Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Morrison Jericho

Morrison Jericho

NAME: Morrison Jericho


RANK: Sith Learner


AGE: 16

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6' 2

WEIGHT: 139 pounds

EYES: One is Burnt Red, the other is a natural Dark Brown

HAIR: Black, but is now burnt away.

SKIN: White, burnt


Master: Darth Ferox


+ Incredibly Force Sensitive : Morrison has an especially high Mediclorian count, higher than a large amount of sith in the galaxy. He has very little control over this power however.

+ Large pool of Anger : The experiments have left him in a constant state of pain in which he cannot stop. This gives him a massive source of anger and power to call his powers from.

- Scarred for Life: From his time with the sith, he has been mentally burdened and scarred. This leaves him in a constant state of pain, in which he can never escape.

- Body in incredibly damaged : From the countless experiments, his body has been left in a unspeakable state. No longer having human limbs, and being scarred and burnt across his entire body.

He cannot remember his appearance before he was taken by the sith. His body is an unrecognisable mess of what used to be. His body is a mass of cuts, bruises, burns and slices, leaving him with very little to show. He is completely bald, and his arms and legs are cybernetic. His left eye is completely burnt, and has left his eye completely red, with oval yellow rings. He hides his face with a large, metal plated mask, which hides his complexion. He wears a small imperial robe he was given during his time being experimented on. He has had major parts of his body removed, such as his left ear, arms and legs. He looks...



Morrison, he never got to experience happiness. He was born to a relatively normal family on Tatooine, he never knew his mother and father.

When he was but the age of 5, a group of sith, sensed a massive power surge from a young, force sensitive child, bigger than either of them. They arrived at the house, asking the parents if they would lend them their boy for a little while. Those were their last words, as they were cut down in front of him. He was dragged to their ship. Scared and afraid, this little boy, this small, innocent little boy, didn't have a clue what was in store for him.

He was brought to a sith temple, surrounded by sith acolytes alike, who were told about this... boy. They were curious about the boy, but were told by their superior to "Experiment" on him, to see the limit of Human nature, when relating to a force sensitive. For the next decade of his life, he would be subjected to the worst torture possible, he was beaten, cut, burnt, he even had each of his limbs, slowly cut off with a training saber from a sith apprentice. He was pained to the highest degree. All the acolytes were shocked to see him survive such torment, they had never seen someone go through such pain, and live. They decided to try and kill the boy, and see how he would react.

They grabbed a nearby apprentice, and told him to cut his head off. He lifted his saber and brought it striking down. The saber stopped, and bent backwards, and the apprentices body smashed into the nearby wall, killing him in an instant. Morrison felt such anger, Such pain... the nearby acolytes sabers starting disassembling themselves, and falling on the floor. He was knocked on the face, and he fell into a state of sleep. When he woke up, he was equipped with cybernetic arms and legs, and his face was replaced with a heavy, metal mask. He couldn't bear to see himself in the mirror. He was told to find his way in the world, and return when he knew how to control his power.

He now searches for some sort of answer, full of such torment...






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