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Approved Tech Nephilim Marine Armour

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Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition

  • Intent: Create standard issue vacuum sealed armour for the Nomad Navy Marine Corps, based on the old Elysium Empire version.
  • Image Source: (X)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: (X)
  • Primary Source: (X)
  • Manufacturer: Dar'Manda Industries
  • Affiliation: Nomadic Peoples Coalition
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Nephilim Navy Marine Armour
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Several modular hardpoints are used to hold packs, components, weapons, etc
      • 1 large hardpoint on the spine
      • 2 medium hardpoints on the thighs (1 per thigh)
      • 6 small hardpoints around the belt-line
      • 2 small hardpoints on the forearms (1 per arm)
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
  • Classification: Multipurpose/vacuum sealed combat armour
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Radiation: Very High
    • Extreme Temperatures: High
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • ION: High
    • Sonic: Average
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • Acid: Very Low
    • Force: Very Low
  • Spacesuit Armour - this armour suit is made to protect marines from combat in outer space, as well as other environments. Features that support this are:
    • Life support
    • Thermal/cryogenic insulation
    • Vacuum sealing
    • Radiation protection
    • A hardpoint on the spine for a space-rated jetpack or heavy weapon.
    • Magnetic Space Boots
    • Helmet flashlights
  • Electronic Hardware- this Armour features many advanced electronic hardware systems, such as:
  • User Interface H.U.D. - the H.U.D has many user friendly functions and software, such as:
  • Wrist-Mounted Whipcord Launchers - on each wrist, this is a non-lethal detainment weapon that is available to the wearer of the armour.
  • Zero-G Bleedout Prevention - because this suit is designed to work in zero gravity environments, it has a low-capacity internal artificial gravity generator. This was added so that the living body inside the suit has a chance to stop internal bleeding from running rampant, as gravity is essential for some healing functions to work properly in a natural body.
  • Perfectly Sealed - being a qualified spacesuit, this armour offers total protection from atmospheric threats such as depressurization, and airborne toxins.
  • Fire Control - most of the electronic systems and software on this armour is intended to give the wearer an accuracy advantage in a ranged firefight.
  • Slow on foot - the vacuum sealing and heavy weight of this armour makes the wearer less agile in an average gravity environment.
  • Rough Terrain - Because of the bulky nature of this armour, it has a disadvantage for mobility in dense jungles and rocky terrain.
"Everything in space wants to kill you. Your Nephilim is the literal difference between life and death. Treat it well and you'll live. Treat it poorly and you die.

“Your ‘Nephilim’ has been imbued with a soul and a mind of her own. But she is fragile and needs guidance. She will protect and provide for you as you give her direction and purpose, but she is not to be taken for granted. She is your ward and not your weapon or tool. Accept this communion with joy and humility.”



a spacecraft, especially one controlled by a crew.

The Nephilim Marine Armour is, by definition, a vacuum-sealed spaceship, and therefore, worthy of the Angel Navis Operating System AI. The warriors that bond with these suits of armour are called “Holy Knights” in the Navis Sacra Religion.

One does not necessarily have to become a Holy Knight to have this armour, however. This armour is standard issue for the marines that serve the Nomadic Peoples Coalition. However, if a marine is not a devout follower of the Navis Sacra Religion, the Angel Navis Operating System is not activated, nor is it imbued with a living soul. All of the listed functions of the armour still work normally.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

I am fond of the art!
  • We don't accept Pinterest or Reddit links to images unless the original site can't be found, these sites not respect the* original artist, and anyone can post the arts there that they found on the internet. In this case, the original host can be found, so please use this link.
  • The Gildenweave is AMCO's submission, you have to link everything from the Factory/Codex. So please, link this sub too.
  • The Singularity rating, please replace something which is ordinary. I mean the singularity can be found around dying stars or black holes. This is not really an attack.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Thank you, but I cannot accept the "Dovin Basal trapping and crushing attacks" either. These are only working on larger space ships, against space ships, and these are not anti-infantry weapons. So please replace it with different resistance, for example the Disruptor could be good choice.

Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition

rubs hands together like a madman

Ok, so!

The way I see it, there are 3 ways to resist a dovin basal, (or a singularity mine) singularity attacks:
  1. Inertial Compensators
  2. Neuralizing the gravity attacks with your own gravity system, IE: forming an artificial makeshift Lagrange point via gravity well generator, or artificial gravity system. This is the explanation I am choosing for my “very low” singularity resistance on this submission.
  3. HIMS.
The first method is actually already lore. On the Wookiepedia, it states that the New Republic would boost the inertial compensator field to protect a craft from the strains that the dovin basin could inflict. Quote: “By expanding the sphere of the inertial compensator to thirteen meters (on an X-wing), it would protect the shields like it would protect against any other stress on the craft. Nevertheless, if enough dovin basals locked their gravity beams onto the shields, the inertial compensator would expend too much energy, tearing the craft to shreds.” Like any resistance method, it could be overpowered if the enemy had enough dovin basals, but it was a lore relevant resistance to singularity attacks and is listed in the Wookiepedia.

Another way to resist Dovin basals, albeit, in my scientific opinion as a space enthusiast, would be to utilize an artificial gravity system of your own to cancel it out. (IE: artificial gravity, or a gravity well interdiction field.) In the case of a spacesuit for instance, you could say that a small internal artificial gravity system was added to help prevent bleed-outs for the wearer while in combat. In the Expanse TV series, we see that gravity is required for the human body to heal from an injury properly, so it stands to reason that an armoured spacesuit would have something to help prevent bleed-out deaths while in combat. If an armoured suit was equipped with a minimal artificial gravity system, then it could be said that the inside of the suit has an inadvertently “very low” resistance to dovin basal attacks. That is the particular explanation I am choosing for this particular armour sub, since it has a “very low” resistance to singularity mines. I am willing to reduce it to “none”, if you don’t accept that the suit has enough gravity power to resist the dovin basals at all, however. I did, however, add the artificial gravity to the submission regardless, because I think that part in The Expanse was a cool bit of science, whether or not you choose to grant the “very low” resistance.

And lastly, for the sake of argument, HIMS is also a listed resistance to dovin basals on the Wookiepedia. “During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Galactic Alliance equipped their vessels with the HIMS, as they could cause serious difficulty for dovin basals.” . It could stand to reason that 900 years after the HIMS technology was developed that it could be scaled down to be used in personal armour, but that would obviously be restricted to semi-unique production items and unique items because of the ruleset. I might even submit an open market HIMS module for armour use in the future for anyone that wants to build unique armour of their own…

If you feel like these methods require tech submissions to better flesh them out for player use before I can use it in this submission, then I am willing to set my ratings to “none” for now on this submission and begin making some open market items for everyone to enjoy in the future. :)
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

I understand what you want, but nope. I was good at physics and also studied theoretical physics at university. And that's not how it works. The armour is too small to this, what you wrote those are working with LARGE ships, because they have LARGE mass and weight, and easier to generate such effect which is neutralise the effect. I could say that I accept that in the event that these effects occur near a man or in an armour, the gravitational field would immediately kill the man and tear the armour and the wearer apart. It would achieve exactly the effect you want to avoid. Not to mention the Very Low resistance means this armour has Very Low resistance compared to the similar Multipurpose/vacuum sealed combat armour. So this one is much worse than the usual and regular armour.

I understand you want this because someone used in a thread

And I'll keep myself to that, I'll not accept this as a resistance, especially not with "Very low". Still looks like you drop a resistance from which you can gain two points.

Not to mention you decide about how such effects affect you, like the mentioned singularity mines. If you want that to hit you, no matter how good your armour is, it will kill anyone within two metres diameter.

So, last time, please remove that resistance from the list, because it is working for only ships, and not for armour.
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