Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private never say goodbye [solo]


[Current art for Ghost.]

Lockdown hurridly made his way down the hall of the old derelict station of hades corp he shouldn't even be here due to its location within EE space. Opening the door to the old bio lab Standing up and putting on an old set of gear lockdown reached out to the figure. "Frank the heck do you think your doing your body will fall apart if you're not in the calto tank!" The man looked back to Lockdown and smiled the skin around his mouth having long since fallen away. "Afraid to loose all your hard work on putting me back together?" Lockdown seemed hurt by the statement as he took a half step forward. "No i-its not like that.." Frank strapped the old Harm mk 2 armor suit on as the suit wurred to life. "Thats funny because with everything that you have done to me and forced me to keep going I could have sworn I was little more than a science experiment to you."

"I was trying to protect you." frank Scoffed "Protect me why I can handle myself Ty or do you prefer Ashlan crusader lockdown now?! why protect me why not let me die you seem keen on doing that with everyone else?" lockdown. Feel to his knees unable to cry due to his omni drone form but the stuttering and sounds made up for it. "I didn't want to loose you were the first person in 300 years to treat me life a human and not a monster or a tool to be used." Frank Looked to the side away from Ty His thoughts thinking back to when the two first met to the days when everything seemed normal. "damn it kid..." Frank walked over to him hoisted him up to his feet despite the aging cybernetics the mixture of zombie virus from the shadow empire and harbinger drug kept him capable of lifting the heavy metal Lockdown. as her brought the metal man into a hug. "I understand now why you do the things you never got to grow up thrown into a war you couldn't win and made into monster you never asked for, you act like this cold heartless man who wants nothing more that to watch the world burn but inside your just a kid who wants to be cared for and told it will be okay." Lockdowns sobbing if you could call it that started quitting down as he was held by the corpse of his friend. "Im sorry..." Lockdown spoke softly. as Frank patted the mans back.

"I know you are kid, I know, But you have to move if you don't you'll remain the spitefully kid angry at the world that was to hateful and unforgiving. you have the power to change for the better. I know how you feel, lockdown. You are scared; you do not like to feel alone. I know because I, too, have learned these feelings, but it is because you cherish life, that you must protect it. Please, Protect the life I loved. You have the strength. I sensed it. Just let go of the past." The man Ty had called a friend so long let go of him as he backed away from Ty. "your body wont last you have mabie a year or two before you fall apart." lockdown said with a shakey voice before continuing, "How can you be so carefree knowing you will die in such little time?" Frank for the first time in a long while let out a true and full of life chuckle making Lockdown pause and listen. "Lockdown I've lived a long life helped Ingrid in her time of need he saved countless of lives within CIS I saw the humanity in project red and wouldn't leave him behind, I made you feel human and not a monster, I risked my life to protect Children of the protectors and he helped save realspace from the omni god and so much more, so what if I got a year or two left were only mortal Kid were aware that from the day were born to the day we die that our time on this world is short in the grand scheme of things but we make the best of it sure its not always pretty feth, sometimes it downright sucks but that what it means to be human you cant havegood without the asked me once wh cling to my humanity with everything I've been threw."

Frank turned to the window in the room looking out to the stars before him. "Humanity is but a vessel yet to be filled with experience, the loss hardships and termoil are but bridges to the love triumphs and happyness for if we don't experience one we won't make it to the other and without both we won't have our humanity for it's what seperates us from the monsters of what we could be." turning back to lockdown he held out his hand. "promise me something Lockdown, When I'm dead and gone don't cry for me laugh and celebrate the life I lived and try your best to carry on my legacy of helping others will you do that for me." Lcokdown grabbed his friends hand "I promise frank...or do you prefer ghost now?" the man gave a laugh as he put on his helmet heading to the docking bay. "see you later old friend in this life or the next but whatever you do don't say goodbye." Frank stated as he hopped on a shuttle out of there leaving Lockdown in the room to think to himself. "yeah, see you sometime of friend."
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