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Approved Starship MBC Retribution

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House Mitth Symbol



  • Intent: To create a unique battlecruiser for Thorne and the Mitth Family
  • Image Source: Reddit (edits by me)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
This ship retains all of the military-grade features of its class, notably:
  • Powerhouse: The Retribution is an offensive and defensive powerhouse, fitted with a staggering array of weaponry and shielding, to maximize its destructive capabilities and survivability in combat; a versatility of weaponry is an understatement for the vessel.
  • Clandestine: The Retribution has a number of sensor-defying modules, including a cloaking device and a holographic shell projection, which increases its versatility in engagement nature.
  • Navigators: Like most Chiss vessels, the Retribution has been equipped with Ozyly-esehembo facilities, which allow the powerful Force navigators control to do their task, while also having the more rare Path Engine modules installed, to further increase Force navigation potential and rapid travel.
  • Punishment: The Retribution is capable of taking a high degree of physical damage, due to the segmented armor plating across the vessel, including on the bridge and between decking partitions.
  • Double Decker: The design of the Retribution is unique, in that it sports a double deck hull, which allows for more functional spacing and armament positioning due to having more hull real estate to use. Additionally, the vessel has a narrower broadside profile, with each decking segment being thinner than standard and being harder to hit accurately.
  • In or Out: The Retribution has guardian-class shielding available, however in order to use physical resources - such as its starfighters or missiles - those same shields must not be active.
  • Broadside Focus: The double deck design offers more armament placement and narrower profile, yes, however it also requires an increased focus on broadside attacking, due to some central weapon emplacements lacking dorsal and ventral targeting angles.
  • At A Cost: Having extensive weaponry, shields and double deck design comes at a cost to internal space, which has significantly limited the hangar space of the vessel and limited the starfighter and support craft availability it has.
  • Cloaked, Not Invisible: There are many anti-cloaking system methods out there, and the Retribution doesn't have any particularly advanced methods to overcome them, it can often come down to surprise and application for successful use.
  • Blind Spots: Like most conventional Star Destroyer designs, the stern lacks dedicated weapon defenses, leaving it less defended than the rest of the vessel; as such, it requires support from other vessels and starfighters to compensate.
  • Hyperspeed: Even with both a Chiss Hyperdrive and Path Engines, both require Force navigators to be utilized fully, and without them the latter isn't able to function.
  • Energy Hungry: The more specialized systems of the Retribution require considerable power to utilize and as a result must be used individually to avoid damage to the vessels power reactors.
The MBC Retribution is a vessel designed from the ground up for warfare. It uses every ounce of Chiss ingenuity, advanced technology, and component implementation available to the culture. The vessel has been made for protecting Copero, by extension the Chiss, under the command of the leaders of House Mitth. And as the Mitth control the Copero Shipyards, no expense was spared in the production and manufacturing of the flagship. It remains one of the most advanced Chiss warships to date, even compared to the CEDF. Designed to be the flagship of the Mitth Phalanx, the Retribution is at its strongest leading a fleet of vessels. And in the hands of a skilled Chiss commander, the application for warfare is exceedingly high.

Aside from the impressive armament and defensive capabilities, the Retribution boasts a versatile combat application. Not only does it have a cloaking device with supportive sensor-defying systems, which allows it to move through space visibly and electronically concealed, it also has a holo-projection suite; this holographic shell allows the Retribution to assume the appearance of a Giga-Class Leisure Cruise Ship, to essentially hide in plain sight, should the need arise. Also, due to the draw of the holographic shell and cloaking device systems on the reactors, only individual specialized systems can be used to avoid damage to the power cores of the warship.

With the implementation of the Ozyly-esehembo suite and Path Engine modules allow for the Chiss navigators to engage hyperspace under more unique circumstances. Not only can incredibly accurate micro-jumps be performed, utilizing the advanced Chiss hyperdrives designed for that purpose, but paths can also be navigated allowing for incredibly rapid - and unusual - routes to be used. There are limitations, as with any technology, such as excessive micro-jumps causing stress to the hyperdrive unit itself, and the Path engines requiring a Force navigator to use.

The more unique double deck design also provides some boons, when it comes to having more hull space to install weapon emplacements, essentially increasing the armament able to bring to bear on broadside attacks. However, the cost of narrower decking sections is a lack of internal space, which results in a loss in hangar bay space and support craft available; also, the central weapon emplacements have limited field of fire on the ventral and dorsal angles, which means the Retribution is most effective when using broadside attack methods.

Designed and made to protect the Copero Shipyards, and Mitth interests, the Retribution was a slumbering giant. Now, in the wake of Csilla's destruction, it has been called to action to serve even greater purpose - to avenge the Chiss people lost, and to become a symbol of the Mitth family's power and application of justice...
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge

Wow, very nicely made and detailed submission, very nice job! And the art is gorgeous! I found some smaller problems, mostly typing errors and 2 broken links:
  • CS Laser Communication Projector and the Chiss chiszacosibi lifeboat, please fix these.
  • Xythan Force Shield, with PulseScreen Recharge Shieldfunction, here you missed the space from the Shield Funcion
  • Chiss Hyperdrive (Path Enginefunctionality), andd here a space missing after the Engine.
  • And one more thing, under the Affiliation, please link a proper minor faction/company link from the Chaos. I know the Mitth family is canon, but here your faction/company would be the approtiate due the Factory rules.
I thought you may want to correct the misspellings. That's all, please let me know if you edited these.



I links have been adjusted, though I have removed those spacing word errors or rewrote them as the coding - for whatever reason - kept removing the space. Not sure why.

I also adjusted manufacture to be Copero Shipyards, which is an approved location for that purpose, under Mitth Family control. Hopefully that works?

T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge

Thank you! I had to ask John about this. I can't accept that codex sub, unfortunately. If you would write the House Mitth as codex sub, that would be acceptable. I think that would be the quickest if you just make a company, and their will be the manufacturers, and you also can write them under to the Affiliation.
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