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Multiverse Interview: Jorda Ulluto (Last for today, I promise)


The world of Antecedant, a beautiful urban maze streatching as far as they eye could see, colors from billboards and buildings seen illuminating the city in neon colors. That was what viewers on the HoloNet could see on the LIVE broacast on channel 114103, currently filming the skyline as the owners of the channel prepared for tonights show. Channel 114103 was owned by Multiverse News! which judging from the countdown at the bottom of the screen was about to start in... 3.. No 2... 1 seconds. As the timer hit zero the usual jingle started to play, familiar to the few viewers the lone channel had. The camera zoomed in on the tallest of the behemoth skyscrapers that was seen lining the picture and a logo, almost shining spun and flipped rapidly in mysterious ways before hammering itself onto the screen of the viewer: Multiverse News! LIVE From Antecedant! With: Martin Mcdonafray!

"Tonights' host ladies and gentlemen! I present to you: Martin Mcdonafray!"
A loud and robotic voice, definitely from a commentator droid was heard saying. Followed by an applause from the not-so-present audience that was supposed to be on set. The mentioned man, Martin Mcdonafray, could also be seen jumping onto the stage, smiling widely as he waved to the camera before sliding into a large comfortable chair behind a table, his usual seat here on the evening talkshow. Martin was a man nearing his sixties. A man sporting a grey light brown hair and a well trimmed moustache, accompanied by what looked like a latest mens fashion suit. A man of extravagance, that was a good word to describe him. A fake sigh was heard from him as he was seated, his glance scanning the imaginary crowd with a broad smile. The imaginary crowd was obviously out of view from those watching the show, so it looked good on camera.

"Welcome back everybody, welcome back! My first guest tonight: A woman dazzling to most! Gentlemen, here comes: Jorda Ulluto!" Martin had said with a chuckle before raising himself from his chair, glancing towards the entrance to the talkshow studio.

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]​
The short and shapely Zeltron, wearing a tight black dress and too-high heels, strode into the Martin's studio as she flashed a winning smile at the HoloAudience. Jorda, kissed Martin, first on one cheek and then on the other, and shook the talk show host's hand graciously, giving it a little squeeze before she sat down. The gorgeous Zeltron seemed well aware of all the cameras placements, as she adjusted her dress to show as much red leg as possible.

Jorda, a former socialite from Zeltros, was the right hand woman to another woman who was slowly gaining notoriety in the galactic criminal underworld, a ruthless and cruel Hutt named Dasha the Hutt. Dasha had pulled some strings to get Jorda booked on Martin's show, strings which involved all manner of begging, pleading, wheedling, bribing, and all but threatening Martin himself, proving that Dasha stopped at nothing to get her way.

Jorda was given free reign to talk candidly about Dasha and her organization. After all, there was no such thing as bad publicity for the Hutt and her minions.

Jorda smiled, flashing her perfect white teeth, toying with a single strand of long jet black hair. "Thank you so much, Martin, darling. I'm just as dazzled by you believe me. I'm a huge fan."

[member="Martin Mcdonafray"]
The crowd cheered and applauded as Jorda entered the studio, the cameras following her as she walked towards Martin. Upon reaching him she reached in to shake his hand and kiss him on his cheeks. Something that sat well with the audience. Martin stood still as if froozen in place by the action, clearly enough joking as a broad and slight smile formed on his face as he looked into the HoloRecorder right in front of him. He stood there for a second or two until Jorda was seated in one of the two large comfortable chairs besides his table. A chuckle was heard from him as he sat down himself in his chair: "Will you look at tha'? Eh?" He said mostly to the viewers as he looked into the HoloRecorder, that comment provoking another cheerful response from the audience.

He turned his gaze slowly back towards her as she began to speak, the broad smile of his still seen upon his face. "Fans we can never have too many of! But please, please. I'm flattered- So. It's great ye could come. I have really looked forward to this, but really Jordan. Wha's yer secret? Going from the child of artists to a fashion icon and now ye move around on the intergalactic scene like it's nothing! How did you do it?"

Martin edged a bit forward in his chair as if he was about to be told a secret, his voice lowering considerable as he talked. The famous kind smile continuing to be seen on his face.

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]​
"Well Martin," the curvaceous Zeltron began, folding her long lacquered nails in her lap demurely. "As you know, Zeltrons have a natural knack for being able to rise above the hoi polloi of the galaxy. We're just naturally irresistible people and of course, I'd be an idiot not to use this to my advantage."

Jorda flashed the HoloAudience a grin, figuring the owning her ambitions outright was the best way to win over the viewers of Martin's show. At least when it came to herself. She'd have to put on more of a spin when she mentioned Dasha the Hutt. And Dasha was the only reason Jorda was in front of the camera in the first place so she figured she'd better change the subject quickly. Dasha would be angry if she put on a bad show.

"I do have to say," I wouldn't be where I was at all without the generous support of Dasha the Hutt. I'm sure you've heard of Dasha, haven't you?" Jorda dripped with sweetness, but her eyes implored Martin to "just say yes."

Jorda smirked remembering what had happened that time that an associates of Dasha's had forgotten the Hutt's name. Painfully broken fingers were involved. Fortunately for the associate, they weren't his fingers. But unfortunately for the Zeltron right hand, Jorda wasn't so lucky.

[member="Martin Mcdonafray"]
Luckily the whole reason for Martin's employment on the Multiverse News! was due to the Red Ravens needing somewhere to spit out propaganda every now and then, so he wasn't un-knowing of the criminal underworld, even though he could potentially look like one who had not the slightest of clues on such things. This was probably also one of the reasons why it had been so easy for Dasha to get a representative on the show, but nonetheless the act continued and much to the enjoyment of Martin.

"Natural irresistible? Well.. One could say tha'!" He chuckled once again as a quick response to her explanation, looking out towards the HoloCameras once more, becoming more serious when Dasha was mentioned, talking as if he respected her in the uppermost of ways. "Aaah, Dasha the Hutt. Yes. She's such a sweet and intelligent person. No wonder she have been a part of your growth. So may one inquire how our beloved Dasha have helped you out?"

There wasn't too many minutes until the break and with the sudden knowledge of Dasha's direct influence it would probably be a good idea to discuss the rest of the interview with Jorda and make some calls. He wasn't sure how much he should praise her. And it would be a good idea to figure that out.. For the sake of.. Ermm.. Well, Martin himself.

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]​
The gorgeous Zeltron enthusiastically agreed. "Oh Dasha the Hutt a darling! She's not like the other Hutts on Hutta. Really sets herself apart." She winked at Martin conspiratorially.

"Well, as I said before I was quite the party girl. I mean I went to every event I could. I'd go to the opening of an envelope." she joked. "But my life was aimless. I was drinking too much, drugging too much, just wasting my life."

"Dasha took me in under her wing. You see, unlike many other Hutt organizations especially the Desilijic, she likes to put females in positions of power in her organization. In her operation, all of her slaves are male." She eyed Martin up and down. "I think she'd really like you Mr. Mcdonafray." She joked.

"Dasha always knew there was more to me than a vapid party girl. And for that I sincerely thank her." She looked at the camera with her hands folded together.

She knew she was laying it on thick, but Dasha the Hutt would eat it up, so it didn't matter.

[member="Martin Mcdonafray"]
"Aaah.. She really pulled ye out of the bad habits, I see." Martin replied Jorda as she initially spoke, his voice a bit more serious as he sat in his barstool like chair with backrest, an arm on the table as he leant a bit over it, seeming engaged in Jorda's story.

"Jorda, Jorda.. I think she've more than enough, haha. I'm not fit for such either, way too caring about my Ralax Chronos." He chuckled a bit nervously at the joke. That one hadn't been a part of the script, Martin knew that and almost unnoticeable looked over Jorda, trying to figure out how much she had actually joked. Such a remark could easily have been a threat more than anything, Martin knew that. However he had used the chance to fit in a sponsor remark from Ralax Chronos. He adjusted his sleeves for his dressshirt and suit a bit, revealing a silver like prestine chrono on his left arm, the camera noted it with a quick zoom and then a change of camera so both Jorda and Martin was in focus once more.

His attitude instantly cleared as she finished talking, a weak smile forming on his face as he went to nod deeply a few times in an understanding manner before speaking himself: "That is indeed a good hearted opportunity she have given you. And it seems she knew who she had choosen, judging from your current doings, aye? You know what? Lets applaud our dear Dasha for a moment." Martin's gaze turned and scanned the area behind the camera as if looking at the faked crowd behind them, starting an applause that lasted for a few seconds. As the sounds had cleared out he turned back towards Jorda, leaning a bit back in his chair to get comfortable, folding his hands ontop of his stomach.

"So my dear Jorda, have you visited The Dragon Palace yet? It's quite the sensation here on Antecedant and is really a luxurious place. Even if it is on the lower levels of the planet. Wonderful place really."

[member="Jorda Ulluto"]​
From the microexpression of discomfort on Martin's face. Jorda figured she'd probably gone too far with her joke. She was excellent at reading people even when she wasn't using Zeltron telekinesis. But then Martin recovered like a pro. This was going swimmingly.

Jorda's hazel eyes lit up at the mention of the Red Ravens. Dasha was currently trying to get wheedle her way into the criminal organization. Jorda knew just what to say next.

"Oh, the Dragon Palace is such a magnificient tour de force. I was lucky enough to attend one of the owner's parties quite recently, and it was the party of the year. That Lysle Rigger sure does know how to wear a suit, doesn't he?" She gave out a throaty chuckle. "I got in so much trouble that night, and I don't know if you remember but the paparazzi caught an unfortunate, um, wardrobe malfunction as I was leaving the place." She grinned. "It was in all the HoloTabs. Those people are parasites, aren't they?"

[member="Martin Mcdonafray"]

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