Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Sert Island , Arkas

Makai hadn't had the chance to visit Arkas in some years. As a younger teenager he had spent time in the waves and on the sandy beaches, the island of New Sert one of his favorite locations. At the time, it had been nothing but locals selling their bounty from the ocean and in the know tourists snorkeling in the expansive reefs.

Today. Today was a different story.

Wrap everything he hated about overblown, commerical tourism that exploited the resources of the locals in one package and that was New Sert now. Disappointing was an understatement, instead of a hidden gem it was flashing lights and commercial fishing boats, monstrously lumbering in the horizon.

There had been some grumblings about unrest in the area and he had wanted to visit one last time. Now he wished he would have went somewhere else.

Sitting in the warm sand, Makai snapped a self-holo and sent it off to Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell with the caption of Missing my surfing buddy - we've got to hang out soon.

While the message was sent,Makai was certain Ellie was still ignoring him. How long did women stay mad? Apparently years if his current situation was to be a guide.

Tossing his comm on a towel, Makai grabbed his board and decided to hit the waves. Probably best to get a little fun in before surfing on the planet was ruined too.
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Sert Island had changed in many ways over the years, and not necessarily for the better. Commerce had laid claim to the island, and Arkas happened to be a captive market at the mercy of a megacorp. Humble fishers could not compete with foreign firms that fielded massive trawlers. Thus the fishers were squeezed, and those who could not find employment in commercial tourism had to seek other avenues. Such as toiling in Firemane silver mines elsewhere on the planet. Rumours abounded of terrible working conditions.

Unlike Makai, two of the winners of the new order were thoroughly enjoying themselves. "Such a quaint little village, one of them, a decadently attractive blue female Twi'lek, drawled, sipping her drink. "But their naive simplicity does its people credit. Imagine what this place must've looked like a few years ago. Firemane did some good civilising it."
"Now if only they could've civilised that little brat," her companion, a human female with green eyes and golden hair, spoke. "Such an embarrassment. All these years they hyped up a little psychopath. But, ah, well, if you let swine in the mansion you're bound to get shit everywhere. What comes from the gutter, never leaves it."

"Now, now," her companion chided her gently. "Remember, Anika, our friend Tegaea also came from there."
"Yes, Sailsa, but she left that behind her to become a civilised human being. Never mention her past to her. She's so embarrassed about it. Remember that Order event? Everyone knew it was supposed to be formalwear, and her brat showed up in combat boots. And those robot parts...ghastly."

"I just hope Firemane gets this mess under control. Just two weeks ago, the workers at my mine had the impertinence to go on strike. Strike! They should be grateful they have a job. But they won't stop whining about their rights. Firemane needs to sort the rabble out. I've heard so many ghastly stories. Lynchings, massacres! Tygara's already looking like a..."

Anika waved her hand dismissively. "If you ask me, Firemane should just blockade the place. Give it time, and the queens will come crawling to the negotiating table. They need us - the galaxy. Before Firemane came they were living in the dark ages. But I wouldn't worry about the brat too much. She has some rabble on her side, nothing more. Look at what happened to their ridiculous 'fleet'. And Firemane bombed that anarchist village a few weeks ago. It's all been burnt to cinders."
"I suppose you're right," Sailsa finished her drink. "Waiter, I need a refill!" she shouted imperiously. "Anyway, enough of all that ugliness. Let's enjoy the sun a bit. Maybe go for a swim." In the far distance, a Firemane patrol boat could be seen traversing the ocean. A sign of the times, no doubt.
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Trying to surf had been far too frustrating. Too many tourists bobbing in the water completely unaware of their surroundings, drifting in and out of various beings trying their hand at water sports. The final straw came when Makai nearly wiped out some kid in arm floaties, promptly to be cursed out by the child's mother. Personally he thought it was irresponsible to have a small child in the water who didn't even appear to have the ability to swim strongly.

So he did what every young man his age did : tossed on a shirt and headed to the bar. Makai was relaxing at the outdoor bar, nursing some local lager, staring out at the water that had a suspicious number of military style patrol boats in it. Pirates attacking fishing vessels? That didn't seem a likely story considering he didn't see any soldiers on the fishing docks, especially if there was a concern with theft of such a valuable export.

A pack of women were speaking at a table behind him. Varied topics,but he easily picked out Firemane,blockade, and bombed village. Brows furrowed at the information. One, he would have to visit this village, should be relatively easy if he chatted up a local, maybe the barkeep would be of use. Second, when did Firemane become completely evil? Brain was trying to sort through recent information and it was coming up blank in regards to the company besides some 'mild' unrest on Tygara. Well, 'mild' was how the news report framed it.

His father was keeping him busy in the outer rim with mining work and news traveled slow. There had been no mention of anything from him. While Salacia had used Firemane in the past, as far as Makai knew the relationship had cooled to the point his father had pivoted to just creating an in-house security division. Considering how large Salacia was now, it was most likely for the best.

"Excuse me, bartender?"

"Another round Sir?"

"Not yet." Makai leaned in closer, lowering his voice. "Did Firemane bomb a city nearby?"

"Yes.It has been...horrific. Tourists don't care, as you can see." The bartender shook his head, not wanting to say more, and moved on to help another patron.

Another sip of his lager as he considered the bigger question : who exactly had been responsible? Siobhan, Tegaea, or Elpsis?
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

If Makai looked around a bit, he would see a Firemane 'Most Wanted' poster. The young, redheaded woman on display was viciously scarred, but still recognisable as Elpsis. The text read: 'Wanted Dead or Alive: 10,000,000 Credits. For treason, insurrection, acts of terrorism, murder, theft and destruction of private property. Contact your nearest Firemane office.'

"Waiter? Oh, where's he run off to? Work shy, the lot of them. Drag them out of their desert backwater and they go all to pieces having to actually work..." Anika huffed a little as she settled back.
"Don't I know it, darling, but at least they're better than the darklings. They're no use at all, whoever heard of a race which can't go out in the sun? Tygara and Arkas is nothing but sun. Surprised they survived long enough to get pacified."
"Yes, it's like that. They're all just a bit disappointing. The Qadiri are lazy, the Xio whine about a little sun, the Vash can't get over their blessed trees for five minutes, and the Eldorai are all stuck up princesses."
Sailsa turned to a tall, pretty purple Twi'lek standing in the shade watching them vigilently. "Vira, you go find the boy. Tell him we want another round, but don't tip him, he doesn't deserve it for abandoning like this."
"As you say, ma'am," Vira said, heading off.

It didn't take long for a rather tired and flustered looking Qadiri waiter to arrive with their drinks. "Sorry, my ladies," he said contritely, no doubt doing his best to hide his scorn, "there are many guests, your drinks..."
"Many guests?" Anika shrieked. "Do you know who we are?"
"My lady..."
"I'm not interested in excuses. Do you want me to complain to your manager and send you back to your desert cave?" Fortunately another customer called for the waiter, giving him an opening to hasten away while mumbling an apology. Anika sipped her drink, huffing. "Work-shy, the lot of them. Siobhan set a bad example by being such a bleeding heart liberal. At least Vira is not like this lot. She's so obedient."
"Yes, she knows how things work," Sailsa agreed. "No matter the time, she's always there to serve her betters. I could call her in the middle of the night." That was not suspicious at all...
"Do you require anything else, my ladies?" Vira asked demurely.
"Not now, but you will give me a massage later," Sailsa declared imperiously.
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Makai's brows furrowed at the mention of Siobhan Kerrigan as he overheard their conversation. Perhaps the woman had gone mad with power. Or greedy. Or indifferent. Growing up in a privileged world, he had seen a lot of people make horribly wrong business turns all in the name of profit and power. It tended to be the case when the business changed hands - perhaps a reason why his father was reluctant to give up control of Salacia to a board or even himself.

Settling his tab, the young man decided he wanted to see this firebombed city for himself. It sounded odd that a company would just wake up and decide to bomb a city - even if there was a worker strike or uprising. Perhaps an example of them was trying to be made? Considering New Sert Island was now overrun with tourists who didn't care - where were the people the message was for? Makai suspected they were now dead, their deaths spun and twisted into propaganda.

As he was leaving, Makai noticed the poster. The list of charges was quite extensive. Speaking of propaganda he wondered if any of it was true. It was possible? Perhaps Elpsis had gone power hungry with her mother and was ruling with an overly strong iron fist. Power struggle ensued and now Elpsis was on the outs? Clearly something had transpired between Elpsis and the company. He suspected disobeying orders led to Firemane putting out a litany of charges on the woman. In his opinion, there were three sides to the truth and he currently only saw Firemanes version.

Eyes blinked at the bright sun as he stepped out from under the bar covering. Did he have Elpsis' contact information anymore? Doubtful. However, maybe his father's personal assistant would be a good resource.

If Elpsis had been open to business at one time maybe something was tucked away in data storage. Poking around and asking about the charges seemed like it would lead to trouble. He'd have to figure something out.
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Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

The cerulean sea looked so peaceful, so tranquil. Tourists were drinking, sunning themselves, or swimming. One could almost forget that there was a war going on. The sweatshops and the ruined villages were out of sight, out of mind. Suddenly, there was a loud boom. It sounded like the roar of thunder, except much, much louder.

A Firemane warship that had been traversing the sea in the far distance went up in flames, devoured by a huge fireball. Fortunately, it was far away from the beach, and thus the younger Dashiell would be unaffected. But the explosion was clearly visible. Immediately, panic broke out among the guests, forcefully shaken out of their complacency.

Guests who just a moment ago had been swimming or surfing rushed back to the beach. Others who had been sitting at the bar rushed out to see what the commotion was all about. A voice blared out of a loudspeaker: "Residents of New Sert Island, an unfortunate accident has taken place. For your own safety, remain indoors and stay away from the sea until the situation has been resolved."

"Accident?" Sailsa sneered, the involuntary, agitated twitching of her lekku betraying her distress. "Right. It was that blind brat, I know it."
"Mistress, please come back inside for your own safety," Vira urged her.
"Safe? You think this hotel is safe, girl?! She's going to murder us in our beds."
"I shall protect you, Mistress."
"Sailsa, come on," Anika insisted. "Firemane knows what it's doing. Let's not run around like scared chicken in front of the servants."
The explosion had reverberated like a thunderclap though the small bar. Makai could see smoke rising from his position and a panicked attempt by many to get back to shore, to get back to their hotel rooms. He watched the fireball roll into the sky, wonder what force could have caused such a thing. As luck would have it, he didnt have to wait long, as the group of women mentioned blind brat , Makai instantly knew it was Elpsis.

Which meant the woman was here, fighting Firemane. Or at least had some type of good reason to attack the warship out in the distant sea.

He wasn't sure which way to turn. Follow the group of insufferable women and pray Elpsis showed up to kill them or head to the newly glassed island the bartender spoke to him about. It was clear war and strife was encroaching on the island rather quickly. Makai suspected it would be less than a week before the situation was out of control.

Game plan for now : follow the women and hope a missile didn't fall from the sky on their location.
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

In the distance, speed boats' engines bellowed like wild beasts. Alarmed by the noise, Sailsa quickened her pace. "We must get out now!"
Anika spun around, finding herself face-to-face with Makai. "You there, boy," she jabbed her finger at the lad, not bothering to ask his name. "Call our pilot, and tell him to come here right now. He's probably lazing around in some bar. This is his number." Without waiting for a response, she thrust a card into his hand. "Then you will help us carry our luggage."

Apparently Makai's reward for not being a jerk was to be mistaken for a servant. Vira said nothing and showed no sign of anxiety, merely tilting her head. Meanwhile, the entire resort had been thrown into pandaemonium. Panicked guests were running hither and yond, while those guards on the premise scrambled and hastily called for aid. And amidst all this, speedboats bearing armed fighters were accelerating through the water towards the beach. Some wore full suits of armour, others were clad in fatigues with a flak vest and a mask.
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Makai looked at the card in disbelief. If he was a mere servant boy how was he supposed to call for said vessel to pick them up without a comm? Wouldn't, if he was in servitude, not have access to a comm device of his own? The gall of these women to just toss him into service and potentially by the wayside in one short moment was astounding. The only one who seemed worth saving was the servant with the insufferable group.

He eyed the speedboats zooming towards them. The soldiers were going to storm the beach, he could tell that already. What did he really have to lose with the soldiers overtaking the beach? He could get shot, sure, but the women next to him seemed better targets than he. Makai tossed a grin in the direction of the ladies.

"Of course Madams, let me fetch your transport."

He raised his hands, card in his fingers, and walked towards the waterline, towards the speed boats.

"Hey, I think you're looking for these ones." Makai called over the din. No idea if anyone could hear him or if he would live, but it was better than his last few moments spent with the insufferable group.
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Speedboats had hit the shore, and soldiers fanned out. The men and women storming the beach were a rag-tag collection. Vashyada, Eldorai, and 'galaxy' aliens such as Mon Calamari and Nautolans. All were armed, and moved with purpose. Heading this group was a wiry Rattataki with yellow eyes, a bald head and tattoos on her chin, cheeks and forehead. Dressed in a light combat suit, she looked battle-hardend and grim.

The moment Makai approached the group, weapons were levelled in his direction, then lowered at the Rattaki's signal. "Move in, cut them off, let none escape. Remember, we want the parasites alive," the pale woman ordered the soldiers. She spoke Basic, but with a strong brogue. She regarded the boy with curiosity. "You're coming with us, stay close, keep your head down." In one fluid motion, she grabbed the boy, pulling him down and out of the firing line. With her other hand, she squeezed the trigger on her revolver, double-tapping a bodyguard dressed in a nice suit before he could fire in their direction.

Meanwhile, Anika and Sailsa looked shocked. "How dare he?! That brat!" Annika shrieked.
"We must," Sailsa urged.
"Yes! We should split up. Vira...come with me."
" with them!" another guest shouted, red-faced. This one was a human male with a slight paunch. Until recently, he had been entertained by two females, but they had run away amidst the commotion. In the distance, other speedboats could be heard closing in from other directions.
Who had been spying on his adult holofilm history? A beautiful woman swooped down, got him out of the firing line, and managed to take out the fairly useless security guard on the beach all in one smooth motion. It was the stuff of fantasy.

Head was kept down as the rhythmic sounds of blaster were unleashed all around him. It didn't seem wise to ask for a blaster to help, no. Makai had assumed he was part of the 'parasite' the woman had mentioned, and as such he was assuming right now he was a captive. That was one way to fill the war coffers - take captives, put up a ransom to their families or home governments, make profit. He was actually impressed with their business acumen and forethought into these ideas.

Not exactly standard operating procedure but he could respect it.

"Excuse me, Miss?" Best to not piss off his captor. "You don't know Elpsis Kerrigan, do you? I need to speak with her."

Makai was certain the woman had heard that before and was most likely going to be met with an eyeroll. Everyone being held for ransom wanted to see the higher up, as if speaking to the manager so to speak would get them out of trouble.
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

"I know her, you do not get to speak to her unless she wills it," Rhea stated crisply. Surprisingly, there was no eyeroll. Her tone was not unkind or mocking, but very firm, businesslike. "If you prove useful you may get to. Come, you will provide whatever information you have on these...cretins."

Blasters were being unleashed, but the guards were in retreat. Of course, the resort had a small contingent of guards, but they were rent-a-cops, not actual fighters. Understandably unwilling to die and mostly not trained for a fight. That left the bodyguards of the richest among the guests. To Rhea's credit, she was invested enough in her captive's safety to shield him from danger.

Elemental lightning, unleashed from her free hand, brought two bodyguard to their knees. Knocked out perhaps, or dead. She paid them no mind after kicking their weapons away. The firsts guests were seized by the rebels. Amidst shrieks, much yelling and some futile attempts at struggle, they were manhandled, cuffed and in more than a few cases gagged.

Sailsa, meanwhile, was making a break for it, running back towards the resort. Rhea gave pursuit, dragging Makai along. Further away, a throng of guests was making a break for it, running towards a yacht at the docks. Then it was suddenly engulfed by white-hot fireball. The fleeing guests seemed frozen in place, then suddenly they were shaken out of their paralysis when more speedboats appeared. Meanwhile, a figure emerged from the burning, sinking yacht. Unperturbed, she walked through the fire.
"That's fair."

Makai wasn't sure how he was going to prove his usefulness to the woman but keeping his head down and running along with her seemed his best - and only - course of action for the moment. He suspected that his captor needed information on the women and of course, Makai would be able to provide what little information he knew. They didn't exactly seem like the most morally righteous or quality beings in the galaxy if you asked him.

"I don't know who these women Miss. They gave me this number to hail this ship but I have no clue beyond that. The servant girl seems to be fairly innocent in all this - I would advise not shooting her."

Not that the woman would listen to him. Especially when she was shooting elemental lightning, taking rent-a-bodyguards out with a blaster, and navigating the battlefield. A lot was going on and in the moment decisions often looked different than when the dust had settled. Speaking of heat of the moment decisions, a yacht suddenly blew in a fireball, causing him to duck.

"What a waste of a perfectly good yacht." Makai lamented, right before Elpsis walked through it. The young man thought it was a touch dramatic but so was Elpsis in his opinion.

"Uh, Miss? I bet if you comm up ahead to any troops we can cut off these women at the private spaceport. Its right by the hotel."
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Catching sight of the figure walking through the flames, the rebel soldiers cheered. Many of the guards, on the other hand, lost heart at the sight, desperation overcoming whatever professional loyalty they might have felt to their bosses. They dropped their weapons, running. And a terrible, black dread gripped the guests. One of the guests, so desperate to escape, jumped into the water, though this availed him little. Some made a run for the speeders, but a guest who was about to enter suddenly had to run away when the craft he had been about to embark into was lifted up by an invisible force.

Rhea had been thinking along similar lines as the younger Dashiell, and nodded. Picking up her comm, she spoke, "Team three, close in on the spaceport. There should be some of the scum coming your way." That said, she walked over to where a few speeders were parked, indicating Makai to follow. Nonchalantly, she sat down in one of the overly fancy luxury speeders, got out a slip of wire, and some tape and proceeded to hotwire the vehicle.

The moment she took the controls, a rumble of engines was heard as Sailsa took off in her own vehicle, along with a few other guests. One wondered whether she saw Makai. If she did, she was no doubt cursing him for being such a disobedient servant. Engines roaring to life, Rhea followed in pursuit, with Makai presumably in tow. As far as hostages went, his lot was not too bad at the moment. "What is your name?" Rhea asked while she raced after their quarry.

Meanwhile, Anika was running. Probably more than she had ever done in her life. Running was, after all, for servants. Tygaran and alien rebels were storming the resort. She narrowly dodged some ruffians tearing an elegantly dressed lady from her hiding place. Unsurprisingly for her, it seemed several members of the hotel staff were joining in, looting the luxury suites of valuables. "They'll pay for this," she sneered.
"Sh, mistress," Vira cautioned. "We should leave now."
"Not yet," the lady insisted, opening the door to her suite. She stiffened when she heard noise coming from downstairs, her perfect hair matted with sweat. "These rebels are thugs. All they care about is money. Pack my valuables, I'll retrieve the money." While Vira started packing, Anika walked over to the safe. She unlocked it...and froze when it turned out to be empty. Taking a breath, she retrieved her dapatad and checked her accounts. Her perfect features paled. "Vira, what the hell happened? It's all gone."
"It has been taken from you, Mistress."
"What do you mean, girl?"
" life was from me. I always wondered if you would recognise me, not through looks but because I knew so much about you."
"What are you talking about?"
"I am Avir. Do you remember me?"
"This isn't important, I need to go." A strong, suddenly immoveable hand gripped her shoulder.
"Not important. I have heard that before. Avir, do you remember her?"
"I had a girl once...wait...but she's dead!"
"Yes, or close to it. But I found a new guardian. One who has given me a new life. One who has helped give me this chance."
"Chance for what?"
"Revenge...." The suddenly impossibly strong hands closed around the woman's throat as behind the beautiful blue eyes red mechanical irises flared. Enyo Typhos always paid her debts.
Engines roaring to life, Rhea followed in pursuit, with Makai presumably in tow. As far as hostages went, his lot was not too bad at the moment. "What is your name?" Rhea asked while she raced after their quarry.


No need to give a last name. First off, it didn't seem important right now. Besides needing to keep up with the woman, he was being treated fairly decently. To his surprise, he hadn't even been used as human shield material. Secondly, he imagined the crew would have some type of scanner for his true identity and set a price. If he was lucky, Makai hoped he could just pay on his own and leave. No need to involve his father, it was a lecture he didn't need at the moment.

He had seen a few other hostages being drug around - a rich-looking middle aged couple who owned the yacht, an elderly woman who ran an ex-pat bar, among a few others. He had to give the group props, at least they were picking targets with real value. Capturing someone worked at a low level in an office building was only going to piss off a general populace.

It was clear the ones they were pursuing had never taken any type of trainings before for these situations. One had to evaluate if they could run, fight, or accept their fate. Makai had quickly assessed he was armed with nothing but his comm and a towel, thus making the last option the only real one. Not many, if any, could fight off fifteen well trained soldiers with advanced blasters unarmed.

"We should catch them in a minute - they didn't seem the type used to driving or flying on their own."

A swerving speeder probably indicated that to Rhea, but another tip from his training : be helpful. Less chance you'd wind up dead in short order.
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

"No, not used to being in peril, running or getting dirt under her perfect nails," Rhea remarked, her tone laced with complete and utter disdain, while her yellow eyes remained on the road. The closer they got to Sailsa's speeder, the more panicked the Twi'lek evidently became. Her speeder swerved wildly especially when Rhea, just to intimidate her, brought her own vehicle dangerously close.

Inevitably, Sailsa massively accelerated her vehicle's speed, but as the vehicle shot forth, it spun wildly out of control. When she had to take a sharp turn, the speeder flipped over. Rhea brought her vehicle to a screeching halt not far from the crash site. She gave Makai a look. "Do not think of trying to escape, it would not be a good idea," she said in a deadpan tone. A pretty, but grizzled elf with bronze skin and a pistol on her hip was quick to take Rhea's place as Makai's guard.

Sailsa, meanwhile, had found the energy to crawl out of her crashed speeder, and was running towards her ship, like the hounds of hell were on her heels. All around her there was chaos. Qadiri rebels were storming the spaceport, tearing fleeing tourists from their speeders or barging into fancy shuttles. Doubtless it was best to stay put, lest one get caught in the crossfire.

"Open up, open up!" Sailsa yelled into her commlink. She banged on the door of her yacht, but the door remained locked. "Open up...I'll double your pay!" Then suddenly Rhea had soared through the air, leaping right behind her. Sailsa could hear her own heart thumping inside her chest. She tried to retreat, but all that did was back her against the locked door.

"Look, we can work something out. I'm...not with Firemane. I've always been against them. I've got nothing to do with those...camps," she begged. She reached for her beautiful necklace. "Here, take this. It's incredibly can buy lots of guns or drugs or whatever it is you people..." Rhea smacked her across the face and roughly grabbed one of her lekku. The businesswomen yelped loudly in pain. That was all the Rattaki needed to get cuffs on her hands.
"You're coming with us," she said in a no-nonsense tone.
"Of course."

Even if he wanted to make a move it would have been risky. Fire was coming in all directions and it would be extremely easy to get caught up and killed by anyone at this point. Firemane, the other ones Rhea was with, bodyguards, even old ladies with their pocket blasters. He valued his life and making a go of it logistically was impossible at this points.

The grizzled woman placed him in handcuffs, at first he thought not as trusting as Rhea but he could see why. Columns of hostages were on the move now - some chained together, families, he assumed - and some being escorted by the arm. Up ahead he spotted the Twi'lek woman, for all her running it had not worked, and she seemed a bit worse for wear with a smack mark across her face.

A grab of his arm, on the move. Not familiar with the process, he could only guess they were to be held until a type of inventory could be taken. The women wouldn't get much from poorer families or ones estranged. A quick check of various local databases would probably weed out those lying - no doubt hell to pay for that too.

He really wanted to pay his portion and go. Didn't need to push his luck and have his Dad find out.
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Subduing, collaring and processing the guests was a systematic process. Evidently the rebels were no strangers to this sort of operation and had largely done their research on who they wanted. Those identified as not being of interest. Likewise the rebels seemed disinterested in taking their servants or pilots hostage. Rhea seemed to exchange a few words with Sailsa's pilot over comm, for the crew cautiously opened the door.

The Rattataki handed them Sailsa's fancy necklace, while the Twi'lek threw a tantrum. Then the rebels loaded up their hostages. At this point Rhea returned to Makai, her new prisoner in tow. However, there were dead left in the wake - a guard, a tourist here and there, or some crewer caught in the crossfire.

Sailsa's eyes showed pure rage...and naked fear. "Boy, see how barbaric these people are? They're savages who'd murder good, honest folk like us in their beds. When Firemane hears of this..."
"Would you like us to show you here and now how 'barbaric' we can be, mistress?" the Qadiri growled, speaking in heavily accented Basic.
The Twi'lek tensed, breathing increasing and heartbeat erratic. "You can't kill me...I'm important, you need me..."
"Can always take a finger," Rhea interjected icily.
"Make you toil in a mine like your serfs, survive on their rations, never see any light. How long before you collapse?" The prisoner trembled, and was roughly forced into the backseat of the speeder. "What's to be done with him?" the Qadiri asked, obviously referencing Makai. "We haven't much time."

Rhea's yellow eyes darted towards Makai, scrutinising him. "Not one of the oppressors."
The Qadiri looked suspicious. "Could be the son of one."
"Not on our list," the Rattataki retorted firmly. "The Commander will..." she trailed off when her comm rang. Taking the call, she spoke, "Commander, prisoners have been subdued, returning to you momentarily, there is a boy...yes...the name is Makai....oh, understood." She switched off the comm. A tug of the Force, and Makai's hands were freed from his cuffs. "You're in luck. Elpsis wants to see you."
Makai had remained silent at the rantings of the Twi'lek. An insane woman grasping at desperate straws. He had no sympathy for her - slavers and those who took advantage of a poor population were scum in his eyes. The Galan side of his lineage had been enslaved for ages, until after he was born. He had seen first hand the ravages it had brought to his maternal grandparents.

Even if he hadn't such a personal connection, being the businessman he was, it was clear this was a transactional process. Reality told him if he treated it as such then his chances of living and seeing tomorrow were higher than others. Not exactly one hundred percent but the reality was he was worth an incredible deal alive. Dead would bring nothing but bounties in retaliation.

Head turned back and forth as his captors seem to debate if he was someone's son. He wasn't sure if being someone's son meant he was going to be killed on the spot or taken somewhere. Makai was just about to open his mouth to protest as it was found Elpsis wanted to see him, the shackles being removed. Naturally, Rhea would still be escorting him along.

He was out of the speeder and navigating between the bodies, bomb holes, and debris of the now smoldering battlefield. Distantly he could still hear the scattered shots of blaster fire and there.

"You're pretty impressive, if I may say so. You've been running and gunning long?You make it look like an action holo drama."
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Rhea glanced at Makai. "I don't watch these...holodramas. They distort. Once I was chained, then with Elpsis' help I broke my chains. Now I help others do the same," she said simply. Smalltalk left her feeling a bit awkward. The Rattataki navigated a path through the detritus of the engagement. All things considered, it had been over almost as quickly as it began and not much blood had been spilt. But that didn't make it bloodless.

Up ahead, Makai would see rebel soldiers as well as locals helping themselves to the property of the collared tourists. The latter more so than the former. Evidently the foreigners' arrogance had created a lot of pent-up anger. And amidst all this, the younger Dashiell would see her.

Elpsis still looked recognisable enough that he wouldn't have too much trouble picking her out among the crowd. But she looked...different. Her red hair framed a viciously scarred face that had burning cracks in it. She looked like her white eyes were glowing. Her olive green fatigues exposed a skeletal metal arm. She carried herself like a mountain lion.

The whirring of servos could be heard when she headed over towards them, evidently the sign of a leg prothesis. She walked with a slight limp, clearly favouring her artificial right leg. When she was close, the younger Dashiell would be able to feel the heat coming off her. " hurt? What the hell are you doing here?" Then she abruptly hugged him. Fortunately, she only embraced him with her organic arm.

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