t. So I was able to save him from the Sith. I offered him a Force-bond on that planet because I was trying to get help from him. He accepted, but I didn't think, none of us thought a dyad would be formed between us. He and I are one in the Force. He saw and experienced my suffering every night, and I could not tell him what the bond was between us, I was unable to help him.…" she said sadly but spoke with such love about the man that no one had ever heard from Eina. "He is the strong one and the real hero, not me."

The way they held each other's hands was a completely different feeling to her than when they did the same with Gei. It was very different, Eina now felt how much she missed this kind of social contact and the company of others. It’s not that she didn’t enjoy Gei’s company; for it was better than all, but she also needed others. She needed it to feel others and others to surround her. She did not desire to be in the centre, just only to be near others.

"Oh, I see! Then I think you, Isla and Gei are family members from here, from the Ashlan Crusade. Although I think Gei belongs to a different group than you and Isla." she said in confusion and blushed deeply.

Her confusion, however, disappeared in an instant as she felt the guilt from Heinrich. The Valkyrja looked at him anxiously and questioningly. Eina didn't know what was going on in the background yet, but she thought it was something serious. She may not have understood the words spoken, but she could read very well in the soul, in the emotions.

"There is a cure for everything, Heinrich! Every soul can find peace and tranquillity. I don't think anyone knows that much better than I do. I have been healing souls for nearly three hundred years. Just let me help you." she said seriously as she squeezed the man's hand amiably.

She hadn't said anything yet, she didn't know the details. Again, lies, as they said and consider with Gei, during the fight and on the battlefield, everything is easier, everything is purer, simpler. After all, Eina nodded seriously at the request.

"I never say anything to others, I won’t even tell yours, I promise. You can trust me!" she offered and promised.



Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


"Geiseric is strong, there is no doubt about that. One of our strongest, even. I imagine few of us could have endured what he had."

Heinrich knew that there were others among the Crusade that had their fair share of struggles, yet none of them had to carry the burdens of another on top of their own. It was a unique experience, one that likely few have ever had to take on. Heinrich didn't envy them for their struggles, as it was clearly a serious trial for both of them.

"You really mustn't discount your own strength though, Eina. After all, the dyad goes both ways. Such instances aren't brought upon by one person's strength alone. It takes two."

Another reassuring smile, if only for a moment.

"I understand the guilt that you may feel. The powerlessness, the uncertainty... I have had my own experience with such things in recent days. It is easy to fall prey to such things, even for the strongest of the crusaders. Nevertheless, you'll get through it, and one day you'll see that you did nothing wrong."

A small laugh came next at the mention of Gei being different from the rest of them.

"Yes, I would certainly agree. The two of you have a very special bond, one that is not often found within this galaxy."

He grew quiet as she spoke of helping him, unsure if even she could heal the wounds that he felt within. The fight on Ession had changed Heinrich, and he wasn't so sure that he would ever quite find his way back to the days before that fateful duel against the Dark Voice. Yet, he believed that if there would be one he could tell, it would be Eina. She had no preconceptions regarding such aspects of human nature, and perhaps that made her the perfect person to tell. His voice grew quiet, his gaze becoming more distant as he spoke.

"I have a... complicated past... more complicated than what others are aware of. You see... I told everyone that in the years I was missing, I was a prisoner of the Sith. However, that is only true from a certain point of view..."

His gaze fell away from her, looking toward the foot of his bed.

"The truth is... I used to be an apprentice of Darth Solipsis. When Ession fell, he found me and saved my life. I stayed with him for years, attempting to grow stronger in order to avenge my people. I didn't realize just how twisted his plans were... just how far he was willing to go. When I finally woke up from my delusions of the man, I realized that I needed to leave. It wasn't until after I abandoned the Sith that I found my faith..."

A slight pause followed.

"I wanted to tell the others... to tell Cedric, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. And now... I feel as if I could have helped prevent so much pain just by letting the truth be known..."

He looked once again to his severed hand, his words trailing off as he thought back on the fight at the Grand Jedi Temple.


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Heinrich.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance / form
Writing With:: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

She had to agree with Heinrich that probably few would have endured what Gei had. Partly because of this, she felt bad that the man had to stand all of this. She didn't want to expose him to such pain, though she knew Gei was partly responsible for it. As for what happened to her, though Eina was unable to blame him. She had forgiven him, though, although she still didn't fully understand why he had left her that night. At least beyond his own fears. She finally smiled for a moment.

"Yes it's true. But, only from the two of us, I was the one who knew what that meant. He is not. I was trying to talk to him, which was full of my strength; he was trying to rule me out because he thought that monster was playing with him. Throughout, I was able to keep it secret from the parasite what the dyad means and how to use it." she said sadly.

She defended and protected Gei even on the verge of her total annihilation, even at the cost of her life. The parasite only knew at the last minute what this meant, here on Ession.

"It hurt that I couldn't protect him, you, or the other two people who were there." she said.

The guilt, the powerlessness, the uncertainty; yes these were exactly what she felt. She nodded again, then inadvertently turned pale and shivered visibly, terrified, when Heinrich said, "you did nothing wrong". It was one of the ominous sentences that caused all the pain and trouble. Gei said that too and yet he left, yet left her. Eina nodded with a smile at the very special bond, she knew it was, but after all, Gei was very special to her.

After that, she watched intently what Heinrich had said, why the man felt guilty, what made him think so. She just smiled kindly at the words, not condemning Heinrich for a moment. However, as the man finished his speech, Eina didn’t care how appropriate it was to hug the man or not, she leaned forward and hugged the crusader. She hugged him tightly and held her chin gently on the man's shoulder. Since the Valkyrja did not know how much time was appropriate or not, she did not let him go until she felt from Heinrich that he wanted to lean away or the situation bothered him. Here, however, she already knew what the reality was.

When she finally pulled back, if he let her, the Valkyrja even kissed him on the forehead, then continued to sit back to her chair, smiling kindly. She may not have understood human emotions, but the kind of trouble that was here, yes. So it might have seemed like Eina was two people. She took the man's hand again and squeezed it encouragingly.

"He is not disappointed in you, Heinrich, but in himself. After all, he has his own demons, much bigger than yours. And these can also be linked to Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . Although I don’t know him as well as I would have liked, he was one of the first to accept me in the Ashlan Crusade, and he was the first to whom I told who my parents are. You grabbed a lightsaber right the first time we met, Gei wasn't too polite either, but he was, he was an honest man. Darth Solipsis cheated many wiser people than you, billions, without anyone noticing. But you noticed and left him before anyone else. Even earlier than Lord Grayson did the same." she said honestly.

Eina looked into the man's eyes and continued, eager to tell him what she had learned about what was at Csilla, but she couldn't tell. She will keep Lord Grayson's secret until the very end.

"I think he felt disappointed in himself because he couldn't protect you or Ession. He could feel that you were in this situation because of his actions. I think he's always been proud of you." during her soft words she touched the man's chest above his heart for a moment. "You are pure, the light of Ashla shines brightly in your heart and soul, you have never left the way of the goddess. The past doesn’t matter, just the present and what you do on behalf of the goddess, for her and her children, her followers. Lord Grayson knows that. I read a lot about him and asked a lot of questions, although my mother doesn’t know, I heard the news that she wanted me to be Lord Grayson’s wife to avoid another misunderstanding like Panatha was and to strengthen our future alliance. I tried to get to know him, even though he didn’t have much time for me personally…"

Another kind and encouraging smile. She said her words not to encourage Heinrich, but because Eina really thought so. Her words were clear, pure and honest throughout.

"I think you reminded him of his own mistakes, his own demons the moment, and to that you were stronger than him. I really think and believe he considered you his friend and he was proud of you. Only his own demons caused what, and he was unable to reconcile with himself. And you have no reason to be ashamed of yourself or feel ashamed before others. Your wisdom is exemplary in that you have first noticed the true being of Darth Solipsis, the Bogan in his soul, before anyone else. You're a good person and a good judge of human nature, Heinrich. And with that, you can help others and the Ashlan Crusade a lot." she finished her words, still smiling. "You are a good man, Heinrich, and no one can ever take that away from you, because Ashla sees your soul and she is the most important and she keeps you in her grace!"



Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


"You did what you could, Eina. In the end, that is all anyone can ask of you."

The path they had been on in recent months had certainly been hard on all of them. He couldn't blame her for any of it. Even if he wanted to, he certainly didn't feel like he would have room to talk. His own failures let him with his own fair share of guilt. So much had changed for them. So many things gone, and so many new things born. The Crusade had been going through a major transition, in more ways than one, and in truth, Heinrich was unsure what to make of it all. He had always felt so concrete in his position among his comrades, but now, he felt more uncertain than ever.

The hug was unexpected, but welcome. Heinrich hadn't truly allowed himself to be open to such interactions in a very long time. Perhaps it was the secrecy of his past that had kept him closed off from others, even from his closest friends. Perhaps it was the fear of failing those he was closest to. Whatever it was, he had almost forgotten that it was these moments that the Crusade fought for. He welcomed the embrace, and returned it as best as he could. Eventually, the hug ended, and he leaned back against the head of his bed once again.

"Thank you, Eina."

He listened to her kind words, reflecting on them as she spoke. It was true, Cedric indeed had his own fair share of demons. Anyone who was close to him could see the weight he carried beneath that quiet demeanor of his. In some ways, every Essonian felt a piece of that silent weight. Yet, there were many things Heinrich didn't know about the man, and though he wished to know more, he wouldn't press the issue. If Eina didn't feel it was right to divulge the information, the Heinrich wouldn't pressure her into it. Instead, he simply nodded as she spoke. After another small pause in the conversation, he finally spoke once again.

"I truly want to believe that he saw me as a friend, in the end. I hope that he understood my reasons, or at least, could understand them if we had time. Unfortunately, we didn't have a chance to talk. Though his achievement is a miracle, and deserves its share of praise, I certainly would give anything to have that chance to explain things to him, though I'm afraid that now I never will."

A tear began to trickle its way down his cheek, falling to his shoulder as his words trailed off again.


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Recover and speak with Heinrich.
Location: Hospital, Ession
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With:: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"But that was little. How do I look into the eyes of others who I should protect, whom I should take care of while not being able to protect myself? How do I take care of others like that? What will those feel about who I should take care of?" she asked bitterly.

She didn’t care about herself now either, the whole thing hurt her because she thought she disappointed others. To those who trusted her, who placed their lives in her hands. Eina let them down, the Sanctuary, those who were there, who came there to be safe and secure, to found these. It really hurt Eina a lot, and that’s why she felt guilty. In this, too, she was like her mother; that they should always look strong, not weak. She failed this when it was most important.

The hug was pleasant for her too, though it was probably harder to hug her because of the wings than it was for her to embrace Heinrich. Since she had really only been embraced by Gei before, she didn't know which things would be appropriate. To soothe the man's back soothingly, though she saw it from parents as well when they tried to reassure their children. She didn’t count the hug here when the kids in the Sanctuary hugged her. That context was somehow different. In the end, though, Eina really decided to caress the man’s back encouragingly, kindly.

After that, she tried to encourage the man with words, perhaps with dubious results for now. Eina was still pretty sure Lord Grayson had looked at Heinrich as a friend, it would have been quite a betrayal on her part. And Valkyrja didn't know the man that way. She still thought Lord Grayson was angry with himself, disappointed in himself. What she found out about what happened to Csilla was a very heavy burden. She had never had a chance to talk to the man about it, but she always thought he had done so for the greater good. True, it was still an equally heavy burden for Eina too.

She was about to say something when she saw the tear. If Heinrich allowed it, she wiped it gently from the man's face, then smiled kindly but firmly at the crusader.

"I don’t know what happened to Lord Grayson, whether he’s still alive in some form, or he's just unconscious, or has become one with the Force and Ashla… but I know whichever event happened, if I regained my strength, then I can help you to talk to him." she said kindly. "I'll help you with that, I promise!"

Although Valkyrja did not find Ashla over there in the Netherworld, it reminded her of the Mand'a, so Lord Grayson could be found there. And if he was still alive, he just couldn't communicate, Eina was very good with souls. She was not sure of his death, it would have been mentioned by the other members of Valkyrja, despite her condition. So something else had to happen. But in this she can help, reach the consciousness of others, or even enter dreams. She still looked at the man with a smile.

"Do you want me to hug you again?" she asked kindly, but a little embarrassed, if the answer was yes, she gladly embraced Heinrich again to try to comfort him.



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