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Approved Tech Nomad Marine Jetpack

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Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition

  • Intent: Create a standard issue marine jetpack for the Nomadic People’s Coalition for use in hard vacuum and atmosphere.
  • Image Source: (X) modified by Heath Valhoun
  • Canon Link: (X)
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  • Primary Source: (X) (X)
  • Multiple Control Methods - this jetpack recognizes multiple flight control configurations. It can be controlled by voice commands, it can interpret leg movements into flight instructions, or it can receive flight data from a wrist device. If the operator has a Holy Communion Neural Implant and is wearing a spacesuit that has the Angel Navis Operating System installed, the jetpack can be controlled via neural interface through the operating system.
  • Radiation Shielding - while the device itself is perfectly resilient to radiation damage, it also utilizes a Radiation Deflection Badge to provide the operator with moderate radiation protection.
  • Vacuum and atmosphere capabilities - it can perform extremely well in atmosphere and depressurized environments very well.
  • Fuel Reserves - this jetpack can sustain constant thrust for 40 - 60 minutes, depending on flight conditions.
  • High Performance - this jetpack is extremely fast and agile, allowing the user to achieve high mobility.
  • Combat Protection - the ECM Suite, the Energy Shield, and the Radiation Deflection Badge offer limited combat protection for the operator.
  • Rag doll - the device is simply too small to incorporate an effective inertial compensator, so the operator must be careful when accelerating or maneuvering at high “G”s. If the operator is not careful, they risk experiencing black-outs, red-outs, whiplash, or other bodily injuries.
  • “Knock Knock” - since the Nomad Marine Jetpack uses ION engines for propulsion, it is not very stealthy to sensors or average ears. You might as well announce your arrival with a trumpet band.
As the Sparky Mk IV M-series Jetpack was based on “Ol’ Sparky”, the Nomad Marine Jetpack is a step even further in the right direction. After the Sparky Mk IV was a huge success in the Elysium Empire navy, Viken Dobson got his hands on the blueprints and began to improve on Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ’s old designs even further. The end result was a considerable improvement in absolutely every conceivable way.

The Nomad Marine Jetpack is faster, tougher, has more features, and is ironically cheaper to mass produce than its predecessors. For this reason, it is being released on the open market to generate considerable revenue for Dar’Manda Industries.

The most prominent improvement was the increased fuel efficiency. Whereas the Sparky Mk IV and Ol’ Sparky could achieve 10 - 20 minutes of constant thrust depending on flight conditions, the Nomad Marine Jetpack is capable of 40 - 60 minutes in the same scenarios.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

I don't know why you posted this in the vehicle section. This is a simple technology, not a vehicle. Not to mention, because you can use it in the space, according to the rules this is a space ship. So I move it to the Technology creation section. And please modify your template there and use the Basic Technology template.
And the Elysium Empire's name is not valid anymore, the faction changed their name. So please edit this one too.
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