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Approved Location [Netherworld] Sedes Aurea | Seat of Ashla

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  • City Name: Sedes Aurea | Seat of Ashla
  • Classification: Sanctum | City
  • Location: Somewhere within the Netherworld of the Force, centre of the Ashlanic afterlife's domain.
  • Affiliation: Valkyrja | Children of Ashla | Followers of Ashla | Ashlan Crusade
  • Population: Moderate | The exact number is unknown and often changes due to the fact that the city is functioning as a commercial centre too or many come here for protection, but in terms of the Netherworld the population is significant.
  • Demographics: The population changes very often, it is impossible to say accurate data about it. Basically, a significant part of the Children of Ashla population lives here, and their number is constantly changing and growing. In addition to them, countless Valkyrja, various neutral or light side beings also live here, which exist and live in the Netherworld. Shadows can also occur in the city, not to mention visitors from Realspace. Many people only come here temporarily, searching for shelter, to trade, which is why the population is constantly changing.
  • Wealth: High
    The city operates mainly as a commercial hub, with merchants coming from the entire Netherworld, but even from Realspace. Just like the Valkyrja, the Children of Ashla members value handicrafts, and because they don’t prefer money but barter, so a lot of people come here to trade from all over Netherworld, but even Realspace. Thanks to these exchanges, the taxes received and the money the merchants spend here can be said to be rich in the city.
  • Stability: High
    In the Netherworld, it may be strange to say this, but there is a lot of stability in the Seat of Ashla. The Children of Ashla is a knightly and religious society who respect the laws and everyone needs to follow them. Precisely because of this, it can be said that public safety is high, violation of the law, robbery, or murder nearly never happens. The murder is not too surprising because only neutral or lightsider creatures, people can enter to the city. Because the knights and the church always fight demons (true not in or around the Ashlanic afterlife, just in the borders), the defence is also high, which only further increases the sense of security and stabilisation. In the city everyone is safe.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Everyone in the city is required to abide by local laws, which can sometimes seem quite strict. Otherwise, they are completely ordinary and rational. The locals do not tolerate aggression, murder among others, so this is severely punished. The protection of innocence exists here and criminal cases are investigated through legal proceedings. Military and combat forces are constantly present in the city, but this is also needed because of the trade and possible attacks. Slavery is not allowed, nor can slaves be traded in this place. In short, there is basically freedom in the city, but the laws must be obeyed, no one is discriminated against on the basis of race and everyone has the same rights. However no Darksider can enter the city, they hunt the Bogan and the followers of Bogan.
  • Description: The city is located in an area where there is eternal summer. There are beautiful green and golden pastures, meadows and fields in the area. Very close to the city, which is actually part of it, there is also a huge body of water on the sea, where trade and fishing take place. Eternal summer means a constant temperature of 25-27 degrees Celsius. Plants, gardens, orchards are constantly growing and yielding. Many different species of plants and animals live in the area. There are also snow-capped mountains nearby, forests at the bottom of the mountains. There are also smaller homesteads and farms around the city. The Ashlanic afterlife's dimension also includes a Light Side Force Nexus, which is the strongest in town and therefore is the easiest to connect with Ashla, the Oversoul. There are also many smaller outposts in the area to protect merchants and caravans, although there is little attack from Bogan's servants here. The city is a fairly large commercial hub and therefore has a high traffic here. And each of the buildings has a rather archaic look, but fits in perfectly with Ashla’s chivalrous culture. The entire city is surrounded by a Guardian-class shield generator.

  • Outside the City: The areas around the city that are gorgeous in green or gold (farms, forests and meadows). The area is fairly safe, so anyone can travel around freely. There are a lot of signs in the area that show where we are. It’s essentially almost impossible to get lost here, and if it does happen, there are few predators or demons around here, the city stretches high into the sky, making it easy to find your way back. There are also many different smaller hunting lodges in the forest.
    • Knight Tournament Area: Outside the city wall, on one side, is this section where knightly tournaments are held. Quite a lot of space, there are several different tracks here. It is surrounded by a forest, so the tracks and the venues of the event are not visible from the roads. Maybe someone doesn’t want to see that, so they don’t want to mess up the neighbourhood.
    • Agrarian Area: There are countless hunting lodges around the town in the woods; in addition, there are many farms, gardens and orchards. There is also fishing in the streams and in the sea. At the foot of the mountains are beautiful vineyards where grapes are grown. There are many species of plants and animals in the area that belong to agriculture and animal husbandry, and are also used by various industries.
    • Borders: The natural boundaries of the city and its surroundings. On one side the mountains begin, and on the opposite side is the sea, where there is also a commercial district. At sea is one end of the Ashlanic dimension. In addition, it is a large forest or a wide stream that still marks the boundary of the city and its surroundings, followed by other areas of the dimension which are no longer strictly part of the Seat of Ashla.
    • Outposts: There are countless outposts around the city to protect the city, refugees and traders from possible raids. There are several built into the hills or near to the woods, possibly on the river bank.
    • Roads: The roads can be found everywhere, they lead down from the mountains, through the meadows, near to the sea, but you can also count the river here, as it is the way of water trade. There are a lot of paved or designated roads that lead to the Seat of Ashla for those who want to get here.
  • Outer Quarter: The outskirts of the city and the outer quarters. Suspicious people with bad reputation or background are those who beat homesteads in these areas. This is where those who want to disappear from others also can be found here. Although there are patrols here, it is still the least safe part of the city. The poorer people live here and many richer people don’t even come to this part. Of course, illegal trade, gambling and similar illegal incidents also occur very often here.
    • City Gates and Walls: The city is surrounded by high and wide walls for protection. The gates are protected, protected by grids and shields. There are also numerous cannons on the city wall to protect the place, as well as many watchtowers. At the city gate or in the port, if someone arrives by boat, the guards search everyone and try to filter out the thieves and robbers.
    • The Witch's Inn: One of the most famous illegal places in the city, it is located in the middle of a wooded park within the city. The upper part of the inn is completely average, but this is far from the case about the basement. Here, one can find illegal fights, bets and a stronghold of the black market. The place is owned by Runar Ævar, who is the Crime Lord of the Sanctuary, but he naturally extended his power and influence to this city as well. After all, a good information broker should be everywhere.
    • Inns and Cantinas: There are countless such places in the area where the visitors can relax. There are a lot of places where food and drink await visitors, preparing for visitors to come from Realspace. In most places, those who come here can also find musical entertainments and other events in these buildings. Of course, there are better-known inns and ones that are not recommended to anyone. Mercenaries and bounty hunters can also be hired at such places.
    • The White House: It is perhaps the largest hospital in the city. At least in the part where they care for any person and not just the people of the Ashlanic afterlife. Whether it is physical or mental injury, here the injured will certainly receive care from the healers. The larger building is located in the middle of a smaller park with a variety of herbs, as well as medicinal trees and a small pond with a healing bath.
    • Barracks: There are countless barracks in the area, especially near the city walls, from where the guard can quickly reach any area. They are usually needed especially when the enemy is attacking walls or city gates. They can also easily reach the right places within the city.
  • Market Quarter: It is the most significant part of the city where the biggest life takes place. In essence, this place can be called the heart of the city, even if it is not part of the city itself. Everyday life takes place here, here you can find the market where merchants sell their porters, and countless guild and company buildings can also be found in this quarter. The market also has a huge area in this place, trade also takes place day and night, it never stops. One can get here on a short, sheltered road from the city which leads through a smaller forest, this quarter otherwise placed there where the city meets the sea. Just a few minutes’ walk from the city walls.
    • Artis Centrum: The Commercial Centre, the actual centre of commerce. There are also countless smaller buildings in the area, but the interior, but the market has an archaic look with a lot of space and trees, occupies a large area. All official trade takes place here, and countless warehouses also belong to this place. It may not be as special a place as the Masque, the Great Shifting Bazaar, but even here anyone can find anything what they wants. A commercial harbour also belongs to this part.
    • Greystone’s and the Cat’s Paw’s office: Because the Shadows and Children of Ashla are close to each other and trade a lot, Greystone and The Cat’s Paw also have a small office reserved here. They will probably mainly take orders at this place, but they will also hand over finished products, delivering them here if needed. And they often trade in the Commercial Centre. Typically, the Bureaucrat demons perform the tasks here.
    • Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild: It is the headquarters of the Valkyrja guild. They typically sell their products, place and pick orders here. They also maintain a fairly close relationship with the largest local guild. They also have smelters and buildings in this place, where they are able to produce products, but this is not typical. Rather, they only trade and handle orders, which are then shipped to the Sanctuary.
    • The Golden Blacksmith: The centre of the Faber Ferrarius Auream aka the The Golden Blacksmith. From here, they manage the day-to-day operations of the company. If someone wants to hire them or use the services, they have to come here. They occupy a multi-storey building where even their mercenaries can be found. All in one place to make things easier for the customer.
    • The Smeltery: This is also owned by Golden Blacksmith, the interesting thing about the smelter is that it is located in the side of a hill on one of the smaller hills in the district, and from here you have to go underground to the actual smelter. The place is also heavily impregnated by the Force, the lava below is not solidified, heat and lava are used to forge it. There are several large smelters here so that as many people as possible can work at the same time. The best craftsmen of Children of Ashla can work in this place day and night.
  • Residential Quarter: It is probably the largest part of the city. There are countless buildings, low or just tall, tower-like buildings in this place. Most of the buildings are such that they may look small on the outside, but larger on the inside. The wonders of the Netherworld. The citizens of the city, merchants, and asylum seekers live here. There are countless other social buildings and programs in this Quarters.
    • Noble District: The noble quarter, with noble and beautiful buildings, parks and gardens, and many lakes. It is close to the innermost part of the city, which already belongs to the Church and the Knightly Orders. The nobles live here (Templars/Crusaders, Paladins, Bishops and Cardinals) if they do not want to live in the inside area, in fabulous buildings with associated gardens, parks, fountains. The place is often visited by tourists as well. And the place is constantly marvelled by crowds. The numbers of the guards and patrols are especially large in this place.
    • The Square of the Heroes: Located right in front of the entrance to the Seat of Ashla, a huge square with a long road that leads through the entire Residential Quarter. There are countless columns on either side of the place. People used to gather here for great prayers; they used to pray to Ashla here. In addition, larger events, religious and knightly events, or even larger fairs are usually held in this place. By the way, there are statues related to Ashla's religion here, about heroes, saints, knights.
      Such persons include: Lord Hoth, Geiseric Geiseric , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust , Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , or Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
    • Gardens and Temples: There are green and gold areas in much of the residential area. What is really green and gold here is that most plants, trees and flowers are these colours. The plants and flowers are constantly blooming and growing, never withering away because there is no winter, just summer, so the gardens are always beautiful. There are also several smaller larger shrines and churches here. All of them were built to Ashla herself, and to her Saints and Living Saints.
    • Embassies: Embassies of different species, organisations, or companies. For those who did not place these centres in the Market Quarter. Among other things, there is an embassy to the Valkyrja which is not surprising, after all they created the Children of Ashla. The Ashlan Crusade also has an embassy here. But in addition to them, many other nether species or even people from Realspace have also opened embassies here. The HPI Consortium has a larger office here and other interests.
    • Home of the Culture: The Children of Ashla just like the Valkyrja have great respect for the arts and anyone who creates it. That is why they hold huge museums and exhibitions, where everyone can show their works. There are countless museums, art buildings, concert halls and cultural buildings in this place. Many of these are in open areas. Anyone who loves culture can definitely find what they are looking for in this place.
  • Seat of Ashla: Located in that part of the city which is close to the mountains and the sea, in some places it was also built into the mountains, making it difficult to build walls. Not many people can enter this quarter. This is the real home of Children of Ashla, only they are here, except for a few people who have received special permission to do so. No one else can enter to this quarter so the entire area are mystical. There are countless legends about what life can be like inside, how a species can actually live. Here are also the buildings of the Knightly Orders and the main Cathedral, where the Ashla's followers may have been closest to the Oversoul, Ashla herself. The quarter is divided into several parts, so the church and the knights live in separate areas.
    • Seat of Ashla: A gigantic Cathedral. The headquarters of the Church and the Children of Ashla was built on the part where most of the rifts are located within the city. Inside this building is also the actual Gate to the Realspace (leads to Ession to the Golden Forest the centre of the Crown of Ashla), only the Netherworld's side is guarded and supervised. No one can use it without the Church and the Knightly Orders' leaders knowing about it. In addition, the place is very permeated by the Force, numerous artefacts can also be found here. This is the nearest point to Ashla, the Oversoul, and the place also has a huge library.
    • The Papacy: One half of the quarter is home to Church's buildings. There are mainly towers and not Knightly buildings here. Members of the Children of Ashla who play a role in the church, who deal mainly with the Force, can study Force using here, study the sacred writings of Ashla, and interpret his will. They spend most of their days in constant prayer or meditation; they are sorcerers and alchemists. There are countless libraries and buildings here that hold magic items, sacred records, and similar relics. Church people living and studying here used to hold prayers and masses in the city or beyond. There are also countless gardens in this place where various magical plants grow that are used for spells and to accomplish Ashla’s will.
    • Knightly Orders: The buildings of the various knightly orders that are in this district. It is also the home of the members of the orders. They live here by Ashla's will. Most places have suitable places where they can learn to fight or receive theoretical training. It is also the home of the leaders who run the city along with the church. Each building and order have a slightly different symbol, but Ashla’s phoenix has a place in each. Squires are also taught in these places. There are many free and open areas in the area, with gates opening in countless directions to the city that are easy to reach should military intervention be required.
    • The White Castle: A huge castle built near to the mountains, Grandmaster and Patriarch / Matriarch lives in this place. There is only one reason why they do not live in the papacy, or the Orders area, but in a separate huge building. From White Castle one can get down to the inside of the mountains, where there are crystal caves, not least the centre of the Ashlanic afterlife's Nexus, with a huge golden lake. This castle hides the only expiration and entrance. So this is the reason why the two strongest people protect it. It is their sacred duty to them here in this place. Very rarely do they leave this home. The palace is not really visited by others anyway, maybe only church leaders and chiefs can enter here.
    • Aeterna Flamma: The Eternal Flame; a huge temple and tower-like building in the border of the Church's and the Knightly' area. The knightly and church leaders with the Grandmaster and Patriarch/Matriarch spend their everyday life and from here they control the city and their people. In essence, this is a government building. They make the laws here; they decide the court judgments and everything else that is necessary for the daily operation and existence of the species or the city.

  • Security Rating: Maximum
  • Internal Defences: The city is surrounded by a city wall, which covers all parts, no residential buildings can be found outside the wall. There are towers on the city wall, shields round the city and walls and numerous cannons from Realspace. The protection of the city is done by the members of Children of Ashla and possible the Valkyrja, in which various good alignment creatures, golems and constructs can help them.
  • External Defences: The entire city is surrounded by a Guardian-class shield generator. Various outposts and barracks. There are also Children of Ashla, patrols in the outer areas, they may be helped by other more peaceful demons, mercenaries, those who have been hired.
  • Creatures and Constructs: These can also occur among demons and constructs:

  • Lucidity: The location is the same as Realspace in most things, but of course there may be a difference. The air, gravity, is completely standard. The biggest difference is in time. It’s completely relative, it passes differently for everyone. For some, time may pass faster here than in Realspace, for others it may be slower, or they may not ageing while they are here. Note: This is entrusted to a PC, they are given complete freedom. For example, one character grew up here, in this city; in the Realspace only a few months passed, but they were becoming a young adult person (17-18 years old) here. Or vice versa, in the Realspace twenty years passed, but here only a few days to the character.
  • Hostility: This is a very interesting question as they are basically friendly; the area is completely permeated by the power of the Light Side and the power of Ashla (the oversoul). Everyone who comes to this city is welcomed as long as they belong to the Light Side or the Neutral side. However, Bogan's (Dark side) followers are not pardoned at all. In any form, they are immediately tried to be destroyed. Their religion and Ashla wills it.
  • IC Rules: The only weird IC thing here is time passes the way the PC wants it to. So they might be spending two hours here and in Realspace five years have passed. Or conversely, they had lived here for five years, and only a few hours passed in Realspace. Depends on the user's OOC decision. The Seat of Ashla is located in an area / dimension where there is summer forever, so the weather is always pleasantly warm (25-27°C).
  • Accessibility: There are countless smaller passageways in or around the city, but nearly all of them are hidden. Most of these open up to Netherworld's other places, they are not large, one person can cross them, most of them are heavily guarded by the Children of Ashla. Sometimes can even open a gateway to Realspace for completely random locations. Note: This gives the opportunity to the PC characters to come here freely, however this is a very hidden and not too well-known area.

Seat of Ashla is a fairly new city, even in terms of Netherworld. The Children of Ashla race, too, was only recently born, created, and then the expedition set out to find Ashla's territory within the Netherworld, which had been obscured until then. That’s why he launched the Children of Ashla and the Valkyrja expedition to find the Ashlanic afterlife. Since Geiseric Geiseric of Sanctuary was also there in the city at the time, he was asked to lead the expedition. Maybe they felt that since the man was alive and not a soul, maybe it would be good for him to book himself here with something. In any case, the man agreed.

The place where Ashla’s domains are, in a fairly secluded and sheltered location is essentially another dimension within Netherworld, which isn’t as surprising as there are so many of these places. Ashla’s areas are in an area where there is an eternal summer. The temperature is always pleasant, there are beautiful golden or green fields, forests, mountains, lakes, rivers, but even a sea-like formation. The entire territory is also penetrated by the Light side of the Force.

There are countless farms and settlements in the area. Being protected, there are not many enemies in the area. There was a larger empty space in the middle of the area that seemed perfect for the Children of Ashla to build a city out of nowhere for themselves to help their goddess’s entire domain and the people who live here…

This happened in Realspace about a year ago, in Netherworld about twenty to thirty years have passed in this area and out of nowhere a huge capital has been built right in the middle of the Ashla's domain. A lot of different creatures (neutral and light sider only) have moved to the city, and there are also residents from Realpsace, probably not permanent. The Valkyrja and the Shadows are also constantly present in the city and almost all of the Children of Ashla live here.

The city is now a place of safety, thriving and constantly evolving. One thing is for sure, it has been a gem of Ashlan afterlife since it was completed. As with the capital of Valkyrja, everyone here knows that they can come to this place with confidence if they seek protection and help, and those who live here will help and protect them.

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