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Approved Location Noryang

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  • City Name: Noryang
  • Classification: Metropolis
  • Location: Seoul
  • Affiliation: The Dosuunian Commonwealth of Nations | The Commonwealth
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics:
    • Age:
      • 17% 0 - 15
      • 52% 16 - 64
      • 23% 65 - 100
      • 8% 100+
    • Gender:
      • 48% Female
      • 45% Male
      • 7% Non-Binary
    • Species:
      • 58% Human
      • 12% Echani
      • 9% Chiss
      • 6% Chalactan
      • 5% Kiffar
      • 4% Keshiri
      • 3% Pantoran
      • 3% Other
  • Wealth: Medium
    • Noryang's economy is on an upward trajectory, driven by its burgeoning financial sector and a dynamic entertainment industry. The city is home to numerous financial firms and investment companies that bolster its economic standing. The entertainment industry, particularly in music and holovid production, has flourished, attracting both tourists and talent. Noryang has also become a major tourist destination, renowned for its exceptional seafood and commitment to sustainability. The city's military assets and role as a central administrative hub for the Dosuunian Commonwealth add to its economic stability and growth. Since 868 ABY, Noryang transitioned from serving the First Order to becoming an essential administrative center for the Kingdom of Seoul and the wider Commonwealth.
  • Stability: High
    • Since becoming a founding member of the Commonwealth, the Seoularian city of Noryang has enjoyed significant stability. The Seoularian National Police, combined with a substantial military presence and the completion of major reconstruction projects, contribute to a secure and peaceful environment. Citizens feel safe and confident in their daily lives, benefiting from the city's robust infrastructure and efficient governance.
  • Freedom & Oppression: In Noryang, basic liberties such as freedom of the press, religion, the right to assemble, and freedom of speech are safeguarded by law. While societal norms and practices may occasionally challenge these freedoms, the legal framework ensures that citizens' rights are protected. This balance creates a nuanced social environment where legal protections exist, but societal expectations may vary.
  • Description: Noryang has transformed into a stunning city that seamlessly blends antiquity, retro-modernism, and futuristic architecture. No longer marred by the remnants of construction, the city now stands as a vibrant and picturesque destination along the Goryeosa Sea, with easy access to the Mayang River. Its scenic coastal views, coupled with an array of seafood dining options, make Noryang a favored destination for tourists and locals alike. The city's architectural diversity and natural beauty, combined with its economic vitality and cultural richness, underscore its status as a prominent city within the Commonwealth.

  • Pohang District: The Pohang District, nestled between the remnants of the old Cheongwadae Mountains and the Goryeosa Shore, is a bustling and vibrant area known for its rich maritime culture and picturesque coastal views. This district is a testament to Noryang's resilience and adaptability, blending the old with the new to create a unique atmosphere that attracts both locals and visitors from across the Commonwealth. The residential areas in Pohang are characterized by apartments that sit atop existing buildings, creating a layered and dynamic cityscape. Despite the density, the district maintains a high quality of life thanks to its ample green spaces, community gardens, and proximity to the sea. Residents enjoy a unique blend of urban convenience and coastal charm, making Pohang one of Noryang's most desirable districts.
    • Pohang Fish Market: One of the district's crown jewels is the renowned Pohang Fish Market, famous throughout the Commonwealth. Here, the daily catch is brought in at dawn by fishing boats and coastal foraging crews. Buyers from all over the Commonwealth arrive early to bid on the freshest seafood, which is then transported to various worlds. The market is not just a place for business but a cultural experience, with vibrant stalls offering a variety of fish, shellfish, and other marine delicacies. The energy and hustle of the market are unmatched, making it a must-visit spot for anyone in the area.
    • Aquaculture Farms: Pohang is also home to several innovative aquaculture farms that contribute significantly to the district's economy. These farms focus on sustainable practices, ensuring a steady supply of seafood while protecting the local ecosystem. Visitors can tour these farms to learn about modern aquaculture techniques and even participate in hands-on activities.
    • Seaside Cafes and Restaurants: The district's narrow streets are lined with seaside cafes and restaurants that offer stunning views of the Goryeosa Shore. These establishments are known for their fresh seafood dishes, often featuring ingredients sourced directly from the Pohang Fish Market. Whether it's a casual café serving grilled fish or a fine dining restaurant offering gourmet seafood platters, there's something to satisfy every palate.
    • Goryeosa Coastal Park: Goryeosa Coastal Park is a beloved green space that stretches along the shoreline. The park features well-maintained walking trails, picnic areas, and playgrounds, making it a popular spot for families and fitness enthusiasts. The boardwalk, which runs parallel to the beach, is perfect for leisurely strolls and offers breathtaking sunset views over the Goryeosa Sea. The park also hosts community events, such as outdoor concerts and festivals, adding to its vibrant atmosphere.
    • Community Gardens: Scattered throughout the Pohang District are small parks that double as community gardens. These green spaces overflow with a variety of plants and flowers, maintained by local residents. The gardens provide a peaceful retreat from the bustling streets and foster a sense of community among the district's inhabitants. They also serve as educational centers where people can learn about urban gardening and sustainable living.
    • Ryesong Boardwalk: Another highlight of the Pohang District is the Ryseong Boardwalk. This scenic walkway is dotted with street performers, artisanal vendors, and food stalls. It's a lively area where locals and tourists alike can enjoy the sights and sounds of the coast. The boardwalk is also a great spot for shopping, with numerous shops selling handmade crafts, souvenirs, and local delicacies.
    • Tongyeong Street Markets: Selling local favorites for decades, the Tongyeong Street Markets are a vibrant hub of culinary delight. At the crossroads of Tongyeong and Hwaleo Streets, this market is a hidden gem in Noryang's street food scene. Here, vendors offer a tantalizing mix of sweet and savory dishes, making it a must-visit for food enthusiasts. The variety and quality of the food available have made it one of the district's best-kept secrets, beloved by locals and visitors alike.
  • Mayang District: The Mayang District, located along the picturesque Mayang River, is a vibrant and thriving area renowned for its artisanal craftsmanship and burgeoning fashion scene. This district is a haven for artisans, particularly those who work with luxurious textiles such as silk and satin. Over the years, Mayang has elevated itself as the epicenter of Seoularian fashion, attracting high-paying customers and fashion enthusiasts from across the Commonwealth. The Tongyeong Street Markets connect the Mayang District to the Pohang District. The Mayang District stands as a testament to Noryang's rich cultural heritage and innovative spirit. It is a place where tradition meets modernity, and where the artistry of silk and satin weavers, dressmakers, tailors, and other artisans is celebrated. With its thriving markets, fashionable boutiques, and vibrant cultural scene, Mayang is truly the heart of Seoularian fashion, attracting visitors from across the Commonwealth who seek the finest in craftsmanship and style.
    • Silk and Satin Artisans: Mayang District is famed for its masterful silk artisans who create exquisite gowns, blankets, and silk embroidery. The district's silk products are highly sought after, known for their superior quality and intricate designs. These artisans have preserved traditional techniques while incorporating modern innovations, resulting in timeless pieces that epitomize elegance and luxury.
    • The Mayang Weaver's Guild: The Mayang Weaver's Guild plays a pivotal role in the district, making satin and other fine textiles easily accessible. The guild supports local weavers by providing them with resources, training, and a platform to showcase their work. This ensures that the tradition of weaving continues to flourish, while also encouraging the development of new styles and techniques.
    • Dressmakers and Tailors: The district is home to numerous dressmakers and tailors who craft bespoke clothing tailored to the exact specifications of their clients. These skilled professionals offer personalized services, creating everything from everyday wear to elaborate wedding dresses. The attention to detail and craftsmanship in Mayang's tailoring shops are unmatched, making it a go-to destination for custom garments.
    • Shoemakers and Hat Shops: Mayang's shoemakers are known for their craftsmanship, producing high-quality footwear that combines style and comfort. From elegant dress shoes to durable boots, the range of footwear available caters to all tastes and needs. Similarly, the district's hat shops offer a variety of headwear, from traditional designs to avant-garde creations, ensuring that every outfit can be perfectly accessorized.
    • Boutiques and Fashion Houses: The burgeoning fashion scene in Mayang is supported by a plethora of boutiques and fashion houses. These establishments push the boundaries of Seoularian fashion, introducing innovative designs and setting trends that resonate throughout the Commonwealth. Fashion shows and exhibitions are regularly held, drawing designers, buyers, and fashion enthusiasts from near and far.
    • Textile Markets: The district's textile markets are bustling hubs where traders sell a wide array of fabrics, threads, and sewing accessories. These markets are essential for both local artisans and visiting designers, providing everything needed to create stunning garments. The variety and quality of materials available make Mayang a key destination for anyone involved in the fashion industry.
      • Noh Fabrics and Fashion: Noh Fabrics and Fashion stands as the pinnacle of elegance and sophistication in the realm of textile craftsmanship and haute couture. Renowned throughout Seoul and beyond, Noh Fabrics has established itself as the premier destination for discerning clients seeking the finest fabrics and bespoke designs.

        At the heart of Noh Fabrics lies a treasure trove of exquisite textiles sourced from the farthest corners of the galaxy. From luxurious silks to sumptuous velvets, each fabric is hand-selected for its unparalleled quality, texture, and vibrancy. Whether it's the soft caress of pure silk or the opulent sheen of brocade, Noh Fabrics offers an unparalleled array of materials to ignite the imagination and elevate every creation to new heights of beauty and luxury.

        Behind every garment created at Noh Fabrics lies a legacy of unparalleled craftsmanship and attention to detail. Skilled artisans, trained in the time-honored traditions of textile weaving and garment construction, meticulously handcraft each piece with precision and care. From intricate embroidery to delicate beadwork, every stitch is a testament to the dedication and passion that defines Noh Fabrics' commitment to excellence.

        At Noh Fabrics, every client is treated to a bespoke experience tailored to their unique style and personality. Expert tailors work closely with each client to translate their vision into reality, ensuring that every garment is a perfect reflection of individual taste and refinement. Whether it's a custom-tailored suit for a formal occasion or an elegant gown for a special event, Noh Fabrics' master tailors spare no effort in creating garments that exceed expectations and leave a lasting impression.

        As a trailblazer in the fashion industry, Noh Fabrics is committed to pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Collaborating with leading designers and fashion houses, Noh Fabrics continuously explores new techniques and trends to stay at the forefront of haute couture. From avant-garde runway looks to timeless classics, Noh Fabrics' diverse portfolio of designs offers something for every discerning taste and occasion.

        Rooted in the rich tapestry of Seoularian culture and tradition, Noh Fabrics pays homage to its heritage while embracing the spirit of modernity and innovation. Drawing inspiration from ancient motifs and artistic influences, Noh Fabrics' designs reflect a harmonious blend of old-world charm and contemporary flair, creating garments that transcend time and captivate the imagination.
    • The Mayang Embroidery Guild: This guild focuses on the delicate art of embroidery and needlework, ensuring that these traditional crafts continue to thrive. Members of the guild are masters of their craft, creating intricate designs that adorn clothing, home decor, and ceremonial items. Their work is celebrated for its precision and artistic merit.
    • Riverside Park and Mayang Boardwalk: The Mayang District features a beautiful riverside park that offers a serene escape from the bustling city. The park is perfect for leisurely walks, picnics, and enjoying the scenic views of the Mayang River. The adjacent boardwalk is lined with cafes, shops, and entertainment venues, making it a lively area for both day and night activities.
    • Seoularian Fashion Museum: A new addition to the district, the Seoularian Fashion Museum celebrates the rich history and evolving trends of Seoularian fashion. The museum showcases iconic pieces, historical garments, and the work of contemporary designers. It serves as an educational resource and a source of inspiration for aspiring fashion designers and enthusiasts.
  • Hana District: The Hana District is the bustling financial, administrative, and cultural heart of Noryang, reflecting the stability and prosperity of the Commonwealth. Known for its crowded streets, towering office buildings, and vibrant street vendors, the district serves as a vital center for business, finance, research, and entertainment.
    • Commonwealth Grand Bank, Seoularian HQ: Formerly the Victorian Central Bank, the Commonwealth Grand Bank now serves as the Seoularian Regional Headquarters. This prestigious institution is a cornerstone of the Hana District, providing a range of financial services and maintaining economic stability across the region.
    • First Victorian Bank, Seoularian HQ: The First Victorian Bank continues to play a significant role in Noryang's financial landscape. Elevated to serve as the Seoularian Regional Headquarters, FVB ensures the efficient operation of financial services throughout Seoul.
    • Bank of Seoul: As the oldest institution among the four corner buildings, the Bank of Seoul retains its historical pagoda-like architecture. It stands as a symbol of Noryang's enduring financial heritage and continues to offer comprehensive banking services to the citizens of Seoul.
    • Haengju Stock Exchange: The Haengju Stock Exchange has seen a surge in activity, becoming busier than even Prosperia's stock exchange. Surrounded by offices of various insurance firms, brokerages, and day traders, this stock exchange is a hive of financial transactions and economic activity.
      • The area surrounding the Haengju Stock Exchange hosts a variety of financial institutions, including insurance firms, brokerages, and offices for day traders, contributing to the district's vibrant economic activity.
    • Jinyang Research Firm: Jinyang Research Firm, now part of the Hana District, dedicates itself to cutting-edge research in collaboration with the Seoularian Government and the Commonwealth's national government. The firm focuses on scientific discoveries, engineering innovations, and tackling age-old problems with new solutions. Its downtown location makes it easily accessible for collaborative projects and research initiatives.
    • Laurentia University's Seoularian Campus: This extension of Laurentia University offers courses in business, finance, and technology, fostering a skilled workforce to support the district's growing industries.
    • Kwon Records: Located on the banks of the Mayang River, Kwon Records is an up-and-coming record label gaining popularity among Seoularians at home and abroad. Known for its modern aesthetic and homely interior, Kwon Records is currently dominating the Seoularian Pop market with their successful boy bands.
    • Woljii Entertainment: Woljii Entertainment, an older and highly respected entertainment company, commands a view of the Goryeosa Sea from its distinctive flame-shaped Woljii Tower. As the favored label in Seoul, Woljii Entertainment continues to produce top-tier content and remains a cultural powerhouse in the district.
    • Grand Bank Park and Stadium: This green space offers a peaceful retreat for professionals and residents. With well-maintained gardens, walking paths, and seating areas, the park is a popular spot for lunch breaks and casual meetings. On the other side of the park, is the Commonwealth Grand Park Stadium home to the Noryang starball team the Anglers.
      • Hana District regularly hosts cultural events and festivals that celebrate Seoularian traditions, attracting visitors from all over the Commonwealth and contributing to the district's lively atmosphere.
    • Locke Stadium: Situated at the edge of the district, the new Locke and Key Stadium will serve as home to the new Noryang Limmie Clubs, Noryang LC and the Mariners LC. The stadium had been and continues to serve as the home to the city's chin-bret team the Dreadnoughts, and the get'shuk 7's team the Cannons. Locke Stadium occassionally serves as home to various conventions and local cultural events.
  • Emerald Heights: Nestled between the bustling financial hub of Hana District and the serene coastal charm of Pohang District, Emerald Heights District epitomizes the harmonious coexistence of urban convenience and natural beauty. This vibrant neighborhood boasts a diverse array of residential blocks, lush green spaces, and vibrant shopping districts, making it a sought-after destination for families, professionals, and nature enthusiasts alike. Community gardens dot the district, as do water features and recycling centers. With its diverse array of residential options, abundant green spaces, and vibrant shopping districts, Emerald Heights District offers the perfect blend of urban convenience and natural beauty. Whether strolling through lush parks, browsing bustling markets, or connecting with neighbors at community events, residents of Emerald Heights enjoy a high quality of life and a strong sense of belonging in this thriving neighborhood.
    • Evergreen Terrace, named for its verdant surroundings, offers a mix of modern apartment complexes and charming townhouses nestled among tree-lined streets. Families and young professionals alike are drawn to this peaceful enclave, where spacious parks and community gardens provide ample opportunities for relaxation and recreation.
    • Sapphire Gardens is a tranquil oasis amid the bustling city, featuring upscale condominiums and luxury residences surrounded by meticulously landscaped gardens and scenic water features. Residents enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding skyline and easy access to the district's amenities, making it a coveted address for those seeking refined urban living.
    • Sunflower Square is a vibrant residential community characterized by its lively atmosphere and diverse population. Here, cozy apartments and cozy homes coexist alongside bustling cafes, local markets, and community centers, creating a vibrant and close-knit neighborhood where residents can forge lasting connections and create cherished memories.
    • At the heart of Emerald Heights District lies Emerald Park, a sprawling green oasis that serves as the neighborhood's communal backyard. Lush lawns, shaded picnic areas, and winding walking trails invite residents to unwind and reconnect with nature, while playgrounds and sports fields provide endless opportunities for outdoor recreation and family fun.
    • Sapphire Lake Reserve offers a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life, with its tranquil waters and pristine natural surroundings. Residents can enjoy leisurely walks along the lakeside promenade, birdwatching from scenic overlooks, or simply soaking in the serenity of this idyllic setting.
    • Verdant Plaza is the district's premier shopping and dining destination, offering an eclectic mix of boutiques, specialty shops, and gourmet eateries. From chic fashion boutiques to artisanal cafes, residents can indulge in a diverse array of shopping and dining experiences right in their own neighborhood.
    • Azure Market is a vibrant commercial hub where residents can find everything they need for daily life, from grocery stores and pharmacies to banks and fitness centers. The square also hosts regular farmers' markets and community events, fostering a sense of camaraderie and connection among neighbors.
    • Sunflower Agora: Sunflower Agora is a bustling marketplace where residents can browse an array of fresh produce, locally sourced goods, and artisanal products. From farm-fresh fruits and vegetables to handcrafted goods and gourmet treats, the market offers a taste of the region's rich culinary heritage and vibrant local culture.
    • The Emerald Heights Community Center serves as the beating heart of the neighborhood, providing a wide range of programs and services to residents of all ages. From fitness classes and cultural workshops to community events and social gatherings, the center fosters a sense of belonging and solidarity among neighbors.
    • The Sapphire Library and Learning Center is a hub of knowledge and innovation, offering a vast collection of books, resources, and educational programs to residents of all backgrounds. From children's storytime sessions to adult literacy classes, the library promotes lifelong learning and intellectual enrichment for the entire community.
    • Sunflower Primary School is the pride of the neighborhood, providing quality education and nurturing young minds to reach their full potential. With dedicated teachers, state-of-the-art facilities, and a comprehensive curriculum, the school prepares students for success in academics and beyond, shaping the leaders of tomorrow.
  • Coastal Haven: From the elegant tranquility of Ryesong Residential Square to the bustling activity of Mundeok Imperial Complex and Young-Oak Spaceport, Coastal Haven District offers a vibrant tapestry of residential living, cultural significance, and commercial activity. With its breathtaking coastal vistas, verdant green spaces, and dynamic community amenities, this thriving district stands as a shining example of Noryang's enduring spirit and boundless potential.
    • Ryesong Residential Square: Perched atop the rolling hills overlooking the Goryeosa Sea, Ryesong Residential Square is a beacon of elegance and community. Its charming streets are lined with upscale townhouses and modern apartments, offering residents breathtaking coastal views and easy access to the Ahn Naval Academy and nearby coastal attractions.
    • Seabreeze Heights: Seabreeze Heights is a newly developed residential enclave that caters to those seeking luxury living by the sea. With its sleek high-rise condominiums and waterfront villas, Seabreeze Heights offers unparalleled views of the shimmering coastline and access to exclusive amenities, making it a coveted address for discerning homeowners.
    • Azure Park: Azure Park is a verdant oasis nestled within the heart of Coastal Haven District, offering residents a serene escape from the urban hustle and bustle. Its lush lawns, tranquil ponds, and winding pathways provide ample opportunities for relaxation, recreation, and communing with nature, while its panoramic views of the Goryeosa Sea inspire a sense of awe and wonder.
    • The Promenade: The Coastal Promenade is a scenic waterfront trail that meanders along the district's picturesque coastline, offering breathtaking views of the sea and the city skyline. Residents can enjoy leisurely strolls, invigorating jogs, or simply soak in the beauty of the ocean breeze as they traverse this iconic pathway.
    • Harborfront Market: Harborfront Market is a bustling marketplace where residents can browse an eclectic array of fresh seafood, locally sourced produce, and artisanal goods. From bustling fishmongers to quaint cafes, the market offers a vibrant and diverse shopping experience that celebrates the rich maritime heritage of Noryang.
    • Maritime Plaza: Maritime Plaza is a vibrant commercial hub that caters to the district's bustling maritime industry, offering a wide range of shops, services, and amenities. From maritime outfitters and ship chandlers to maritime law firms and shipping agencies, the plaza serves as a one-stop destination for all things nautical.
    • Mundeok Imperial Complex: The Mundeok Imperial Complex stands as a testament to the Kingdom's administrative prowess and cultural heritage, housing the seat of government, educational institutions, and community outreach programs. With its grand architecture and solemn memorials, the complex serves as a symbol of resilience and remembrance, honoring the sacrifices of those who came before.
    • Young-Oak Spaceport: Young-Oak Spaceport serves as the district and city's primary gateway to the stars, facilitating interstellar travel and trade with neighboring worlds. While intergalactic travel is prohibited, the spaceport remains a bustling hub of activity, welcoming visitors and residents alike with its state-of-the-art facilities and unparalleled service.
  • Sun-Shin District: Nestled amidst the majestic Cheongwadae Mountains, Sun-Shin District stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Seoul's noble heritage and the pioneering spirit of its people. From its esteemed educational institutions to its solemn memorials, this historic district embodies the values of courage, resilience, and innovation that define the Seoularian spirit.
    • Ahn Naval Academy: Perched atop the verdant slopes of the Cheongwadae Mountains, the Ahn Naval Academy stands as a beacon of excellence in naval education and training. As the Commonwealth's premier institution for aspiring naval officers, the academy offers a comprehensive four-year program that combines rigorous academic coursework with hands-on training and practical experience. Its distinguished faculty and state-of-the-art facilities ensure that cadets receive the highest caliber of instruction, preparing them to lead with honor and distinction in the service of the Commonwealth Navy.
    • Noryang Medical College: Noryang Medical College is a renowned center of excellence in medical education, research, and patient care. With its cutting-edge facilities and interdisciplinary approach to healthcare, the college trains the next generation of healthcare professionals to address the complex challenges of modern medicine. From innovative research initiatives to community outreach programs, Noryang Medical College is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of medical science and improving the health and well-being of all Commonwealth citizens.
    • Jaisohn College: Jaisohn College is a bastion of intellectual inquiry and academic excellence, dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge in the fields of political sciences, environmental studies, and anthropology. Situated near the tranquil banks of the Mayang River, the college boasts a picturesque eco-friendly campus that fosters a vibrant academic community and inspires critical thinking and innovation. With its commitment to interdisciplinary scholarship and global engagement, Jaisohn College serves as a beacon of enlightenment and intellectual curiosity, shaping the minds of future leaders and scholars.
    • Great Galactic War Memorial: Located at the eastern edge of Sun-Shin District, the Great Galactic War Memorial stands as a solemn tribute to the valor and sacrifice of the Seoularian lives lost during the tumultuous conflicts of the past. Crafted from polished black granite and adorned with the names of the fallen engraved in Aurodium, the memorial serves as a poignant reminder of the price of freedom and the enduring legacy of courage and heroism. A sacred shrine at the heart of the memorial provides a place for contemplation, reflection, and remembrance, where visitors can honor the memory of the fallen and pay homage to their enduring spirit.
    • Kim Astrogation Center: Situated on the outskirts of Noryang, high upon the Soyeon Mountains, the Kim Astrogation Center serves as a vital hub for celestial navigation and space exploration. Perched amidst the rugged peaks of the Soyeon Mountains, this state-of-the-art facility boasts cutting-edge technology and expert astrogation specialists who chart the course of spacecraft and interstellar vessels across the cosmos. From plotting intricate trajectories to navigating treacherous cosmic terrain, the Kim Astrogation Center plays a crucial role in advancing the frontiers of space exploration and ensuring the safe passage of travelers throughout the galaxy.
    • Hathaway-Streep Media Tower: Formerly known as Camden Media Towers, Hathaway-Streep Media Tower now stands as a prominent landmark in downtown Noryang. Acquired by Hathaway-Streep Media, the tower serves as the Seoularian headquarters for the media conglomerate, housing state-of-the-art broadcast facilities and office spaces for various news and media outlets. From investigative journalism to entertainment programming, Hathaway-Streep Media Tower plays a pivotal role in shaping public discourse and cultural discourse across the Commonwealth.
    • Commonwealth Media Broadcasting Corporation Tower: Adjacent to Hathaway-Streep Media Tower, the Commonwealth Media Broadcasting Corporation Tower rises as a symbol of the Commonwealth's commitment to free press and media diversity. Home to the Commonwealth Media Broadcasting Corporation (CMBC), this modern facility boasts cutting-edge broadcasting studios, digital production suites, and editorial offices. As a leading voice in Commonwealth media, CMBC delivers impartial news coverage, investigative reporting, and engaging programming to audiences across the galaxy, fostering informed citizenship and democratic discourse.
  • Military Bases: As a vital hub within the Dosuunian Commonwealth, Noryang boasts a robust network of military installations aimed at ensuring the region's security and defense. Among these are two naval surface stations and starfighter corps stations strategically positioned to safeguard Noryang and its surrounding territories.

    Despite its transition from the First Order, Noryang retains its status as a crucial administrative capital within the Dosuunian Commonwealth's jurisdiction. The military bases in Noryang serve as bastions of Commonwealth authority, providing a formidable presence to deter potential threats and maintain stability in the region.

    These military facilities are integral components of the Commonwealth's defense infrastructure, equipped to address various security challenges and uphold the principles of peace and sovereignty across Noryang and its adjacent territories. With a steadfast commitment to protecting its citizens and fostering prosperity.

    • Camp Yoo: Serving the Commonwealth Marine Commandos (CMC), Camp Yoo stands as a bastion of elite training and operational readiness. Alongside its primary role in preparing CMC forces for deployment, Camp Yoo hosts the prestigious Royal Seoularian Ballistics Academy, focusing on advanced firearms training and optimizing projectile weaponry. Additionally, it functions as an Urban Combat Training Center, honing the skills of soldiers in navigating complex urban environments with precision and efficiency.
    • NSS Na Dae-Yong: As a vital hub for the Royal Seoularian Maritime Division and the Commonwealth Territorial Maritime Guard, NSS Na Dae-Yong plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the region's maritime interests. Tasked with patrolling the Goryosea Sea and the Mayang River, Dae-Yong ensures maritime security and conducts aquaculture training programs while maintaining rigorous environmental surveillance to preserve the delicate balance of the local aquatic ecosystem.
    • NSB Ahn: Adjacent to Na Dae-Yong, NSB Ahn serves as the administrative nerve center for Seoul's naval operations, including logistical support and training facilities. Housing essential functions such as the Military Police Training Center, Officer Candidate School, and Royal Naval Basic Training, Ahn plays a crucial role in shaping the next generation of naval officers while maintaining operational readiness across the fleet. Ahn additionally serves the Commonwealth Navy and is a key part of Home Fleet Defensive Operations.
    • Fort Kim: Standing as a formidable stronghold of Commonwealth and Royal Seoularian military might, Fort Kim commands respect as one of the largest army installations in the region. Spanning vast expanses of land, it serves as a nexus for training and operational activities for the Royal Seoularian Army (RSA). Home to the RSA's 8th Army, 2nd Engineer Battalion, and various other units, Fort Kim provides essential support services, medical facilities, and administrative functions to ensure peak operational efficiency.
    • FCB Park: Serving both the Royal Seoularian Fighter Corps and the Commonwealth, situated across the Goryeosa Sea from Noryang, FCB Park serves as a strategic hub for the Royal Seoularian Fighter Corps (RSFC) and Commonwealth air operations. Hosting the 7th Fighter Division, the 51st Fighter Wing, and numerous support units, FCB Park exemplifies excellence in aerial combat readiness and operational support. Its state-of-the-art facilities and skilled personnel ensure the RSFC maintains air superiority and responds swiftly to any airborne threats.
    • Pyeon Imperial Shipworks: Situated adjacent to FCB Park, the Pyeon Imperial Shipworks represent a pinnacle of Commonwealth naval engineering and manufacturing excellence. Specializing in the construction of spaceborne vessels, including corvettes, fighters, bombers, and interceptors, Pyeon stands as a bastion of technological innovation and strategic importance.

      With a specialized emphasis on void-born corvettes, Pyeon Shipyworks contribute significantly to enhancing the Commonwealth's naval strength. These corvettes are meticulously designed to withstand the challenges of deep-space operations while delivering formidable offensive and defensive capabilities.

      Moreover, Pyeon Shipworks are instrumental in producing a diverse range of fighter craft, bombers, and interceptors, catering to the multifaceted requirements of Commonwealth defense forces. These spacecraft play pivotal roles in maintaining air superiority and executing precise strikes against enemy targets, whether in space or within planetary atmospheres.

      Backed by state-of-the-art technology and skilled artisans, Pyeon Imperial Shipworks underscore the Commonwealth's dedication to naval dominance and the protection of its interstellar interests. Located in close proximity to FCB Park, Pyeon facilitates seamless coordination between air and space forces, bolstering the Commonwealth's defensive capabilities across the galaxy.

High - Noryang boasts a high level of security, with crime rates remaining relatively low. This sense of safety can be attributed to several key factors

Security Assets: Include but are not limited to the following;

  1. Law Enforcement Presence: The city's primary law enforcement body, the Seoularian National Police, is highly efficient and well-regarded. Their rigorous training and community-focused approach help maintain public order and safety.
  2. Royal Seoularian Military: The presence of the Royal Seoularian Military within the city provides an additional layer of security. Military personnel are frequently seen patrolling the streets, ready to respond to any threats or disturbances.
  3. Commonwealth Armed Forces: Noryang also benefits from the significant presence of the Commonwealth Armed Forces. Their strategic installations around the city contribute to a robust defense infrastructure and a heightened sense of security among residents.
  4. Integrated Surveillance Systems: Advanced surveillance systems are integrated throughout Noryang, including smart cameras and monitoring stations. These systems are managed by both the police and military, ensuring real-time responses to any suspicious activities.
  5. Community Engagement: Seoularian society emphasizes communal responsibility and self-discipline, which naturally contributes to lower crime rates. Public awareness campaigns and community programs further reinforce the importance of law and order.
  6. Strategic Checkpoints and Patrols: There are numerous checkpoints and regular patrols conducted by both the military and police. These checkpoints are strategically placed at key points such as the main thoroughfares, public transportation hubs, and around significant government and financial buildings.
  7. Perimeter Defenses: The city is fortified with robust perimeter defenses, designed to deter and repel external threats. These defenses include sensor networks, security patrols, and access controls at key points.
  8. Emergency Response Protocols: Sejong has well-defined emergency response protocols in place, ensuring a swift and coordinated reaction to any security incidents. Regular drills and exercises enhance the preparedness of both law enforcement and the military.
  9. Community Watch Programs: Engaged citizens participate in community watch programs, fostering a collaborative approach to security. This involvement acts as an additional layer of defense against criminal activities.
  10. Seoularian Security Droids: Specialized droids equipped with non-lethal weaponry, such as shock prods and restraining devices, assist law enforcement officers in patrolling crowded areas and providing immediate response to incidents.
  11. Communication Jammers: Deployable communication jammers can be utilized in specific situations to prevent unauthorized transmissions, ensuring operational security during critical events.
  12. Holo Cybersecurity Protocols: Advanced holo cybersecurity protocols safeguard the city's vital infrastructure and sensitive data, protecting against cyber threats and ensuring the integrity of communication systems.


The reconstruction of Noryang has allowed the Kingdom of Seoul to incorporate more green parks and wider accommodations for housing and transportation. Valessia Creed, the city's chief investor, returned to aid in its revival, restoring Noryang to its prime. The Creed Summer Home, secluded along the Mayang River, remains a testament to her lasting impact on the city.

Initially a crowded town, Noryang was elevated to a metropolis by the First Order in the late 840s. It served as the First Order administrative headquarters until the Sacking of Dosuun in the mid-850s. The Ssi-Ruuvi invasion significantly altered Noryang's geography, reducing the Cheongwadae Mountain to mere hills and opening access to the Goryeosa Sea.

With the return of the First Order, Seoul rejoined the Order, and Noryang took advantage of its newfound coastal access. Redesigning itself as a culinary destination, the city welcomed members of the First Order's Armed Forces and their families. The beautiful Ryseong Residential Square, nestled in the hillside beside the Ahn Naval Academy, serves as student housing and symbolizes Noryang's resurgence.

One of the most significant changes in Noryang was the increase in military presence from both the Royal Seoularian Military and the First Order Armed Forces. The largest installation, Fort Kim, spans 4,200 acres outside Noryang proper, several kilometers down the Mayang River.

The city's economic district, Hana District, has grown significantly, now rivaling Dosuun's Prosperia in trade and currency matters. The expanded district is also home to some of the best street food vendors in the city center.

Noryang has become one of Seoul's fastest-growing cities, sprawling across the Goryeosa Sea and operating on both sides of the Mayang River. A hub of administrative, economic, and military activity, Noryang's transformation from the loss of the Cheongwadae Mountains to a celebration of the sea marks its triumph.

As with many other cities throughout the former First Order, Noryang transitioned out of the empire's shadow with its fellow Seoularian cities. As part of the Dosuunian Commonwealth since its founding in 879 ABY, Noryang now serves as a financial powerhouse and administrative hub for the Kingdom of Seoul. The year is now 901 ABY, and Noryang stands as a beacon of stability and growth within the Commonwealth.

Edit Log: Changed affiliations added the Kingdom of Seoul and Primo Victorian Enterprises. Made changes in points of interest, removing or modifying references to the First Order. Added a paragraph to historical information. 8/20/2021. Updated colors and font, updated affiliation 05/20/24. Updated image and image credits, adjusted intent. 05/20/24. History updated 05/21/24. Updating points of interests as of 05/21/24, completed same day. Wealth, Stability, Freedom and Oppression and Description updated as of 05/21/24. Demographics adjusted 05/21/24.

Last edited:

Ylla Caeli'runa

Ariel Yvarro

This is lovely as always! Ever a fan of details and all of the lovely fluff! I just have a couple of things I'd like to be linked and clarified before I stamp this one:

Great Galactic War Memorial | Please link Aurodium here.
History | In mentioning Valessia Creed, do you mean the character linked here? If so, please link that character's bio at the first mention of her in the Historical Information section.

Of course, feel free to ask questions or give me a tag once edits are completed!
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