Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My belated and only moderately triumphant return!

The High Prestess
Hi, everyone!

So, I feel a bit weird about using the "new player" forum for this, but I've been gone for years, so whatever.

Hey, everyone. It's been a while! My name's Charlotte, and I was reasonably active here back in 2016 to 2017, roughly. I don't know how many people are still around from back then, but if you're still kicking around: Hi! You may remember me as playing Darth Imperia, or maybe Nisha Skaiyr, my other Sith. Or maybe Sera, my other other Sith.

For everyone else:

Like I said, my name's Charlotte. And as you might have guessed, I really rather enjoy playing Dark Siders.

I've got a soft spot for character-focused stories over faction-focused ones, partly because huge threads are kind of overwhleming to me. I'm also notoriously somewhat slow at posting, although in the years since I've been here I've gotten better about that kind of thing.

Character-wise, like I said, I tend to write Dark Siders, and I have a tendency towards characters who are very martially inclined, spiritual, or both.

In terms of writing and storytelling, I don't mind when stories are competitive - sometimes people want incompatible outcomes in a story - but I try to keep my salt levels to a minimum. Unless things have changed massively, after all, it's pretty hard to lose a character unless you want to.

outside of roleplaying, relevant information about me is as follows; I'm a transgender lesbian with a love of agressive, fast paced music, technical action games ala Devil May Cry or anything Platinum Games has ever made. And, why not, let's throw in a piece of random trivia: the most compelling art I've consumed in the last year or so has been Invincible.

That's about it everything, I think. Here's to, hopefully, some excellent stories!

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