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Approved Starship NIV Ferrata | Highlord-class Star Dreadnought

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  • Extreme armament
  • Extreme defenses
  • Cloaking systems
  • HIMS
  • KriegsGeist enhanced encounter protocols
  • Very Low maneuverability, difficult to adjust position in combat
  • Large Profile
  • Wedge Shape/Design = Exposed aft and engines
  • Bulk of firepower positional (Fixed Forward)
Following the end of the Third Imperial Civil War, the New Imperial Military began to implement its plans to modernize the Imperial war machine which had been ailed by nearly a decade of total war, resulting in a great deal of its military equipment and technology in a state of disrepair and expiration, the same went the way of the Imperial Navy. While Prefsbelt Command continued to maintain a steady flow of Imperial war ships, the destruction of Csilla and the fall of the Sith Empire neccessitated the expansion of a vital component to the Imperial Navy. Dreadnoughts. Dreadnoughts were vital in projecting power over several sectors of local space, a doctrine vital in the early days of the New Imperial Order when the rushed to completion 'Dissident Aggressor' served as an early deterrent to encroaching Sith Imperial or Pirate fleets budding in on the whelpling New Imperial space.

This doctrine has long helped to keep the vital Braxant Run clear of external threats, even through the persistent Third Imperial Civil War. However, with Chiss space in a state of disarray and the growing threat of the apocalyptic Brotherhood of the Maw replacing the known evils of the Sith Empire, in his final year of service, the Sovereign Imperator Irveric Tavlar commissioned the construction of another Star Dreadnought to be placed under the command of the Lord Executor Rurik Fel. While Fel had never requisitioned the vessel, it was known he was often 'punching above his weight class' in his rotation of high tempo deployments of the Imperial Knights First Crusade Fleet into Sith Imperial, allied Silver Jedi and now Sith Remnant space, conducting flurries of skirmishes and raids to hemorrhage the strategic capabilities of the enemy whilst also being able to provide a high alert response time that allowed for the New Imperial Order to fend off the Sith Empire in their attempt to retake Bastion in the wake of a defeated Tavlar's absence. While Fel had proven several times over he could operate proficiently without a flagship of the proposed caliber of the 'Ferrata', analytics and systems simulations conducted by the New Imperial Navy's Special Projects Division determined the addition of a vessel in comporable task and purpose of the Dissident Aggressor would not only improve the Crusade Fleet's combat proficiency but its ability to strike deeper into enemy territory.

Thus, the New Imperial Navy began construction of the vessel in 865 ABY following Fel's successful intervention on the Bryn'adul invasion of Silver Jedi controlled Sev Tok. While the 'Ferrata' was slated to complete construction in 866 ABY in time to participate in the closing phases of the Pentastar Operation, ultimately, the last taken against the Sith Empire- the destruction of Csilla forced several aspects of the ship to undergo redesign and retooling. In particular- it needed to be able to target, hunt and destroy the superweapons and dreadnoughts employed by the Brotherhood of the Maw.

Whilst several designers suggested prizing maneuverability, ultimately, Rurik Fel's own personal intervention in the design sought the ability to be a gap closer unlike vessels of comparable scale in that Fel banked on the ability of himself and his knights to lead boarding actions unto these vessels- genuinely believing in the ability to manually disarm and disable essential systems than to try and target them externally, citing the immense reflection and armor capabilities of Sith dreadnoughts encountered in the Third Imperial Civil War. What resulted was a ship able to close the gap, survive broadside and close range encounters while also being able to target and destroy from a distance with the use of the ever devestating 'Starbreaker' class kinetic gun.

In 869 ABY, only months after Rurik Fel's ascension to the position of Sovereign Imperator, the NIV Ferrata was completed and entered New Imperial service.

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H P I - A I
Factory Judge
Rurik Fel Rurik Fel

Very nicely made submission, and cool ship! However I found three problems:
  • The Nanolaminate Plating's permission is not good, you linked the simple company page. Please link the proper permission, if you don't have, please ask one.
  • One remark, since January the SSD's has +1 point. So if you want you can add this extra point to your submission.
    A unique SSD is permitted one extra point when balancing.
  • Please specify the hyperdrive's speed with a number.
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