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Approved Tech Naimes's Beskar'gam

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Intent: To create a personal Beskar'gam for Naimes ahn-Dross
Image Source: None
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Permissions: N/A
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Manufacturer: Naimes ahn-Dross
Affiliation: Naimes ahn-Dross
Market Status: Closed Market
Model: 01
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Beskar, Armorplast, Armorweave


Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: Average
Energy: Very High
Kinetic: Very High
Lightsabers: Very High
Elemental: Average
Sonic: Low

  • Helmet Package: Rangefinder, Air Scrubber, Noise Dampener, HUD with Friend/Foe Designator, Ultraviolet Vision, Infrared Vision, Night Vision, Light Sensitivity Filtration System.
  • Armorplast: Upgrades the durasteel component of the Beskar'gam with highly durable, lightweight, armorplast. This provides, essentially, the same amount of protection while reducing the weight of the armor. It can provide, essentially, a 50% decrease in the durasteel components of an armor.
  • Vacuum Seals: Includes airtight gaskets around all joints and simple life support equipment. Allows the wearer to survive in the vacuum of space and any other hostile environment for upwards of two hours before the oxygen supply runs out.
  • Environmental Systems: Cold and warm weather systems integrated into the armor insulate the wearer from extremes of either type of weather. These systems activate automatically and fluctuate with the changing environment however they can also be switched off or adjusted manually.
  • Shadowskin: A matte black finish of light and sensor absorbing material, a shadowskin turns armor coated with it into a stealth suit.
  • Integrated Equipment: The Beskar'gam has a diagnostics system fitted into the right forearm of the armor allowing the wearer to monitor damage to the armor and its other systems. While the standard loadout does not call for such the armor can be fitted with a jet pack dependent on the mission.
  • Cryoban Projector Mk 1: A Cryoban Projector has been fitted onto the left forearm of the Beskar'gam, activated by muscle tension in the forearm it adds a nonlethal option to the armor.
  • Toxin Dispersal System: The Beskar'gam has been outfitted with a Toxin Dispersal System. Unless otherwise noted it can be expected to come with a dose of vaporized Ixetal Cilona Gas ready to be dispersed via the filtration system.

  • Resistant & Reliable: As with all kinds of Beskar'gam the primary component for the armor is Beskar plating ensuring that it is highly resistant to many kinds of damage including lightsabers, blasters and ballistics. This particular Beskar'gam is also relatively low tech; it boasts a Helmet Package, Diagnostics System and an integrated Toxin Dispersal System which can be knocked out but other features are not computerized.
  • Modularity: High modularity allows different pieces of equipment to be swapped out dependent on the mission. The Cryoban Projector could be swapped with a Flame Projector as an example and the Beskar'gam could be equipped with a Jet Pack for increased mobility, flight and aerial missions.
  • Decreased Weight: Durasteel components were switched with Armorplast components on this particular suit of Beskar'gam reducing the weight by approximately 50% of what the durasteel components would have weighed. As such mobility is increased.

  • Weak Points: As with most armors the joints are weak points on the Beskar'gam. Elbows, knees, etc are more vulnerable due to the distribution of the armor.
  • Ion Vulnerability: An Ion or EMP blast would render the computerized systems neutralized until they can reboot which can take minutes to hours dependent on the blast. While this only affects the Helmet Package, Diagnostics System and Toxin Dispersal System it still deprives the wearer of them for a time.

This Beskar'gam was constructed following the specifications laid out by Naime's ahn-Dross after he sought a Beskarsmith to assist him its construction. As Beskar'gam go this particular suit of armor is somewhat lighter than average allowing for a greater amount of mobility. Its primary purpose was to act as a set of recon armor rather than front line battle armor however regardless of this fact it still incorporates the Beskar that Mandalorian Armor is known for. Armorplast was used in replacement of the durasteel components ensuring the armor remained lighter and Armorweave acts as the underlay to add further protection.

The Beskar'gam is outfitted with a complete helmet package as well as several other upgrades such as environmental systems, vacuum seals and an integrated diagnostics system which can be accessed via the right forearm on the armor. Shadowskin matte was also incorporated into the finished armor which fit with the black color scheme that Naimes had decided to finish the Beskar'gam in.

As armor goes it is resistant to both blaster and lightsaber attacks however it has the usual weak points in the elbows, knees and armpit regions. This Beskar'gam is also slightly lower quality than a regular suit of Mandalorian Armor owing to the fact that it is slightly lighter and more mobile due to its function as recon armor. While it is capable of withstanding a lightsaber blow or blaster fire, the same as any other Beskar'gam, its weak spots are slightly larger and the beskar itself somewhat thinner in some areas.

Recently, Naimes has also retrofitted the armor with a Cryoban Projector fitted over the left forearm and a Toxin Dispersal System for close quarters engagements.
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This is ready for judgement again. All I've changed is the addition of a Cryoban Projector and Toxin Dispersal System to the armor giving it a little more oomph than it previously had. It was approved years ago, as you'll see by the original posting date so I'm uncertain if I need to reformat the entire template. Hopefully not. Hahah.

List of Changes

  • Added Cryoban Projector to the Besjar'gam
  • Added Toxin Dispersal System to the Beskar'gam
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Naimes Ahn-Dross Naimes Ahn-Dross

I'll not move it to the Tech creation section yet. Your template is not the current one. Please modify the template to reflect what we use currently. If you're did this, please tag any staff to move the thread to the right place.
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