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Approved Tech Mk. I Thunderbird Mandibles

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  • Classification: Any Bladed Weapon
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Light
  • CROSS: This weapon has Aquilan shield tech installed for powerful blocking.
  • Electron Thin: with an edge as thin as the smallest atom, its 'the sharpest' thing.
  • Ionized Blade: The Mk.I has an electrically charged edge.
  • Ultrachrome Edge: Using Ultrachrome B / Titanium to compose the blade, this weapon is highly energy resistant.
  • Vibroblade: Should the weapons power run out, what remains is a standard osculating blade with a fine edge.
  • Force Weapon: Not to be confused with the enigmatic power which surrounds all living things, but rather that in line of a Force Pike, this weapon, when activated Flows high potency electrical energy through the shield battery the weapon employs, layering an EM field across the weapons edge creating a hard light mono electron thin blade capable of cutting through chemical bonds and between skin cells. This weaponized electro-plasmic energy shield is sharp enough that it cuts fourfold better than a standard force-pike, while blowing standard vibro-weapons out of the water. In the truest sense, a blade one electron thin is sharp as the devils tongue, as sharp as physics can allow by the strictest definition of the term.
  • Unstable Reaction: Wielding the weapon with its activated electro-field can cause the air around the blade to spark around it, while hitting solid objects and cutting chemical bonds can cause atoms to become unstable and react with oxygen or other substances causing them to heat up after contact to white hot temperatures. Often leaving clean glowing lines through structures it passes through.
  • Shielded Edge: The weapon being surrounded in an energy shield that's made to resist powerful concussive blasts affords the user some ability to block attacks that might otherwise overpower them, as a large portion of concussive force is deflected by the energy field rather than channeled down the user's arm. Additionally, this weapon can block, though not deflect many kinds of energy attacks such as blaster fire and light-sabers.
  • Shedding: With little more than holding down its activation button, the shielded edge of the weapon becomes divided into the iconic hexes of Aquilas Reactive shield tech. A heavy enough impact with this setting causes the shield to break, followed by a powerful but localized kinetic / ionic pulse capable of staggering a Brynadul, disarming a weapon or electrocuting someone.
  • Ionic: As an electrically charged weapon, the Thunderbird Mandible is proficient in penetrating many kinds of energy shields. Though not as proficient as material substances.
  • Stun: Using lower power settings through the energy field, enough create it, but not maintain the edge allows it to be a prime stunning tool.
  • Short Circuit: As a plasmic field made of electricity, being exposed to other conductors will pull at the blades energy reserves as it attempts to channel into that object. Being submerged in water however, will short circuit the blade, tripping the circuit breaker which requires a full minute to cool down before it can be re-engaged.
  • Ion Prone: An ion charge hitting the Mandiblade, though it won't damage or overload its components which are protected by the ultrachrome plating, it will blow out its battery, requiring the power-cell to be reloaded.
  • Ammunition Reliant: This weapon uses a lot of power, enough that portable energy cells which its usually equipped with can last about 10 minutes of standard use before requiring to be replaces. But if its other cells are damaged, or should the user run out of them... this weapon is little more than a shiny vibro-blade.
  • Light Barrier: Having only a light barrier, this weapons hybrid energy shield isn't as potent as a defensive focused personal shield or a portable shield that can be worn, it is able to be overpowered with energy weapons and high energy sources if they strike it repeatedly and in quick enough succession. Requiring it to be reactivated at significant power cost.
  • Expensive: With the technology that goes into the creation of this weapon, its worth almost as much at retail as a used light-saber.

Realizing that House Aquilas Security team didn't have a melee weapon to write home about, Felix had to think long and hard about what kind of weapon would be best suited for them, coming to the conclusion that he could make a hard-light blade strong enough to have an incredible cutting potential, surpassing that of even the light-saber in the strictest definition of the word cut. Opting to use electrons as the focus rather than photons as the power sources were easier to come by for a weapon that would be mass produced for House Aquilas security agency as well as open for the Market of the Confederacy.

The trials for the weapon took some time, attempting to weaponize a barrier into an edge wasn't an easy task, calibration for the shape of the barrier alone took the company almost a year, however this was cut drastically short with the creation of Ultrachrome B, allowing the energy field to flow over the surface of the weapon, spread across its edge like a conduit it would be able to form the blade by itself, with only some fine tuning done on the behalf of the generator, to extend the field a little past the blade itself to have a finer edge to it as well as a slightly wider profile to allow the blade more defensive properties.

The weapon in its shortsword configuration was given to all members of house Aquila, as a gift for their service, a monument that was initialed in the pommel with the House Aquila family crest.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

Very nice and detailed weapon, however I found some problems.
  • Please link the Supreman's symbol link too, you forget it.
  • The strengths and weaknesses are quite unbalanced, the weapon is quite strong, and essentially weaknesses are not really disadvantages, for example you mention only a quick reload after the short circuit and mention it's not really harm to them because of the ultrachrome. Or the light barrier, and it is very hard to hit the blade with energy weapon except the energy weapon is a ligtsaber. So I'm not feel these to really weaknesses. Please.. I suggest that you try to add to the weapon one or two additional PVP relevant weaknesses.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.

But, i didn't think we judged for balance <3 (I jest, i love you to bits!)

I think you underestimate the Ion weakness, it requires the user carry powercells like ammo, and if those are hit too, it basically over for the weapon. Admittedly, its not put in black and white. But i spelled it out a little better, and reworded some of the weaknesses.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

I am an IT engineer and have studied not only one semester electronics studies. By your wording, it already looked like an almost uninterruptible power supply due a short recharge. Now all is well, thank you! And thank you for your cooperation!

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