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Approved Tech Mechanized Medical Technician

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Mechanized Medical Technician

  • Intent: To provide the Silver Jedi Order, chiefly the Silver Circle sub-faction, with a robust and highly capable medical droid.
  • Image Source: Evolve Medic by ScottFlanders
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: The Silver Jedi Order
  • Model: MMT-class Medical Droid, Mechanized Medical Technician
  • Production: Mass Produced
  • Affiliation: The Silver Jedi Order, The Silver Circle
  • Modularity: Various medical equipment.
  • Material: Dura-armor plating, reinforced durasteel skeleton.

  • Baseline Training - All MMT droids straight off of the factory lines are already equipped with the baseline training to be average medical technicians. This means that they can be shipped away as soon as production is complete.
  • Perceptive - Equipped with both a scanner and IFF transponder, locating wounded friendly personnel during a battle is fairly quick and easy for MMTs.
  • Heuristics - These bad boys learn. Whether it be watching organic or droid doctors in practice or experience on the battlefield or in a clinic, their heuristic processors allow them to gain experience and knowledge at an exponential rate.
  • Personality - They're naturally cheerful, kind, and friendly. Their personality matrixes are suited to helping put patients to ease.

  • [+] Heuristics: All MMTs field heuristic central processors, which allow them the capacity to quickly learn things from experience. Be it observing more advanced practitioners in action in a field surgery tent or in a clinic. Their baseline medical technician knowledge can be greatly expanded upon to help them save more lives across the galaxy.
  • [+] Robust: They're hardy droids. Durable enough to take a few blaster bolts and press on, fast enough to get to a wounded soldier or patient on the field, and strong enough to carry to drag them to safety. Their programming and mechanics have also been refined to present no glitches on the battlefield.
  • [+] Motivation/Personality: Each droid is unique in their own right. This leads to them developing a rapport with fellow medical personnel, their patients, and other beings as well. Soothing patients and cooperating with allies is a staple of their behavior - and some even make the ultimate sacrifice in combat to keep their charges alive.
  • [-] Non-Combatant: Pacifistic motivation circuits have been installed within these droids. On the field and in clinics/hospitals, they are wholly incapable of violence by any means. Even self-defense is unacceptable. Combat functionality beyond stabilizing the wounded and getting them to safety is null.
  • [-] Inherence: Inherent droid weaknesses to ion-based weaponry and EMPs. After all, they're just droids. A few blaster bolts or slugs will reduce an MMT to a pile of rubble and medical gear.
  • [-] Caregiver Depression: Seeing as they're equipped with advanced personality matrixes, these droids are definitely capable of emulating human emotions, and these do have an effect on them. MMTs in stressful and understaffed surgical tents, or witnessing many patients die without care can sadden them. This typically leads to a reduction in efficiency in all areas.

With the pandemic of wars, disease, and poverty in the galaxy, the Silver Jedi Order has been the long-standing supporter and savior of beings across the galaxy. Be it through usurping tyrannical dictatorships, providing disaster relief, and various echelons of humanitarian aid. While these many endeavors ended in success, they were hard-won for one reason: manpower. Lacking personnel to take care of medical patients or recover wounded during disasters or battles has seen many beings die without a care in the world.

So the Silver Jedi Order and their Silver Circle subsect is determined to rectify that problem with the Mechanized Medical Technician. Boasting a hardy and robust skeletal architecture and advanced internal components, they're determined for these droids to help be the saviors the galaxy needs. Their physical design is fairly simple with a reinforced durasteel skeleton built to support dura-armor plating. Their profile is that of a lean, mean, life-saving machine. Quick and agile legs and immense strength to carry patients to safety before stabilizing them.

Internally is where all of the magic happens. Their most prominent feature is the heuristic processor that allows the capability to learn, therefore making MMTs much better at their job of saving lives. Their learning rate is exponential and things can be picked up from both observation and actual practice. The advanced personality matrix is similar to that of a protocol droid, and these were fitted particularly for interaction between patients and other medical staff. These make them feel much more organic and natural in operation. Then comes the various scanners, IFF transponders, and other components. The first two are typically used in conjunction to help locate wounded personnel while the others are for stability and strength.

However, there are several drawbacks to this mechanical miracle. Their pacifistic motivation circuit restricts them indefinitely from participating in violence. Even self defense is completely off limits, so MMTs are completely useless on battlefields aside from their medical roles. Then there are those inherent droid weaknesses to ionic based weaponry and that of EMPs. And lastly, since they're capable of emulating human emotions, this makes them exceptionally susceptible to something called "caregivers depression." It typically stems of elongated high-stress environments, such as that of an understaffed clinic with an influx of critically wounded patients, or witnessing numerous patients die under their care. While there are many more effects on an organic being, MMTs cope with this by diverting processes to their internal programming areas - thus reducing their efficiency in both combat and non-combat situations.

Overall, these droids were built to be saving graces to Silver Jedi space and that of the greater galaxy. These eager, friendly, and wholly kind droids are ready to charge into battle alongside military personnel, help staff clinics or hospitals, or can even be individually purchased by your everyday customer who requires constant medical attention.
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