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Private Noble Intentions


"The stories of the Temple had been here for long before I was born. So...I dunno." Jonyna admitted. "I looked into the archives on Coruscant a while back. No mention of it there, so...maybe it was a different sect? Like the Green Jedi on Corellia, ya know?"

Valery could spot a small staircase off to the side. Clearly meant to be the only way up, it lead to one of the balconies, ghosts walking it like it was nothing. It was strange, none of the ghosts looked...old. Some were adults, some padawans, some younglings. But no masters, at least as far as they could tell. No one looked older than 40.

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"That's possible," Valery said as she hummed in thought. "We'll have to ask them about it. I'd like to try and learn as much as we can, and perhaps update our databases." As long as the spirits were okay with that, of course. She would understand if they preferred their Temple to remain hidden and limit its access, even for other Jedi.

But she hoped that wouldn't be the case.

"First, let's introduce ourselves." Valery had spotted the one way up and casually walked there. If these spirits were former Jedi, they would be harmless. Inviting, perhaps. She took the staircase and greeted some of the spirits around her with a kind smile, while she watched them with curious eyes.

Just who were they?

"Do you think there's a hierarchy here? Or do they all just come and go?"


The spirits of the younglings she passed seemed to look at Valery in awe. One froze in place, like they were looking at a legend.

"I couldn't tell ya..." Jonyna said, following behind. It was strange, the sight of ghosts of the past just walking like it was a normal day...

As they reached the top, a knight of Bothan origin, approached the two.

"Ah, visitors. It has been a while!" He smiled. "You find us on a bad day, unfortunately. The Master is out. Can I help you though?"

"Uhhh...sure. What is this place?"
Jonyna inquired.

"Ah! This is the Temple of Fate. Where the jedi who fell during the Great Purge of Cathar can persist, and guide those who seek us out."

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"Either they're amazed to see the living, or they recognize me," Valery said as they passed by some younglings. If they recognized her, it meant these spirits were of people who came after her. Perhaps Jedi of the High Republic era, or maybe even beyond that. Whenever they were from, Valery was eager to learn more about them and their stories. Perhaps it'd offer guidance about how to address the Galaxy's current issues.

Either way, it seemed they'd have their answer soon.

A Bothan Knight approached the two Jedi and offered some answers. These were Jedi from the purge on Cathar? Valery frowned at the thought but smiled again when she realized these people had made peace with it.

No need for her to be upset on their behalf.

"Why was it built all the way up here? It's not easy to reach,"


"The people of this planet believed in the harmony of nature. When the jedi arrived to build this temple, we promised not to disturb that. So, instead of building within the jungle or savannah, we chose this peak. A place where no life would be disturbed, and where the jedi could watch over the planet in peace." The Bothan smiled. "You are Grandmaster Noble, yes? It's a pleasure to finally meet you. The Wellspring watches over all who call themselves Jedi, and your light has shined quite bright over all those who have."

Jonyna chuckled, looking to Val with a slight smirk. "The Cathar have a bit of a thing for legacy. Had you been born here, you'd probably have your own tree, let alone one mural."

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"That's very kind of you," Valery said with a warm smile and even a gentle blush touching her cheeks. She wasn't one to ask for the spotlight, and too much appreciation made her uncomfortable, but these kind words did make her smile. The Temple and its story were just as wonderful, too. Built on this peak so it would not disturb mother nature. It was true to the heart of the Jedi, and respectful to the people and animals who lived on this planet.

She felt satisfied with the answer, so now she wanted to figure out a way forward.

"We'd like to look into Jedi returning here. It's quite far from our typical reach, but perhaps we can allow Jedi to make journeys here." Temples that were close to enemy territory were treated differently. She wouldn't place younglings there, and kept the Jedi presence limited to those who had the means to travel alone and protect themselves.

Just as a precaution.


"Oh? Well...we can't exactly stop you." The Bothan joked. "We'd be happy to allow the new generation to use this temple. You will find that some of our technology need of upgrading to the modern standard, I'm sure, but the archives are still viable! Perhaps I can allow you to meet Master Hara. She is usually sparse in her appearances, as she finds little reason to return from the Wellspring at times. But she is around when those need her!"

" that the same Master Hara who the man on the waterfall mentioned?" Jonyna inquired.

"Ah! You met Knight Apalic. He used to love that waterfall, his spirit finds home there, we've found."

That got a snort out of Jonyna. Val could recognize the word for 'Lazy'.

"Yes, that is our master. She was the keeper of this temple when the Mandalorians came down. Her saber was the last to fall, but the first to engage."

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"I don't know if we'll make any changes to the Temple," Valery said with a chuckle, "Not without permission, anyway. But if you welcome Jedi visiting, I'd be happy if we could make sure that the Temple provides what people need." If only spirits lived here now, there was likely no food supply and any landing pad to bring in supplies would be long gone as well. The climb up was fun and interesting, but there had to be a quicker way to the top in case of emergencies and to bring in supplies.

Things to think about later.

"I'd love to meet her," Valery said when he brought up Master Hara. "I'm sure we can learn much from her." About the Temple, but also about what happened here and how they could bring new life to this sanctuary for the Jedi.


"Let me give you the tour then!" The knight smiled, leading them into the temple. "Of course, this is the main courtyard. We use it to observe the planet below, and sometimes we get these really nice rain showers that wash over the courtyard. Inside, we have the lobby. Like I said, it'll bee refurbishment, but it's nice and open."

Inside, the lobby was...large. Valery could see old jedi mantras carved into the walls as decoration, and in the back, at the top of a small staircase, the old symbol of the jedi carved out as a large window, that shined the symbol down on the lobby floor perfectly. "To the left is the training wing. It's where the padawans and younglings used to live, and where our dojo is. To the right," He led them right, into a long hall. "Our library wing. The archives are down to the left, as well as our meditation room. The archives of our time might be...a bit out of date, but I hope they provide a snapshot of what our life was." He smiled, leading them into a small room, that shined with a white glow. "Here, is our crystal room. It's why the temple was chosen on this spot on the mountain."

Jonyna took a moment to marvel at the many white crystals that lined the walls, a feint but notable feeling of the Light Side shining off them.

"Tiger's Fangs!" Jonyna smiled. "I got one of these for Rayia...I thought they only grew near Hope's Cradle..."

"Used to, yes." The bothan added.
"That's where we'll be heading next. The thing that keeps this temple alive..."

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"While some things are perhaps a little outdated, everything looks quite nice still," Valery mused as they explored various areas throughout the Temple. In terms of layout, it shared a lot of similarities with other Jedi Temples. It honored the history of the Jedi with statues and art, it had areas to train and learn, and more than enough room for Jedi to stay, regardless of age, experience, or species. This had once been a home to many, and in a certain way, it still was.

"Does this Temple still get maintained by someone?" Valery asked to finish her line of thought. "I'm not sure how long ago the last living Jedi visited, but the Temple still holds up today." She looked at the spirit that guided them and offered a smile. If this Temple had been his home, she knew he'd appreciate the compliment.

She always felt warm when others spoke positively of New Cov.

Soon, the two Jedi were shown the crystals along the walls. It reminded her of the caves on Ilum, but these weren't ordinary Kyber crystals. She knew little of Tiger's Fang, but they sure were beautiful.

"These crystals are why you're all still here at the Temple? That's quite remarkable."


As if on queue, A D-1 droid rolled past Val.

"Yes, the temple has been maintained by the droids that once were our loyal friends. And while they can't see us, or interact with us, they follow the programming they once held. The mandalorians didn't seem to bother destroying them." The ghost smiled. "But to answer your question, no, the crystals are not what help us persist."

He led them into a chamber, Val immediately feeling it. The glow of the Light. While no true nexus, she could feel it. The intertwining of life and death. As they got into the chamber itself, a small tree that seemed to glow blue sat there. It was only a few feet high, not even reaching Val's head, but it glowed with the Light. And in front of it, a woman sat in old robes. Robes that Val would recognize of that of a Consular. Clearly a Cathar with her long white mane, she sat staring in meditation at the tree.

"Master? We have guests."

"Tell them to go away. We don't need more cathar padawans looking for guidance only to fall to the dark side." She said curtly, clearly having grown cynical in her long years.

Jonyna couldn't help but clear her throat, causing the woman to let out a groan, and look to the two. "I said...ah. A knight and a master." She said, looking to the two, up and down, before looking unimpressed. "Why did you come? To prove the legend real? Plenty of others have done so, or have your elders kept the myth alive for this long? Silly of them. The temple has been here for generations, and generations have made the trek. What do you seek the gain?"

Jonyna looked to Val, puzzled. Gain? "Um...a home? A place for us to study the past?"

"You won't find it here. Do not take me for ignorant of current affairs. We are once again under the thumb of the Mandalorians. Just like we were before, and have been. The Imperials are on our galactic doorstep as well. Why here?"

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery offered the little droids that roamed around a quick smile, but her true focus wasn't on Temple maintenance plans. She was curious about these spirits and how they were able to wander for so long. There was a particular journey at the Wellspring of Life that allowed Jedi who were ready to retain their spirits after their physical bodies passed away. But that never occurred in numbers quite like this.

Something unique was happening here.

Valery got her answer soon, as they were led to a different chamber. The Force flowed easily in there, and she could tell just how strongly it connected to the tree in the center. Considering the planet and its landscape, it only made sense that something so unique stemmed from a tree. But it wasn't just a tree that caught Valery's attention.

"There's a reason these Mandalorians haven't broken anything down. They aren't the same as the crusaders who once attacked your world," Valery began, but she knew it'd be a touchy subject for Cathars. "We're not wanting to gain anything beyond knowledge and insight into history. Perhaps a place for Jedi to visit when they need to connect with the Light." She briefly eyed Jonyna with a smile and added, "We're also able to protect it. As you said, a dangerous Empire is right at the border."


"I cannot allow the Imperials to bombard us like the sith have Mandalore. This temple has-"

"So you'd just sit idly and let them move past you?" Jonyna shot back, showing her impulsive tendencies.

"This temple was put in my care, Knight. I will not let it be ransacked a second time."

"Then you're a pretty shit jedi." Jonyna snarled.

"Excuse me?"

"You call yourself a master, and yet you sit idly as people who could benefit from your temple are pushed away. The Empire is on Cathar's doorstep once again, and we have a place here we can use to protect the people of this planet. To inspire hope in them. For centuries now, since your death, we lived in fear of when the next genocide would come. I can't stand it anymore. I refuse to any longer. Being a jedi means you stand selflessly against the darkness as a beacon of light. You hide away, holding onto the past. I can't anymore. I let go of my mandalorian hate. I fought Mia Monroe Mia Monroe like a true Cathar, on Uwanja Dom Ushindi, and buried the axe in the ground. Ended our-" Jonyna used a word that Valery Noble Valery Noble could only comprehend as 'blood feud', though it didn't seem to have a Basic equivalent. It clearly meant something more, as the Master was taken aback by this revelation.

" ended it? You spoke for our people of your own volition?"

"I had to. Because if I didn't, no one would. The Mandalorians have instilled a great fear into all who still live here. Someone had to stand up and speak for the tribes. I did."

"...then what Master Noble says is true." The Cathar Master of old looked to Val, concerned.
"Do you believe that the Imperials are truly a threat to this temple? To Cathar?"




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

There wasn't much Valery needed or wanted to add.

She crossed her arms underneath her chest and listened to Jonyna. This was a matter about her people and their relationship to the Mandalorians, and even the imperials. She could give her own perspective, as a Jedi, but Jonyna was already letting go of the past herself to do just that.

When the Jedi Master finally addressed Valery, she did speak up, "They're a threat to far more than just Cathar. If they reach this planet, the Temple and much of these forests will burn. From there, other worlds will be devastated just the same. But if you allow us to travel here, we might be able to help."

As much as she wanted to, she couldn't make any promises. Cathar wasn't in Alliance territory, so the Jedi could help but they'd be acting on their own and on Mandalorian terms.

If they decided to follow those.


"...then we need to open it up to the jedi once more." She said with a heavy sigh. "...Master Noble, my temple is yours once more. Let that be known. I only ask one thing of you." She offered a soft, if slightly sly smile.
"Do not let the padawans go running around idly anymore. We already have a problem with the younglings doing that in spirit. This temple is old, and I would rather not we go back to the days where children were drawing on it's walls."

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"Drawing on walls is the least of my concerns. The edge of a cliff isn't that far away from this Temple." The climb had been challenging, but she didn't even want to think about someone falling down accidentally. If Padawans were to travel here, they'd have to be careful and some rules would be in place to protect them.

"I think some oversight will be needed, too." Either a Jedi who visited regularly, or perhaps even the droids that were already taking care of the Temple.

Something or someone to keep Jedi from drawing on walls or causing trouble.

"Perhaps Knight Si would like to help oversee efforts here?"




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"We wouldn't have found this Temple without you," Valery replied before she turned to the other Cathar and nodded, "She's also right. It would be good for this Temple to have a native overseeing it." Jonyna could report back to the Council about what happened here, and she'd make sure that Jedi who visited understood the planet, respected it, and were able to travel to the Temple safely.

That was going to be her first priority — creating a safe way to get up here.

"Is that something you're willing to do, Knight Si?"


"I....I guess. I mean, you have your temple on New Cov, yeah? It'd be nice to..."

Oh Sylvar, give me strength. Her own temple? Her own place to call home? The planet itself was already home, but a temple?

Take charge. Be a leader.

"...I'll do it." She smiled. "Thank you Master Noble for the chance." It wasn't often she called Val by her formal title. Val had become a friend since joining the order, since first falling flat on her face in front of her. But it was moments like this she felt the need to honor her.

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"Of course," Valery said with a chuckle, "I know it can be daunting task, but you're not solely responsible for the entire Temple and all Jedi who visit. It'll be your duty to oversee the Temple and make sure that important matters are being handled or being communicated to the Council. But you'll have help." Even the New Cov Temple wasn't just under Valery's jurisdiction. The Council as a whole was ultimately responsible that all Temples were safe.

Having someone to oversee the day-to-day just made that far easier.

"First, make sure that this Temple is actually safe. Not that I don't trust the droids who have been working here, but it doesn't hurt to do a thorough check. Then we'll have to get some shuttles over to keep Jedi from having to climb up. That's just not an option, especially not for initiates and Padawans."


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