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Public Meetings with the Underworld [Casino Thread]

Bluam Poshrung




ArtStation - Royal Hearts Casino : Welcome!

While the world of of Cantonica might not be so famous around the galaxy, a single city upon the planet had drawn the most attention from the galactic elite. From crime syndicates to megacorporations and everything in between all of them had profits to be made within the City of Canto Bight. The various casinos and the racetracks provided opportunity for people to move away from the destruction caused by the start of the Second Hyperspace War. Far away from suspected conflict, the city was safe from invaders at least for now.
The Sea of Hearts Casino had just recently been opened by the Mancheron Hutt Kajidic, establishing themselves among the stars as legitimate businessman. Although the accuracy of such information was called into question when guardsman from the kajidic broke into another casino to rough up the patrons inside. A common protection racket and although the Canto Bight Police Force had the men to quell the kajidic's forces within the city. Challenging the hutt clans were always hard as they lived for a long time and never forgave a grudge. The atmosphere of the casino was calm and cool, with rich patterns and luxury furniture on the first floor as people made their way through the entrance. Two large gamorrean guardsman were the bouncers for the establishment and made clear that anyone without a deep pocket to spend wouldn't be allowed inside.
The patterns would be simple black and white with touches of red splattered around. Many species had entered into the casino for the gambling machines and tables that offered them some semblance of wealth even after all their credits had been dried up trying to win just that one round of chance. The majority of the people had gathered around the sabacc table where a high stakes game was being held, the pot had just reached up to 10k credits. In order to draw more people to the establishment, the Mancehron Hutt Kajidic began hiring zeltron women to use their special ability to make people stay longer within. Of course there were many chairs and booths that people could rest themselves upon.
With the Mancheron Guardsman patrolling around the gambling machines and tables to make sure that people weren't attempting to cheat the hutts out of hard earned money. The bar at the front of the establishment would be filled with your typical kind of scum, pirates, smugglers, escaped convicts. Within the lounge area of the casino, resting inside of a booth. Would be the Ashlan Crusader and Grand Theogonist of Rites Hemmel Baranthor VIII. He had just entered inside on his wooden walking stick, moving through the crowds wearing his luxury robes with an impressive golden cape to cover them. Fashion was important to Hemmel due to having grown up with a wealthy merchant family, and as such his fingers were adorned with fine jewelry to symbolize his wealthy stasis. Being exactly 6'0 in height and 500 pounds of pure weight, he was certainly an obese man but that worked to his advantage. In olden times those that could afford to gorge on their desires and leave the actual working to others, were considered to be wealthy and of high status.
Taking a seat within the booth after a little squeezing in, Hemmel brushed his white thin hair on top of his head. Stopping a service droid that was going past his table with a slight call. "Excuse me, I'll have the special today." Hemmel said to the droid, who promptly nodded and spun around to head to the bar area of the casino. Picking up the special which was flaming boga noga, able to knock out an entire squadron of stormtroopers with neary a sip. Delivering it to the table with a swift motion before giving other people their food and beverages that they had ordered from the infamous chefs within the casino kitchens. His gaze scanned the crowd, looking at the many kinds of species here. All gathered within one small place to spend their credits.
If anyone wanted to approach the Ashlan Priest, they would do so in due time.


Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Jerec, not a small being himself, sat down opposite Hemmel Baranthor VIII.

"My name's Asyr," he said. He popped the collar of his shirt in hopes of being less conspicuous, and leaned across the booth's table, speaking quietly. "I'm told you're a man worth knowing."

There was a goal, a specific goal related to Ashlan Crusade border transit. He'd get to that if the Ashlan priest didn't reject his approach out of hand.

Bluam Poshrung




ArtStation - Royal Hearts Casino : Welcome!

Hemmel was just about to bring the glass up to his lips, when the ithorian sat down with him. His corpulent form nestled within the booth as the ithorian spoke introducing himself as Asyr. For some reason that name seemed familiar within the underground circles that he had researched before arriving within the city. Beyond that point, introducing himself to the criminal underworld was a top priority for his overall plans. His faith in ashla was assured but his desire for personal power was starting to corrupt his soul.

Forgiveness from ashla would have to be earned at a later time. For now he was more than content to speak with the ithorian and work out some sort of mutual arrangement. Thus he lightly tapped on the booth table until the ithorian got done speaking. Leaning in his own self without drawing much suspicion due to eyes no doubt watching what an ashlan crusader was doing all the way out here on Canto Bight.

"A man worth knowing, indeed. Am I to correctly presume that you didn't come before me simply to exchange pleasantries with the local holy man." Hemmel questioned, waiting for the ithorian to get into the detail of his meeting with the Ashlan priest using a simple but subtle gesture to continue. Leaning back from his whisper, he grabbed the glass of flaming boga noga within his corpulent fingers adorned with fine jewelry and brought the glass up to his lips. The cool liquid would travel down his throat and into his endless void that was his stomach. Putting the glass back down on the table once it had been drank dried.

Others would no doubt arrive within the establishment to see him, but that was too his overall advantage. Wanting to expand his list of contacts in case he needed to call in a few favors with the not so friendly populations of the galaxy. Powerful tho he was within the regional circles, his underworld connections were lacking and thus to be considered a more influential person required one to know the more ruthless and underhanded. For they didn't hide behind masks of false friendship, they knew what they wanted and would stop at nothing to acquire it.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr


Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Hemmel Baranthor VIII

"Simple enough," Jerec drawled. He flagged down a wait-droid for a Single Reactor Ignition, the refocused on Hemmel.

"We're right at the edge of Crusade expansion, right in the wibbledy bits where borders are in flux. I know a lot of folks in the independent shipping game, all legitimate of course. Getting in and out of Crusade space safely and fairly is a big worry for some of them. Not me of course — no problems here. But I said I'd try to speak with someone who could help make all our lives a little easier."

Bluam Poshrung




ArtStation - Royal Hearts Casino : Welcome!

The ithorian certainly asked him for a considerable favor, allowing them easy access through ashlan borders would require some connections within the hierarchy of the Crusade. But it could be done given his influence within regional communities that were loyal to the Ashlan Faith. His corpulent form would hide a smart intelligence that rivaled even the most proudest of businessman and merchants.

Hemmel looked over his options presented before him, he could certainly allow them into the ashlan borders without much hassle. Shipping was important and the priest certainly had things to move around within the galaxy un-detected. Once again he was about to sin in the name of the ashlan faith. But some things had to be done to secure his power base and influence within the galaxy beyond just performing funeral rites for local communities and protecting them from sith necromancy.

As such he leaned back within the booth until it almost seemed to topple over due to his weight combined with the ithorian pressed against it. However he leaned up again once more after the service droid came back around with another glass to quench his thirst. Looking over at him with an amused expression that dotted his chubby face. "I can certainly arrange easy passage between ashlan space and the rest of the planets nearby. However in my own interest I'd request 5% of the profits made from the cargo. If that is unsuitable for you, we can haggle the percentage down to a more comfortable range." Hemmel said, counter-offering them. He would let them gain easy access to ashlan space underneath the policy of providing relief supplies for various communities. In exchange he would get 5% of the profits for his own mysterious plans to which he didn't reveal yet. However he left open the offer for a negotiation to not scare the ithorian away and lose him a valuable business opportunity.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr



Location : Canto Bight, Sea of Hearts Casino
Objective : Network
Equipment : Fusion Pistol, Fancy Suit
Tags : Open - Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Hemmel Baranthor VIII

Mr Mordo, wearing a new suit that had cost a month's Blackwatch Colonel's salary, entered the Sea of Hearts Casino, smiling at the guards, who nodded, and accepted a credchit in a brushpass to ignore his concealed holster. The weight of the equalizer inside his suit was a comfort, given the risks he was taking any time he went out undercover. Though he was experienced enough not to worry too openly, Fordo hadn't survived this long by taking chances and wandering around the galaxy unarmed.

Entrance gained, he walked to the bar and ordered an inoffensive Ithorian fruit drink, which came in a large wooden mug. Paying with credits and leaving a generous tip, Mr Mordo turned away from the bar with his drink and looked around the busy casino. There was plenty of background noise to filter out, and within the currents of noise, flowed a thousand conversations.

Smiling and wandering through the Casino, seeming to meander aimlessly, he was instead listening intently to each conversation he passed by, filtering the information as he went for anything useful. Sifting a room, he called it, as efficient a form of intelligence gathering as it was old.
Tʜᴇ Cʜᴀʀʜᴏᴜɴᴅ


TAGS: Fordo Mordo Fordo Mordo | Hemmel Baranthor VIII | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr

Klytiss almost felt disgusted walking up to the Sea of Hearts Casino. He was well aware that the establishment was owned and operated by Mancheron kajidic. Perhaps it was the abuse of his people under the slugs that put such a bitter taste in his mouth. Nonetheless, such a place was as much a hive of scum and villainy as Mos Eisley. This one just happened to have a gilded, shiny facade.

He approached the Gamorreans guarding the entrance. They instantly crossed their axes when seeing such a heavily armored Nikto stand before them. Klytiss pulled out a handheld projector, which instantly displayed official Guild credentials with his name and face. Even the feeble minded pigs knew the symbol of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, and let him pass. Far be it from them to challenge a bounty hunter.

The Red Nikto was met with a flurry of lights and sounds as beings played their games of vice. Yet, Klytiss knew better than to fall into that trap. Hutts did not play fair, especially on games of chance. He was not there to enjoy such pleasantries, anyway. He instead made his way to the cantina.

This was the place where he would find clients. It always seemed that crime lords and contractors liked to do business over drinks. He noticed something peculiar, however. A corpulent man, almost Hutt-like himself, chatting up an Ithorian. The man was seemingly dressed in some sort of clerical robes. He would raise an eyebrow if he could.

A holy man in a house of ill repute? Klytiss flattened his nose flap, a Nikto equivalent of a smile. That was a man with power, secrets, and usually someone with a price on their heads. He moved to the bar, keeping the holy man in his sights.

"A Coruscant Cooler." He gruffed out, placing the credits on the counter.

From his seat, he kept an eye on the clergyman and the Ithorian, awaiting his moment.

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"I can certainly arrange easy passage between ashlan space and the rest of the planets nearby. However in my own interest I'd request 5% of the profits made from the cargo. If that is unsuitable for you, we can haggle the percentage down to a more comfortable range."

"And here I thought we'd be haggling over, say, the names of border officers you could recommend, or elite border passes, or something one-time. If you're interested in a piece of the action..."

Jerec sipped his Single Reactor Ignition and felt it burn ALL the way down. He eyed Hemmel in an evaluating kind of way.

"Yeah, I can cut you in to five percent. Keeps you happy, keeps the access rolling, it's a good deal for me and my friends even though it digs pretty hard into our margin. You'll get your piece as long as we keep getting through, my word on it."

He extended his hand for a shake, raising the Ithorian equivalent of an eyebrow.

NEARBY: Fordo Mordo Fordo Mordo Baradium Vrax Baradium Vrax

Bluam Poshrung




ArtStation - Royal Hearts Casino : Welcome!

Hemmel picked up his second glass of flaming boga noga, beginning to sip on it while he waited for the ithorian to respond to himself about his arrangement of taking 5% in exchange for smooth passage within ashlan space. Since they were at a relatively side angle within the booth, the Grand Theogonist picked up whom was entering and whom was exiting. He took an interest when a smart looking man had entered dressed in a fine suit to no doubt mingle among the populace of the casino. However something seemed off about him and the aura around him suggested that he was here for more than simply business contracts. Hemmel would have to investigate the man at some later time within the hour.

Moving his gaze back to his table for just a brief moment, his eyes were drawn once again to the door when a nikto walked in. Heavily armored and looking like he was just about to ransack the place. However that notion was nonsense considering the security of the casino and the wrath of the hutts. He himself had contacts with the Hutt Cartel for his own operations. Getting supplies to his own supporters who then spread his powerbase through various systems until he had practically established a mini-fiefdom of worlds loyal to the ashlan faith as a whole. Although some might call him out on this apparent corruption of faith, he was helping the communities stay away from the draw of bogan. The quick pathway to power but ultimately the devourer of the soul. Hemmel had practiced the light side of the force for a single reason and that overall it was more powerful than any bogan user could imagine. Although his soul was slightly corrupted by his own ambitions and following his own vision for the galaxy.

Turning his attention fully back to the ithorian who spoke now, saying that the five percent would do them fine. Hemmel smiled that his overall plan had worked, although many wouldn't have seen it. 5% added up quickly depending on how many cargo ships came through the borders of Ashlan Space. Eventually allowing him to collect passive income plus his own salary from being the Grand Theogonist. He also had to his wealth was the donations from communities he had helped during his pilgrimages across the galaxy. Although to keep the ithorian happy and preventing them from placing a price on his head. He would sweeten the pot a little to help the agreement.

"Certainly, my friend. Although I do feel bad for your loss in margins. So I will repay the 5 percentage back through officially licensing your ships as relief supply vessels within Ashlan Space. This would allow you to move cargo back and forth out of ashlan space without having your cargo checked." Hemmel added to the deal, extending his chubby hand for a shake. Once the shake was done he withdrew his hand and picked up his glass of flaming boga noga once again.

Waiting for anyone else to drop by his table for a chat.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Baradium Vrax Baradium Vrax Fordo Mordo Fordo Mordo


Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"Now that," said Jerec thoughtfully, "is an idea. I'm sure plenty of our friends will take you up on that offer, and I'll make them understand that any ships you designate shouldn't carry anything that might cause you difficulties. Our friends wouldn't want to jeopardize this arrangement's long-term potential. We'll keep our nose clean — that's the human expression, isn't it?" He gestured at his own conspicuous lack of nose.

He slugged back the last of the Single Reactor Ignition and got up.

"Pleasure making your acquaintance, sir. I'll tell the waitstaff your next is on me. Personally I've got a good feeling about the Sabacc table over there." His gaze followed a shapely Ortolan. "Holy feth, but I love Canto Bight..."

He wandered off, leaving Hemmel Baranthor VIII alone in the booth.

Personal Equipment

Near one of the gaming tables stood a young, very attractive Zygerrian woman and a pink, half dressed twi'lek with a slave collar on. The two had come in together, clearly the Zygerrian was in power and the Twi'lek fawned over her. "kark off and get me a drink will you!" said Rhiza, frustrated at the excessive display of unnecessary affection, she hadn't acquired her for that purpose, and she hadn't been cheap, she had cost the pour schmuck who tried to scam her his life. Rhiza knew what she had planned for the woman, she would send her off with enough credits to get halfway across the galaxy and set up herself up somewhere, but right now, she was her property, and would behave as such. The Twi'lek approached her with a glass of wine and Rhiza took it. Not a bad choice for a girl of her age, barely out of her teens by the looks of it.

Rhiza Dural wasn't here by accident, there was some curiosity in her visit. She looked across at the fat priest in his booth, lounging like some kind of hutt, playing to the crowd, why are you here? Vaxis Vaxis had sent her here. Apparently the official bodyguards had reported concerns of the whereabouts of their charge on several occasions, an 'important' man such as this should not be visiting dark places alone, it wasn't safe? And if it was safe? What was he leveraging to ensure it?

Vaxis believed that Rhiza was the best for this assignment, she spoke fondly of cantonica and her old slaving operations had shops here, still up and running by all accounts, she grinned, the darkness inside her gnawed at her, trying to bubble to the surface and remind her of that past life and the feeling of power. That aspect at least was gone, but being here, being happily greeted in the street. She was SOMEONE once upon a time on the streets of both Zygerria and Cantonica, she had high roller access at all be best casinos. Peopke feared her too, her crimson blade had gotten her out of a number of scrapes just by waving it around. How much had she spent tonight? Probably too much but she would win it back in time. Or she would drown her sorrows. It was a shame that the adoration she got here wasn't translated to her new home. She was a relative unknown in Crusade space, people feared about her background. That force girl had chastised her about being totally unbecoming of a jedi. Maybe she wasn't a Jedi, but she was still powerful and she knew her place.

She watched as a man stood from the table and walk away, he looked happy about something, maybe Hemmel Baranthor VIII had saved a lost soul, or offered him something juicy, she could go doe something juicy about now. "Worm head, that man, bring him too me, show him this." It was a old business card of hers from when she shipped people, it didnt explicitly say she was a slaver, but it implied illicit trade that any good, or not so good merchant would find tempting. He might be a better 'in' for her, she wouldn't want rumours about her and the Twi'lek girl getting back to the Crusade if it wasn't worth speaking to the fatman.

The Twi'lek walked across to Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr As he sat at the bar "My Mistress would like you to join her at her table, she is buying drinks and said you might wish to see this." she handed the man the business card to look at and Rhiza waved her fingers lightly, likely an enticing sight for any hot blooded male. Were Ithorians hot blooded? Time for that later.

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Normally an invitation from someone who looked like Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural would put a tilt in the ol' watering can. But Zygerrian plus subservient plus 'mistress' equalled slaver by default, which brought any number of complications. Jerec followed the young Twi'lek servant/slave/employee? over to Rhiza's table. The business card disappeared.

"I'm Jerec Asyr," he said, taking a seat with a nod of thanks to the Twi'lek. He refocused on Rhiza. "What're you drinking tonight?"

Personal Equipment

Tag: Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr

"Well, I was drinking corellian wine," she tapped on her glass with her manicured nails and gestured to her Twi'lek "Two more por favor?" the Twi'lek bowed and excused herself to the bar. Rhiza, laughed "lovely girl, hasn't learned to watch my wine glass yet, one finger from the bottom and its time to head to the bar. No, where are my manners, Rhiza, pleasure to meet you." she shook the Ithorians hand then rested her arm on his elbow.

"a man of means walks away from a casino table with a grin that looks like the sarlacc that got the tusken? Did you win big perhaps, maybe hoping to splurge a little perhaps?" She missed the sales patter so much, slaves were a strange commodity, something that so many people would love to have, of it wasn't for all that horrible ethic concerns. She could see why droids replaced slaves so easily.

"you man over there, looks important, I hope you cleaned him out" she laughed, gesturing toward Hemmel.

The Twi'lek came back and handed Rhiza the drinks before taking a step backwards. The Zygerrian handed Jerec one of the wines and clicked the glasses together. Speaking again to her Twi'lek "be a dear and go and circle the room a bit, there is a little bonus in it for you if you get me a couple more customers. Or maybe something fun to buy?" she gave the ithorian a smile, she had the credits, whether he was buying or selling, they might make an exchange.

There was a sudden commotion at the entrance, then a big Hutt lurched inside, locomoting with purpose toward the bar while a stream of expletives in Huttese dribbled out of his mouth in a steady, disgruntled muttering.

An ugly scar warped across one of his eyes, which stared out glassy and sightless.

A bunch of thugs drifted around him, glaring at anyone who got too close.

Gorba lurched his way straight up to the bar and ordered a drink as if he didn’t know he was in another Kajidii’s territory. He started slurping on the goop-with-a-straw the bartender served him. His one good eye swiveled toward Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural and an ugly grin split his face in half as he leered.

Bluam Poshrung




ArtStation - Royal Hearts Casino : Welcome!

Hemmel was enjoying the day so far as he had made a profitable agreement with the ithorian. His second glass of flaming boga noga was almost finished, and the light shined through the clear glass cup. He was watching the ithorian through the glass to watch where he would go next and the sight of something that appeared almost made him spit his drink out on the table. Coughing to himself to not appear suspicious as he dug into his robes and got his medication that helped him with his obesity. In reality they were nerve calming pills to make him hide his poker face behind this facade.

He didn't see many other options within the cantina to converse to at this time, however he noticed that the ithorian was talking with a zygerrian. A semi-familiar zygerrian that told him to resume the official reasoning for him coming to the casino in the first place as being potentially exposed was a disaster for his career within the clergy system of the Ashlan Crusade. Gathering donations for relief supplies to various underdeveloped communities across the galaxy. However he made the slight mistake of leaving his official ashlan guardsman behind. Lucky an opportunity came to pivot around this issue when a hutt entered through the door. A rivalry no doubt and an insult to the lorda of the mancheron kajidic who had owned this establishment. Certainly he had some form of money to spend on helping communities and that help could revolve around anything including illegal substances.

Grabbing his wooden walking stick within his hand, the Ashlan Priest would proceed to get up and walk over the bar of the establishment to speak to the mighty hutt lorda. Waiting for him to get done speaking before officially announcing himself to the hutt lorda going to the side of him. "Pardon me, O' mighty hutt lorda. Forgive me for taking up some of your time. I am Minister Hemmel Baranthor of the Church, and I was wondering if you would be willing to donate to the relief supply effort for the outer rim? Of course if you desire credits from a poor man such as myself. I can give you all that I have." Hemmel said with a somber tone, to the hutt lorda. Of course he was taking quite the gamble in talking to the hutt lorda but whether or not the hutt accepted his credits in exchange for relief supplies. Was of no consequences having a false reason for his visitation to this dark establishment was paramount. He wasn't about to get exposed so quickly and ruin his chance to build up his powerbase within the galaxy.

Pray to ashla that he survives today without his plan being exposed.

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt


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It took Gorba a full second to realize someone was talking to him, when he finally did he lurched around to get a better look at the... human? Gorba's eye flicked between Hemmel Baranthor VIII and the SUPPLE looking Zygerrian female. He ran a tongue over his gums, playing with the scar that ran across his lips, then finally responded, because he had caught something about the human supplicating to him and he enjoyed that part.

"Wanta wamma chuba? Da kava ke chopah?" <Why should I pay you? And how much for her?>

He pointed at Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural . He had not noticed Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr yet because, well, he thought the Ithorians were a lot like cattle.

Personal Equipment

Tag: Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Hemmel Baranthor VIII Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt

She listened to Jerec speak but kept her eye on the obese cleric as he shuffled he way out of his seat and clicked across the room. That glance he gave her, that moment of possible recognition? Sometimes that was enough to correct a behaviour. There was enough suspicion that he was corrupt but currently little evidence other than circumstantial. Maybe a little breath on down his neck was all he needed to see the light.

She returned her focus to Jerec again as she saw Hemmel position himself with hutt, and her twi'lek also seemed to be making a beeline for the pair. She must sense that generally corpulence mean wealth.

"we sell cake, beautiful, delicious sensual cake." she found her eyes wandering to the half dressed form of her pink companion and licking her lips, the old urges were deeply, deeply, suppressed, but they were still there." "to you we would sell companionship, love, someone to make your life a little easier, to another we might sell a chance to escape their previous life and become productive in a wider world." tell me you are a slaver, without telling me you are a slaver, she grinned to herself.

Her eyes caught the look of Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt looking toward their table with a lecherous eye. "Ooh, my Ithorian friend, it appears the large gentleman over there has taken QUITE a fancy to you." she laughed. "and how about you? What is your business. To tell you the truth times aren't great for our kind, what with the Ashlans taking Zygerria, but it is what it is, we evolve, we didn't get here by bot being able to adapt. I'd watch yourself though, with big your friend over there, the human one, not the hutt." she knew people werent stupid, this was he life after all, but little seeds of doubt could have power.

The pretty pink Twi'lek approached Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt and Hemmel Baranthor VIII . The poor girl, completely oblivious to the maneuvering going on and the potential for hostilities, all she wanted was to help grease some wheels for her mistress and maybe get a comfier bed for the night in the process.

"ooooh, two handsome and well fed gentlemen out together," she stroked the arm of the hutt whilst lifting a bottle of good quality wine up with her other hand to offer to recharge both of their glasses. "Complements of my mistress." she would fill their glasses, or not if they declined, and either way she would move away, circulating in the room. She had learned from an early ages how to be someone's accessory.

Tʜᴇ Cʜᴀʀʜᴏᴜɴᴅ


TAGS: Fordo Mordo Fordo Mordo | Hemmel Baranthor VIII | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr | Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt

The Nikto could feel his fists clench as Gorba slithered into the cantina. The slug reminded him of those that once kept him under his lash. Fat, gluttonous, and lecherous. He dared not make a move. This Hutt came with an armed entourage, and this was far too public a place. He did know that the clergyman was barking up the wrong tree. The bounty hunter stood and walked to the two corpulent beings.

"Your Holiness, if I may borrow your divine presence a moment?" He spoke plainly, "I wish to of my own kind."

He kept his eyes carefully on the Hutt and his entourage. His expression would seem stoic to most sentients. But those familiar with Nikto body language could tell that he was seething with contempt. A Hutt wouldn't know charity if it reared up and bit him in the tail. He also kept wary of the Ithorian and the Zygerrian, just in case they were hostile as well.

The Nikto awaited the priest's answer.


Bluam Poshrung




ArtStation - Royal Hearts Casino : Welcome!

Hemmel had to figure that the hutt was deep in thought about something, either exploring criminal opportunities within the casino or something greater. However the hutt was finally able to pay attention to him with a single question as to why he should donate to the church fund. Hemmel didn't think of that and was betting on the fact that the hutt would be able to one up his rivals within the hutt syndicates. He could tell that the hutt was looking at the zygerrian within the room with an intense lust. No doubt looking for another pleasure slave to occupy his short attention span.

"O'mighty hutt lorda. I don't believe that the woman is for sale. However she is known to be impressed by signs of immense wealth and might be acquired into your services" Hemmel said with a slight smile, a distraction he would need in order to accomplish his overall objective without appearing suspicious. He had already been blown being seen within the casino in the first place. He took note of a pink twi'lek walking over and correctly figured that she was trying to get into a one night fling with someone or be compelled into the service of the hutt lorda. Either way he would kindly refuse the drink having had enough for tonight. Watching as she moved away once more to circle the crowd within the casino. Hemmel's gaze was taken away by the interruption of a nikto bounty hunter that he had spied earlier. Another distraction to avoid the zygerrian person that was no doubt watching his every movement like a hawk.

"Certainly, my friend. The Church is more than happy to accept donations from anyone. Pardon me o'mighty hutt lorda" Hemmel said in response, moving away from the hutt after a quick bow to show respect in a friendly way. He had a way of communication that was undetectable by most in case anyone was trying to read his body movements. Following the nikto to wherever he wanted to go to have a friendly chat. Brushing his clergy robes with his chubby hand adorned with many rings of wealth.

The dice has been casted and the Grand Theogonist was more than ready to use all of his wits to survive.

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Baradium Vrax Baradium Vrax



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