Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Matters Of the Heart

Revna found herself nose-deep in an old tome, her brow furrowed as she tried to focus on the almost obscure text she was reading. It was a leather bound book that was aged but well preserved, discussing some philosophy of Sith ideologies - different ways the Sith Code had been interpreted over the years, and comparisons between it and the Jedi creed and beliefs. It wasn’t a hard concept for her to understand; the young Sith found the different opinions and views inscribed therein to be interesting and fascinating…but her attention was fractured.

With a deep and heavy sigh, she pulled the book away and set it on her lap and leaned her head back against the soft cushion of the chair behind her. All around her was a grand library befitting a Sith Lord, and the King of Alvaria - Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , her cousin. She spent a lot of time in his palace, when she was not aiding her Master in his duties or doing other tasks on his behalf, or running around the galaxy fighting in various skirmishes and wars and campaigns. If she wasn’t on Faldos or Formos, then she was on Alvaria - her second home away from home. It put her within Sith space, within a short distance of Faldos, where Darth Strosius Darth Strosius had his main base of operations and was his primary seat of power as the Lord Inquisitor, and it also put her within short distance of Jutrand, the capital of the Sith Empire.

Revna’s mind drifted back to her last adventure to Jutrand - her first time ever in the capital. Fond memories and a smile touched her face as she recalled her outing with the young man, Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway …the adopted grandson of the Imperial royals - Darth Empyrean and his icy Dread Queen, Srina Talon. The young woman’s adventure with the young man hadn’t started on Jutrand, but it had been the latest in a saga they were building together.


That was a strange word to have, to share, with another person who wasn’t her Sith master. Her connection to Zachariah went back a ways; they had fought together, aided one another, seen each other at their best and worst. She was drawn to him - not because he was connected to the Imperial royals, but because she valued Zach for who he was as a person.

Certainly, his connections were an added bonus, if she could be honest with herself. Her cousin Malum seemed all the more encouraging of the two spending time together, and getting close. She had a feeling that he was manipulating their friendship to allow him better access or a foot in the door so to speak with the powers that be. A connection to Zach was profitable to others around her.

Revna closed the tome in her lap after slipping a place marker between the parchment pages, and set it aside. She pondered on the distraction she was feeling, allowing the memories of her outing to come back to her, and with it - the feelings they conjured within her.

She had really enjoyed her time with Zach. She found comfort in his presence, a sense of companionship, of friendship. But there was something else there that she didn’t quite understand. She wanted to be around him more, she thought of him often, and when she did see him in person her heart stuttered in her chest.

The young woman didn’t know why this was happening, or what these feelings were. But she knew that someone else would, someone whose opinion and counsel and words meant much to her - even if her Master didn’t like it and wanted his little shadow to stay away.

Lady Talon, the grandmother of Zachariah. Another woman, who surely knew what these emotional stirrings young Revna felt were. She briefly considered bringing up the topic to Malum and even to Strosius - but she quickly tossed those ideas aside. This situation called for a woman’s intuition and advice, not that of a man’s.

The apprentice recalled her dance with the icy and stunningly beautiful woman, and the open invitation for her to come and visit with the Empress whenever she so desired. A rare opportunity and gift given to her, and one she felt was time she took advantage of.

And so, Revna prepared herself, seeking assistance from one of the many servants that attended the palace and those within with a crown braid of her dark and silver streaked hair, before adding a smokey hint around her eyes to accent their golden hue. She was wearing her usual attire of a simple black shirt and pants and boots, with a finer cloth cloak about her shoulders, pinned with lapels that sported the symbol of the House of Marr. It was the only symbol of her heritage and connection to the noble house that she was comfortable wearing. Unless she was going to a more formal affair, then she did not dress to show off her noble connections. It wasn’t that she felt shame for it; she was incredibly proud to be a part of the Marr bloodline. But she did not agree with flaunting it before others.

Satisfied that her appearance was suitable and to her liking, Revna added the final touch: the hilt to a darkly elegant lightsaber she had acquired as a gift from the Mandalorian warrior Ordo some time prior. She was never without her saber; a Sith never knew when they would need it. She then set off and headed to Jutrand, heading straight for the Palace to meet with Srina.

Of course, once she arrived, her progress was hindered as she was halted and detained, her motives questioned as to why she would be entering the Palace and seeking a royal without an invitation or a summons. She passed along her request to see and speak with the Empress, that she had been given an open invitation to visit whenever she so desired. Still, she was blocked, while a messenger flanked by Imperial guards would seek out Lady Talon, and inform her that a certain small and rather feisty Sith by the name of Revna was seeking an audience with her.


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