Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Mr. Spice Guy

The Droid, the Myth, the Legend
Oddly enough, B1-173 was assigned to a mission which he never really undertook nor really understood, he wasn't really good at any form of counter-terrorism or controlling the criminal underworld, but this is what the top brass insisted that he should do and as a result he was assigned to this mission. B1-173 was ordered to be apart of a contingent of Galactic Alliance Marshals which cooperated closely with the planetary Coruscant Security Forces, B1-173 was confused on why he was ordered to help on this operation rather than be helpful on a battlefield on some other distant planet the Galactic Alliance was contested over or attempting to stabilise. Nevertheless it wasn't his duty to question his orders, so. Once the transport vessel he was within landed, he stepped out and looked around, this was the more deeper levels of Coruscant where things were more dim than the surface, B1-173 knew this ever since his first arrival on the world back during the Clone Wars. B1-173 noticed the marshals communicating with some Coruscant Security Officers so he decided to approach them.

The lead marshal of the contingent noticed B1-173 and couldn't help but remark about the obscurity of having an older B1 unit on the team, somewhat frustrated and confused by the appearance of the droid. Along with the lead marshal's concern, many other marshals apart of the contingent also questioned why the droid was here and why it was assigned on the operation, as B1-173 was confused on why this was the case himself.

"Huh. An older B1 unit. Don't really see these around anymore. Pretty sure this thing is unreliable."

B1-173's servos whirred as a surge of frustration coursed through its circuits. Feeling the weight of scepticism bearing down, the droid's programming momentarily wavered under the pressure of misunderstanding. The accusation of unreliability based on age struck a chord, pushing the droid to respond assertively as B1-173 overheard the lead marshal say that and as a result, decided to act in is defence but in the wrong way. In a controlled but forceful movement, B1-173 extended its mechanical arm and firmly grabbed the marshal's shoulder, his grip held strength within its battle-hardened frame. The droid leaned in, ensuring its message was both heard and felt.

"Words can be as sharp as vibroblades, marshal. Do not underestimate the value of experience. I have proven my worth on countless battlefronts, and I will not allow doubt to undermine this mission. I demand your trust and cooperation, not baseless judgment. Our unity is crucial for success, let us focus on the task at hand and that what I can prove my strength to you that way, although I cannot say the same for you meatbag."

After delivering its message, B1-173 released its grip on the Marshal's shoulder and unholstered its E-5 blaster rifle. With a nod to the lead Marshal, B1-173 gave a gesture of reassurance towards the lead marshal as they now travelled down into Coruscant's underworld, the flickering neon lights cast an eerie glow, B1-173's sensors were tuned, alert for any signs of criminal activity or danger that lurked within the shadows. As they progressed, the desperation and lawlessness grew stronger, a stark reminder of the challenges they may face up ahead. B1-173 analysed potential ambush points, calculating the best positions to ensure the safety of the team and the success of the operation. The lead marshal now ordered the unit to stick together and remain close so that they can better deal with any threats up ahead.

"Keep vigiliant, these criminals could ambush us at any moment."

B1-173 gave a simple response to the lead marshal as he followed his lead, aiming his E-5 around and slowly moving along.

"Yes, sir."

TAG: Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Coruscant
Equipment: Adventuring outfit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: B1-173 "Omar" B1-173 "Omar"

Jax forgot that there were sheriffs who patrolled the areas of Coruscant. With crime being rampant in the city planet, it was best to have elite lawmen patrolling and administering justice as they see fit. The sheriffs thought that they were similar to the Jedi since they both keep the peace, the major difference however, was that Jedi always seeks the peaceful resolution while there were many reports of sheriffs shooting first and asking questions never. Jax arrived at the Marshal and what appears to be a Clone Wars era B1-Battle Droid, a smile formed on his lips It's amazing to see something ancient function nearly a millennia later.

"Hey there Marshall," Jax said waving to him. "I was busy building my Pizza business until I got word from my Jedi responder that you needed help. I've heard that this level has been hit hard due to gang wars. It's popular place to smuggle spice in."

Jax took a deep breath. "I'm Jedi Master Jax Thio," He said. "And nice to meet the Droid as well, are you working with the Marshall?"


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