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Approved Lore Nite

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S



  • Organization Name: Nite
  • Classification: Secret Organization / Secret Intelligence Organization
  • Affiliation: House L’lerim | Indirectly: The Primyn Group and The Eternal Empire
  • Organization Symbol: Nite logo, Inner Circle logo
  • Description: The Nite has been around for a long time as its own intelligence network for the Three Clans (now House L’lerim). For a very long time, the organization only operated on Nelvaan, and then as the HPI Consortium gained interest on more and more planets, so did Nite. Not only have they collected data from their own planet, or from the sector and their Faction, but over time, their agents are pretty much everywhere in the Galaxy who are constantly sending a report on what’s going on in the Galaxy. In addition to espionage and intelligence, assassinations are also carried out if necessary. Nite itself is a huge information network in which the connection points are the agents and data can be uploaded or downloaded to this network. Nite's network spans almost the entire Galaxy. The organization is everywhere in secret, they steal technology, collect and grow stronger, evade the dominance of factions, stay in the background for as long as possible.

  • Headquarters: Vengard, Kalidan
  • Domain: Nite and its agents have no specific territory, as it is a secret intelligence group or organization. They usually try to recruit locals on a planet who are not conspicuous at all in that place and know the conditions there. The actual area may be the buildings and interests of the HPI Consortium and its subsidiaries. But because of their workspace, they don’t really have anything like that.
  • Notable Assets:
    • They do not have such assets. Perhaps worth mentioning, they can be contacted through the buildings of the HPI Consortium for those who know of their existence.
    • Nite's information network, which is encrypted, is hidden behind countless other data and images that are not important at all, making them even harder to find and decrypt. Agents can access these data and images using HoloNet, KPLink, DarkNet and the CryptNet 2.0, where they are hidden so that only those for whom they are intended can find them.

  • Hierarchy: The Nite is led by an Inner Circle, they have six and a honorary leader, i.e. a total of seven people. In essence, they make up a smaller Council. They are the ones who discuss the news, appreciate the information they receive. They decide whether to accept the orders received or not. By the way, each leader is responsible for a part of the Galaxy, analyzing and reviewing the news there. There are agents under the Inner Circle, the agents almost never know each other, at most the person who recruited them into Nite. Agents access Nite’s information network and receive their own identities from the organization. Below the agents are the informants, or contacts, who make up a good 95% of the organization. They also have no idea about Nite, nor that they work for the organization.
    Everyone sends the data to their superiors, who forward it after systematization to their network. And so on until it reaches the inner circle.
  • Membership: Not knowing the exact numbers is likely to be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands (possibly more) of people involved in Nite. True, most of these probably don’t even know who they work for. They don’t know who they’re selling information to. There are very few who actually know that they are members of the organization. Anyone can join the organization through recruitment. Appropriate individuals observe the planet or planets under them and, based on the reports or their own observation, select those who may be suitable for the task. They have members everywhere, from criminals to the highest circles. They don’t have to be spies either, it’s just enough to keep their eyes and ears open. Members who know that they are members of the organization and not just provide information to Nite have other responsibilities. They really have agent status. Each Nite agent has a perfect camouflage that allows she/he to position herself/himself in a given area, perform normal services, and live their own life. From time to time, agents are given assignments and regularly pass on the information they gain to their superiors, who are the most trained and qualified people on Nite.
  • Climate: It is a secret organization where the majority of members do not even know that they are members of the organization. Each member also has their own work, in addition to providing Nite with the information they collect. Given that they don’t know who they work for - 99% - so they can get out of here at any time, they don’t sell any more information, they don’t report. However, those who are of higher rank know more and more about how the organization works. The higher a person’s rank, the harder it is to leave the organization alive. So anyone who gets high enough and betrays Nite can expect to not survive long.
  • Reputation: Given that the organization is known only in certain circles, it is not widely known, so they have a reputation only in these circles. However, it is very good there. They can provide accurate and up-to-date information about almost anywhere in the Galaxy very quickly, or find - or kill - the target they are looking for. True, they work at a fairly high price, this is well known about them, but there is no task they would not perform with the utmost care from what they are entrusted with. Their information is always accurate, perfect and prudent. And if someone has to be killed, they are also fast and accurate. And their customers are always happy to entrust Nite with new tasks.
  • Curios: Those who are already in agent status, so they are aware of the existence of the organization, can access Nite's own network, where they can upload information and data, and also access and download data according to their own rank. In this information network lies the true power of Nite. In addition, it creates a unique background for each Nite agent (who becomes an agent from the informant) to fit into the specific environment in which he or she will work. Anyone who gets agent status will also receive assassin and spy training from the organization.
  • Rules: One of the most important cornerstones of an organization is confidentiality. No one can talk about the organization to unauthorized people, nor about their goals at all. To the outside world - who already knows about them - it must be preserved that it is only an intelligence and assassination organization. Because of this, the rules are also simple, anyone who breaks this will die. Or it falls into the hands of one of the Sith Lords in the Organization and probably ends up as a mindless sithspawn.
  • Goals: Their goals are even more mysterious than the organization itself. Given that only the six inner circle people know about this, not even the honorary leader. By the way, their main goal is mostly a distorted world domination, which can be achieved through information. They try to achieve all this through blackmail, payoff and such methods in order to hold power in their hands. However, this is a very long and distant goal, mainly due to the influence of Curse. Otherwise, the current, actual goals are the constant flow of fresh information through the Nite system and always knowing what’s going on in the Galaxy.
  • Honorary Leader
    The honorary leader, in fact, only symbolizes that she is the leader of the House L’lerim and the Inner Circle report to her, when needed. But on top of that, because of her positions in the Eternal Empire, she doesn’t perform an actual task at Nite. However, she can access any data, just like the Inner Circle.
    • Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal: she was given the first actual noble rank, so Ingrid was able to establish the L'lerim dynasty with her husband. She is the third man of the Empire, obliged only to the Emperor, and she has enormous political influence over the entire Eternal Empire. [ PC ]

  • Inner Circle
    The inner circle consists of the highest rank within Nite. The Organization has six leaders who have essentially full power over the Organization. They are the ones who get access to all the information and have access to everything. They decide on orders whether to accept them or reject them. They also issue orders to agents. Without them, the organization would probably cease to exist as well.
    • Steph Hyrrokkin-L’lerim: She has been a member of the Inner Circle for a long time, the actual leader of Nite. She has known about the organization since she was a child, she has always been a member, so it’s no surprise that she’s gotten into that position with time. More information from her in the House L’lerim thread.
    • Nava Ragal: Publicly a member of the High Command of the Three Clans / House L’lerim, but secretly he is the Nite second-in-command. Steph has taught and trained the young man since he was very young. Confidence in the direction of both of them stands on stable feet. The man looks flammable and not very smart to the outside observer, but that’s the appearance. He is perfect to fill this position. More information from him in the House L’lerim thread.
    • Hall’a Hyrrokkin-L’lerim: Hall'a is Steph's twin sister and chieftain of the Hyrrokkin clan. She is the largest and most powerful Force user in the three clans. Thanks to her, the Nite has a relationship with the Primyn Group, as the woman is also involved in an organization like one of the Archons in the Inner Circle there. She joined Nite at the same time as her twin sister, though she only joined the Inner Circle a little later. More information from her in the House L’lerim thread.
    • Curse: A powerful Sith Lord who is a master of shadow games. He also has several personal interests in the HPI Consortium. Among other things, he is one of the executives of one of HPI Consortium’s subsidiaries, Spear. While he’s not the leader within Nite, his influence on the organization is as great as Steph’s. The man was corrupt, probably came from the Sith Empire. The Inner Circle still knows all that it is a shape-shifter, and he is a good alchemist and sorcerer, but otherwise a very mysterious and mystical figure about whom little is known.
    • Unknown
    • Unknown

  • Honorary Members / Allies
    They are the people who know about the organization because of their rank and influence, even if they are not members of the organization. They are ranked above the agents, although they cannot personally access Nite’s information network, they must request for the information. But for them, Nite releases almost any information and does any work.
    Known members:
    • AMCO AMCO : The young Dark Counselor earned this title within Nite as the First Archon of the Primyn Group. The Primyn Groupis one of the largest employers in the organization, thanks to the fact that one of the Inner Circle members of Nite is also an Archon there.
    • Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco : Xanesh also learned about Nite through the Primyn Group, where the woman is also Archon. She has recently entrusted the secret organization with several tasks and has supported them with a lot of money in the greatest secrecy. With that, she earned an honorary membership.

  • Agents
    The agents, they already know about the organization, they get spy / agent and assassin training as well. They can already organize others or get a task. If necessary, they were also given a new background from Nite so that they could do their job better. They already have access to the Nite network according to their rank, where they can not only upload information but also download it if they need.
    Known members:
    • Kessia Miran Kessia Miran : Ingrid's bodyguard, servant and doubler, when necessary she shall replace the Baroness. She is a shape-shifter sithspawn.
    • Mordaen Moldenson: Tubrok Ragal’s best friend. Although his connection to Nite is not known to the man either. He was also organized by Steph when Mordaen was still living in exile at Christophsis. He is still an active member of Nite, mainly supplying information from higher circles. More information from him in the House L’lerim thread.

  • Informants / contacts
    Informants and contacts, they do not know about the existence of the organization. They are just the people there are very many of them, roughly 95% of the organization is made up of these people. They only sell information, but they don’t know who they’re doing all this to. They do not receive an advantage (but no disadvantage) in addition to a substantially constant source of income.
    Known members:
    • No known member.


Nite was founded centuries earlier, but then only as a simple little tiny intelligence group who worked for Clan L’lerim. At this time, they did nothing but spy on the Nelvaan about the other clans and protect the clan from outside attacks. So they did what was needed in a place like this. This condition has persisted for a very long time, quite accurately until recent decades.

As the companies were established, not to mention the HPI Consortium, Nite also began to reorganize, by which time they had already begun working for the Consortium, which meant they had begun to expand, as the HPI Consortium had done the same. It was then that the organization actually took the first steps in the direction it eventually became today. Their responsibilities and tasks did not change either, although they had already started industrial espionage and technological theft by this time.

As such an organization did not necessarily work with pure methods, the goal was efficiency. The greatest expansion has taken place in recent decades, beginning before, during and after the clan wars. By the time these occurred, the organization was already present outside the CIS territory. As many HPI Consortium subsidiaries also had interests in other factions, they began collecting information in those factions as well. They contacted countless individuals to buy information from them and recruited several trusted agents.

So by the time the Eternal Empire was founded, Nite was working the way it does now. All this in the utmost secret, they are everywhere, but know nothing about their plans, members and goals. The agents don’t know each other either, so no one would look for them. If someone is captured by a faction because of their built-up and received identity from Nite, those individuals can be tied to completely random interests, states, or companies, but not to Nite.

Curse also entered the Inner Circle during these years, he is thinking in a rather aggressive way about information acquisition and expansion. Thanks to him, it all happened so fast and big. After the Primyn Group, gained a great deal of influence in the TSE territory and one of the Inner Circle members became one the Archons there, the relationship between the two organizations could begin, which is still very close to this day.

However, Nite does not advertise that it exists, very few people know about it and they are embarrassingly paying attention to make sure it stays that way. The information network was also improved during this expansion. Nowadays, they try to be there on every planet, if not with agents - as it would be quite physically demanding - but they try to compensate for this with informants and contacts.

Because the private sector is too large, in addition to espionage, counter espionage and intelligence, they also take on assassination missions if necessary. The most important thing, however, is to always stay in the shadows and almost no one learns about their existence. Whoever needs them will sooner or later find them anyway, so that the customer has no idea who they did the work with.

After Clan L'lerim became a noble house, the leader of the House L’lerim also became the honorary leader of Nite.​
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