Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion North and South | EE Dominion of Absit




Not all planets are easy to occupy, there are places that join voluntarily, other planets have to be conquered. And there are places where half of the planet would willingly join and the other wants to remain independent. The two halves of the planet are at war with each other, and ironically, those who, on the other hand, do not meet the requirements and expectations of the Eternal Empire, because they support slavery, would rather join; the perfect candidate is the one who wants to remain independent. This world was the Absit.

Much has changed since the planet was last part of the First Order. In the northern part, the coalition of cities industrialized rapidly and with the help of a large number of slaves, huge industrial areas were created. They are the ones who love the Imperial trend and would gladly be part of an empire again for protection and the hope of technological advancement. The leader of the coalition, Ethin Sawyer, despite wanting to join the Eternal Empire, he does not want to hear about the abolition of slavery. And the Eternal Empire not accept the slavery.

In the southern part there are huge agricultural areas, the coalition of the cities here supplies the planet with food. However, not so long ago, after the fall of the First Order, the battle between the North and the South became more serious. The south refuses to recognize slavery and works with droids, but the north constantly kidnaps the people of the south to work in the factories. Ayana Ravic, the leader of the coalition, is becoming more and more hopeless, as she wants to remain independent, but there seems to be less and less chance of doing so.

With the intervention of the Eternal Empire, how will the war between North and South end?



Objective 1: Uprising
Ethin Sawyer informed the emissaries that he refused to give up slavery in the North and that their coalition would not switch to using droids, as slaves were much more efficient and cheaper. Of course, this is not the case, but they want to make their superiority and power felt. The Eternal Empire did not accept all of this naturally, and secretly, during the past months, they helped the rebels among the slaves. And now it was time for the slave uprising to begin, to overthrow the rule of Ethin Sawyer and his family in the coalition and free the slaves.

Objective 2: Festival and Ambush
While a slave uprising is happening in the north, the more peaceful southerners are holding a festival to thank the planet and nature for the bountiful harvest and harvest. The Eternal Empire is also invited to this event, hoping to convince them of the planet's independence, in exchange for food, of course. During this festival where one can relax, news arrives that the Northmen have attacked one of the largest cities and its warehouse districts.
The Imperials who are present here, can choose to stay and enjoy the festival (having not heard of the attack) or go and help the Southerners, hoping to get the Southerners to finally agree to join peacefully.

Objective 3: Great Hunt
At this time of year, it is not only the harvest that the locals are used to remembering; but at this time, they also used to keep larger hunts. For those who are not interested in festivals or uprisings, they are also hunting for a number of points on the planet. On the hunt everyone can prove their skills, talents and resilience. Who go hunting can also fight each other or chase local animals, possibly creatures brought from the outside world in the terrain of their choice. The most popular location is a huge mountain range where rancors and nexu-like creatures live.

Objective 4: The Imperator
The Eternal Empire had previously gained control of Belsavis and defeated the rebel forces there. After that, the Imperator returned to the planet from exile, who in turn lost his power, but the young woman wants to get it back. Thus, new diplomatic negotiations begin between the two parties, in order to achieve a fruitful result for both sides.

Objective 5: Bring Your Own Objective (BYOO)
There could be countless other tasks/narratives on the planet and in the hex. Exploring and examination of the planet, exploring ancient ruins, possibly searching for older Rebel or First Order facilities, contacting the locals and all that could be listed. The point is to make everyone have fun.

OOC: The thread is earlier in time, than the Panatha junction.

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: To help with the slave uprising
Location: Capital, North Coalition, Absit
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Writing With: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I think it's no secret what I hate the most in the galaxy; that is slavery. So it probably will not surprise anyone that I reacted immediately when the Eternal Empire sent a message about such a problem on a planet that was the next stop for their expansion. As it turned out, they had been secretly helping to build an uprising among the slaves who wanted to be free for months. And the uprising's mission entered its final stage.

The task was not too complicated, to help the slaves to overthrow the rule of the coalition, who keep them oppressed and exploit the slaves. They just wanted to be free again. And if it's over with me, they'll be free again. Was this an influence of the First Order or something else? I couldn't really find an answer to that in the files, but it wasn't that important. The point is that the kidnapped persons, the slaves, can return home to the southern region, to the agricultural area.

I found the planet interesting, but I didn't go to celebrate or have fun. Slavery was something where I knew no joke about, and I had no mercy for the slaveholders or slavetraders. Maybe I'm overreacting? It is possible, but I was once a slave; in fact, I was a slave for a significant part of my life. A Sith, or Dark Side Force user, killed my parents for their companies, money and property, and kept me as a slave. I was three or four years old. Later, when I was a young adult, I killed him.

But that didn't change my opinion, I still hated slavery and took action against it whenever I had the chance. I had a chance today. That's why I travelled south from Evaar'la Yaim to the planet in question. Even before arriving, I received the coordinates of where I should meet the others, as well as the people of the uprising. Since it was important to look scary today, I came in Mandalorian armour, although pink-tinged armour isn't necessarily too scary.

I came to the planet as a professional bounty hunter, what I was actually; I didn't want to raise too much suspicion in anyone; however, after that, I went to the agreed place carefully, watching so that no one would follow me. I seemed to be the first in the abandoned warehouse. Now I just had to wait for the others to start the action and the uprising.



Location: Warehouse meeting place
Objective: To help overthrow slavers
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Knife on ankle
Ladies Watch order body glove
FDS-4F blaster pistol in thigh holster
Several thermal detonators

Mairéad strolled along then street with her buy'ce clipped to her belt and her cloak pulled up around her, trying to remain discreet. She had no reason to be followed, she had done nothing since her arrival to warrant suspiscion, but she took care, and instructed. Mairéad had heard that a Cadera was taking a lead in this mission, so even despite the fact the the ex-slave had many personal reasons to seek to punish the slavers, it was nice to be able to represent her clan in support of a friendly house. She took one last drag on her Ivory before crushing out the burning end between her fingers and flicking the but into a nearby bin.

It wasn't much further to the warehouse where the others would meet her, she reached down and thumbed her pistol, checking that it was loaded and ready. Mai was still getting used to having the armour's weaponry so knowing her pistol was there with her reassured her. One of her light sabers was safely stowed in her calf compartment, the other was clipped to the small of her back, another measure to hopefully make her appear more non-descript.

The woman approached the door and took one look around her before ducking inside to see who was there. There was someone else there already, ( Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera ) stood waiting, her sigil marking her out as Cadera. Mairéad was careful to ensure she was obviously a friend approaching as no doubt the other woman would be on high alert. Mairéad dropped her cloak off of her shoulders so the sigil of Solus was obvious. Without her helmet Silhanna might recognise her too, despite Mairéad not being aware the two had met previously. "Hey, I'm Mairéad Solus!" she rapped on own her chestplate gently with her fingers "Things have changed a lot since I last went on one of these excursions." she grinned "But my desire to hunt slavers is as fierce as ever, I hope I can help today."

Last edited:
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Politics and more politics
Location: Aboard the ENS Crimson Empress, Unknown Location, Eternal Empire's space
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Imperator Sarilia Ellwin Imperator Sarilia Ellwin | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Mykel Fellheart Mykel Fellheart | Open
[ Master of Puppets ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The Eternal Empire had already gained control of Belsavis months earlier. Not so long ago, however, something happened and the Imperator in exile wanted to return to her planet. Ingrid originally found it surprising that the exiled Imperator was not present at the previous negotiations, only the Elysium Imperium's delegates. Who, to tell the truth, had no jurisdiction here; it was the other half of the galaxy compared to them. However, now the Imperator was returning and Ingrid wanted to talk to her.

She wanted to clarify what changes she should expect. And for now, it wasn't even certain that she could keep her position. It will depend on how she will respond to what the Empress wants to tell her.

The Empress was waiting in the largest meeting room of her own flagship. The ship did not belong to the Eternal Empire, only indirectly; it was a Terraris Command's flagship. Thus, Terraris Command soldiers and the Shadow Company were responsible for security. MANIAC will immediately tell the woman about the Imperator's arrival when she reaches the ship.

Ingrid wasn't in the mood to bargain today, so she'll probably tell you what's going on and whether she'll accept it or not. In any case, several people were here for the meeting with her now. Among them is Overseer Harris, who was already present at the previous hearing. And others.

When the Imperator arrives at the ship, the soldiers ask her to hand over her weapons, and they'll escort her without them to the meeting room, where the Empress and the other Eternal Imperial delegates were already there. However, even before the woman arrived, Ingrid turned to her companions.

<"The planet is quite important to the Eternal Empire due to its ancient ruins and its status as a prison planet. Don't forget that we have the interests of the Empire in mind, that's what comes first."> she told them.

When the Imperator finally arrived, Ingrid stood up from her seat and offered her hand to the other woman.

"Welcome, I hope you had a good journey. Please take a seat, may I ask a question? Why did you let the Elysium Imperium negotiate on your behalf?" she asked.


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

The Imperator was an immaculately kept woman. Her uniform was flawless, with all decorations and awards displayed in their appropriate place. The walking stick was a symbol of office, and the blade, while ceremonial, was a modern vibrosword. She looked the part of the head of an entire planetary military. Even then, she had only one ship to her name now, BNV Archduke. Her personal flagship, which was by no means massive, but fit into the Belsavis strategy of home defense perfectly. The shipyards orbitting the world built cruisers, frigates, and corvettes, and the planet was known for the high skill of their gunnery officers.

The question in tow during the handshake was a sour one to say the least. Sarillia had originally petitioned the Elysium Imperium for assistance in overthrowing the junta that forced her exile, but they clearly had their own agenda that kept her out of the loop. Her expression was decidedly displeased as she answered, "Because they did not inform me that they were beginning to negotiate. I was busy caring for the refugees aboard my ship and they took it into their own hands to push me out of the negotiations. They did not have my leave to begin, and did so regardless. As far as I am concerned they are no better than any other upstart group trying to flex power in the galaxy." she said with enough venom in her voice to kill.

"I do hope that those who led the coup were treated to the justice they so richly deserve. I suppose I have you and your empire to thank for liberating Belsavis. I would very much like to restore the monarchy of the world; and in doing so pledge my planet and its resources to your service as a showing of gratitude for what you have done for my people. I will lead them in your name, and bring glory to the empire at your command." Sarillia continued, standing back up to now taking a customary knee to offer her pledge with a bow of the head. Honor-driven and proud as she was, she knew that Belsavis could not stand up against a polity like the Eternal Empire. It was best to take the knee and offer the world rather than suffer further. She was an exhausted woman and only wanted to be back home on her beloved Belsavis after all.
Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Location: Joining the negotiation ENS Crimson Empress
Objective: Discuss intention of Imperator
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Imperator Sarilia Ellwin Imperator Sarilia Ellwin

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel ENS Mihaly
  • 1 military support and 2 storage mission pods
Overseer Harris had accompanied the Empress Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim to this meeting due to her involvement in the peaceful negotiations over Belsavis not long before, dealing with the Elysium Empire. It was a strange negotiation of dealing with a proxy nation that seemingly had even less stake in the world than had first appeared. It had been her first foreign Diplomatic negotiation and it had ended exactly how the Empire wished. The only thing she felt she had failed in was uncovering the secretive reasons for the Elysium interference, be it technology or access to ancient lore.

Trinity looked at the Empress as they sat and waited, her lord had chosen to personally intervene on this occasion, having been otherwise occupied during the last.
Don't forget that we have the interests of the Empire in mind, that's what comes first.">

"Absolutely my Lord, we are in a very strong negotiating position here, I am curious what cards the Imperator is bringing to the table." The Eternal Empire already controlled the planet in all the ways that mattered so it would be fascinating to see what the Imperator had to say. Trinity wouldn't have long to wait to find out.

She watched as the Foreign woman come in to the chamber and rose to greet her cordially. The Empress wasted no time on small talk and went straight to the meat of her questions, completely as expected. The answer seemed OK, but it concerned her that a ruler of a planet should be able to manage multiple situations, or at least appropriately delegate. She continued onto her offer of fealty to the Empress, but the Overseer had a question of her own. She looked at the kneeling woman.

"I cannot speak for the Empress, but I feel like there must be more to you than a simple offer of fealty. You made a similar arrangement for your reinstatement with the Elysium Empire. However ruling in their name was never going to be a long term deal as the Eternal Empire had made clear its ambitions to move into that area of space. So, what did you offer them?" Trinity was not a hard woman in either tone or body language so she would not come across as a fearsome interrogator like some of her peers might, and her tone was intended as a negotiation in good faith. But she was smart and she knew how to use the information from her previous encounter.

"In exchange for your repatriation, you offer us loyalty of a world we have already liberated, I think you can understand where I am coming from here?" The Elysium Empire had not been forthcoming with exactly why they were willing to risk war in her name. It the Imperator was acting honestly, maybe she would be more open.


Objective: Free slaves
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus

Slavers, some of the worst scum Adenn would ever meet. Only his hatred for pirates eclipsed his hatred for slavers, and incidentally those two 'professions' often crossed paths, something which allowed for far easier hunts. Now, one such hunt was bearing fruit, leading him to the planet of Absit. Sure, the Eternal Empire was sponsoring this takedown of slavers to help takeover the planet, but Adenn would gladly hunt slavers for merely existing.

He had sworn to do so long, long ago, when pirates and slavers had killed his parents and many of Clan Mortui. To hunt them wherever and whenever possible, so that their kind would cease to exist in the wider galaxy. Such a vow was hard to uphold, for the galaxy was vast, but he followed through wherever he could. Truthfully, it had been too long since he had last hunted them, so this would be the perfect stress relief of a chaotic galaxy. So he focused fully on this self appointed task, coming to Absit with but one goal in mind, to set these slaves free and kill their masters.

Coming to Absit had been easy, traveling through the city as well. All it took was his Valath cloak and traveling across the rooftops. None knew he was there, none even suspected that one above them was planning their demise. Adenn moved across those rooftops, quietly noting the city as he moved to their meeting place, eager to see who would join him in this endeavor. Perhaps he would meet others with the same hatred for slavers he carried, or perhaps simply those ordered to be there. It mattered little though, either way they would free the slaves and kill the slavers.

Soon enough he came upon the warehouse, empty and desolate as it was. Stalking towards a door, Adenn quietly entered through a second floor window, hidden to all but himself. Taking a look around, he heard voices below and made his way to some stairs. Walking down the stairs, he made no effort to hide his presence, even as he lowered his cloak and revealed himself to the world. Turning the corner at the bottom of the stairs, Adenn came into view of the two others present.

Walking towards them, he noted the pair as he approached, already smiling wryly beneath his helmet. One he knew well, Silhana of House Cadera, the other bore the sigil of Clan Solus. Both clans he was allied to, and one the House his clan owed allegiance to. Reaching up, Adenn removed his helm before bringing it to his side. In the process, his own clan sigil was revealed on his pauldron, showcasing Clan Mortui's skull motif to all. Nodding to the pair, Adenn reached them and proferred his arm to Silhanna in greeting.

"Su cuy'gar ner'vod, it's good to see you again." Shortly thereafter he turned his attention to Mairéad and nodded to her, wry grin never leaving his face. "To you as well, vode. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting before. Alor Adenn Kyramud, of Clan Mortui and House Cadera. I trust we're all prepared to take care of some slaver huu'tuuns(cowards)?"


Objective: Act as attaché to the Eternal Empress, observe and record negotiations
Location: Aboard the ENS Crimson Empress, Unknown Location, Eternal Empire's space
Loadout: Hersir uniform (naval officer's dress pattern), BAR-58 blaster pistol, Lucius-pattern bayonet
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Imperator Sarilia Ellwin Imperator Sarilia Ellwin Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

~Some Time Ago~

Commander Mykel Fellheart sat pensively in his captain’s cabin, eyes hardened above tented fingers as he pondered what the next few hours would hold. Outside his viewport, the blue tunnel of hyperspace streaked by as the Glory’s Advent hurtled headlong towards a meeting with destiny.

Ugh, too dramatic, thought Mykel, Try again.

Alone in his captain’s cabin, Commander Mykel Fellheart sat, brooding. Outside his viewport the blue tunnel of hyperspace streaked by as the Glory’s Advent made good time to her mysterious destination.

By the Force, too plain! thought Mykel, Give it some bounce!

In his captain’s cabin, Commander Mykel Fellheart sat with a mind deep in thought. The blue tunnel of hyperspace flashed by his viewport, each streak bringing the Glory’s Advent one step closer to her mysterious destination.

Ah, just right! thought Mykel.

The sound of a knock on the door of his cabin suddenly interrupted Mykel’s self-chronicling, drawing a frown to the lips of the usually stoic officer. Blast the crew and their unending petty concerns. The ship was supposed to be completely squared away; Mykel had made sure of it before giving the order to jump to hyperspace. Anything that could possibly have come up should be able to be handled by the officer of the deck. It was not often that he had free time nowadays, with the Maw invasion and numerous other conflicts constantly demanding his undivided attention. Now, he would have to waste precious moments dealing with what would certainly end up being a menial task. Did his crew not understand that history demanded focus? How would anyone remember him if his legend was not properly manifested? A man’s biography had to be painstakingly crafted with the utmost precision, or it would never find a place amongst the great libraries of the galaxy.

“Commander Fellheart! I have urgent news!”
came the voice of Lane Dachkin, his first lieutenant, from the other side of the door, “I need to speak with you immediately sir!” Mykel stifled a scoff. How unprofessional; the man didn’t even wait for a reply before demanding entrance. Mykel understood his excitement, as it had been sometime since the last time the Glory’s Advent had been engaged, leading all the crew to become restless. Still, it was no excuse for sloppiness.

“Open the door, Four,” Mykel said boredly, motioning to the S.H.F.D. dressed in a naval aide’s uniform. The tall male-presenting droid nodded and moved briskly to the door, opening it smoothly and silently. Mykel smiled. He liked droids. They were quiet, obedient, and always professional. Unlike his sometimes “excitable” crew members, like the first lieutenant that was practically falling over himself as he entered Mykel’s cabin. Mykel sat silently as the man collected himself, managing to snap off a brisk salute before extending his arm, his hand holding a slim black datapad.

“Sir, my apologies for the interruption,” he said, “But we received an urgent message on the command channel. Heavily encrypted, classified, your eyes only.” Mykel’s eyebrow raised of its own volition as he took the sleek device. With a few taps he had imput his personal captain’s code and unlocked the contents. He quickly perused the message, his eyes narrowing as lines of text flowed across the screen.

“Does it contain our destination sir?” Lane asked, “The final jump point?”

“Indeed it does Lieutenant,” Mykel replied, his suddenly growing excitement drowning out the man’s lack of decorum, “Get me everything, and I mean everything, in our databases about the situation on Belsavis. Then prepare the men; we have an important meeting to attend.”

~Present Day~

In the meeting room of the Crimson Empress, Commander Mykel Fellheart did his best to be unseen and unheard as he observed the conversation between the Eternal Empress and the Imperator of Belsavis. He still did not quite understand why he was here. He had been very excited when he had been directed to rendezvous with the Crimson Empress at their current coordinates and present himself to the ranking officer for a task regarding the situation on Belsavis. However, he had been just as very disappointed when, as soon as he arrived, he was given a vague instruction simply to act as a diplomatic attache during the Eternal Empress’s negotiations.

“Just stay out of the way and keep your mouth shut,” the admiral that had escorted him had said, “They need something, you get it. They don’t, you just stand there and look pretty, understood?” Mykel’s blood boiled as he remembered the grizzled old officer’s condescending tone. It was certainly a position of great honor to accompany the Eternal Empress in any capacity, but even so Mykel’s feathers were more than ruffled at the fact that he had been pulled from a war patrol simply to act as a glorified messenger boy. Could a droid or some lower ranking officer have not handled the task? Certainly Mykel and the Glory’s Advent were of more use on the front lines.

However, despite his misgivings, Mykel couldn’t deny that at least a part of him felt very lucky to be there. Despite having a captainship, he was still a low-ranking officer, only commanding a corvette. He rarely got the opportunity to even observe proceedings of such magnitude. Even as part of his brain loathed the restriction of his activities, the other watched the two converse, mind already filled with every in and out of the present situation; at least, as much as could be gleaned from accessible records. His fingers flew across the screen of another black datapad, chronicling the exchange for future reference by the involved parties. Meanwhile, his mind soaked up every word like a sponge. As much as he had the mind of a naval commander, Mykel Fellheart also had the mind of a scholar.

And every scholar knew how to recognize history in the making.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Politics and more politics
Location: Aboard the ENS Crimson Empress, Unknown Location, Eternal Empire's space
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Imperator Sarilia Ellwin Imperator Sarilia Ellwin | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Mykel Fellheart Mykel Fellheart | Open
[ Master of Puppets ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Unlike the Imperator, Ingrid did not wear any decorations or awards on her uniform. She had no crown, no fancy dress or attire. Just a black uniform with the armband of the Eternal Empire on the left arm. Nothing more. The red-haired woman never bragged about her honours and ranks. She won the respect of her people with her actions, authority and radiance. She usually looks like a private among the generals and admirals in her simple uniform, even though she was the commander-in-chief of the fleet and army of the Eternal Empire.

After her question, the Imperator answered first, and then Harris asked more questions. Ingrid nodded barely perceptible because those were great questions. The doctor seemed to be learning more and more about politics and shadow games. This was very right and commendable. At least that's what Ingrid thought; she knew exactly that the young doctor lacked these skills when she was given the position of Overseer, but she was very adept at learning them.

The reason why Mykel Fellheart was present, he had probably already heard the rumours that the Empress often embraces, supports and gives a chance to those whom she thinks are young talents. That is how Harris could have been given a high-ranking military position partly as a civilian. This was also true in the case of Fellheart, his results and the files about him caught the Empress's attention and she wanted to test him. Just like she did with Rolin Doan Rolin Doan before.

As the Imperator spoke earlier, she told Ingrid a lot about herself - probably without realising it - it was anger, hatred in her words. It's like she's clinging to power with tooth and nail. When leading a war or ruling, if someone cannot suppress their feelings, it leaves them with a huge weakness. For a moment, the woman wondered what the Imperator would do to keep her rank and influence? How far would she go for it? Interesting question.

"We executed the members of the junta for their resistance and war crimes committed against the people of Belsavis." she said, her voice ice-cold, military, completely emotionless. This was the woman's usual tone in public. "The Overseer said it well, last but not least, your oath means nothing in the Eternal Empire. According to our laws, you are a civilian, your position as ruler is only nominal, you have no real power, you have no say and word in the affairs of the Eternal Empire, and you no longer command the planet's military. Precisely because of these, a Baron or Baroness will soon be at the head of the planet, who will manage economic, political and military affairs. In short, they will be the ruler of the planet. Unless…"

Here she paused for a few moments before continuing.

"Unless you walk the path like every other Eternal Imperial Baron or Baroness. In this case, you will be able to keep your position and ranks. Because I think you want to keep your own power and influence. More precisely, to regain it…"


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Mykel Fellheart Mykel Fellheart

"The Elysium Imperium or whatever they choose to call themselves now was only offered marginal presence on the planet. They would have built an embassy and opened the first foreign trade routes to the planet in centuries. The isolationists among the Belsasvin people have been dealt with, though, as you have stated. Their execution heralds a return to normalcy, but without a familiar face the more recalcitrant nobility will be harder to bring in line. That is where I come in. Were I to be seen in support of this new political arrangement then they would be more likely to follow my lead. They desire more than anything to see Belsavis as largely the same as it was prior to the war. That can happen more easily with me on the throne and in control of the world itself. It will give them peace of mind, and placate them." the Imperator said, almost confused that political maneuvering was not considered here. Everything felt so heavy-handed and it was ultimately unnecessary. She owed the Empire for destroying the dictatorship that supplanted her family's place on the world, it was only right to offer her allegiance in return.

She continued,
"I am not ignorant of why you would want to have Belsavis under your sway. I know what you want from my home and no doubt most of my people know as well. They are not particularly guarded secrets, but to spare you the trouble of my people becoming rebellious things can, and should, be put in place where the prestige of our world is recognized. Our naval forces may not be huge, but our gunners are peerless. Our military academies can become greater than ever with more funding, and more students. An expansionist power like yours is always in need of military officials. While I certainly recognize your control of the region, I humbly request special administrative control of the world that I may continue to advocate for my people. On our honor alone we will stand behind your Empire for freeing us from the prior regime. A Belsavin that is indebted does not renege on an agreement, nor does an Ellwin." her voice was impassioned and her advocacy for her home and her people was clear in how she spoke so highly of Belsavis. "In short, I feel as though you would rather have a planet transition peacefully from the dictatorship. I can oversee that transition process for you, and ensure your access to our resources unfettered by the nobility's reluctance to fall in line."
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: To help with the slave uprising
Location: Capital, North Coalition, Absit
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Writing With: Adenn Adenn Kiramud | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Carth Braxis Carth Braxis (?) | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a (?) | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait that long for the others to arrive. Or at least only one half of the team, at least I hoped. Although, to be fair, with Adenn here too, we could consider ourselves as a real small army. The other person; well, I was not happy about her presence. On Zygerria, she completely ruined the Eternal Empire mission and we couldn't even successfully complete it. A lot of slavers ran away because all my companions went with her. For a personal revenge, and I was left alone because Stardust left me alone too.

<"Silhana Lolaes'ra of the Clan Cadera."> I introduced myself.

I almost said out loud that I hoped she wasn't trying to sabotage anyone's mission for some petty personal vendetta today. Adenn's greeting saved her from that…

<"Su cuy'gar, Alor!"> I told him.

I grinned under my helmet at the man's words. Of course I was ready to hunt such worms. This may even have caused some level of joy. It was a little scary, that is the truth. But I felt no pity for them. They make decisions about other people's lives and treat them as objects. They didn't deserve better treatment. The only reason I wouldn't doom them to the same fate was because then I wouldn't be any better than them.

<"Always, Alor!"> I answered.

I was going to continue that it suits me and we can go, but at that moment there were explosions from the street. Most of them were quite far, but some of them were closer. After the sound of the explosions, the gunshots could also be heard. It seemed like we were really in time for the show.

<"I think that was the invitation to dance! The people of the coalition will probably arrive soon, we should welcome them."> I told them.

With that, I left the warehouse for the street, it was time to start the fights.


Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Have we got a tail?
Location: Streets of the Capital, North Coalition, Absit
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud

"How long have they been following us now? Six or seven blocks?" Pretending to check himself out in the speeder's side mirror, Arturo grimaced briefly as he spotted their tail two vehicles back. "Seven," he confirmed gruffly, fixing his hair with one hand and searching for his Hybrid Pistol with the other. "And here I thought we were being subtle." He huffed. "Guess these slavers are smarter than we gave them credit for, huh?"

"Maybe so," the driver replied, his eyes on the road, "or maybe they just got lucky. Doesn't really matter now."

"No, I suppose it doesn't," Arturo agreed, settling back in his seat as he finally found his blaster. Events had already been set in motion, Arturo knew. The slavers -those that weren't killed or captured during the opening moments of what was to come- would soon find themselves incredibly busy putting out fires all across the city. Glancing across at his bodyguard, a Zabrak by the name of Vagrant, Arturo asked, "Are the teams in position?"

Looking at the time displayed on the central console, Vagrant nodded. "Still waiting on confirmation from the outlying teams, but most are ready and eager to get this show on the road. It's just a matter of waiting to see if the slave ringleaders come through with what they promised."

Smiling, Arturo nodded. "They will," he said, perhaps a bit more optimistically than intended. He stared at their tail in the rearview mirror, catching the smallest glimpse of a blaster as it was passed nonchalantly between passengers. "The warehouse is coming up, next right."

"I know, I know." One-handing the wheel, Vagrant slowed for the turn, only to nearly clip the speeder in front as he suddenly hit the gas. "Figure it's time we gave our friends back there a wakeup call, don't you?" Bracing as the g-forces pushed him back into his seat, Arturo did his best to respond. "I do." Thumbing the safety off his blaster, Arturo held on for dear life as Vagrant put his foot to the floor.

The slavers turned into the street behind them, their own speeder reduced to a dark smear as Vagrant put some distance between them.

"Here will do. Pull over!" Screeching into a side-alley one hundred meters shy of the warehouse where Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera and the others were waiting, Arturo and Vagrant quickly bailed out of their speeder. Reaching into the backseat, Arturo retrieved his Wolfhound as Vagrant produced a Two-twelve from his beneath his jacket.

The slavers -ignorant of the danger awaiting them- roared towards the two contractors, repulsorlifts leaving a cloud of dust in their wake. Arturo could just about make out the Gamorrean sat in the driver's seat. The pig-man had a look of determination on his face that Arturo might have found commendable had he not been racing towards his death. Oh well.

"Light 'em up!"
Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Location: Joining the negotiation ENS Crimson Empress
Objective: Discuss intention of Imperator
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Imperator Imperator Sarilia Ellwinl Mykel Fellheart Mykel Fellheart

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: Carrack Class Science Vessel ENS Mihaly
  • 1 military support and 2 storage mission pods

Trinity considered the response to her question, it was short on specifics, but it was an acknowledgement that the Imperator had wanted to offer something greater than a simple oath. What that was still eluded her, a trade deal was something but a single planet, thousands of light years from home usually indicated a particualry valuable trade item. "Thank you, this is not the place for lengthy trade discussions, but I assume you will be passing the full details of any offers of deals to Imperial Office of Finances? I suspect the Empire will provide a much more lucrative partnership than the Elysiums" Harris knew the Overseer for the Office of Finances would pick over the deals much more thoroughly than she ever could once he got his hands on it, but she would much rather frame this as partnership building, after all it was true.

I humbly request special administrative control of the world

"As the Empress has said, the world will be controlled by a Baron or Baroness, as is our law. And that person must be a citizen of the empire, having completed compulsory miltary service, no person in a position of power is exempt from that duty, not even The Empress herself. If you wish to be considered for appointment as the Baroness, that requirement would also fall on yourself."

She paused for a moment and smiled.

"You speak with great pride about the military traditions of Belsavis, it seems like barely a leap at all for you to honor ours. In the position of Baron you will be the ultimate advocate for your people to the wider empire, and will be best placed to help integrate your military with ours." In the mind of the Overseer it seemed like a good deal, a small amount of compulsory service in exchange for the opportunity to be nominated as the planetary leader.

Objective: Act as attaché to the Eternal Empress, observe and record negotiations
Location: Aboard the ENS Crimson Empress, Unknown Location, Eternal Empire's space
Loadout: Hersir uniform (naval officer's dress pattern), BAR-58 blaster pistol, Lucius-pattern bayonet
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Imperator Sarilia Ellwin Imperator Sarilia Ellwin

Mykel listened to the conversation between the assembled negotiators with a sharp and practiced ear, continuing to document the exchanges as he sought for any opportunity to interject. True, the admiral had told him to sit still and shut up, but for a man of his intelligence, such a thing simply wasn’t possible. It was true that he sought his glory on the field of battle, and would rather be aboard his ship than in a conference room, but he still was a smart enough man to take any opportunity that came his way. Expressing a clever and well-defined point to the Eternal Empress would certainly advance his station as much as destroying any enemy flagship.

From his perspective, these negotiations were already going poorly for the Belsavin Imperator. In his eyes, she provided nothing of value and had very little to back up that which she did provide. All that she could offer hinged totally on being given command of the world. The Eternal Empire already had control, and with the forces at their disposal could no doubt deal with a few recalcitrant nobles. As for the gunnery, Mykel himself knew from his own experience that any skilled education system had to have texts, doctrines, lesson plans, and syllabi. What was there to stop the Eternal Empire from obtaining these things and incorporating them into its own training systems? Or simply offering the teachers lucrative pay and increase in rank to come to one of the Empire’s own academies?

It seemed very clear that the Imperator was trying to maintain Belsavin independence while also gaining Eternal Empire protection. To Mykel, this felt more like an alliance than an offer of fealty. The Imperator requesting special administrative control essentially meant that the Eternal Empire was being asked to trust her with control of the world, going forth simply on faith that she and her people would remain loyal. Mykel had to scoff slightly at this beneath his breath. Efficiency was the name of the game. She had already lost control of the world once; what was to stop it from happening again?

Mykel thought of stepping in to point out these facts, but held his tongue, feeling very aware that the Eternal Empress, and her co-negotiator, had full knowledge of them. Instead, he decided to jump on the Overseer’s suggestion. He had more experience in this area, being a military officer and academy graduate himself, and it seemed more appropriate for a military officer to give counsel on this matter than on matters of state.

“My Lord, if I may,” he said, stepping from his position in the corner of the room. He held perfect military bearing, his uniform as sharp as the Imperator’s vibrosword and his polished commander’s bars glinting in the artificial light. Fingers continued flowing across his datapad, accessing and logging all the information he needed to make his point.

“The Overseer’s suggestion seems the most valid and supportive of all parties present,” he stated, “Once a suitable Baron has been given control over the world, command of the Belsavin defense forces would no doubt need to come under the command of a General at least, considering their scope and the commonwealth situation. A General would be permitted an aide-de-camp of, at maximum, lieutenant colonel’s rank. It is my suggestion that the Imperator be given command of the Belsavin military forces, under the direction of the assigned Baron, with a lieutenant colonel of suitable skill and disposition assigned to help streamline her initiation into the military doctrines of the Eternal Empire, and provide oversight over her activities. In this way, the Imperator remains in a position worthy of her rank, while political control remains in the Eternal Empire’s hands as is required by our law. Following completion of her military service, she could be given special consideration and raised to the position of Baroness, and control of the world would be returned to a loyal citizen of the Empire.”

Mykel, finished with his suggestion, held his position, awaiting the Eternal Empress’s thoughts.
Last edited:

Location: Warehouse meeting place
Objective: To help overthrow slavers
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Arturo Braga Arturo Braga

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Knife on ankle
Ladies Watch order body glove
FDS-4F blaster pistol in thigh holster
Several thermal detonators

"It's a pleasure to meet both of you," she nodded respectfully at the Mortui Alor. "I have not been a Mandalorian very long but am meeting many different people." Mairéad didn't have long at all before gunfire started and there was noise of a speeder coming to a halt outside. What channel are you both on? Assuming they allowed her she would syncronise her comm to match theirs.

we should welcome

That sounds like an excellent plan", she popped her Buy'ce onto her head and the systems all came to life lighting up her HUD and emitting the glowing shields from her edges of her armour. The gunfire was coming closer so she headed out into the street. There was a speeder truck heading down the street towards them, easily recognisable as a slave vehicle, it didn't know they were here yet so no was the time to act. With a thought she activated her repulsors and launched to the other side of the street. She came to an unsteady stop, still learning to control her momentum, but she reached around and with her dual pistols she opened up through the open driver window, two shots, straight in the chest, and one in the head, or so she hoped. The repulsor swerved as she fired and lurched into a supporting wall, smashing the cap to pieces and sending the driver flying. There were likely more on board, but they would be shell shocked by the crash and less capable of fighting back. There appeared to be a ground team in support of the three Mandalorians ( Arturo Braga Arturo Braga ) so she shouted to them "You put down anything that comes out of that speeder, im going to up for a better look.".

Mairéad jumped again and launched herself upwards until she was on top of the nearest building. She now spoke through the comms to the other mandalorians. <<We have a few fires started half a kilometre south, and a pair of light gunships incoming, range about 3km do far, no idea if we are on their radar yet>>"

The fight had clearly started in earnest, it was divided across a wide area, so once the three had secured their spot they may need to move quickly.

Objective: Free slaves
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga

Speaking with Silhana was refreshing as always, for she was always cheerful. It was a welcome reprieve from the more dour Mando'ade he spent most of his time with. Not to mention, such enthusiasm was infectious more often than not. This fact was proven by the grin spreading across his face upon her words. Adenn could tell that Sil was eager to hunt these slavers, something he was all for supporting. Nodding to Mairéad, he opened a secure net for the three to share together.

Chuckling, Adenn spoke with amusement in response to Silhana and Mairéad.
"Yes, let the hunt begin. Oya vode!"

Sliding his helmet on as he left the warehouse as well, he hefted E'care in his arms even as his extra limbs activated and pulled free their pistols. One a disruptor pistol, the other a heavy blaster pistol. Some may consider the disruptor illegal, but Adenn didn't care, besides he thought they'd make an exception this time as it was slavers. Not to mention, even if anyone tried to take it, it wouldn't end well for them. So, without a care in the world, Adenn emerged onto the streets, even as Mairéad attacked a nearby slaver vehicle.

He moved calmly, glancing over the new kill with a slight nod. Quick, efficient, just the way he liked missions to go. Focusing forward, he activated his jetpack with a thought and launched himself on top of a roof next to the warehouse. Looking about, he noted the same things Mairéad had.
"It seems others have already begun. Let's catch up to them."

Snorting, he turns his attention to the approaching light gunships. Already they were within three clicks, and nearing rapidly. To him, it was clear they were headed this way, even if they had no clue the Mandalorians were there. No doubt that speeder below had called for backup, most likely to deal with the other group below. It didn't surprise Adenn too much, though he was curious as to what had tipped them off to their allies below. Shrugging his shoulders, he made a note to ask them later.

For now, he raised the E'care to his shoulders, already aiming down the sniper scope towards the nearest gunship. It was 1.5 clicks out now, prompting steady breaths to come from Adenn, even as he stilled where he stood. His armor slowly locked up, giving him even more stability as he tracked the gunship. Exhaling quietly, he shot once, missing his target but finding the range. The next shot plinked off the wing of the gunship, while the third finally hit the cockpits window.

Smiling beneath his helm as the gunship slowed, clearly surprised by the sudden cracks in the window and the melted hole, he shifted slightly. Letting loose another shot, followed shortly by the fifth and final of that mag, Adenn loosened and reloaded his rifle. Meanwhile, the gunship began listing to the side, now suddenly pilotless. It nearly crashed into its partner as it spun down, but the other gunship managed to rise up and hover back before it could. Instead, it simply slammed heavily into the ground before exploding violently.

Laughing at the sight, Adenn shifted his gaze and scope onto the other gunship. Instead, he saw its rear as the other pilot had a change of heart and retreated. Snorting at the sight, he loosened his armor as he spoke.
"No need to worry about the gunships now."

Lowering his sniper again, he patted the hilt with a fond smile. He'd need to thank Taru again for the rifle and the slugs. They had proven their worth time and time again. Turning back towards his allies, he chuckled as his helmet swung between them.
"Let's move, we have many more slavers to kill this day."

Moving from one side of the rooftop to another, he looked deeper into the city. It was a nice place, aside from the slavery. It was organized, hardly the hellish environments most slave cities were. It wouldn't remain that way for long. Switching his weapon from sniper rifle to it's regular form, Adenn could already see it. This place would burn and from it's ashes, a new city would rise free of slavers. And as the government so blatantly supported slavery, it would rise with a new government in place.

Slamming home the final piece of his rifle, Adenn launched himself off the rooftop with a burst of his jetpack. He launched himself deeper into the city, in the general direction of the governments buildings. There, the cowardly rulers of this city would be, there they would kill the leadership of these slavers. With a cry he landed, roaring out as he opened fire on military personnel and slaver scum.
"For Mandalore, for our aliit! Death to the slaver scum!"

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Politics and more politics
Location: Aboard the ENS Crimson Empress, Unknown Location, Eternal Empire's space
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Imperator Sarilia Ellwin Imperator Sarilia Ellwin | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Mykel Fellheart Mykel Fellheart | Open
[ Master of Puppets ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid continued to listen attentively to the speech of the others and naturally let Fellheart speak as well. When he asked for permission, the red-haired woman nodded that he could. Actually, due to the laws, there were very few options in this situation. And she couldn't make concessions to anyone, because that would mean that every other planet would want the same thing. The Eternal Empire was not the Galactic Alliance, where there was a democracy. It was a strict and heavy-handed empire. Even her own planet was no exception.

"What makes you different from anyone else in the Unknown Regions? What makes you think you are better than the regime we saved your people from? To me you seem like a lunatic crazy power-hungry person who only wants power at any costs and doesn't want to take orders from anyone." she said, her voice still ice cold. "I think you're misunderstanding the situation, Imperator. You are not in a position to set any conditions. You are a weak ruler. You were unable to keep your power, your empire, your planet, you were easily chased away once, you'd to beg for help from aliens at the other end of the galaxy. The last Eternal Imperial private has more dignity, moral, and strength than what I see in you."

She said what she said frankly and cruelly; Ingrid has always been straight when she acted in political questions as the Empress.

"Your military is obsolete, they haven't put up the slightest resistance to the Eternal Imperial units." she continued.

Here she waited for Fellheart to give his opinion, to which she nodded, but she still had a few things to note.

"According to our laws, you are a civilian, Imperator, who cannot even bear any weapons. At this point, I don't see you being able to reach the rank of Baroness, nor do I see you being able to endure the two years of mandatory military service to gain the right to vote in the Empire, not to mention the extra year to get a chance to be an elected person or to earn the position to be nominated as a Baroness." she still didn't mock, she just spoke in an ice-cold voice, like someone reading reports.

Here she was silent again for a few moments, after which she continued.

"The Imperator may receive the titles suggested by Commander Fellheart if she has earned them. Would you like to rule your planet again, Imperator? Do you want to regain control of your army? Prove yourself. This is not the Elysium Imperium, where besides the king, other kings, queens, emperors, empresses rule, or the underworld moves the ruler as a puppet. The Eternal Empire is a militaristic state. Do you want anything? Prove your worth. If you prove yourself worthy of what you want. You will get it. But words and promises will achieve nothing." she said, her voice still emotionless.

After that, she turned to Fellheart and spoke in High Nelvaanian, the language that everyone uses in the Eternal Empire.

<"Commander, would you like to oversee the Imperator's development if the lady says yes and joins the Eternal Empire's army? And would you be ready to take on the temporary or perhaps permanent title of Baron at Belsavis? Maybe this would be enough incentive for the lady to finally show what she's capable of in addition to begging."> she told him.


Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Mykel Fellheart Mykel Fellheart

"So that is the type of military command you pursue, to pointlessly and needlessly discard thousands of lives in losing battles? I admitted defeat and retreated so that I could fight another day for my people. What point is there in staying behind and dying to no end? There's no glory in pointless death." the Imperator said with a vile venom in her voice. "So I sought exterior assistance. If I had come to you first would you have been filled with such vitriol? Your assessment is entirely predicated on unfounded emotional outburst. You know nothing about me, about how hard I worked to protect all the refugees that I took with me off of this world when I fled. I was not going to let them be purged for their loyalty. They needed me, and they needed me to help them escape. Do you just sacrifice people to the machines of war to simply do it, or do you actually value your people? A leader is not a leader if they consider everyone beneath them as chattel to be discarded at a moment's notice. I know the name of every single officer on my flagship. I have mourned loss with the families on my ship. We have celebrated new life born in dire circumstances. The only thing you see is weakness in this but it is resilience. We chose not to give ourselves up. We chose not to fall before a tide of violent isolationists. Yet you stand here and accuse me of weakness for trying to protect my people?"

Sarilia bristled with indignant rage. After all she had been through the people she was thankful to for liberating her world were treating her like she was nothing. "You tell me that I am afraid of losing my power, but I already experienced that loss. What I see is someone who is more afraid than I. You exercise your power with callous indifference. Who are you to be so hard in the face of someone who has offered unfettered loyalty? I came to you in good faith and have been forthright with you regarding the status of my exile and yet you choose to let some preconceived notion of who you believe me to be crush that good will. Without your intervention the planet would still be a dictatorship, and yet you come to me now expressing that same kind of dictatorship. Have the people traded one tyranny for another? Is that how you want to present yourself to a planet that sees you as liberators? No, I imagine that is beneath someone so high and mighty. I love my home, and I love my people, and I feel as if I have made perfectly reasonable requests to return them to some sense of normalcy in their lives. They have had everything uprooted for the past three years. Witnessed purges, had their homes and property appropriated, lost loved ones. This planet is weary, and so am I, but I have offered to serve you in spite of that weariness. It's not about rank and title at this point, it's about dignity. You have given me nothing but indignities thus far and I have sat here and taken them but I will not be insulted for rescuing my people and retreating from a useless battle. I do not take lightly what my military command means. The lives of my crew are not expended so easily, even as they know what military duty means. They trust me to guide them safely through the storm. If you think I have failed in that then so be it. We have nothing further to discuss until you offer me the same respect I have offered you; because you have treated my good faith and trust as if it were garbage to be tossed away."

The Imperator was tired, and it showed. But she showed fearlessness in the face of a power she could not fight alone. The Eternal Empire had control of her world, that was indisputable, and she had not come to dispute that. Quite the opposite. And yet she was talked down to, demeaned, and demoralized. This was not a diplomatic negotiation, this felt like some kind of power flex that served no purpose other than to try to humiliate her. Three years, she spent away from her home, trying to keep her people from losing hope that they might return home one day. Three years, and this is the return she was given. She came to thank the liberators of her world, only to be so easily thrown aside. Her dedication meant nothing in the end, it seemed, and it left her so furious that even now in her brooding posture she stared with that same indignant rage. Diplomacy was a delicate craft, and so were the arts of statecraft and military management. All she saw from this Empress was heavy-handed cruelty without a single hint of humanity. "If that is the verdict you choose, and you find no use in someone with my compassionate advocacy and dedication then let it be. Escort me back to my ship. I have to break the news to them that they will never be able to return home."
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: To help with the slave uprising
Location: Capital, North Coalition, Absit
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Writing With: Adenn Adenn Kiramud | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Carth Braxis Carth Braxis (?) | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a (?) | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

As I got out of the warehouse, a familiar figure greeted me outside. I grinned under my helmet, always glad he was here. Every mission was boring without him. It's much more exciting with him. Last but not least, I loved his company. After all, these were part of why I was with him and why he was my boyfriend. Unfortunately, I couldn't smile at him in my helmet, and the fight had already started, so I wasn't going to kiss him at this moment either.

" I'm glad you came, I was starting to worry that you'd miss all this fun." I told him, my emphasis was such that he could easily sense that I was smiling. I am already so well-known to him.

The others started high up, towards the roofs, or on the ground. Jetpack combat was not one of my strengths. I never really got used to fighting in the air. I felt more comfortable on the ground. I knew Adenn was heavy artillery, and Solus seemed to be similar to him based on her armour. I was the one wearing the lighter armour. Being a scout was not a dishonourable choice either.

With that, I belonged to the team that goes forward to scout and explore the terrain and the area. Often more dangerous than combat. After all, we do not yet know what we are up against. However, the lighter armour allowed us to move faster, including me. To fly too. Also because of my body shape, I preferred and liked the lighter weapons rather than the big ones. This is still the case from the headhunting days. I didn't really want to change that.

<< I'm going ahead a bit to scout the area to see what lies ahead beyond the area we can already see. >> I told them.

With this, I flew forward at the fastest possible speed, high between buildings to provide as few targets as possible for others. I soon reached the point where Solus was and then flew on. I had to go at least a kilometre or two, that is, a good five or six blocks, when the road widened and I arrived at a huge circular place. That is, rather such a central part, where several roads lead and in the middle of the whole place there was a tall, luxurious and imposing building.

~ MANIAC, what is this building? ~ I asked the AI.

~ Based on the data available from the local network, this is the Government Palace. ~ he answered.

I grinned under my helmet. Jackpot.

<< This is Silhana, I found the reason why the uprising started here. I arrived at the Government Palace; it is 1.76 km away from our original position. I see that the insurgents will be clustering in this part. I'll send you the coordinates, over. >> I told them and sent the coordinates to them as well.


Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Help the slaves rebel
Location: Capital City, North Coalition, Absit
Tags: Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

Aiming for the windscreen, Arturo let his Wolfhound howl as the slavers bore down on them. With a hundred slugs in the magazine and their enemies closing the distance for them, the two contractors didn't have to put too much effort in before the results started to show. It was all too simple, really. All he had to do was point, shoot, and wait for the AP rounds to do their thing.

Vagrant decided to save his ammunition. A speeder was basically a glorified coffin at the end of the day. Too bad for the slavers that they didn't know this. Maybe they would've bailed out sooner, lived a little longer. Long enough for Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus to see them off, anyway.

Stepping casually to one side, Arturo let off on the trigger as the 'truck hurtled past at a breakneck speed, the windscreen shattered, distorting his view of the two slavers sat behind it. Even as the 'truck went careening into a nearby wall, it was clear to Arturo that they were both already dead. Silhanna approached the two through the dust cloud it left behind, clearly gladdened by the sight of him. Or was it the dead slavers making her smile?

Whatever the case, Arturo returned the smile as she greeted him, her body language easy enough to read despite the light armour and dainty blasters covering her form. "Thought it might be a good idea to join the Mandalorians before the shooting started," he told her, nodding to Mairead and Adenn as they disappeared up onto the rooftops. "Hope you don't mind, but we grew ourselves a tail on the way."

Watching as Vagrant approached the speeder truck from behind, Arturo raised his rifle as a slaver jumped out the back. Vagrant blasted him the moment his feet hit the asphalt. The slaver crumpled as a bolt hit him in the chest. Arturo lowered his rifle. "As I was saying..."

<< I'm going ahead a bit to scout the area to see what lies ahead beyond the area we can already see. >>

"Okay," Arturo said, rattling Sil's buy'ce with his knuckles in an open display of affection. "We'll search these boys right quick, splice into their comms. You go ahead and do what you do best." Another blaster shot rang out as Vagrant checked the wounded in the back of the 'truck. Another followed as Arturo stepped past his twi'lek girlfriend. "Stay safe up there, cyar'ika."

Heading to the front of the speeder, Arturo hauled the passenger-side door open. The slaver inside nearly fell on top of him as he slumped forwards, his head missing from the chin up. "Lovely," Arturo grimaced. Reaching up, he snatched the slaver's comms unit from his belt, hastily closing the door behind him.

Vagrant rounded the front of the truck, his Jackal BR tucked tight against his chest. "All done," he told Arturo, noticing the unit in his boss's hand. He extended his own expectantly. "May I?" Relinquishing the device, Arturo waited as the zabrak spliced into the enemy comms. As it turned out, their security wasn't all that good. Who woulda thunk.

A number of panicked voices spoke in Arturo's ear as he nodded to his partner. "Beautiful," he said, Silhanna's voice interrupting the slavers' as she reported back to the ground- and 'air' teams. "Copy that, Twintails. Coordinates received and followed. See y'all soon."

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