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Negotiations of her people... [Omega Pyre Dominion of Naboo]

Her nails etched against her stone throne inside of the royal palace in Theed. Negotiating and politics is all she ever does but this was different. This was a more advanced discussion of allying with the right person. Naboo may have a military but not one strong enough to take on an entire army of people. With the perils in the galaxy, though her life is important the people of Naboo was more. She etched her hand to a small comm radio that was embedded in the throne, "Bring up the representative when she arrives." All the queen could do now is wait. With the plans she has thought up before it all depends on what the faction has to say to her. Four of her maidens stood behind the throne staying down the hallway, the general was speaking to the queen of possible threats around the planet, and there Delaena was just listening.

She wore a bright, silk red ceremonial dress with faux on the bottom and on the cuff. Her face was covered in white makeup and purple around the lips. Her hair was held up by a small brown leather headband, going down her back. After talking with the general of the military he brought some classified files of negatives as well benefits with allying with a spreading faction. Once the leader of Omega arrives, a droid is waiting for her at the door of the royal palace to escort her to the throne room.

The queen would eventually have to do it anyway... if not it would happen soon enough with force. "Let us see how far this goes."
For this royal occasion Tegaea had come dressed in a formal outfit of red and gold. She really disliked dresses, but this one had a certain style and simplicity about it that she liked. It also matched her rather brilliant hair. However, caution was caution and she had a blaster at her side, though it was only armed with stun bolts. She did feel better having something at her side. She was also not alone. @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] was with her, and @[member="Cira"] might be coming as well. Both were powerful in the Force and needed no physical weapons to defend them.

She approached the droid and bowed her head politely. The doors opened into the magnificent throneroom...and she entered slowly, waiting for the Queen to acknowledge her before she approached closer.
Queen Lanthala waved off the general as only her, two guards, and the handmaidens were inside of the room. She then began to flip through the file until the droid escored the small group into the room of the queen. She softened her glare over to them and pushed herself out of the seat, her long dress dragging on the floor as she would take five small stairs down. "Welcome to Naboo, I'm sure you found everything... exquisite none the less. With the matters we will be discussing we will need to enter the council chamber across the hall. It is right this way..." She motioned a handmaiden and a guard to follow the group into the room leaving the other royals outside. They would go down a sunlit hallway into a small room with a round, silver table and chairs. A larger chair than all the others was the queens chair. "Please take a seat... all of you."

One of the handmaidens outside would enter the room with a platter of fruits, cheeses, and vegetables native to Naboo. The platter would begin to be held in front of the three as it is passed around. Two guards stood at the doorway onlooking the meeting. The queen took a seat in her chair as they all entered the room waiting the group to sit down.


@[member="Tegaea Alcori"] @[member="Delaena Lanthala"]

This would be the first official delegation of the greater factions on Naboo. The first contact to anyone outside of the Naboo system since the release of the Gulag virus that had taken so many lives and had irreparably damaged contact to the Core worlds.

Titan of hair and statuesque, Omega Pyre's Prex Cira came to a pause right next to Tegaea, she too giving a small bow of greeting to the droid before straightening. The grand double doors soon slide open, clearing a path to a great chamber for them to enter.

Every detail was taken in, down to the handmaidens that guarded the Queen, to the young petite woman herself in full regalia. Did they still serve a four year term? Did they hold an elections for the position of Queen? Or had it through time and necessity, turned into a full monarchy claimed by birthright?

These were some of the questions that would be answered at the end of their discussion. Either case, it was an important day indeed.

"Thank you, your majesty, for your hospitality." Cira said in a cool polite tone, inclining her head in greeting. At the offered seat, Cira slid into it's softness, making herself comfortable for what was to come.
Tegaea bowed to the Queen as well. "We thank you for this opportunity, Majesty," Tegaea said. She was a little less formal than Cira. She was a republican at heart, but she could stretch to talking to royals, especially if they were pretty young Queens!
She took a seat and waited for the Queen to speak.

She shared a look with @[member="Cira"]. The Prex would take the lead, but she would be there to offer advice too.
"It is of course common courtesy for our guests to feel as if they are on their home planet." She then would sit up, taking a slice of the Shuura eating it then wiping her mouth with a cloth. She then placed a folder with classified documents on the table. She ran her hand to the opened spot and flipped it over looking over the ideas and plans her general made to plan the allegiance. "Our main focus is to see what you can offer us, of course. We can offer you the finest of foods and fighters but we may need more protection. There are a lot of troubled ones around our area. I would hate to see my planet turn into a battlefield. But as I said, it is your turn to speak of what we should do." She was talking to Tegaea, unsure of which one was going to speak.


@[member="Delaena Lanthala"] @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Cira had her own data files, however, these were in a holographic format.

"Our intelligence has surveyed the nearby sectors, and there is a common peril that has over taken nearby systems." A slight brush of her finger brought the datafile to life, providing a holographic rendition of the information.

"Warlords and pirates are the bantha flies that are mere pests; those are easily taken care of. " she said bluntly, "You are too far south for the inevitable war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic to cause you too much alarm. But war will come none the less." there was no need to hide the inevitable. It is what it is.

"And while the South System Syndicate is just to the south, your most direct threat comes from a far more sinister collective. " Another press of a button, revealing the waste land and remnants of scattered planets where the Bando Gora cultists , or reavers as they are so affectionately called, have moved further and further north.

"The Bando Gora. Some may call them mere spacer tales, but they are out there." Cira said plainly. "They've been attacking various ships along the Corellian Run, increasing as we go out towards the Outer Rim and Wild Regions." she blinked, "But those are just the outside perils." Tegaea would have more information in regards to what Naboo would need to protect itself from, and what Omega Pyre could offer them.

"As far as known inside threads.... just what is the status with the Gungans? Your elections?"
Her eyes began to watch her as she described the things. Knowing her intelligence was surveyed around the sectors has lifted a weight off her shoulders. Though intelligence could help, how could we defend? She began to watch the holographic images begin to show.

"The Bando Gora... That is not the first time I have heard them. The final thing we need is to have me assassinated. Of course this is dire news of so close threats but it must be taken care of before we are ambushed. Our military may be strong but we can't hold out a war." She would begin to listen to her questions on the government of Naboo, much has change from the past years of how the government is done in Naboo. "The Gungans are still a strong ally, I have made that a top priority to keep our bonds strong. Our elections have changed as we no longer have terms. One ruler until they pass."

She began to change her sight from the holograms to @[member="Cira"] she seemed to be the main speaker. She back tracked the topic to the war happening with the Republic and Sith, changing topics towards them. "The lesser factions do not present as much of a threat than the Republic and Sith do. I'd prefer to not force to pick sides between the two, but the time will come... eventually. What allegiance do you lie on or are you not in league with those two?"

Her people are all that matter, their safety is the top priority. But with a war happening between the Sith and Republic it will surely spread to the southern parts of the galaxy.
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"], @[member="Cira"], @[member="Delaena Lanthala"]

For her part Major Siobhan Kerrigan despised formal wear, a dress was off the cards. Well, she did wear one for Tegaea occasionally, but those occasions were behind closed doors and thus immaterial. That said, she had to admit that Tegs looked very good in her outfit. Instead, Siobhan had consented to wear a military-style black uniform with her rank insignia, as much as she preferred simple camo or what could be best described as speeder biker chick outfits. Her robot hand was covered by a black glove.

She took in the magnificient throne when she, Tegaea and Cira were led in. Despite herself, she gave the Queen a short bow, though at the heart Siobhan had little love for aristos, a sentiment that applied to republican politicians as well. However, she could stretch it if need be, especially since the queen was rather pretty and Omega had a vested interest in seeing these negotiations succeed. After all, as Tegaea knew, she had managed perfectly on Hapes and now felt less ill at ease among persons of a far higher social strata than she used to.

She took in the whole scene, the evident wealth and splendour on display, the handmaidens, who in Siobhan's perhaps rather biased and perhaps ill-informed opinion did more than guard a queen, but then she was a fan of Game of Stars. She took a seat along with Cira and Tegaea. She gave Tegs a brief smile, before removing a folder. She might have some tactical information to offer on the security matters they were conversing about with the Queen in support of Tegaea, but the sensitive part of the negotiations were the arena of her superiors, so she did not interrupt.

She approved when the Queen explained that they had done away with term limits. While not a monarchist, an elective monarchy with limited terms had always struck Siobhan as rather perplexing. If an aristocrat was supposed to rule and wear the crown, then best to at least be honest about and make it stable, she thought.

Sooner or later the Sith and the Republic would go to war and the great conflagration would engulf the Galaxy. Omega was beholden to one but itself, it was a power in its own right. The Republic might think it had a manifest destiny to govern the Galaxy but OP pursued the policy that was best for best. However, Siobhan loathed the Sith with a burning intensity. They were savages, the only way to deal with them was to kill them. The Republic brought a measure of stability and did not tread on its people with jackboots like they were dirt.
Tegaea took the urging of @[member="Cira"] to speak, and felt the comforting presence of Siobhan behind her.
"We support our own interests, Majesty. But if we had to choose we would side with the Republic. Not only are they closer and more sympathetic, but they stand for order and law. The Sith speak of law and control, but it is just an iron fist covered in velvet. For centuries the galaxy has been in darkness, and we are doing our best to fix it. Naboo could benefit greatly from an alliance with us, being part of the Protectorate. I don't say that in the way a standover man would - I mean it genuinely. You would be entirely free to run your world as you see fit with minimal interference from us. All we ask is a small tax to help fund our defence, and the promise that you will aid us if we are attacked. In return you will be part of our trade networks which go all the way to the core, and defended by the only real fleet outside the Republic and Sith."

"I hope this answers your questions, Majesty."
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Cira"]

She would begin to speak looking at the three in the group, "We have much happening here as you may be aware. Some time to think would be really... re-assuring. I hope you can understand."


@[member="Delaena Lanthala"]

"Of course, your Majesty." replied Cira, inclining her head a bit, "Take all the time you need."
"I believe this will end this meeting as of for now. I will give myself a time to think about our proposals. Will keep in touch. Thank you for your time, as my droid will escort you out." Queen Lanthala stood up from the table and would motion the three @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Tegaea Alcori @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Siobhan Kerrigan @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Cira to follow her towards the exit of the council room. From exiting, the guards would follow once more along with the hand maidens. With her arms swinging with her walk, she ventured down the hallway back into the throne room placing a seat on the stone throne once more. The handmaiden returned with the rest in the room.

She stood infront of the throne and bowed towards the three, "I dismiss this meeting as of now. May the force guide you home, and have a pleasant day." The droid would wait for the three to finish speaking with the queen before escorting them out of the room.

(Hinting at any questions)
Tegaea rose and bowed her head in a rather curt way. She wasn't especially happy bowing to royals, but did what was needed. "Please let us know if we can be any more help," she said, then left with the other two women.

"What do you think she'll do?" Tegaea asked @[member="Cira"] and @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"].

Little did any of them know that a dark menace was even now approaching....
Siobhan bowed rather curtly as well, then departed with @[member="Cira"] and @[member="Tegaea Alcori"] as they left the throne room.

At Tegs' question she shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. Well, no ruler likes tying themselves to a larger power, no matter how sensible the terms and how inevitable it would be. Hence the doomed rebellion on Hapes. Besides, even without term limits she's gotta think of her aristos. Quite a few might be deluded enough to think they can handle things on their own," she answered honestly.

"Reckon a show of what we can do would make things simpler." Hearing about their capabilities through holonet broadcasts and reports was one thing, having something palpable to point to about what Omega would do and what they had done for them would make it an easier sell.
"You're right, Siobhan. They might resist our offer just because of pride or because they don't want to be part of a larger entity. We can hope they'll see sense though."
Tegaea looked to @[member="Cira"]. "Any thoughts, boss?"

There was something...odd. She was no Force user, but she got the feeling they were being watched....


@[member="Tegaea Alcori"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Delaena Lanthala"]

Cira stood, her mind mulling over things with a wary expression. Something was off. The tiny hairs at the nape of her neck stood in forewarning.

"She will do what is best for her people." said the Prex, her eyes narrowing a bit. "While we can do a demonstration.. it is entirely up to her and her court advisers. Either way...four hundred years of being isolated from the Core Worlds and any other trade is enough to warrent the use of our protection... and she knows it. There is no one else around this area of the galaxy that can offer her the same." It was the blunt truth. There were the South System Syndicate, but they were all criminals. There were murmurs of a new guild of merchants, but they did not have the power to protect trade routes all the way to the Core Worlds.

While she did not want to appear as if Omega Pyre was their only choice, that is exactly what it was. It would be long before the Republic ever brought it's reach down to the Colonies, much less the Outer Rim.

Omega Pyre was their only hope for reconnecting to the galaxy once more and having ties to any galactic political sway as Naboo once did four hundred years ago.
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"], @[member="Cira"]

What Cira said obviously made sense. In the end Omega was the sole option. The Republic was expanding, but it had pursued its goals further in the east. Moreover, tying Naboo's fate to that of the Republic would get them involved in the inevitable Sith war far sooner. However, oftentimes people were not reasonable.

She shrugged. "You're the politicals, I'm just extremely good at hitting things real hard." Then all levity left the Major when her danger senses flared up. She could not quite place it, but something was off. "We're not alone," she said quietly. Instinctively her hand moved towards her blade.
As before mentioned, Tegaea did not have mystical Force powers. What she did have though was a lot of experience when things were about to go bad. For a moment it seemed her senses strained and picked up a noise. Something, some sixth sense, pushed her to dive and knock @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and @[member="Cira"] to the ground.


The ornate glass window behind them blew in with a screech and whistle of flying debris. Tegaea rolled upright, her useless little stun gun in her hand, just in time for the first attacker. Masked and dressed in black, the enemy stormed in. Each of them carried jagged blades and lethal blasters.


Tegaea fired and hit the first one through the window, knocking him down, but more were there.

"Pull back! We have to save the Queen!" Tegaea shouted, taking cover behind her two Force using companions. If they had lightsabres on would be a good time to use them
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"], @[member="Cira"]

The quick reaction of Tegs ensured that Siobhan got thrust to the ground before the explosion thundered throughout the chamber, heralding the arrival of the mysterious assailants.

As it happened, Siobhan did have a lightsabre on her. The Major was the properly paranoid sort who felt naked when she went out of her apartment without it. In some cases this might rightfully be considered excessive, however as it turned out she had made the right decision in this case.

Their faces hidden behind masks that resembled demonic visages and clad in obsidian armour, their attackers advanced forward, intent on wiping out the small Omega party. More of the masked warriors could be seen in the courtyard, hacking down Naboo soldiers and obviously intent on getting to the throne room, while their brethren sought to corner the Omega representatives to take them out of the equation.

Their masters might be a mystery, their intent was clear. That was all what Siobhan needed to know when she emerged from the hard ground she had been knocked onto, positioning herself in front of Tegaea. Spinning her lightsabre fast she parried blaster shots.

The assassins were not rank amateurs, upon seeing the lightsabre they tried to seek cover, making it harder to reflect shots back to them, but more of them advanced relentless, seemingly driven by some sort of fanatical fury. Siobhan surged forward, debris was thrown up with a telekinetic grip and hauled towards the attackers, but such was the attackers' onslaught that she threatened to be surrounded when she strove to pull back. A blade tossed by an attacker narrowly missed her and was embedded in a portrait when she dove sideways, blaster bolts whizzed towards, richochetting off the walls.

"Kinda swarmed right now!" Siobhan deflected shots, then ducked when a blade-wielding attacker thrust his sword out at her, swinging her blade in an aggressive strike to drive his sword away when he tried to adjust, ramming it towards his armoured shoulder before spinning the lightsabre and cloving it into his mask. She spun around in a fast motion to take another warrior down by cutting across his right arm. The assassin gave a loud, hissing sound, but despite the obvious pain attacked, striking at her with his blade before thrust out her robot hand and grabbed his throat, squeezing hard and cutting off the flow of oxygen, then thrust him forward as an improvised human shield to be riddled with bolts.

Reaching out with the Force she levitated a discarded blaster rifle of a dead attacker and she tossed it towards Tegs. A hard kick connected with the ex-Jedi's face and she was knocked back, more attackers coming at her. She seemed to pull back, telekinetically grabbing ahold of a vibroblade, using it to block attackers from the one side by meeting their blades and striking offensively with the lightsabre.

As she spun it in a circular motion, two attackers lost their heads, but then when the opposition became too much she backflipped into the air, landing several metres away from them, then when warriors came and swiped at her leapt upward into the air to slash downward. An attacker unexpectedly grabbed at her legs when she was occupied by blaster fire and she got knocked towards a round table, lying stunned for a moment and with her vision hazy as she regained her bearings. The assassin brought up his blade to strike down and blaster bolts shot towards her, but then she rolled sideways and when his sword hit the hard wall struck sideways to cleave him in half.

Dodging more strikes and wincing at the sensation of pain when a blade pierced her uniform to cut into her back, she manoeuvred herself closer to the door, then when more shooters assembled tried to concentrate, focusing on a damaged part of the wall. Stretching out with her powers, with beads of sweat dripping down her temple, she focused her powers on the table and sent it racing towards them. Quite a few attackers dodged the incoming salvoe, but a score was caught and knocked down.

She fell back and moved towards the door that would take them towards the throne room, spinning her lightsabre to bounce off rounds as red laser blasts streaked through the air towards them. The sounds of battle echoed throughout the corridors.

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