Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Medical Jigsaw (UCM)

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Mandalorian Space
Immediately After Battle of Mandalore

Noah sighed as he meticulously picked apart the rifle in front of him, his mind less on the weapons and its internal components and more on the battle that was raging on Mandalore. One might question why Noah, a well known and somewhat prominent Mandalorian, was not currently fighting the Sith, Clan Corek’s mortal enemies. The answer to that question was actually pretty simple and it was the same reason he was currently disassembling his rifle. It was Yasha.

Noah had been on Mandalore only hours before the Sith arrived and him as well as his clan were ready to fight and die for the ancestral homeland. Though it was not to be. He and Clan Corek had been approached by Yasha and was given an equally important mission. Evacuate themselves from Mandalore, along with Clan Cadera, Clan Akaata and Yasha’s children, and go to Wayland and weather the storm was most certainly coming.

Of course Noah being the career soldier and Mandalorian he was he had initially refused, saying he would rather die on Mandalore than run. She had of course had an argument for that, well more like a recycled argument he had used against her once upon a time. He huffed and puffed at her but in the end he had been swayed and in turn had swayed his mother to evacuate their clan as well. Thankfully only twenty-five percent of Clan Corek had completed the move to Mandalore, the rest were still safely nestled away on Saleucami.

As he played these events over and over in his head he was oblivious to the door opening and one of his clans entering. He was drawn out of his thoughts by the woman clearing her throat. Turning around in his chair he raised an eyebrow, he had asked not to be disturbed and non-verbally was making it pretty clear he was annoyed by the disturbance. “I know you asked to be left alone vod but we have news from Mandalore and news regarding the Alor of Cadera.”

Once again he raised an eyebrow and spread his hands in a gesture of ‘out with with it’ to her. Looking at her datapad she began to read it. “While there is still heavy fighting on Mandalore Yasha has been evacuated after receiving life threatening wounds. According to the report by one Dr. Allard she has received various wounds, the most grievous of which was an abdominal wound that severed her spine and left her-” She almost gasped as Noah shot out of his chair, surprised because within their clan he was known to be level headed in emergencies.

“Contact my sister now! Tell her to get Clan every member of Clan Corek, Cadera and Akaata’s medical staff briefed and prepped to receive Yasha! NOW! And get me Kaine Australis and Aedan Miles on comms!” As he said this he walked quickly to his nearby footlocker, unlocking it and pulling out a small medical kit. Inside the kit were five kolcta tabs, Noah had received them a long time ago as a gift but was saving them for a rainy day ...guess now was as good a time as any.

“Noah….reports having it that Alor Australis and Alor Miles….were among the KIA on Mandalore.” That stopped Noah dead, if only for a couple seconds. Sighing he bowed his head, made a quick prayer to Manda for two fallen brothers and stood, turning to face his clan member. “Their lose is a lose for all of Mandalorians. Who’s with Yasha then?” Looking back at her datapad she read the names aloud. “According to this it is Dr. Allard, Alor [member="Mig Gred"], Alor [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] and [member="Reyn Australis"].”

Noah nodded in understanding. “Good. Allard and Fuyuan are two of the best doctors I know and no doubt Fuyuan will bring some of her clan’s medical staff with her.” Handing the small medical kit to her. “Take this to my sister, she’ll know what to do with them when the time comes. After you’ve briefed her I want you to brief all units leaders, get them to arm and armor up all their troops and put them on standby. We don’t know if the Sith will attack here but I’ll be damned if we’re caught off guard! And contact [member="Skorvek"] Cadera!” Stomping towards the door he got halfway down the hall and remembered something. “And make sure to contact my wife!” [member="Alexandra Feanor"] would definitely want to be here.
Mandalorian Space
Wayland Orbit
Immediately after Battle of Mandalore

Aleksander sat in the command throne of the Bane his eyes twitching irritably as he glares at the datapad in his hand before he sighed and gestured towards the comms officer nearby the young pirate lord leaning back in his command throne absently. The comms officer nodded nervously before routing the communications [member="Noah Corek"] had requested directly to the bridge a hologram of what would appear to be a younger Aedan appearing before Noah as a hologram of Noah appeared on the bridge. Aleksander lifted his head looking at the man for a moment before speaking calmly. "What can Clan Akaata do for Clan Corek today? I am sorry to inform you that earlier today at the battle of Mandalore it is reported that my father met his end." The words were bland almost bored as if he wasn't speaking about the Alor of Clan Akaata or if he just didn't care about the fact that he had just reported the once War Master and Pirate King to be presumed dead. This might have something to do with the fact that hidden in the bowels of the Bane Aedan Miles actually rested from his own fight with his old friend after faking his death he was laying low. It wouldn't do to let just anyone know he yet lived and if the emergency was bad enough Aleksander had certain parameters to follow before anything else among them were picking up the rest of Clan Akaata that remained on Wayland as well as what they could gather of Clan Cadera and [member="Yasha Cadera"] before making a series of long term jumps. From the sounds of things when he had arrived at Mandalore though things were going badly and Yasha had been evacuated on a different ship in critical condition. That had led to him picking up his father as well as the remains that they planned to use to convince people that the War Master had truly fallen. He tilted his head thoughtfully as he ran through the name Noah Corek and the deeds associated with it his pale violet eyes thoughtful.
Location: The Fùyuán, en route to Wayland
Tags: [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Skorvek"]

When Taozi had heard the news of Yasha being mortally injured, she fell to her knees upon the Free Enterprise. First their narrow escape from Concord Dawn, now this? The scream of sorrow that ripped through the Alor's throat mirrored the one from the Battle of Taanab, as those she loved were obliterated by the CIS. Sobs racked the doctor's lungs as she processed what had transpired in her absence from Mandalore. It had not taken long for the massive freighter to meet up with the Tal's medical fleet, and refugees were transferred to the Jahaal'got ships, while Taozi and Mig moved to the Fùyuán.

Now, Taozi stood in the bridge of the ship, watching the light of hyperspace travel streak by. The Tal Alor's eyes were red and puffy, and tears had left streaks upon her cheeks, but she had a job to prepare for. A Tal women rushed to her Alor, and handed Taozi a Holopad with a medical report of Yasha's injuries. The Infernal had been placed in stasis while her doctors took her to Wayland, and she had severe abdominal bleeding, a severed spinal cord, and numerous other minor injuries inflicted during the battle. It would be a battle in and of itself just to save the woman, but between Clan Tal and the former Mand'alor's doctors, they had the tools and knowledge to win. They had to.

Taozi would not fail Yasha like she had failed Beth.
The Scythe pushed their engines past 110% yield to meet the rendezvous. [member="Kaine Australis"], gun runner and weapons dealer that he was, spent his profits some would say fanatically in favour of keeping his loved ones alive.

All the credits in his accounts were useless to save @Beth Cadera. They could not fail his wife.

“Time of death…” Sandra checked her chrono, eyes fixed on [member="Reyn Australis"] and Vevut, who in truth couldn’t have moved faster to try and block the boy’s view of his thrashing, gurgling mother.

Allard barked and surged, a dervish of medical intervention even as her heart cut out. The Infernal’s fight was over…

“No. No, Sandy don’t you fekkin’ call it, don’t you fething call it…” Allard started the most basic of first aid, continuing chest compressions, before calling Vevut over. “You do not stop this. For any fething reason. You do not stop!”

On the third compression, a snap came to the air, Vevut’s hand slipping on Yasha’s ribcage, as Allard and Sandy threw into the task of taking off her armour. A task neither simple nor bereft of caution…

“What in Borelais did this to her…” Allard yanked the neck piece of her armour straight up, shrapnel which stabbed into her flesh pulling with it. The blood pooled, no heart to functionally pump it.

“Kaine fired his cherub… four times. Carnifex grabbed Yash’ika and pulled her in, as Kaine fired. It wasn’t his fault! It… he pulled her in.”

“By Kad’s rump…” Someone muttered, eliciting a chuckle or two of mystified, nervous laughter from Allard and the other medics. Good… keep them focused. “And the basperp still didn’t die? What’s he made of?”

“Saw him once, up close. Did a discrete scan… whatever melange they cooked up for that body of his, I feel sorry for his fekkin’ wives.” Allard muttered, taking his shears and cutting off the voidstone necklace from Yasha’s neck. The artifact was the most precious thing she owned, a simple necklace given to her as a child by [member="Ra Vizsla"]. [member="Skorvek"] added the sliver of voidstone, built around it with songsteel to protect the fragile totem to the Undying. Allard took the second to put it in Reyn’s hand, and close it around his fingers. “Hold onto it for her, Ram. Now… go… go on… go on or I’ll put you to work!”

He waved the boy off, as the other medics made careful removal of the shrapnel laden beskar’kandar, sliced through armourweave with tools which cost nearly the same as the silicar.

The whole time, Yasha’s amber eyes laid open. Forever open and no longer looking through hazy glass darkly. Her mouth dropped slack and open, the only motion of her body the jerking ministrations of the medics.

“Doc!?” Vevut continued the chest compressions, to hear another pop.

“I can heal broken ribs, when she’s alive. Do not stop. 150cc’s epinephrine! Hook the IV, start a saline and plasma drip. Get me some cauterization equipment… and alert Taozi, and Dr. Corek, she… they both… now.” Lifted onto the surgical table, armour and clothing cut away, the gore of Kaine’s cherub shots and the gashes became evident in full.

Covered in surgical cloths, Allard isolated the massive impaled wound diagonal from stomach through spine. As the scans came in, he gasped aloud.

“Doc…” Sandy pressed forward, “You have to call it. Her spine is severed, she’d never walk, let alone…”

“Hook her up to life support.”

“Doc, it’s a cadaver.”

“Hook her to life support. Full cardio-neural stimulation. Breathing tube, let’s go. Apply the Kolcta from my supply, bring in bacta. Get the cold frame, lower her neurological system’s temperature, get the cold around her brain, we can minimize damage, we…”

“Theo!” Sandy barked, holding the other nurses and medics back. “Yasha’s dead!”

The Concordian Mandalorian doctor wheeled around on his second, grabbing her by the lapels and slamming her back against the medbay walls.

“I will walk into the Netherworld with a scalpel and duct tape if I have to to drag her arse back into her body, but I don’t have time to argue with you right now, you sodden defeatist. Australis bankrolled the best medical technology the universe’s ever seen and we will use it until we are exhausted be-“

“DOC!” Vevut shouted, leaping back from compressions on Yasha’s ribcage. Her right arm twitched… fingernails contracting and contorting as the limb rumbled and shook. Skin morphed into sickly green protuberances, which siphoned into her shoulder, green bits of biot sinking along her jaw, cheek, into her chest below the surgical drape. Yasha’s body jerked from the waist up.

“We… have a heartbeat… no,… wait, there’s one in… her arm?”

“Holy feth the Dark Sided chakaar… Carnifex, he… he gave her to a Vong Shaper… after Orinda, he took her to…” Allard snapped to, as the staff began putting Yasha on life support, none of them noticing how the medical bay was open to Yasha and Kaine’s son Reyn. “… bring me everything we have on the Yuuzhan Vong. And grab a stasis containment unit! Tell Taozi, we… kark, I don’t know how to keep Vong alive… Does anyone know anything about the Vong other than how to kill their sodding miserable lives!?”

The ship rocketed toward [member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Noah Corek"] & [member="Alexandra Feanor"]’s position, redlining as hard as it could.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig stood on the bridge of the Fùyuán, young Leddie Gred by his side. She didn't want Mig to leave her alone, and the Alor couldn't blame her. She'd just lost her father, and Mig literally just adopted her. She was scared, and afraid of what she'd seen on Concord Dawn. Mig wouldn't force her to leave unless it was something horrible. He was honestly more worried about [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] at the moment. He could feel the Force stirring in her, from her cries and sobs when she first heard of [member="Yasha Cadera"] 's state to their trip to Wayland. Oddly enough, Mig had kept quite calm, though his mind was racing, and he worked to hold back his anger to the Sith. He walked up to the Alor doctor, and spoke calmly in an attempt to calm the woman.

"If Ilik weren't with the Manda, he'd be telling you to not let you emotions control what you do. Be sad. Be angry. Be ready to take on those that wrong you in this galaxy. But be in control. Anger is an emotion that can easily turn a Force sensitive to the Dark Side alone."

[member="Aleksander Miles"] [member="Noah Corek"]
Tʜᴇ Cʜᴀʀʜᴏᴜɴᴅ
Mandalorian Space
Wayland, aboard the Fùyuán
After the Battle of Concord Dawn

Broken. Barely alive. While some of the medical officers were busy saving the life of Yasha Cadera, others were focused on another case. His body been picked up by Clan Tal, initially thought to be a corpse. They had thought he was a corpse, of which they intended to give a more honorable burial instead of being left as carrion for the Graug or ripe for necromantic experiments by some Sith sorcerer. Yet, there was a strong enough life sign to attempt to save his life.

For hours, surgeons worked to save his life. First, they cauterized the gaping wound of where one of his arms once was. His lungs and respiratory system were slowly becoming necrotic and filled with blood. In their decision, they managed to give him a rudimentary cybernetic lung, complete with breath mask.

Lastly, his legs had started to atrophy from the nerve paralysis when his spine was broken. They made the decision to perform a double amputation of his legs. He now floated about in a bacta tank, hooked up to various monitors. Even while in the fluid, his breath could be heard. Ragged, mechanical....eerily reminiscent of Lord Vader. This made some of the medical staff uncomfortable, leaving to tend to some of the others that were picked up by the Tal.

His heart beat was rapid, fighting for stabilization. While Yasha fought for her life, this broken parody of a man known as Quintus Cadera fought for his. All he could feel was numbness, barely conscious, pain kept at bay by anaesthetics.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
The first thing Noah had done after speaking with his clan member had been to find the facility that he was currently in's command room, a task that took him barely a minute. Perhaps it was the angry glares and sharp, concise words he used with the people roaming the halls. As soon as he entered the command center he barked out orders and commands and though many of the Mandalorians weren't of his clan they hopped to and followed the orders, Noah's reputation preceding him. The first thing that was brought to his attention was the communication from [member="Aleksander Miles"]. He sat quietly and listened to the young man, somewhat confused with his tone as he was very undisturbed for someone who had lost their father.

He momentarily pushed this thought from his mind though so he could respond to the young man. "I'm sorry to hear that. Me and your father were friends from our time in the Omega Protectorate together. Please pass on my condolences to your mother. On to business though. I need any and all medical personnel you have to be transferred planetside and be prepped to received [member="Yasha Cadera"] for emergency medical care." He nodded to Aleksander in a way that conveyed this wasn't strictly a request.

Once his business with Aleksander was done he flicked the holo projector off. He couldn't shake the feeling something was off with the Miles family. Pulling a small flimsi notepad and a pen out of his pocket he scribbled a quick note and beckoned one of his personal guards. Passing the note to the guard he gave him quick and simple instructions to courier it to Aleksander and him only. The note read simply: 'Tell your father to contact me.'

With that out of the way Noah beckoned another one of his clan members forward and requested a status report of how their clan medical personnel were preparing for Yasha's arrival. Taking the report in stride Noah nodded as it all seemed to be good news. With this out of the way he began to coordinate what he could from here.

[member="Mig Gred"] - [member="Quintus Cadera"] - [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] - [member="Alexandra Feanor"]
Aleksander listens his head tilting thoughtfully as he recalled what the plan was before he finally nodded his head. "Very well the medical team should still be on planet I will contact Livia now to have her gather them and the rest of those sheltered as well as our forces there. They will meet you at your location shortly the Bane will hold orbit while that happens as security." Aleksander leaned back as the Bane took up orbit over Wayland humming to himself as he prepared a message finally he reached out to the only woman who could help with things on the ground. He looked up as his communicaiton officer finally patched him through to [member="Livia Maddox"] who was in a secure Clan Akaata camp with a couple thousand elite warriors to protect them. "Hello step mother yes its Alek. Yasha Cadera has been wounded could you take all of the personal there to secure the clink Clan Corek has acquired for use?" He looked up just as a man wearing Clan Corek armor walked in his eyes narrowed as he took the message muttering darkly. "Schutta I should have seen this coming. Wait here for a reply to Alor Corek." Alek wandered off of the bridge leaving the captain of the ship to take over protective measures as he wandered into the depths of the ship finally coming to a hidden room he slipped inside glancing at the figure that sat in front of a terminal doing research and transferring things about. "Father. Alor Corek has sent a message requesting contact with you. He didn't believe that you truly perished." The figure paused before nodding and scribbling a note on a piece of flimsi note he handed it to his son he walked back to the bridge handing it to the member of Clan Corek. "Take this back to your Alor with Clan Akaata's compliments." Alek returned to his seat knowing that life was bound to be interesting.

When the note finally reached [member="Noah Corek"] and he opened it he would find a simple but rather dated message on it. "The Shadows shall rise once more stronger than before to bring about death in the Darkness." It was signed with the unofficial title that had been given to Aedan when he had taken up the position of Warmaster simply signed Reaper of Wayland.
Taozi side-eyed [member="Mig Gred"] as he walked to stand beside her. She listened to his words, before going back to reading the medical report Dcotor Allard had sent. She was angry, yes, but not with anyone but herself. By the ancestors, could this ship go any faster?! The doctor sighed through her nose, before looking back up.

​"I know, Mig. Taanab was warning enough for me, and I fear that I will always be susceptible to the Dark Side so long as I am able to use the Force, but there are more pressing matters at hand. Yasha's heart has stopped, but the Vong Biot in her arm is, apparently, trying to keep her alive."

One of Taozi's usual handmaidens walked up, and whispered to her Alor.

We have one of the largest medical libraries, and over a hundred researchers, Xiao. Send word to the hospital to send any information on Vong biology to this ship, as well as if any of the researchers have worked on a Vong specimen. We cannot fail [member="Yasha Cadera"] like we failed her daughter. Find out how [member="Quintus Cadera"] is doing as well, he was in horrible shape when he was brought onto the Free Enterprise. Now go."

"Yes, Alor."

Taozi watched the woman run off to the communications room, before sighing. Hopefully they would arrive at Wayland soon.

[member="Noah Corek"]
It amazed the wife of [member="Aedan Miles"] that children could sleep through seemingly everything. Sipping stim-caf in the nursery, Livia watched Andra, Girak-Kaine & Magnus Australis-Cadera and her eldest Tuuli curled up on beds and mattresses on the floor. What did children know of dangers, when they got to have a ‘sleep over’ with their friends? Yes, Tuuli was old enough to know something serious was wrong…

… he was old enough to hold his mother’s hand as his father went to war.

At least they received warning at all…

“But isn’t that the oddness, eh?” Livia muttered to herself, as she watched Yasha & Kaine’s twins sleep. Raven curls framed the slumbering twins’ faces, olive skin and green eyes. Stout boys, they seemed to take after their mother. “Why would Zambrano warn about saving the children?”

As a tactician it made little sense to warn such an enemy as the Mandalorians of an impending attack… especially over the lives of a handful of youths all from one family. He must have known Adara would talk…

Livia’s reverie was interrupted by her step-son [member="Aleksander Miles"], and the news that Yasha was, well, dead. She sent an assent to Aleks, fingers playing with the ring on her left ring finger. Reports of Aedan’s death flooded in, but Livia stood firm. It wouldn’t do to show such emotions to the plebians, but moreso…

‘Aedan darling, I wish I’d been there…’ But who would protect the people of Wayland?

“Right… well! Watch the children… record everything.” Livia turned crisply away from the nanny and strode down the hall of the fortress.

“Rouse the medical staff, prepare surgery. I want four pints of Yasha’s cloned plasma waiting and another four prepared. Get me Corek. He must be half apoplectic by now. His sister’s a doctor, she surely would be interested in these cases. Send a message to the Free Enterprise, ask them if they need assistance with [member="Quintus Cadera"]. Prep landing bays, we’ll have ships coming in hotter than my flight time on the Drestii Run. Go! Hop like voorpahs!” The aides around Livia scattered, all members of Clan Akaata and fiercely loyal to the Pirate King and his wife. She thought of [member="Taozi Fuyuan"], and how this next series of medical interventions must have weighted upon the Hero of Tanaab. “Oh, and Llewis, if the Infernal does die… take control of her corpse. Toss it in carbonite if you have to, but I want it isolated and studied.”

Once more running a finger along her ring, Livia allowed an aura of calm to expand through Mt. Tantiss and the Wayland Fortress, swaying over all with the capacity to experience such kindnesses of the Force.

Little did Livia know until half a minute later that the condition of Mand’alor the Infernal worsened by the second. Reports were sent out to [member="Noah Corek"] and [member="Mig Gred"], to everyone aware of the situation.

The biot surged, Yasha’s right arm no longer flesh-toned but green and protruding with spikes, and finger-spears. Attempting to set an IV cuff on Yasha’s right arm, Sandra was struck three times in the chest by a surge of finger spears, running the medic through and sending her careening into the ground.

Doc wished he’d taken business classes right then… anything but medicine. Was it too late to take up potting? A broken mug was much more easily fixed than a panicking Vong biot desperately attempting not to die with its’ symbiotic host.

“FETH! DOWN! Down, down! Stop trying to sedate the Vong arm… biot… thing!” Doc watched as Vevut lunged for [member="Reyn Australis"], attempting to keep the boy free from harm. “Stasis! Someone stun it!”

“But Doc, we don’t know what that will do to…”

Lashing out, the arm shot more thin stiletto spikes from its’ fingernails. Doc lunged onto the arm with a sedative, stabbing it between quickly generating chitin.

“Kad save us, it’s making an exoskeleton… we don’t have time, get us to Wayland, now!”

“Engines are pushed to red, Doc.” The innocuous voice of the pilot filtered through, terse. Clinging to its’ emotional distance.

“Kaine fething Australis made this ship! You can go well past the red. Punch it till the Scythe cries! Until I see hull plating zooming off into a flotilla of X-Wings commanded by Admiral [member="Mittens"] swerving between our debris, push them harder!” Doc clicked off his comm as he wrestled the arm. His boots ground against the floor, as nurses and medics continued intubating and setting cardiac stimulators on Yasha’s still body.

Her eyes remained open, Amber jewels dimmed and milky, as her jaw slacked. The only movement shivers from the dying Vong.

The Scythe made rendezvous with klaxons blaring in the engine room. An entire compliment of engineers battled the screeching ship, while the medics bundled Yasha’s body in a stasis field to the awaiting intervening professionals and their surgical suite.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig looked at [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] and nodded.

"If that Vong whatever's trying to keep her alive, it can't be good." The Alor never had a huge trust in Vong tech, but if it was saving [member="Yasha Cadera"] .... He hoped it would at least. Leddie clung to his side, looking shaken up. He smiled and picked her up. "It'll be ok Leddie. Don't worry." And then he got a report. It wasn't looking good, but if there was one thing he had, it was hope.

[member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Aleksander Miles"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Quintus Cadera"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
As reports came in of [member="Yasha Cadera"]'s health Noah slammed his fist into the holotable in front of his, denting the metal and serving to fracture a couple of his knuckles, not that he noticed of course with the adrenaline running through his system. It was at this time that his courier to [member="Aleksander Miles"] had returned and with a note from him. As Noah's eyes glanced over the note and snorted. 'You better know what the hell you're doing Aedan.' Noah thought as he withdrew a old and weathered flip light from his armors utility belt and lit the edge of the note on fire, dropping it in a nearby waste bin to let it burn unimpeded.

It was then that word came to him from the comm station that [member="Livia Maddox"] wished to speak with him. Any other time he would've shirked it off and let her wait but with the supposed death of her husband and the current situation he felt that he was honor bound to respond. "Throw her up on the holoprojector." It took a few moments but the visage of the Pirate Queen was indeed projected in holographic form in front of Noah. "Livia. First let me give you condolences on your husband. Me and Aedan served together in the Omega Protectorate and we were good friends and the galaxy is lesser for his passing." Noah didn't know if Aedan had clued his wife in and decided to stick with the charade he had constructed.

"I also want to thank you for lending us Clan Akaata's medical personnel. I'm sure that they will come in handy for the long journey that will be Yasha's eventual recovery." As he spoke a member of his clan came and whispered into his ear. "And with that I say goodbye. I was just informed that Yasha has arrived and I was to meet her and the medical personnel as soon as possible." Giving Livia a nod he shut the holoprojector down and then all but ran from the room.

[member="Mig Gred"] - [member="Alexandra Feanor"] - [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] - [member="Quintus Cadera"]
Tʜᴇ Cʜᴀʀʜᴏᴜɴᴅ
Pain. The first sensation that he awoke to was pain. The anesthetics kept it just numb enough to be bearable. The broken form of Quintus Cadera floated listlessly in the bacta fluid, eyes half open and staring out to the medical team aboard Clan Tal's ship.

Between the overbearing pain and the medication that was sedating it, he caught a glimpse of a creature in his vision, just within his periphery. A hound, black as the void of space, with eyes like burning coals. During his time with the Hellyni, they had spoken of such a creature. A large, black wolf-dog that guarded the realm of the dead in their myth. It was also said to be an omen of death, seen by those dying or having a near-death experience. His eyes foggily drifted in his vision, following the black figure. His remaining arm reached out to it.

"Kerberos...." Came the haunting, mechanical voice from his tank.

An attendant hurried toward the nearest comm station. She set the frequency to one both [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] and [member="Noah Corek"] would recieve.

"Fuyuan to Wayland. Update on inbound patient. Quintus Cadera is alive. Multiple limb amputations. Cybernetic respiratory replacement. Multiple fractures and broken bones." She elaborates, "Patient's condition is stabilizing. Intravenous medication is insert to stave off pain as best we can. Patient just regained conciousness and has spoken. May need additional observation and...."

She paused a moment, worried as to what to say next.

"I am personally afraid that we have created a new Vader. The amount of cybernetics and life support systems needed to keep him living outside of a bacta tank would necessitate a suit like Lord Vader's...."
As the people on the planet started the process of saving [member="Yasha Cadera"] above the planet Aleksander was dealing with the monumental task of scattering the resources of Clan Akaata to the winds in an effort to hide their movements. Around the Bane various corvette's and smaller frigates waited for orders before rocketing into the stars even as the crew of the Bane prepared the ship to go into hiding. After all it had been a gift and when things had settled down and the resources were gathered again they would come together again in an attempt for revenge. Now it was time for to return to their domain and apparently they were going to take more than just Clan Akaata with them. Even as this happened his people were scrambling the more civilian oriented members of Clan Cadera in an attempt to offer them safety and protection in larger numbers. Even as this happened in the depths of the ship a figure meditated drawing on the force within himself as data flowed across screens before him. Information on what was happening to Yasha as well as possible solutions one of which would call for this figure to reveal himself early than he would have preferred.
Taozi watched her datapad as information came flooding in from her hospital on Taanab. Her eyes were focused as she read through all the reports. The Tal fleet had arrived safely, and were unloading wounded and refugees to the hospital and the stronghold. Researchers were scrambling to send her anything even remotely related to the Vong. Updates on [member="Yasha Cadera"]'s condition caused the doctor's face to contort in a grimace, then finally, an update on [member="Quintus Cadera"]'s condition was the cherry on top for the doctor. A sigh escaped her lips as she looked up, just as the Fuyuan exited hyperspace above Wayland.

"Prepare for landing and patient transport. Oh, and someone assuage poor Feng's worries about Quintus. He's a loyal Cadera, so any cybernetics needed will be used to save him. Once he's lucid and fully stable, he can add whatever he wants by himself. Now, send a message to [member="Noah Corek"] that we've arrived, and are receiving data from the hospital about Vong biology now."

"Yes, Alor!"

Taozi prayed that she and [member="Mig Gred"] had not arrived too late.
Doc Allard heard nothing but the squealing tone of the heart monitor and his own breathing. Nurses, fellow doctors, onlooking growling gurlanin were mute in comparison, their voices stolen by the siren of Yasha’s silence.

“Breathe…. damn you…” As a medical professional it was Theodore Allard’s occupation to be unflappable in crisis. Doctors worked on unresponsive patients for sometimes hours, searching for the elusive pulse. The start of a breath. They did so with a draining of emotion only present through training and courage.

The Vong Biot writhed, held down now by [member="Ambrose Cadera"] and two of the nurses. Ambrose’s growl bit at the air. Allard didn’t hear it. Nothing was going to revive the woman on the slab, moved now as she was into the proper medical suite in the stronghold’s indecently well equipped hospital.

“Rib cutters.” Two of the nurses glanced up, a third doctor, who held up more bags of plasma, which poured through the tubing into still arteries clearing his throat to get the nearest nurse to move. Doc rushed to the inanimate chest, and with a scalpel, made an incision. The bone saw came next, what he did there was no return. If Yasha was dead on arrival, it would do no worse to her. But cardico-stimulators weren’t working, likely consumed impulse-wise by the Vong Biot and its’ sickly green tendrils, sick like a wilting plant, which reached from her right arm through to her neck and torso in ever pulsing cannibalism. “It missed her heart…. the slag missed her heart… the shrapnel missed her heart…”

Allard continued his mantra, as the bone saw worked and cracked where it was due. Covered by the surgical veil, the immobile pooling blood settled around his glove as Doc manually massaged Yasha’s motionless heart.

“Come on, come on, come on. You’re still warm, the Vong has a hearbeat, there’s nervous impulses running from the biot into your nervous system, Yasha come on, come on, come on…”

He massaged the heart, pumping it with his own surgically gloved hand. “Where the FETH is Taozi!? I… I need Tao-“

The shrill shriek of the heart monitor stuttered.

And stuttered.

“Kad Harang’ir, for all the raids and wars we’ve bled in, give me this… give us this…” Theo kept working, as the doctors and nurses worked, holding out for [member="Mig Gred"], [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] & [member="Noah Corek"] to arrive.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
The sound of metal on metal reverberated throughout the elevator as it descended from the command center to the medical level. The sound came from Noah's phrik armored-boot as it collided over and over against the durasteel plating of the elevator floor. The tapping was driving the other members of Clan Corek in the elevator insane but they dared not speak up, having heard stories and seen the rage of the heir of their clan. As the elevator dinged Noah bolted for the doors, out the doors before it even announced what level they were on.

He made his way through the halls of the medical center like a man possessed, intent on getting to the surgical bay as fast as humanly possible. As he ran horrors played out through his head. What would Yasha look like? Was she dead? Was she alive? All these thoughts played in his head though they did nothing to impede his speed as he bolted through the halls. After a couple of minutes he finally reached the surgical bay where Yasha was he stopped dead in his tracks, the horrors that had played in his head were nothing compared to the reality that was before him.

As he watched one of his worst nightmares play out before his eyes he began to hyper-ventilate, clutching at his chest and slinking down a nearby wall. Noah was no stranger to violence, blood and gore. He had served in some sort of military capacity for three decades and had seen the worst the galaxy had to offer. But this? This was enough to send him into a panic. As he slinked down the wall he was unaware of the pair of feet coming to rest in front of his.

He was shook from his panic when the owner of those feet grabbed him by the collar of his armor and pulled him to his feet. The person was revealed to be none other than his sister, Asha. "Are you a Corek or a coward." She asked simply, causing Noah to splutter for a few moments. "W-w-w-what?" At this Asha shook her brother by the collar again. "That's what mom use to ask us when we were scared as kids remember?" Noah nodded, now remembering. "It's obvious you're scared right now but you need to put that aside and help Yasha. Ok?" It took a few seconds but Noah's face went from scared to stone. Satisfied she released him.

Striding into the room with renewed purpose Noah walked over and, as gently as possible, shoved the nurses that were holding Yasha's arm down out of the way and began to hold it down himself.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra's form shifted through the halls, not entirely there as she thought on what was happening, her feet making not a sound as she seemed more like a ghost, especially the way she bled in and out of view. It was a mix of things that gave her this appearance, but the biggest is that of her illusions as she walked, appearing in the form of a red head, in the form of an elder echani, in the form of a young woman of elven features. Her mind twisting as Hel crawled back up from her prison and spoke to Alex but for once the dark entity didn't try to seize control. For whatever reason it stayed in good terms with Alex for now, though that was likely because it knew Alexandra was not in the mood to hear its words and would happily lock it back within her mind.

Time after time people tried to get rid of the dark entity but in truth Alexandra protected it time and time again... why, Alexandra didn't know but it felt wrong to destroy the being for good. It was a part of her and people could complain to her about its effects on her mind someother time. For now Alexandra continued her movements, walking with a wooden staff that like her feet made no sound before she came to a rest outside the room that Yasha would be in. Her feet did not carry her to the door though, instead placing a hand on the wall and ever so carefully melding through it. Her eyes and shifting features appearing within the room and through the wall as she looked past Noah's Shoulder.

She would glance at the Nurse he had pushed asside, her mind reaching out to calm the womans, to tell her that it was ok and then she would move forward, looking over his shoulder and thinking as she stood there. Soon the door would open and a small white ball of fur shot in, Daeda having been left a bit behind by Alexandra's less than reasonable movements through walls rather than doors themselves. But the creature did not speak to her mentally, taking its place as she watched, staring past Noah's shoulder and thinking.

There was nothing she could do here and the grip on Yasha's spirit was always hard, mostly impossible, to get a hold on. She was force dead for a time, and more annoyingly Epicanthix in the first place. But that did not mean there were not ways to check. Life still flowed and Alexandra watched, finding it hard to see any flow of life to her, and the biot was a darkspot in the force, the damnable vong tech that was somehow living but unnatural made her sick.

She looked again and Noah, making the first sound she had since entering this place, her form becoming a bit more physical and stable as it settled into the red hairedbeing she actually was, her body still.

The moment Skorvek heard the new he did several things, One was get in contact with one of the few bio experts on vong tech and Yashas own DNA he could find, A hutt named Polux who was helping Skorvek attain a few ingredients he will need for the task at hand. He took the Red Razor while it wasn't his ship to take he needed the fastest vessel he could get to head to where the doctors were working on saving what was left of his adopted sister he was certain Reyn wouldn't mind given the importance of why he took the vessel.

He knew the force was useless here with that vong biot yet the biot was developed by a sith vong shaper so their had to be some way of making the biot still remain intact and yet still be able to use the force to help her in some form that is why he maintained a holotransmission with the good Doctor if anyone could help him find a alchemical solution he was the person to see. He kept brainstorming and pondering various combinations but cant utilize any of it without seeing the biot it self. The ship exited hyperspace above Wayland and landed at the closest docking port he could get before he grabbed what he needed, Including his holoprojector of Polux before he made his way to where Yasha was being treated.

He walked in seeing all the nurses and doctors at work on...what was left of his Sister, this angered him for many reasons, most of all that he wasn't able to be there to help her, However he will be here to help her now. He walked over to the head medical officers and explained his visit and what hes brought with him. He took note of [member="Noah Corek"] and [member="Alexandra Feanor"]'s presence but he had to work quickly, The biot seemed to already have reached part of her neck.

He took a few vials out he wanted that biot to stop expanding across her body and remove the deadness that it had to force based abilities so that the force can heal the rest of her...or try too, He worked off any biological information on the biot they have and shared notes with Polux who helped him come up with a few possible combinations but each one was experimental at best. He walked over to the doctors and handed them the vials he made, His voice was cold still but there was concern in his voice still which was not something he shows often.

These are all experimental treatments, I do not know what they will do but I am hoping that it will remove the part of the biot that makes it force dead so that we can use that to help heal her . I would advise you to administer them quickly as possible.

[member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] [member="Mig Gred"]
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig looked out at Wayland, reaching out with the Force in an attempt to sense what was going on. He slowly stopped focusing, looking to [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] shaking his head. "We need to get down there, now!" He then looked down to Leddie, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You have to stay here when we land. You don't need to see what's there."

"But.... Don't go!" Mig held her close.

"Don't worry. I'll be back, and you'll be safe here, ok?" The little girl sniffled, holding Mig tight before nodding. Mig then stood up, looking back at Taozi. "I'll help however I can."

@Skorvek @Alexandra Feanor [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Aleksander Miles"] [member="Kerberos"] [member="Livia Maddox"]

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