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Approved NPC Nine

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Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Image Source: http://images-mediaw...03645061734.jpg

Name: Nine

Loyalties: Amnell de Portiers, Caerys Argente - Though begrudgingly so.

Role: Companion, Defender, Assistant in her everyday work

Development Threads:
Days Never End
Protectorate Dominion of Duro
The Queen Trusts My Judgement
When Worlds Collide
Bottoms Up

Age: Exact age unknown - Nine's been through several wipes so pinning down his exact age is a little difficult.

Species: Droid - R9 Unit

Force-Sensitive: No.

Appearance: R9 Unit - Nine is an old unit that was gifted to Amnell. As such he shows a lot of wear and tear externally, such as scratch marks and a bit of rust here and there with paint peeling in places. Internally, Amnell has updated his wiring as well as his programing and regularly repairs him to keep him moving. Nine does break down fairly easily if she doesn't keep him updated.

Personality: He's quirky and eccentric in every way imaginable. Extremely snarky to Amnell as well as Caerys. Though with Caerys there is a certain jealousy in his behavior, afraid that she'll take over his master and take attention away from him. He will defend Amnell with all he has if he feels she is being threatened as well as just generally suspicious of most strangers, and will be more aggressive to try and push them away from her if he feels they do not belong and have her best interests at heart.

Weapon of Choice:

Electric Arc Welder
General Use Fire Extinguisher

These being more improvised weapons that actual weapons and must be employed creatively to really have much effect at all beyond simple distraction or minor wounds.

Wealth: None. It's a droid after all.

Combat Function: Basic defense only, for example attempting to push an enemy away from Amnell, or an electric shock to get someone to back off. Beyond that Nine isn't really capable of much to help. Just generally there to discourage someone away from harming Amnell as she has little to no defense on her own.

Skills: His purpose is to work in and around space vessels a diagnostic and repair unit. He is also able to help Amnell service other droids in simple repairs and things of that nature. Able to slice into computers, to retrieve information if needs be. Though he is slow at this considering he's a much older model. An ancient antique droid really at this point. So slow is to be expected.

He is capable when plugged into a starfighter to act as a monitor for in flight performance and to help manage and deal with technical issues that could arise. He is capable of recording short messages for which to act as a courier for, to deliver to whomever Amnell wishes him to. His sensory package allows for him to scan for electromagnetic, heat, motion and life forms. And lastly equipped with a telescoping video sensor, it allows for him to peer over obstacles.

Notable Possessions: None.

Other Notes:

History: Nine came into Amnell’s possession on Ossus in a deal made with a local patron. He exchanged the R9 droid in return for her repairing his protocol droid. A trade Amnell didn’t mind in the least.

Nine wasn’t operational when she received him, and through tireless work she managed to get him working again. He had no memory when he came to and Amnell never has attempted to retrieve it. She worked to replace his programming, updating him to more current programing. She altered him further, simply for the ease of making him loyal specifically to her, and ensuring that he would protect her as best he can given his limited capabilities in a combat situation. Amnell herself is dying, and Nine simply serves to help her in her everyday tasks around the workshop.

Whem Amnell ran into Caerys on Duros, Nine was most hesitant and untrusting of the killer HRD. However, the HRD had protected her, defended her against harm in a way he was never capable. As the HRD spent more time with his master, as much as he didn’t like the idea Caerys was better capable of helping out Amnell. So, he has begrudgingly accepted the HRD’s role in Amnell’s and his life. Though he still gets jealous of the relationship from time to time.
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